for i in chgrp chmod chown cp date du free ifconfig kill mkdir mount mv ping ps reboot rm rmdir top touch umount uname;do alias $i="toybox $i";done
alias ls='toybox ls --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'
for i in arp cpup dhclient dns format hwi ipdebug lsfd memcheck netstat oom partinfo partition ping6 pmm reset sem shm stack statfs su swtmr sync systeminfo telnet v2p vmm watch writeproc;do alias $i="shell $i";done
alias help='shell help;
echo "\n*******************toybox commands:************************\n";
echo "\nUse \`toybox help [command]\` to show usage information for a specific command.\n\nUse \`shell\` to enter interactive legacy shell.\nUse \`alias\` to display command aliases."'
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