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* Description of the Program - *
* EDA subroutine used to create bubble plots *
* *
* Program Output - *
* Creates series of bubbleplots GPHs and PDFs as well as entries in the *
* LaTeX document *
* *
* Lines - *
* 423 *
* *
*! edabubble
*! v 0.0.2
*! 01may2019
// Drop program from memory if already loaded
cap prog drop edabubble
// Define program
prog def edabubble
// Version used to interpret code
version 14
// Syntax structure for edabar subroutine
syntax varlist(min=3) [if] [in], root(string asis) ///
[ scheme(passthru) keepgph ///
WEIGHTtype(int 0) byvars(varlist) byseq ]
// Mark only the observations to use
marksample touse, strok novarlist
// Invalid weight code
if !inrange(`weighttype', 0, 11) {
// Print error message to the console
di as err "Option not allowed using default (untransformed values of weight variable)"
// Set default behavior
loc wgt
} // End IF Block for invalid weight type
// Valid weight codes
else {
// Raw values
if `weighttype' == 0 {
// null macro
loc wgt
} // End IF Block for default
// If user selects value of 1
else if `weighttype' == 1 {
// Natural log of variable will define weights
loc wgt ln
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 2
else if `weighttype' == 2 {
// Square root of variable will define weights
loc wgt sqrt
} // End ELSE IF Block for square root weighted plots
// If user selects value of 3
else if `weighttype' == 3 {
// Exponentiated values
loc wgt exp
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 4
else if `weighttype' == 4 {
// Inverse logit weighted variable defines point weights
loc wgt invlogit
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 5
else if `weighttype' == 5 {
// Complementary log log of variable defines weights
loc wgt cloglog
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 6
else if `weighttype' == 6 {
// Digamma function of variable defines weights
loc wgt digamma
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 7
else if `weighttype' == 7 {
// Inverse complementary log log of variable defines weights
loc wgt invcloglog
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 8
else if `weighttype' == 8 {
// Natural log of the gamma function of variable defines weights
loc wgt lngamma
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 9
else if `weighttype' == 9 {
// Log base 10 defines weights
loc wgt log10
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 10
else if `weighttype' == 10 {
// Logit transformed variable defines weights
loc wgt logit
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
// If user selects value of 11
else {
// Trigamma function of variable defines weights
loc wgt trigamma
} // End ELSE IF Block for natural log weighted plots
} // End ELSE Block for valid weight type code
// If no byvars argument is passed
if "`byvars'" == "" {
// Add section header to LaTeX file
file write doc "\subsection{Bubble Plots}" _n
// Generate list of all pairwise combination of continuous variables
tuples `varlist', asis min(3) max(3) cvp
// Generate scatter plots for all pairwise combinations of continuous variables
forv i = 1/`ntuples' {
// Use the first element of the tuple for the x-axis
loc x : word 1 of `tuple`i''
// Use the second element of the tuple for the y-axis
loc y : word 2 of `tuple`i''
// Use the third element of the tuple to weight the points
loc z : word 3 of `tuple`i''
// Create a clone of the weight variable
qui: g `z'clone = `wgt'(`z')
// Local macro for legend data
loc legendlabels label(1 "Scatter Points")
// Define a macro used to set legend parameters
loc leg legend(`legendlabels' symy(1.85) symx(1.85))
// Generate the scatterplot
tw scatter `y' `x' [aw = `z'clone] if `touse', ///
xti(`: char `x'[title]') yti(`: char `y'[title]') `leg' `scheme' ///
ti(`: char `y'[title]' "and" `: char `x'[title]') ///
caption("Points Sizes Weighted by " `: char `z'[title]') ///
note("Created on: `c(current_date)' at: `c(current_time)'")
// Drop the clone variable
drop `z'clone
// Export the scatterplot as a .pdf file
qui: gr export `"`root'/graphs/bubble-`y'-`x'.pdf"', as(pdf) replace
// Check if user wants to keep the GPH files
if "`keepgph'" != "" {
// Define local macro with syntax to remove file
qui: gr save `"`root'/graphs/bubble-`y'-`x'.gph"', replace
} // End IF Block to remove .gph files
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `y''"'
// Store the cleaned y varname in yref
loc yref `r(clntex)'
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `x''"'
// Store the cleaned x varname in xref
loc xref `r(clntex)'
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `z''"'
// Store the cleaned z varname in zref
loc zref `r(clntex)'
// Add the scatterplot to the LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{figure}[h!]" _n
file write doc `"\caption{Bubble Plot of `yref', `xref', and `zref' \label{fig:bubble`i'}}"' _n
file write doc `"\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{bubble-`y'-`x'.pdf}"' _n
file write doc "\end{figure} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End Loop over bubble plot permutations
} // End IF Block for no byvars argument
// sequential by graphs
else if `"`byvars'"' != "" & "`byseq'" != "" {
// Generate list of all pairwise combination of continuous variables
tuples `varlist', asis min(3) max(3) cvp
// Add section header to LaTeX file
file write doc "\subsection{Lattice Bubble Plots}" _n
// Loop over the bygroup variables
foreach b of var `byvars' {
// Get name of the by variable
texclean `"`b'"', r
// Store by variable name in bref
loc bref `r(clntex)'
// Clean variable label for facets
texclean `: var l `b''
// Subsection ti
loc subsectionti `r(clntex)'
// Add subsubsection
file write doc "\subsubsection{`subsectionti' Bubble Plots}" _n
// Generate scatter plots for all pairwise combinations of continuous variables
forv i = 1/`ntuples' {
// Use the first element of the tuple for the x-axis
loc x : word 1 of `tuple`i''
// Use the second element of the tuple for the y-axis
loc y : word 2 of `tuple`i''
// Use the third element of the tuple to weight the points
loc z : word 3 of `tuple`i''
// Create a clone of the weight variable
qui: g `z'clone = `wgt'(`z')
// Local macro for legend data
loc legendlabels label(1 "Scatter Points")
// Define a macro used to set legend parameters
loc leg legend(`legendlabels' symy(1.85) symx(1.85))
// Generate the scatterplot
cap tw scatter `y' `x' [aw = `z'clone] if `touse', `leg' ///
xti(`: char `x'[title]') yti(`: char `y'[title]') `scheme' ///
by(`bref', ti(`: char `y'[title]' "and" `: char `x'[title]') ///
subti(`"Lattices by `subsectionti'"') ///
caption("Points Sizes Weighted by " `: char `z'[title]') ///
note("Created on: `c(current_date)' at: `c(current_time)'"))
// Drop the clone variable
drop `z'clone
// Check for valid return code
if _rc == 0 {
// Export the scatterplot as a .png file
qui: gr export `"`root'/graphs/bubble-`y'-`x'-By`bref'.pdf"', as(pdf) replace
// Check if user wants to keep the GPH files
if "`keepgph'" != "" {
// Define local macro with syntax to remove file
qui: gr save `"`root'/graphs/bubble-`y'-`x'-By`bref'.gph"', replace
} // End IF Block to remove .gph files
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `y''"'
// Store the cleaned y varname in yref
loc yref `r(clntex)'
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `x''"'
// Store the cleaned x varname in xref
loc xref `r(clntex)'
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `z''"'
// Store the cleaned z varname in zref
loc zref `r(clntex)'
// Add the scatterplot to the LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{figure}[h!]" _n
file write doc `"\caption{Bubble Plot of `yref', `xref', and `zref' by `subsectionti' \label{fig:`bref'bubble`i'}}"' _n
file write doc `"\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{bubble-`y'-`x'-By`bref'.pdf}"' _n
file write doc "\end{figure} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block for return code check
} // End Loop over bubble plot permutations
} // End Loop over the byvars
} // End ELSEIF Block for sequential by graphs
// Lattice graphs
else if `"`byvars'"' != "" & "`byseq'" == "" {
// Add section header to LaTeX file
file write doc "\subsubsection{Bubble Plots}" _n
// Clean bygraph variables
texclean `"`byvars'"', r
// Store cleaned var names
loc bref `r(clntex)'
// Generate list of all pairwise combination of continuous variables
tuples `varlist', asis min(3) max(3) cvp
// Generate scatter plots for all pairwise combinations of continuous variables
forv i = 1/`ntuples' {
// Use the first element of the tuple for the x-axis
loc x : word 1 of `tuple`i''
// Use the second element of the tuple for the y-axis
loc y : word 2 of `tuple`i''
// Use the third element of the tuple to weight the points
loc z : word 3 of `tuple`i''
// Create a clone of the weight variable
qui: g `z'clone = `wgt'(`z')
// Local macro for legend data
loc legendlabels label(1 "Scatter Points")
// Define a macro used to set legend parameters
loc leg legend(`legendlabels' symy(1.85) symx(1.85))
// Generate the scatterplot
cap tw scatter `y' `x' [aw = `z'clone] if `touse', `leg' ///
xti(`: char `x'[title]') yti(`: char `y'[title]') `scheme' ///
by(`bref', ti(`: char `y'[title]' "and" `: char `x'[title]') ///
subti(`"Lattices by `: subinstr loc bref `" "' `", "', all'"') ///
caption("Points Sizes Weighted by " `: char `z'[title]') ///
note("Created on: `c(current_date)' at: `c(current_time)'"))
// Drop the clone variable
drop `z'clone
// Check return code
if _rc == 0 {
// Export the scatterplot as a .png file
qui: gr export `"`root'/graphs/bubble-`y'-`x'-ByGraph.pdf"', as(pdf) replace
// Check if user wants to keep the GPH files
if "`keepgph'" != "" {
// Define local macro with syntax to remove file
qui: gr save `"`root'/graphs/bubble-`y'-`x'-ByGraph.gph"', replace
} // End IF Block to remove .gph files
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `y''"'
// Store the cleaned y varname in yref
loc yref `r(clntex)'
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `x''"'
// Store the cleaned x varname in xref
loc xref `r(clntex)'
// Get LaTeX formatted variable name for use in LaTeX references
texclean `"`: var l `z''"'
// Store the cleaned z varname in zref
loc zref `r(clntex)'
// Add the scatterplot to the LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{figure}[h!]" _n
file write doc `"\caption{Bubble Plot of `yref', `xref', and `zref' \label{fig:bubble`i'ByGraph}}"' _n
file write doc `"\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{bubble-`y'-`x'-ByGraph.pdf}"' _n
file write doc "\end{figure} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End Loop over bubble plot permutations
} // End IF Block for return code validation
} // End ELSE IF Block for Lattice style graphs
// End program definition
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