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* Description of the Program - *
* Utility for defining categorical or continuous variables for automated EDA *
* program. *
* *
* Program Output - *
* r(cat) - list of categorical variables *
* r(cont) - list of continuous variables *
* *
* Lines - *
* 342 *
* *
*! catorcont
*! v 0.0.1
*! 17jul2018
// Drop program from memory if already defined
cap prog drop catorcont
// Define program as an rclass that returns varlists of categorical/continuous
// variables
prog def catorcont, rclass
// Set versioning
version 14
// Define syntax structure for subroutine
syntax varlist, [ MINNsize(int 5) MINCat(int 2) MAXCat(int 9) ///
CATVars(varlist) CONTVars(varlist) MISSing ///
GRLABLength(passthru) ]
// Create the macros that will store the names of the variables
loc continuous
loc categorical
// If user provides minimum and maximum distinct values
if `"`catvars'"' == "" & `"`contvars'"' == "" {
// Separate the variables into categorical vs continuous based on the number of
// unique values the variable has.
// Loop over the numeric variables and sort into continuous/categorical
foreach v of loc varlist {
// Get all the values the variable can take
qui: levelsof `v', loc(values) `missing'
// Store number of unique values
loc uniqval `: word count `values''
// Add number of values to variable as characteristic
char `v'[nvals] `uniqval'
// Get the n non-missing values
qui: count if !mi(`v')
// If >= `minnsize' values include in the lists
if r(N) >= `minnsize' {
// If there are fewer than 10 unique values put the variable in the
// categorical list variables with only 1 value will be excluded
if inrange(`uniqval', `mincat', `maxcat') {
// Add the variable to the categorical local macro
loc categorical `categorical' `v'
// Get the number of rows for values in graph legends
getlegendrows `v', `grlablength' `missing' values(`uniqval')
// Add number of rows as characteristic
char `v'[lrow] `r(nrows)'
} // End IF Block for Categorical variables
// Otherwise treat it as continuous
else if `: word count `values'' > `maxcat' & ///
!mi(`: word count `values'') {
// Add the variable to the continuous local macro
loc continuous `continuous' `v'
} // End ELSE IF Block for continuous variables
// If 1 or fewer values do not include
else {
// Move to next iteration/condition
} // End ELSE Block for <=1 unique value
} // End IF Block for # non-missing values
// For variables with < `minnsize' observations
else {
// Skip over them and move on to the next variable
} // End ELSE Block for extremely sparse variables
} // End loop over all numeric variables in the dataset
} // End IF Block for no cat/cont varlists passed
// If user specifies categorical and continuous variable lists
else if `"`catvars'"' != "" & `"`contvars'"' != "" {
// Loop over the numeric variables and sort into continuous/categorical
foreach v of loc catvars {
// Get all the values the variable can take
qui: levelsof `v', loc(values)
// Get the n non-missing values
qui: count if !mi(`v')
// If >= `minnsize' values include in the lists
if r(N) >= `minnsize' {
loc categorical `categorical' `v'
} // End IF Block for categorical variable with sufficient observations
// Get the number of rows for values in graph legends
getlegendrows `v', `grlablength' `missing' values(`uniqval')
// Add number of rows as characteristic
char `v'[lrow] `r(nrows)'
} // End Loop over categorical variable list
// Loop over the numeric variables and sort into continuous/categorical
foreach v of loc contvars {
// Get all the values the variable can take
qui: levelsof `v', loc(values)
// Get the n non-missing values
qui: count if !mi(`v')
// If >= `minnsize' values include in the lists
if r(N) >= `minnsize' {
loc continuous `continuous' `v'
} // End IF Block for categorical variable with sufficient observations
} // End Loop over categorical variable list
} // End ELSEIF Block for user supplied categorical/continuous varlists
// If only categorical variable list is provided
else if `"`catvars'"' != "" & `"`contvars'"' == "" {
// Loop over categorical variables to add metadata
foreach v of loc catvars {
// Get number of unique values for variable
qui: levelsof `v', loc(values) `missing'
// Store number of unique values
loc uniqval `: word count `values''
// Add number of values to variable as characteristic
char `v'[nvals] `uniqval'
// Get the n non-missing values
qui: count if !mi(`v')
// Get the number of rows for values in graph legends
getlegendrows `v', `grlablength' `missing' values(`uniqval')
// Add number of rows as characteristic
char `v'[lrow] `r(nrows)'
// If variable has sufficient observations
if r(N) >= `minnsize' {
// Add variable to categorical variable list
loc categorical `categorical' `v'
} // End IF Block to add variable to categorical variable list
} // End Loop over categorical variables
// Remove user identified categorical variables from variable list
loc possible : list varlist - catvars
// Iterate over each variable and add it to the continuous variable list
foreach v of loc possible {
// Get total number of unique values
qui: levelsof `v', loc(values) `missing'
// Count number of non-missing cases
qui: count if !mi(`v')
// If sufficient observations and more than max cat
if r(N) >= `minnsize' & `: word count `values'' >= `maxcat' {
// Add to continuous variable list
loc continuous `continuous' `v'
} // End IF Block to add variable to continuous variable list
} // End Loop over remaining variables to be treated as continuous
} // End ELSEIF Block for non-missing categorical variables and missing cont
// If only categorical variable list is provided
else {
// Loop over continuous variables to add to return macro
foreach v of loc contvars {
// Get the n of non-missing values
qui: count if !mi(`v')
// If variable has sufficient observations
if r(N) >= `minnsize' {
// Add variable to continuous variable list
loc continuous `continuous' `v'
} // End IF Block to add variable to continuous variable list
} // End Loop over continuous variables
// Remove user identified continuous variables from variable list
loc possible : list varlist - contvars
// Iterate over each variable and add it to the categorical variable list
foreach v of loc possible {
// Get total number of unique values
qui: levelsof `v', loc(values) `missing'
// Count number of non-missing cases
qui: count if !mi(`v')
// Get the number of rows for values in graph legends
getlegendrows `v', `grlablength' `missing' values(`uniqval')
// Add number of rows as characteristic
char `v'[lrow] `r(nrows)'
// If sufficient observations and w/in tolerances for categorical
if r(N) >= `minnsize' & ///
inrange(`: word count `values'', `mincat', `maxcat') {
// Add to categorical variable list
loc categorical `categorical' `v'
} // End IF Block to add variable to categorical variable list
} // End Loop over remaining variables to be treated as categorical
} // End ELSEIF Block for non-missing categorical variables and missing cont
// Return the categorical variable list
ret loc cat `categorical'
// Return the continuous variable list
ret loc cont `continuous'
// End of program
// Subroutine used to define the number of rows in EDA graph legends
prog def getlegendrows, rclass
// Syntax used to call subroutine
syntax varlist(min=1 max=1), values(int) [ missing grlablength(int 50) ]
// Get value label for variable
loc vallab : value label `varlist'
// If there is a value label associated with the variable
if `"`vallab'"' != "" {
// Get the labels for each of the variables
forv i = 1/`values' {
// Local macro that holds the string with all labels
loc labstr `labstr' `: label `vallab' `i''
} // End Loop over unique values
// Get the length of all of the value labels
loc lablen : strlen loc labstr
// 10 fewer than grlabl and use ceiling to ensure always
// have at least 1 row
loc lrows `= ceil(`lablen' / (`grlablength' - 10))'
} // End IF Block for categorical variables with labels
// If there is no value labels associated with variable
else {
// If number of unique values is divisible by 5
if mod(`values', 5) == 0 {
// Get number of rows
loc lrows `= ceil(`values' / 5)'
} // End IF Block for unique values / 5
// If the unique values are divisible by 4
else if mod(`values', 4) == 0 {
// Get the number of rows
loc lrows `= ceil(`values' / 4)'
} // End ELSEIF Block for unqiue values divisible by 4
// If the unique values are divisible by 3
else if mod(`values', 3) == 0 {
// Get the number of rows
loc lrows `= ceil(`values' / 3)'
} // End ELSEIF Block for cases that are divisible by 3
// For all other cases ~ 4 values per line
else {
// Force Rounding up after division by four
loc lrows `= ceil(`values' / 4)'
} // End ELSE Block for other divisors
} // End IF Block for 5 or more values
// Set to single row if smaller number
ret loc nrows `lrows'
// End of sub routine definition
马建仓 AI 助手
