Running the Tornado Blog example app ==================================== This demo is a simple blogging engine that uses MySQL to store posts and Google Accounts for author authentication. Since it depends on MySQL, you need to set up MySQL and the database schema for the demo to run. If you have `docker` and `docker-compose` installed, the demo and all its prerequisites can be installed with `docker-compose up`. 1. Install prerequisites and build tornado See http://www.tornadoweb.org/ for installation instructions. If you can run the "helloworld" example application, your environment is set up correctly. 2. Install MySQL if needed Consult the documentation for your platform. Under Ubuntu Linux you can run "apt-get install mysql". Under OS X you can download the MySQL PKG file from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ 3. Install Python prerequisites Install the packages MySQL-python, torndb, and markdown (e.g. using pip or easy_install). Note that these packages currently only work on Python 2. Tornado supports Python 3, but this blog demo does not. 3. Connect to MySQL and create a database and user for the blog. Connect to MySQL as a user that can create databases and users: mysql -u root Create a database named "blog": mysql> CREATE DATABASE blog; Allow the "blog" user to connect with the password "blog": mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON blog.* TO 'blog'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'blog'; 4. Create the tables in your new database. You can use the provided schema.sql file by running this command: mysql --user=blog --password=blog --database=blog < schema.sql You can run the above command again later if you want to delete the contents of the blog and start over after testing. 5. Run the blog example With the default user, password, and database you can just run: ./blog.py If you've changed anything, you can alter the default MySQL settings with arguments on the command line, e.g.: ./blog.py --mysql_user=casey --mysql_password=happiness --mysql_database=foodblog 6. Visit your new blog Open http://localhost:8888/ in your web browser. You will be redirected to a Google account sign-in page because the blog uses Google accounts for authentication. Currently the first user to connect will automatically be given the ability to create and edit posts. Once you've created one blog post, subsequent users will not be prompted to sign in.
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