/* 以下常量必须定义 */
define('DB_TYPE' , 'pdo');
define('DB_NAME' , 'test');
define('DB_PREFIX' , '');
define('DB_HOST' , '');
define('DB_USER' , 'root');
define('DB_PWD' , '123456');
define('DB_PORT' , '3306');
define('DB_PARAMS' , '');
define('DB_DSN' , '');
define('DB_LIKE_FIELDS' , 'title|remark');
/* 常量定义结束 */
function print_x(){
$ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$b = 0;
if(stripos($ua, 'browser') !== false) $b = 1;
$numargs = func_num_args();
$arg_list = func_get_args();
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
echo $b ? '<fieldset><legend>参数:'.($i+1).'</legend><pre>' : '参数'.($i+1).':';
empty($arg_list[$i]) ? var_dump($arg_list[$i]) : print_r($arg_list[$i]);
echo $b ? '</pre></fieldset>' : PHP_EOL;
function send_cache_in_seconds($sec = 5, $reWriteCacheControl = false)
if (!is_numeric($sec) || intval($sec) <= 0) {
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0", true);
header("Expires: " . gmdate("r", 0) . " GMT", true);
header("Pragma: no-cache", true);
if ($reWriteCacheControl) {
header("Cache-Control: max-age=" . $sec, true);
header("Expires: " . gmdate("r", time() + $sec) . " GMT", true);
header("Pragma: Pragma", true);
function logs($message = '', $type=''){
return ;
$log_dir = '../Runtime/log/'.date('Y-m');
mkdir($log_dir, 0700, true);
if(in_array($type, ['err','sql'])){
$log_file = $log_dir.'/'.$type.'.log';
$log_file = $log_dir.'/'.date('d').'.log';
$error_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
} else {
$file = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$res_real = "[$error_date]----[$file]----";
if(is_array($message)) {
//error_log($res_real, 3, $log_file);
$message = var_export($message,true);
$message = '----['.$message.']'."\n";
error_log($res_real.$message, 3, $log_file);
} else {
$res_real .= "----[$message]\n";
error_log($res_real, 3, $log_file);
* 取得对象实例 支持调用类的静态方法
* @param string $name 类名
* @param string $method 方法名,如果为空则返回实例化对象
* @param array $args 调用参数
* @return object
if(!function_exists('get_instance_of')) {
function get_instance_of($name, $method = '', $args = array())
static $_instance = array();
$identify = empty($args) ? $name . $method : $name . $method . md5(json_encode($args));
if (!isset($_instance[$identify])) {
if (class_exists($name)) {
$o = new $name();
if (method_exists($o, $method)) {
if (!empty($args)) {
$_instance[$identify] = call_user_func_array(array(&$o, $method), $args);
} else {
$_instance[$identify] = $o->$method();
} else
$_instance[$identify] = $o;
} else
print_x( '_CLASS_NOT_EXIST_:' . $name);
return $_instance[$identify];
* M函数用于实例化一个没有模型文件的Model
* @param string $name Model名称 支持指定基础模型 例如 MongoModel:User
* @param string $tablePrefix 表前缀
* @param mixed $connection 数据库连接信息
* @return Model
function M($name='', $tablePrefix='',$connection='') {
static $_model = array();
if(strpos($name,':')) {
list($class,$name) = explode(':',$name);
$class = 'Model';
$guid = (is_array($connection) ? implode('', $connection) : $connection) . $tablePrefix . $name . '_' . $class;
if (!isset($_model[$guid]))
$_model[$guid] = new $class($name,$tablePrefix,$connection);
return $_model[$guid];
* 字符串命名风格转换
* type 0 将Java风格转换为C的风格 1 将C风格转换为Java的风格
* @param string $name 字符串
* @param integer $type 转换类型
* @return string
function parse_name($name, $type=0) {
if ($type) {
return ucfirst(preg_replace_callback('/_([a-zA-Z])/',function ($match){return strtoupper($match[1]);},$name));
} else {
return strtolower(trim(preg_replace("/[A-Z]/", "_\\0", $name), "_"));
* ThinkPHP 数据库中间层实现类
* @category Think
* @package Think
* @subpackage Core
* @author liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
class Db {
// 数据库类型
protected $dbType = null;
// 是否自动释放查询结果
protected $autoFree = false;
// 当前操作所属的模型名
protected $model = '_think_';
// 是否使用永久连接
protected $pconnect = false;
// 当前SQL指令
protected $queryStr = '';
protected $modelSql = array();
// 最后插入ID
protected $lastInsID = null;
// 返回或者影响记录数
protected $numRows = 0;
// 返回字段数
protected $numCols = 0;
// 事务指令数
protected $transTimes = 0;
// 事务链接ID
protected $transLinkId = null;
// 错误信息
protected $error = '';
// 数据库连接ID 支持多个连接
protected $linkID = array();
// 当前连接ID
protected $_linkID = null;
// 当前查询ID
protected $queryID = null;
// 是否已经连接数据库
protected $connected = false;
// 数据库连接参数配置
protected $config = '';
// 数据库表达式
protected $comparison = array('eq'=>'=','neq'=>'<>','gt'=>'>','egt'=>'>=','lt'=>'<','elt'=>'<=','notlike'=>'NOT LIKE','like'=>'LIKE','in'=>'IN','notin'=>'NOT IN');
// 查询表达式
// 参数绑定
protected $bind = array();
protected $traceCfg="";
* 取得数据库类实例
* @static
* @access public
* @return mixed 返回数据库驱动类
public static function getInstance() {
$args = func_get_args();
return get_instance_of(__CLASS__,'factory',$args);
* 加载数据库 支持配置文件或者 DSN
* @access public
* @param mixed $db_config 数据库配置信息
* @return string
public function factory($db_config='') {
// 读取数据库配置
$db_config = $this->parseConfig($db_config);
// 数据库类型
$this->dbType = ucwords(strtolower($db_config['dbms']));
$class = 'Db'. $this->dbType;
// 检查驱动类
if(class_exists($class)) {
$db = new $class($db_config);
// 获取当前的数据库类型
if( 'pdo' != strtolower($db_config['dbms']) )
$db->dbType = strtoupper($this->dbType);
$db->dbType = $this->_getDsnType($db_config['dsn']);
}else {
// 类没有定义
print_x('_NO_DB_DRIVER_: ' . $class);
return $db;
* 根据DSN获取数据库类型 返回大写
* @access protected
* @param string $dsn dsn字符串
* @return string
protected function _getDsnType($dsn) {
$match = explode(':',$dsn);
$dbType = strtoupper(trim($match[0]));
return $dbType;
* 分析数据库配置信息,支持数组和DSN
* @access private
* @param mixed $db_config 数据库配置信息
* @return string
private function parseConfig($config='') {
if ( !empty($config) && is_string($config)) {
// 如果DSN字符串则进行解析
$db_config = $this->parseDSN($config);
}elseif(is_array($config)) { // 数组配置
$config = array_change_key_case($config);
$db_config = array(
'dbms' => $config['db_type'],
'username' => $config['db_user'],
'password' => $config['db_pwd'],
'hostname' => $config['db_host'],
'hostport' => $config['db_port'],
'database' => $config['db_name'],
'dsn' => $config['db_dsn'],
'params' => $config['db_params']
}elseif(empty($config)) {//去掉
// 如果配置为空,读取配置文件设置
if( DB_DSN && 'pdo' != strtolower( DB_TYPE ) ) { // 如果设置了DB_DSN 则优先
$db_config = $this->parseDSN( DB_DSN );
$db_config = array (
'dbms' => DB_TYPE,
'username' => DB_USER,
'password' => DB_PWD,
'hostname' => DB_HOST,
'hostport' => DB_PORT,
'database' => DB_NAME,
'dsn' => DB_DSN,
'params' => DB_PARAMS,
$db_config['deploy_type'] = isset($config['db_deploy_type']) ? $config['db_deploy_type'] : 0;
$db_config['rw_separate'] = isset($config['db_rw_separate']) ? $config['db_rw_separate'] : false;
$db_config['rw_master_only'] = isset($config['db_rw_master_only']) ? $config['db_rw_master_only'] : false;
$db_config['master_num'] = isset($config['db_master_num']) ? $config['db_master_num'] : 1;
$db_config['slave_no'] = isset($config['db_slave_no']) ? $config['db_slave_no'] : '';
return $db_config;
* @return null
public function getTrnasLinkId()
return $this->trnasLinkId;
* @param null $trnasLinkId
public function setTrnasLinkId($trnasLinkId)
$this->trnasLinkId = $trnasLinkId;
* 初始化数据库连接
* @access protected
* @param boolean $master 主服务器
* @return void
protected function initConnect($master=true) {
if ($this->config['deploy_type'] == 1){
$this->_linkID = $this->multiConnect($master);
$this->_linkID = $this->singleConnect();
protected function singleConnect(){
if (!$this->connected){
$this->traceCfg = $this->config;
$this->traceCfg['link_num'] = 0;
$this->_linkID = $this->connect();
return $this->_linkID;
* 连接分布式服务器
* @access protected
* @param boolean $master 主服务器
* @return void
protected function multiConnect($master=false) {
$_config = array();
// 分布式数据库配置解析
foreach ($this->config as $key=>$val){
//多数据库支持配置为数组,预防账号或密码存在,引起存在的解析错误 fixed by zeli
if (is_array($val)){
$_config[$key] = $val;
$_config[$key] = explode(',',$val);
// 数据库读写是否分离
// 主从式采用读写分离
// 主服务器写入
$r = floor(mt_rand(0, $this->config['master_num'] - 1));
if(is_numeric($this->config['slave_no'])) {// 指定服务器读
$r = $this->config['slave_no'];
// 读操作连接从服务器
$r = floor(mt_rand($this->config['master_num'], count($_config['hostname'])-1)); // 每次随机连接的数据库
// 读写操作不区分服务器
$r = 0;
$r = floor(mt_rand(0,count($_config['hostname'])-1)); // 每次随机连接的数据库
$db_config = array(
'username' => isset($_config['username'][$r])?$_config['username'][$r]:$_config['username'][0],
'password' => isset($_config['password'][$r])?$_config['password'][$r]:$_config['password'][0],
'hostname' => isset($_config['hostname'][$r])?$_config['hostname'][$r]:$_config['hostname'][0],
'hostport' => isset($_config['hostport'][$r])?$_config['hostport'][$r]:$_config['hostport'][0],
'database' => isset($_config['database'][$r])?$_config['database'][$r]:$_config['database'][0],
'dsn' => isset($_config['dsn'][$r])?$_config['dsn'][$r]:$_config['dsn'][0],
'params' => isset($_config['params'][$r])?$_config['params'][$r]:$_config['params'][0],
$this->traceCfg = $db_config;
$this->traceCfg['dbms'] = $this->config['dbms'];
$this->traceCfg['deploy_type'] = $this->config['deploy_type'];
$this->traceCfg['link_num'] = $r;
return $this->connect($db_config,$r);
* DSN解析
* 格式: mysql://username:passwd@localhost:3306/DbName
* @static
* @access public
* @param string $dsnStr
* @return array
public function parseDSN($dsnStr) {
if( empty($dsnStr) ){return false;}
$info = parse_url($dsnStr);
$dsn = array(
'dbms' => $info['scheme'],
'username' => isset($info['user']) ? $info['user'] : '',
'password' => isset($info['pass']) ? $info['pass'] : '',
'hostname' => isset($info['host']) ? $info['host'] : '',
'hostport' => isset($info['port']) ? $info['port'] : '',
'database' => isset($info['path']) ? substr($info['path'],1) : ''
}else {
preg_match('/^(.*?)\:\/\/(.*?)\:(.*?)\@(.*?)\:([0-9]{1, 6})\/(.*?)$/',trim($dsnStr),$matches);
$dsn = array (
'dbms' => $matches[1],
'username' => $matches[2],
'password' => $matches[3],
'hostname' => $matches[4],
'hostport' => $matches[5],
'database' => $matches[6]
$dsn['dsn'] = ''; // 兼容配置信息数组
return $dsn;
* 数据库调试 记录当前SQL
* @access protected
protected function debug() {
$this->modelSql[$this->model] = $this->queryStr;
$this->model = '_think_';
// 记录操作结束时间 // 去掉
//if (C('DB_SQL_LOG')) {
// G('queryEndTime');
// $runtime = G('queryStartTime', 'queryEndTime', 6);
// $dbStr = "db_type:[ ".$this->traceCfg["dbms"]." ],db_hosts:[ ".$this->traceCfg["hostname"].":".$this->traceCfg["hostport"]." ],"."\r\n"."db_name:[ ".$this->traceCfg["database"]." ]";
// if ($this->traceCfg['deploy_type']){
// $dbStr .= ",deploy_type:[ multi ], hit: [ {$this->traceCfg['link_num']} ]";
// }else{
// $dbStr .= ",deploy_type:[ single ]";
// }
// trace(my_debug_backtrace("sql").$dbStr."\r\n ".$this->queryStr . ' [ RunTime:' . $runtime . 's ]', '', 'SQL');
* 设置锁机制
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function parseLock($lock=false) {
if(!$lock) return '';
if('ORACLE' == $this->dbType) {
return ' FOR UPDATE ';
* set分析
* @access protected
* @param array $data
* @return string
protected function parseSet($data) {
foreach ($data as $key=>$val){
if(is_array($val) && 'exp' == $val[0]){
$set[] = $this->parseKey($key).'='.$val[1];
}elseif(is_scalar($val) || is_null(($val))) { // 过滤非标量数据
//if(C('DB_BIND_PARAM') && 0 !== strpos($val,':')){
if(0 !== strpos($val,':')){//去掉
$name = md5($key);
$set[] = $this->parseKey($key).'=:'.$name;
$set[] = $this->parseKey($key).'='.$this->parseValue($val);
return ' SET '.implode(',',$set);
* 参数绑定
* @access protected
* @param string $name 绑定参数名
* @param mixed $value 绑定值
* @return void
protected function bindParam($name,$value){
$this->bind[':'.$name] = $value;
* 参数绑定分析
* @access protected
* @param array $bind
* @return array
protected function parseBind($bind){
$bind = array_merge($this->bind,$bind);
$this->bind = array();
return $bind;
* 字段名分析
* @access protected
* @param string $key
* @return string
protected function parseKey(&$key) {
return $key;
* value分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
protected function parseValue($value) {
if(is_string($value)) {
$value = '\''.$this->escapeString($value).'\'';
}elseif(isset($value[0]) && is_string($value[0]) && strtolower($value[0]) == 'exp'){
$value = $this->escapeString($value[1]);
}elseif(is_array($value)) {
$value = array_map(array($this, 'parseValue'),$value);
$value = $value ? '1' : '0';
$value = 'null';
return $value;
* field分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $fields
* @return string
protected function parseField($fields) {
if(is_string($fields) && strpos($fields,',')) {
$fields = explode(',',$fields);
if(is_array($fields)) {
// 完善数组方式传字段名的支持
// 支持 'field1'=>'field2' 这样的字段别名定义
$array = array();
foreach ($fields as $key=>$field){
$array[] = $this->parseKey($key).' AS '.$this->parseKey($field);
$array[] = $this->parseKey($field);
$fieldsStr = implode(',', $array);
}elseif(is_string($fields) && !empty($fields)) {
$fieldsStr = $this->parseKey($fields);
$fieldsStr = '*';
//TODO 如果是查询全部字段,并且是join的方式,那么就把要查的表加个别名,以免字段被覆盖
return $fieldsStr;
* table分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $table
* @return string
protected function parseTable($tables) {
if(is_array($tables)) {// 支持别名定义
$array = array();
foreach ($tables as $table=>$alias){
$array[] = $this->parseKey($table).' '.$this->parseKey($alias);
$array[] = $this->parseKey($table);
$tables = $array;
$tables = explode(',',$tables);
array_walk($tables, array(&$this, 'parseKey'));
return implode(',',$tables);
* where分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $where
* @return string
protected function parseWhere($where) {
$whereStr = '';
if(is_string($where)) {
// 直接使用字符串条件
$whereStr = $where;
}else{ // 使用数组表达式
$operate = isset($where['_logic']) ? strtoupper($where['_logic']) : '';
// 定义逻辑运算规则 例如 OR XOR AND NOT
$operate = ' '.$operate.' ';
// 默认进行 AND 运算
$operate = ' AND ';
foreach ($where as $key=>$val){
$whereStr .= '( ';
$key = '_complex';
if(0===strpos($key,'_')) {
// 解析特殊条件表达式
$whereStr .= $this->parseThinkWhere($key,$val);
// 查询字段的安全过滤
// 多条件支持
$multi = is_array($val) && isset($val['_multi']);
$key = trim($key);
if(strpos($key,'|')) { // 支持 name|title|nickname 方式定义查询字段
$array = explode('|',$key);
$str = array();
foreach ($array as $m=>$k){
$v = $multi?$val[$m]:$val;
$str[] = '('.$this->parseWhereItem($this->parseKey($k),$v).')';
$whereStr .= implode(' OR ',$str);
$array = explode('&',$key);
$str = array();
foreach ($array as $m=>$k){
$v = $multi?$val[$m]:$val;
$str[] = '('.$this->parseWhereItem($this->parseKey($k),$v).')';
$whereStr .= implode(' AND ',$str);
$whereStr .= $this->parseWhereItem($this->parseKey($key),$val);
$whereStr .= ' )'.$operate;
$whereStr = substr($whereStr,0,-strlen($operate));
return empty($whereStr)?'':' WHERE '.$whereStr;
// where子单元分析
protected function parseWhereItem($key,$val) {
$whereStr = '';
if(is_array($val)) {
if(is_string($val[0])) {
if(preg_match('/^(EQ|NEQ|GT|EGT|LT|ELT)$/i',$val[0])) { // 比较运算
$whereStr .= $key.' '.$this->comparison[strtolower($val[0])].' '.$this->parseValue($val[1]);
}elseif(preg_match('/^(NOTLIKE|LIKE)$/i',$val[0])){// 模糊查找
if(is_array($val[1])) {
$likeLogic = isset($val[2])?strtoupper($val[2]):'OR';
$likeStr = $this->comparison[strtolower($val[0])];
$like = array();
foreach ($val[1] as $item){
$like[] = $key.' '.$likeStr.' '.$this->parseValue($item);
$whereStr .= '('.implode(' '.$likeLogic.' ',$like).')';
$whereStr .= $key.' '.$this->comparison[strtolower($val[0])].' '.$this->parseValue($val[1]);
}elseif('exp'==strtolower($val[0])){ // 使用表达式
$whereStr .= ' ('.$key.' '.$val[1].') ';
//}elseif(preg_match('/IN/i',$val[0])){ // IN 运算
}elseif(preg_match('/^(NOTIN|IN)$/i',$val[0])){ // IN 运算
if(isset($val[2]) && 'exp'==$val[2]) {
$whereStr .= $key.' '.strtoupper($val[0]).' '.$val[1];
if(is_string($val[1])) {
$val[1] = explode(',',$val[1]);
$zone = implode(',',$this->parseValue($val[1]));
$whereStr .= $key.' '.strtoupper($val[0]).' ('.$zone.')';
//}elseif(preg_match('/BETWEEN/i',$val[0])){ // BETWEEN运算
}elseif(preg_match('/^(NOTBETWEEN|BETWEEN)$/i',$val[0])){ // BETWEEN运算
$data = is_string($val[1])? explode(',',$val[1]):$val[1];
$whereStr .= ' ('.$key.' '.strtoupper($val[0]).' '.$this->parseValue($data[0]).' AND '.$this->parseValue($data[1]).' )';
}else {
$count = count($val);
$rule = isset($val[$count-1])?strtoupper($val[$count-1]):'';
if(in_array($rule,array('AND','OR','XOR'))) {
$count = $count -1;
$rule = 'AND';
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
$data = is_array($val[$i]) ? $val[$i][1] : $val[$i];
if('exp' == strtolower($val[$i][0])) {
$whereStr .= '('.$key.' '.$data.') '.$rule.' ';
$op = is_array($val[$i]) ? $this->comparison[strtolower($val[$i][0])] : '=';
$whereStr .= '('.$key.' '.$op.' '.$this->parseValue($data).') '.$rule.' ';
$whereStr = substr($whereStr,0,-4);
}else {
//if(C('DB_LIKE_FIELDS') && preg_match('/^('.C('DB_LIKE_FIELDS').')$/i',$key)) {
if(preg_match('/^('. DB_LIKE_FIELDS .')$/i',$key)) {//去掉
$val = '%'.$val.'%';
$whereStr .= $key.' LIKE '.$this->parseValue($val);
}else {
$whereStr .= $key.' = '.$this->parseValue($val);
return $whereStr;
* 特殊条件分析
* @access protected
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $val
* @return string
protected function parseThinkWhere($key,$val) {
$whereStr = '';
switch($key) {
case '_string':
// 字符串模式查询条件
$whereStr = $val;
case '_complex':
// 复合查询条件
$whereStr = is_string($val) ? $val : substr($this->parseWhere($val),6);
case '_query':
// 字符串模式查询条件
if(isset($where['_logic'])) {
$op = ' '.strtoupper($where['_logic']).' ';
$op = ' AND ';
$array = array();
foreach ($where as $field => $data) {
$array[] = $this->parseKey($field) . ' = ' . $this->parseValue($data);
$whereStr = implode($op,$array);
return $whereStr;
* limit分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $lmit
* @return string
protected function parseLimit($limit) {
return !empty($limit) ? ' LIMIT '.$limit.' ' : '';
* join分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $join
* @return string
protected function parseJoin($join) {
$joinStr = '';
if(!empty($join)) {
if(is_array($join)) {
foreach ($join as $key => $_join){
if(false !== stripos($_join,'JOIN'))
$joinStr .= ' '.$_join;
$joinStr .= ' LEFT JOIN ' .$_join;
$joinStr .= ' LEFT JOIN ' .$join;
//$joinStr = preg_replace_callback('/__([A-Z_-]+)__/sU',function ($math){return C("DB_PREFIX").strtolower($math[1]);} ,$joinStr );
$joinStr = preg_replace_callback('/__([A-Z_-]+)__/sU',function ($math){return DB_PREFIX .strtolower($math[1]);} ,$joinStr );
return $joinStr;
* order分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $order
* @return string
protected function parseOrder($order) {
if(is_array($order)) {
$array = array();
foreach ($order as $key=>$val){
if(is_numeric($key)) {
$array[] = $this->parseKey($val);
$array[] = $this->parseKey($key).' '.$val;
$order = implode(',',$array);
return !empty($order) ? ' ORDER BY '.$order : '';
* group分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $group
* @return string
protected function parseGroup($group) {
return !empty($group) ? ' GROUP BY '.$group : '';
* having分析
* @access protected
* @param string $having
* @return string
protected function parseHaving($having) {
return !empty($having) ? ' HAVING '.$having : '';
* comment分析
* @access protected
* @param string $comment
* @return string
protected function parseComment($comment) {
return !empty($comment) ? ' /* '.$comment.' */' : '';
* distinct分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $distinct
* @return string
protected function parseDistinct($distinct) {
return !empty($distinct) ? ' DISTINCT ' : '';
* union分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $union
* @return string
protected function parseUnion($union) {
if(empty($union)) return '';
if(isset($union['_all'])) {
$str = 'UNION ALL ';
$str = 'UNION ';
foreach ($union as $u){
$sql[] = $str . (is_array($u) ? $this->buildSelectSql($u) : $u);
return implode(' ', $sql);
* 插入记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @param array $options 参数表达式
* @param boolean $replace 是否replace
* @return false | integer
public function insert($data,$options=array(),$replace=false) {
$values = $fields = array();
$this->model = $options['model'];
foreach ($data as $key=>$val){
if(is_array($val) && 'exp' == $val[0]){
$fields[] = $this->parseKey($key);
$values[] = $val[1];
}elseif(is_scalar($val) || is_null(($val))) { // 过滤非标量数据
$fields[] = $this->parseKey($key);
//if(C('DB_BIND_PARAM') && 0 !== strpos($val,':')){
if(0 !== strpos($val,':')){//去掉
$name = md5($key);
$values[] = ':'.$name;
$values[] = $this->parseValue($val);
$sql = ($replace ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT').' INTO '.$this->parseTable($options['table']).' ('.implode(',', $fields).') VALUES ('.implode(',', $values).')';
$sql .= $this->parseLock(isset($options['lock']) ? $options['lock'] : false);
$sql .= $this->parseComment(!empty($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : '');
return $this->execute($sql,$this->parseBind(!empty($options['bind']) ? $options['bind'] : array()));
* 通过Select方式插入记录
* @access public
* @param string $fields 要插入的数据表字段名
* @param string $table 要插入的数据表名
* @param array $option 查询数据参数
* @return false | integer
public function selectInsert($fields,$table,$options=array()) {
$this->model = $options['model'];
if(is_string($fields)) $fields = explode(',', $fields);
array_walk($fields, array($this, 'parseKey'));
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->parseTable($table).' ('.implode(',', $fields).') ';
$sql .= $this->buildSelectSql($options);
return $this->execute($sql,$this->parseBind(!empty($options['bind']) ? $options['bind'] : array()));
* 更新记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @param array $options 表达式
* @return false | integer
public function update($data,$options) {
$this->model = $options['model'];
$sql = 'UPDATE '
.$this->parseWhere(!empty($options['where']) ? $options['where'] : '')
.$this->parseOrder(!empty($options['order']) ? $options['order'] : '')
.$this->parseLimit(!empty($options['limit']) ? $options['limit'] : '')
.$this->parseLock(isset($options['lock']) ? $options['lock'] : false)
.$this->parseComment(!empty($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : '');
return $this->execute($sql,$this->parseBind(!empty($options['bind']) ? $options['bind'] : array()));
* 删除记录
* @access public
* @param array $options 表达式
* @return false | integer
public function delete($options=array()) {
$this->model = $options['model'];
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '
.$this->parseWhere(!empty($options['where']) ? $options['where'] : '')
.$this->parseOrder(!empty($options['order']) ? $options['order'] : '')
.$this->parseLimit(!empty($options['limit']) ? $options['limit'] : '')
.$this->parseLock(isset($options['lock']) ? $options['lock'] : false)
.$this->parseComment(!empty($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : '');
return $this->execute($sql, $this->parseBind(!empty($options['bind']) ? $options['bind'] : array()));
* 查找记录
* @access public
* @param array $options 表达式
* @return mixed
public function select($options=array()) {
$this->model = $options['model'];
$sql = $this->buildSelectSql($options);
$cache = isset($options['cache']) ? $options['cache'] : false;
//if($cache) { // 查询缓存检测
// $key = is_string($cache['key']) ? $cache['key'] : md5($sql);
// $value = S($key,'',$cache);//去掉
// if(false !== $value) {
// return $value;
// }
$result = $this->query($sql,$this->parseBind(!empty($options['bind']) ? $options['bind'] : array()));
//if($cache && false !== $result ) { // 查询缓存写入
// S($key,$result,$cache);//去掉
return $result;
* 生成查询SQL
* @access public
* @param array $options 表达式
* @return string
public function buildSelectSql($options=array()) {
if(isset($options['page'])) {
// 根据页数计算limit
if(strpos($options['page'], ',')) {
list($page,$listRows) = explode(',',$options['page']);
$page = $options['page'];
$page = $page ? $page : 1;
$listRows = isset($listRows) ? $listRows : (is_numeric($options['limit']) ? $options['limit'] : 20);
$offset = $listRows * ((int)$page - 1);
$options['limit'] = $offset . ',' . $listRows;
//if(C('DB_SQL_BUILD_CACHE')) { // SQL创建缓存
// $key = md5(serialize($options));
// $value = S($key);
// if(false !== $value) {
// return $value;
// }
$sql = $this->parseSql($this->selectSql,$options);
$sql .= $this->parseLock(isset($options['lock']) ? $options['lock'] : false);
//if(isset($key)) { // 写入SQL创建缓存
// S($key,$sql,array('expire'=>0,'length'=>C('DB_SQL_BUILD_LENGTH'),'queue'=>C('DB_SQL_BUILD_QUEUE')));//去掉
return $sql;
* 替换SQL语句中表达式
* @access public
* @param array $options 表达式
* @return string
public function parseSql($sql,$options=array()){
$sql = str_replace(
$this->parseDistinct(isset($options['distinct']) ? $options['distinct'] : false),
$this->parseField(!empty($options['field']) ? $options['field'] : '*'),
$this->parseJoin(!empty($options['join']) ? $options['join'] : ''),
$this->parseWhere(!empty($options['where']) ? $options['where'] : ''),
$this->parseGroup(!empty($options['group']) ? $options['group'] : ''),
$this->parseHaving(!empty($options['having']) ? $options['having'] : ''),
$this->parseOrder(!empty($options['order']) ? $options['order'] : ''),
$this->parseLimit(!empty($options['limit']) ? $options['limit'] : ''),
$this->parseUnion(!empty($options['union']) ? $options['union'] : ''),
$this->parseComment(!empty($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : '')
return $sql;
* 获取最近一次查询的sql语句
* @param string $model 模型名
* @access public
* @return string
public function getLastSql($model='') {
return $model ? $this->modelSql[$model] : $this->queryStr;
* 获取最近插入的ID
* @access public
* @return string
public function getLastInsID() {
return $this->lastInsID;
* 获取最近的错误信息
* @access public
* @return string
public function getError() {
return $this->error;
* SQL指令安全过滤
* @access public
* @param string $str SQL字符串
* @return string
public function escapeString($str) {
return addslashes($str);
* 设置当前操作模型
* @access public
* @param string $model 模型名
* @return void
public function setModel($model){
$this->model = $model;
* 析构方法
* @access public
public function __destruct() {
// 释放查询
if ($this->queryID){
// 关闭连接
// 关闭数据库 由驱动类定义
public function close(){}
* PDO数据库驱动
* @category Extend
* @package Extend
* @subpackage Driver.Db
* @author liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
class DbPdo extends Db{
protected $PDOStatement = null;
private $table = '';
protected $dbType = null;
protected $transLinkId = null;
* @var PDO $_linkID
protected $_linkID = null;
* 架构函数 读取数据库配置信息
* @access public
* @param array $config 数据库配置数组
public function __construct($config= array()){
if ( !class_exists('PDO') ) {
if(!empty($config)) {
$this->config = $config;
if(empty($this->config['params'])) {
$this->config['params'] = array();
* 连接数据库方法
* @access public
* @param array $config
* @param int $linkNum
public function connect($config=array(),$linkNum=0) {
if ( !isset($this->linkID[$linkNum]) ) {
if(empty($config)) $config = $this->config;
if($this->pconnect) {
$config['params'][PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = true;
if( !isset( $config['dsn'] ) || empty( $config['dsn'] ) ){
$config['dsn'] = "mysql:host=".$config['hostname'].";port=".$config['hostport'].";dbname=".$config['database'];
$this->linkID[$linkNum] = new PDO( $config['dsn'], $config['username'], $config['password'], $config['params']);
}catch (PDOException $e) {
$msg = sprintf("DB_USER: %s, DB_DSN: %s", $config['username'],$config['dsn']);
print_x("DB_PDO_mysql_connect ".$e->getMessage()."\r\n".$msg."\r\n");
// 因为PDO的连接切换可能导致数据库类型不同,因此重新获取下当前的数据库类型
$this->dbType = $this->_getDsnType($config['dsn']);
if(in_array($this->dbType,array('MSSQL','ORACLE','IBASE','OCI'))) {
// 由于PDO对于以上的数据库支持不够完美,所以屏蔽了 如果仍然希望使用PDO 可以注释下面一行代码
print_x('由于目前PDO暂时不能完美支持'.$this->dbType.' 请使用官方的'.$this->dbType.'驱动');
$this->linkID[$linkNum]->exec('SET NAMES utf8');//去掉.C('DB_CHARSET')
// 标记连接成功
$this->connected = true;
// 注销数据库连接配置信息
if(1 != $this->config['deploy_type']) unset($this->config);
return $this->linkID[$linkNum];
* 释放查询结果
* @access public
public function free() {
$this->PDOStatement = null;
* 根据DSN获取数据库类型 返回大写
* @access protected
* @param string $dsn dsn字符串
* @return string
protected function _getDsnType($dsn) {
$match = explode(':',$dsn);
$dbType = strtoupper(trim($match[0]));
return $dbType;
* 执行查询 返回数据集
* @access public
* @param string $str sql指令
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @return mixed
public function query($str,$bind=array()) {
// 事务开启的情况下,查询应该选择和事务采用同一个连接,非强制,但是为了防止开发人员和框架意外的调用了query,
// 也为了避免读写数据不一致
$this->_linkID = $this->transLinkId;
if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false;
$this->queryStr = $str;
$this->queryStr .= '[ '.print_r($bind,true).' ]';
if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();
//// 记录开始执行时间
//$event = new \Juanpi\Model\Events\DoctrineEvent();
//$dsn = "mysql://{$this->traceCfg['hostname']}:{$this->traceCfg['hostport']}?db={$this->traceCfg['database']}&method=query";
//$event->setArgs($dsn." ".$str);
// * @var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder $container
// */
//$container= getContainerBuilder();
// * @var \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
// */
//$eventDispatcher = $container->get("kernel.event_dispatcher");
$this->PDOStatement = $this->_linkID->prepare($str);
if(false === $this->PDOStatement) {
$result = $this->PDOStatement->execute($bind);
if ( false === $result ) {
return false;
} else {
return $this->getAll();
* 执行语句
* @access public
* @param string $str sql指令
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @return integer
public function execute($str,$bind=array()) {
$this->_linkID = $this->transLinkId;
if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false;
$this->queryStr = $str;
$this->queryStr .= '[ '.print_r($bind,true).' ]';
$flag = false;
if($this->dbType == 'OCI')
if(preg_match("/^\s*(INSERT\s+INTO)\s+(\w+)\s+/i", $this->queryStr, $match)) {
//$this->table = C("DB_SEQUENCE_PREFIX").str_ireplace(C("DB_PREFIX"), "", $match[2]);
$this->table = str_ireplace( DB_PREFIX , "", $match[2]);//去掉
$flag = (boolean)$this->query("SELECT * FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name='" . strtoupper($this->table) . "'");
}//modify by wyfeng at 2009.08.28
if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();
// 记录开始执行时间
//$event = new \Juanpi\Model\Events\DoctrineEvent();
//$dsn = "mysql://{$this->traceCfg['hostname']}:{$this->traceCfg['hostport']}?db={$this->traceCfg['database']}&method=execute";
//$event->setArgs($dsn." ".$str);
// * @var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder $container
// */
//$container= getContainerBuilder();
// * @var \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
// */
//$eventDispatcher = $container->get("kernel.event_dispatcher");
$this->PDOStatement = $this->_linkID->prepare($str);
if(false === $this->PDOStatement) {
$result = $this->PDOStatement->execute($bind);
if ( false === $result) {
return false;
} else {
$this->numRows = $this->PDOStatement->rowCount();
if($flag || preg_match("/^\s*(INSERT\s+INTO|REPLACE\s+INTO)\s+/i", $str)) {
$this->lastInsID = $this->getLastInsertId();
return $this->numRows;
* 启动事务
* @access public
* @return void|boolean
public function startTrans() {
$this->_linkID = $this->transLinkId;
if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false;return true;
if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false;
$this->transLinkId = $this->_linkID;
//数据rollback 支持
if ($this->transTimes == 0) {
return true;
* 用于非自动提交状态下面的查询提交
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function commit() {
if ($this->transTimes > 0) {
// 提交事务时强制切换到开启事务的连接
$this->_linkID = $this->transLinkId;
if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false;
$result = $this->_linkID->commit();
$this->transTimes = 0;
$this->transLinkId = null;
return false;
return true;
* 事务回滚
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function rollback() {
if ($this->transTimes > 0) {
// 回滚事务时,强制切换到开启事务的连接
$this->_linkID = $this->transLinkId;
if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false;
$result = $this->_linkID->rollBack();
$this->transTimes = 0;
$this->transLinkId = null;
return false;
return true;
* 获得所有的查询数据
* @access private
* @return array
private function getAll() {
$result = $this->PDOStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$this->numRows = count( $result );
return $result;
* 取得数据表的字段信息
* @access public
public function getFields($tableName) {
//if(C('DB_DESCRIBE_TABLE_SQL')) {//去掉
// // 定义特殊的字段查询SQL
// $sql = str_replace('%table%',$tableName,C('DB_DESCRIBE_TABLE_SQL'));
switch($this->dbType) {
case 'MSSQL':
case 'SQLSRV':
$sql = "SELECT column_name as 'Name', data_type as 'Type', column_default as 'Default', is_nullable as 'Null'
FROM information_schema.tables AS t
JOIN information_schema.columns AS c
ON t.table_catalog = c.table_catalog
AND t.table_schema = c.table_schema
AND t.table_name = c.table_name
WHERE t.table_name = '$tableName'";
case 'SQLITE':
$sql = 'PRAGMA table_info ('.$tableName.') ';
case 'ORACLE':
case 'OCI':
$sql = "SELECT a.column_name \"Name\",data_type \"Type\",decode(nullable,'Y',0,1) notnull,data_default \"Default\",decode(a.column_name,b.column_name,1,0) \"pk\" "
."FROM user_tab_columns a,(SELECT column_name FROM user_constraints c,user_cons_columns col "
."WHERE c.constraint_name=col.constraint_name AND c.constraint_type='P' and c.table_name='".strtoupper($tableName)
."') b where table_name='".strtoupper($tableName)."' and a.column_name=b.column_name(+)";
case 'PGSQL':
$sql = 'select fields_name as "Name",fields_type as "Type",fields_not_null as "Null",fields_key_name as "Key",fields_default as "Default",fields_default as "Extra" from table_msg('.$tableName.');';
case 'IBASE':
case 'MYSQL':
$sql = 'DESCRIBE '.$tableName;//备注: 驱动类不只针对mysql,不能加``
return array();
$result = $this->query($sql);
$info = array();
if($result) {
foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
$val = array_change_key_case($val);
$val['name'] = isset($val['name']) ? $val['name'] : "";
$val['type'] = isset($val['type']) ? $val['type'] : "";
$name = isset($val['field']) ? $val['field'] : $val['name'];
$info[$name] = array(
'name' => $name ,
'type' => $val['type'],
'notnull' => (bool)(((isset($val['null'])) && ($val['null'] === '')) || ((isset($val['notnull'])) && ($val['notnull'] === ''))), // not null is empty, null is yes
'default' => isset($val['default']) ? $val['default'] : (isset($val['dflt_value']) ? $val['dflt_value'] : ""),
'primary' => isset($val['key']) ? strtolower($val['key']) == 'pri' : (isset($val['pk']) ? $val['pk'] : false),
'autoinc' => isset($val['extra']) ? strtolower($val['extra']) == 'auto_increment' : (isset($val['key']) ? $val['key'] : false),
return $info;
* 取得数据库的表信息
* @access public
* @param string $dbName
* @return array
public function getTables($dbName='') {
// // 定义特殊的表查询SQL
// $sql = str_replace('%db%',$dbName,C('DB_FETCH_TABLES_SQL'));
switch($this->dbType) {
case 'ORACLE':
case 'OCI':
$sql = 'SELECT table_name FROM user_tables';
case 'MSSQL':
case 'SQLSRV':
case 'PGSQL':
$sql = "select tablename as Tables_in_test from pg_tables where schemaname ='public'";
case 'IBASE':
// 暂时不支持
case 'SQLITE':
$sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' "
. "UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master "
. "WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name";
case 'MYSQL':
if(!empty($dbName)) {
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES FROM '.$dbName;
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES ';
return array();
$result = $this->query($sql);
$info = array();
foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
$info[$key] = current($val);
return $info;
* limit分析
* @access protected
* @param string $limit
* @return string
protected function parseLimit($limit) {
$limitStr = '';
if(!empty($limit)) {
case 'PGSQL':
case 'SQLITE':
$limit = explode(',',$limit);
if(count($limit)>1) {
$limitStr .= ' LIMIT '.$limit[1].' OFFSET '.$limit[0].' ';
$limitStr .= ' LIMIT '.$limit[0].' ';
case 'MSSQL':
case 'SQLSRV':
case 'IBASE':
// 暂时不支持
case 'ORACLE':
case 'OCI':
case 'MYSQL':
$limitStr .= ' LIMIT '.$limit.' ';
return $limitStr;
* 字段和表名处理
* @access protected
* @param string $key
* @return string
protected function parseKey(&$key) {
if($this->dbType == 'MYSQL'){
$key = trim($key);
if(!preg_match('/[,\'\"\*\(\)`.\s]/',$key)) {
$key = '`'.$key.'`';
return $key;
return parent::parseKey($key);
* 关闭数据库
* @access public
public function close() {
$this->_linkID = null;
* 数据库错误信息
* 并显示当前的SQL语句
* @access public
* @return string
public function error() {
if($this->PDOStatement) {
$error = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();
$this->error = $error[1].':'.$error[2];
$this->error = '';
if('' != $this->queryStr){
$this->error .= "\n [ SQL语句 ] : ".$this->queryStr;
//trace($this->error,'','ERR'); //去掉
return $this->error;
* SQL指令安全过滤
* @access public
* @param string $str SQL指令
* @return string
public function escapeString($str) {
switch($this->dbType) {
case 'PGSQL':
case 'MSSQL':
case 'SQLSRV':
case 'MYSQL':
return addslashes($str);
case 'IBASE':
case 'SQLITE':
case 'ORACLE':
case 'OCI':
return str_ireplace("'", "''", $str);
return addslashes($str);
* value分析
* @access protected
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
protected function parseValue($value) {
if(is_string($value)) {
$value = strpos($value,':') === 0 ? $this->escapeString($value) : '\''.$this->escapeString($value).'\'';
}elseif(isset($value[0]) && is_string($value[0]) && strtolower($value[0]) == 'exp'){
$value = $this->escapeString($value[1]);
}elseif(is_array($value)) {
$value = array_map(array($this, 'parseValue'),$value);
$value = $value ? '1' : '0';
$value = 'null';
return $value;
* 获取最后插入id
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getLastInsertId() {
switch($this->dbType) {
case 'PGSQL':
case 'SQLITE':
case 'MSSQL':
case 'SQLSRV':
case 'IBASE':
case 'MYSQL':
return $this->_linkID->lastInsertId();
case 'ORACLE':
case 'OCI':
$sequenceName = $this->table;
$vo = $this->query("SELECT {$sequenceName}.currval currval FROM dual");
return $vo ? $vo[0]["currval"] : 0;
* 插入记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $datas 数据
* @param array $options 参数表达式
* @param boolean $replace 是否replace
* @return false | integer
public function insertAll($datas,$options=array(),$replace=false) {
if(!is_array($datas[0])) return false;
$fields = array_keys($datas[0]);
array_walk($fields, array($this, 'parseKey'));
$values = array();
foreach ($datas as $data){
$value = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $val){
$val = $this->parseValue($val);
if(is_scalar($val)) { // 过滤非标量数据
$value[] = $val;
$values[] = '('.implode(',', $value).')';
$sql = ($replace ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT').' INTO '.$this->parseTable($options['table']).' ('.implode(',', $fields).') VALUES '.implode(',',$values);
return $this->execute($sql);
* ThinkPHP Model模型类
* 实现了ORM和ActiveRecords模式
* @category Think
* @package Think
* @subpackage Core
* @author liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
class Model
// 操作状态
const MODEL_INSERT = 1; // 插入模型数据
const MODEL_UPDATE = 2; // 更新模型数据
const MODEL_BOTH = 3; // 包含上面两种方式
const MUST_VALIDATE = 1;// 必须验证
const EXISTS_VALIDATE = 0;// 表单存在字段则验证
const VALUE_VALIDATE = 2;// 表单值不为空则验证
// 当前使用的扩展模型
* @var Model $_extModel
private $_extModel = null;
// 当前数据库操作对象
* @var DB $db
protected $db = null;
// 数据库对象池
protected $_db = array();
// 数据库配置池
protected $_linkNum = array();
// 主键名称
protected $pk = 'id';
// 数据表前缀
protected $tablePrefix = '';
// 模型名称
protected $name = '';
// 数据库名称
protected $dbName = '';
protected $connection = '';
// 数据表名(不包含表前缀)
protected $tableName = '';
// 实际数据表名(包含表前缀)
protected $trueTableName = '';
// 最近错误信息
protected $error = '';
// 字段信息
protected $fields = array();
// 数据信息
protected $data = array();
// 查询表达式参数
protected $options = array();
protected $_validate = array(); // 自动验证定义
protected $_auto = array(); // 自动完成定义
protected $_map = array(); // 字段映射定义
protected $_scope = array(); // 命名范围定义
// 是否自动检测数据表字段信息
protected $autoCheckFields = true;
// 是否批处理验证
protected $patchValidate = false;
// 链操作方法列表
protected $methods = array('table', 'order', 'alias', 'having', 'group', 'lock', 'distinct', 'auto', 'filter', 'validate', 'result', 'bind', 'token');
* 架构函数
* 取得DB类的实例对象 字段检查
* @access public
* @param string $name 模型名称
* @param string $tablePrefix 表前缀
* @param string $connection 数据库连接信息
public function __construct($name = '', $tablePrefix = '', $connection = '')
// 模型初始化
$_connection = !empty($connection) ? $connection : $this->connection;
if (is_array($_connection)) {
$config = array_change_key_case($_connection, CASE_LOWER);
//Log::write("The Thired argument require a String, an Array was given, it will be denied soon," . json_encode($_connection));
} else {
$_connection['DB_TYPE'] = DB_TYPE;
$_connection['DB_NAME'] = DB_NAME;
$_connection['DB_PREFIX'] = DB_PREFIX;
$_connection['DB_HOST'] = DB_HOST;
$_connection['DB_USER'] = DB_USER;
$_connection['DB_PWD'] = DB_PWD;
$_connection['DB_PORT'] = DB_PORT;
//$config = array_change_key_case(C($_connection), CASE_LOWER);
$config = array_change_key_case( $_connection , CASE_LOWER);
// 获取模型名称
if (!empty($name)) {
if (strpos($name, '.')) { // 支持 数据库名.模型名的 定义
list($this->dbName, $this->name) = explode('.', $name);
} else {
if (!empty($_connection) && !is_null($config['db_name'])) {
$this->dbName = $config['db_name'];
} else {
//$this->dbName = C("DB_NAME");
$this->dbName = DB_NAME;
$this->name = $name;
} elseif (empty($this->name)) {
$this->name = $this->getModelName();
// 设置表前缀
if (is_null($tablePrefix)) {// 前缀为Null表示没有前缀
$this->tablePrefix = '';
} elseif ('' != $tablePrefix) {
$this->tablePrefix = $tablePrefix;
} else {
//$this->tablePrefix = !empty($_connection) && !is_null($config['db_prefix']) ? $config['db_prefix'] : C('DB_PREFIX');
$this->tablePrefix = !empty($_connection) && !is_null($config['db_prefix']) ? $config['db_prefix'] : DB_PREFIX;
// 数据库初始化操作
// 获取数据库操作对象
// 当前模型有独立的数据库连接信息
$this->db(0, $_connection);
* 自动检测数据表信息
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function _checkTableInfo()
// 如果不是Model类 自动记录数据表信息
// 只在第一次执行记录
if (empty($this->fields)) {
// 如果数据表字段没有定义则自动获取
//if (C('DB_FIELDS_CACHE')) {//去掉
// $tableName = parse_name($this->name);
// $db = $this->dbName;
// $fields = F('_fields/' . strtolower($db . '.' . $tableName));
// if ($fields) {
// $version = C('DB_FIELD_VERSION');
// if (empty($version) || $fields['_version'] == $version) {
// $this->fields = $fields;
// return;
// }
// }
// 每次都会读取数据表信息
* 获取字段信息并缓存
* @access public
* @return mixed
public function flush()
// 缓存不存在则查询数据表信息
$fields = $this->db->getFields($this->getTableName());
if (!$fields) { // 无法获取字段信息
return false;
$this->fields = array_keys($fields);
$this->fields['_autoinc'] = false;
$type = null;
foreach ($fields as $key => $val) {
// 记录字段类型
$type[$key] = $val['type'];
if ($val['primary']) {
$this->fields['_pk'] = $key;
if ($val['autoinc']) $this->fields['_autoinc'] = true;
// 记录字段类型信息
$this->fields['_type'] = $type;
//if (C('DB_FIELD_VERSION')) $this->fields['_version'] = C('DB_FIELD_VERSION');//去掉
// 2008-3-7 增加缓存开关控制
//if (C('DB_FIELDS_CACHE')) {//去掉
// // 永久缓存数据表信息
// $db = $this->dbName ? $this->dbName : C('DB_NAME');
// $tableName = parse_name($this->name);
// F('_fields/' . strtolower($db . '.' . $tableName), $this->fields);
return null;
* 动态切换扩展模型
* @access public
* @param string $type 模型类型名称
* @param mixed $vars 要传入扩展模型的属性变量
* @return Model
public function switchModel($type, $vars = array())
$class = ucwords(strtolower($type)) . 'Model';
if (!class_exists($class))
print_x($class . '_MODEL_NOT_EXIST_' );
// 实例化扩展模型
$this->_extModel = new $class($this->name);
if (!empty($vars)) {
// 传入当前模型的属性到扩展模型
foreach ($vars as $var)
$this->_extModel->setProperty($var, $this->$var);
return $this->_extModel;
* 设置数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @param mixed $value 值
* @return void
public function __set($name, $value)
// 设置数据对象属性
$this->data[$name] = $value;
* 获取数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @return mixed
public function __get($name)
return isset($this->data[$name]) ? $this->data[$name] : null;
* 检测数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @return boolean
public function __isset($name)
return isset($this->data[$name]);
* 销毁数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @return void
public function __unset($name)
* 利用__call方法实现一些特殊的Model方法
* @access public
* @param string $method 方法名称
* @param array $args 调用参数
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, $args)
if (in_array(strtolower($method), $this->methods, true)) {
// 连贯操作的实现
$this->options[strtolower($method)] = $args[0];
return $this;
} elseif (in_array(strtolower($method), array('count', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg'), true)) {
// 统计查询的实现
$field = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : '*';
return $this->getField(strtoupper($method) . '(' . $field . ') AS tp_' . $method);
} elseif (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 5)) == 'getby') {
// 根据某个字段获取记录
$field = parse_name(substr($method, 5));
$where[$field] = $args[0];
return $this->where($where)->find();
} elseif (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 10)) == 'getfieldby') {
// 根据某个字段获取记录的某个值
$name = parse_name(substr($method, 10));
$where[$name] = $args[0];
return $this->where($where)->getField($args[1]);
} elseif (isset($this->_scope[$method])) {// 命名范围的单独调用支持
return $this->scope($method, $args[0]);
} else {
print_x(__CLASS__ . ':' . $method . '_METHOD_NOT_EXIST_' );
return null;
// 回调方法 初始化模型
protected function _initialize()
* 对保存到数据库的数据进行处理
* @access protected
* @param mixed $data 要操作的数据
* @return boolean
protected function _facade($data)
// 检查非数据字段
if (!empty($this->fields)) {
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
if (!in_array($key, $this->fields, true)) {
} elseif (is_scalar($val)) {
// 字段类型检查
$this->_parseType($data, $key);
// 安全过滤
if (!empty($this->options['filter'])) {
$data = array_map($this->options['filter'], $data);
return $data;
// 写入数据前的回调方法 包括新增和更新
protected function _before_write(&$data)
* 新增数据
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @param array $options 表达式
* @param boolean $replace 是否replace
* @return mixed
public function add($data = '', $options = array(), $replace = false)
if (empty($data)) {
// 没有传递数据,获取当前数据对象的值
if (!empty($this->data)) {
$data = $this->data;
// 重置数据
$this->data = array();
} else {
$this->error = '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' ;
return false;
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
// 数据处理
$data = $this->_facade($data);
if (false === $this->_before_insert($data, $options)) {
return false;
// 写入数据到数据库
$result = $this->db->insert($data, $options, $replace);
if (false !== $result) {
$insertId = $this->getLastInsID();
if ($insertId) {
// 自增主键返回插入ID
$data[$this->getPk()] = $insertId;
$this->_after_insert($data, $options);
return $insertId;
$this->_after_insert($data, $options);
return $result;
// 插入数据前的回调方法
protected function _before_insert(&$data, $options)
// 插入成功后的回调方法
protected function _after_insert($data, $options)
public function addAll($dataList, $options = array(), $replace = false)
if (empty($dataList)) {
$this->error = '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' ;
return false;
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
// 数据处理
foreach ($dataList as $key => $data) {
$dataList[$key] = $this->_facade($data);
// 写入数据到数据库
$result = $this->db->insertAll($dataList, $options, $replace);
if (false !== $result) {
$insertId = $this->getLastInsID();
if ($insertId) {
return $insertId;
return $result;
* 通过Select方式添加记录
* @access public
* @param string $fields 要插入的数据表字段名
* @param string $table 要插入的数据表名
* @param array $options 表达式
* @return boolean
public function selectAdd($fields = '', $table = '', $options = array())
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
// 写入数据到数据库
if (false === $result = $this->db->selectInsert($fields ? $fields : $options['field'], $table ? $table : $this->getTableName(), $options)) {
// 数据库插入操作失败
$this->error = '_OPERATION_WRONG_' ;
return false;
} else {
// 插入成功
return $result;
* 保存数据
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @param array $options 表达式
* @return boolean
public function save($data = '', $options = array())
if (empty($data)) {
// 没有传递数据,获取当前数据对象的值
if (!empty($this->data)) {
$data = $this->data;
// 重置数据
$this->data = array();
} else {
$this->error = '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' ;
return false;
// 数据处理
$data = $this->_facade($data);
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
$pk = $this->getPk();
if (!isset($options['where'])) {
// 如果存在主键数据 则自动作为更新条件
if (isset($data[$pk])) {
$where[$pk] = $data[$pk];
$options['where'] = $where;
} else {
// 如果没有任何更新条件则不执行
$this->error = '_OPERATION_WRONG_' ;
return false;
if (empty($options['where'])) {
return false;
if (is_array($options['where']) && isset($options['where'][$pk])) {
$pkValue = $options['where'][$pk];
if (false === $this->_before_update($data, $options)) {
return false;
$result = $this->db->update($data, $options);
if (false !== $result) {
if (isset($pkValue)) $data[$pk] = $pkValue;
$this->_after_update($data, $options);
return $result;
// 更新数据前的回调方法
protected function _before_update(&$data, $options)
// 更新成功后的回调方法
protected function _after_update($data, $options)
* 删除数据
* @access public
* @param mixed $options 表达式
* @return mixed
public function delete($options = array())
if (empty($options) && empty($this->options['where'])) {
// 如果删除条件为空 则删除当前数据对象所对应的记录
if (!empty($this->data) && isset($this->data[$this->getPk()]))
return $this->delete($this->data[$this->getPk()]);
return false;
$pk = $this->getPk();
if (is_numeric($options) || is_string($options)) {
// 根据主键删除记录
if (strpos($options, ',')) {
$where[$pk] = array('IN', $options);
} else {
$where[$pk] = $options;
$options = array();
$options['where'] = $where;
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
if (empty($options['where'])) {
return false;
if (is_array($options['where']) && isset($options['where'][$pk])) {
$pkValue = $options['where'][$pk];
$result = $this->db->delete($options);
if (false !== $result) {
$data = array();
if (isset($pkValue)) $data[$pk] = $pkValue;
$this->_after_delete($data, $options);
// 返回删除记录个数
return $result;
// 删除成功后的回调方法
protected function _after_delete($data, $options)
* 查询数据集
* @access public
* @param array $options 表达式参数
* @return mixed
public function select($options = array())
if (is_string($options) || is_numeric($options)) {
// 根据主键查询
$pk = $this->getPk();
if (strpos($options, ',')) {
$where[$pk] = array('IN', $options);
} else {
$where[$pk] = $options;
$options = array();
$options['where'] = $where;
} elseif (false === $options) { // 用于子查询 不查询只返回SQL
$options = array();
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
return '( ' . $this->db->buildSelectSql($options) . ' )';
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
$resultSet = $this->db->select($options);
if (false === $resultSet) {
return false;
if (empty($resultSet)) { // 查询结果为空
return null;
$this->_after_select($resultSet, $options);
return $resultSet;
// 查询成功后的回调方法
protected function _after_select(&$resultSet, $options)
* 生成查询SQL 可用于子查询
* @access public
* @param array $options 表达式参数
* @return string
public function buildSql($options = array())
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
return '( ' . $this->db->buildSelectSql($options) . ' )';
* 分析表达式
* @access protected
* @param array $options 表达式参数
* @return array
protected function _parseOptions($options = array())
if (is_array($options))
$options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
// 查询过后清空sql表达式组装 避免影响下次查询
$this->options = array();
if (!isset($options['table'])) {
// 自动获取表名
$options['table'] = $this->getTableName();
$fields = $this->fields;
} else {
// 指定数据表 则重新获取字段列表 但不支持类型检测
$fields = $this->getDbFields();
if (!empty($options['alias'])) {
$options['table'] .= ' ' . $options['alias'];
// 记录操作的模型名称
$options['model'] = $this->name;
// 字段类型验证
if (isset($options['where']) && is_array($options['where']) && !empty($fields) && !isset($options['join'])) {
// 对数组查询条件进行字段类型检查
foreach ($options['where'] as $key => $val) {
$key = trim($key);
if (in_array($key, $fields, true)) {
if (is_scalar($val)) {
$this->_parseType($options['where'], $key);
} elseif (!is_numeric($key) && '_' != substr($key, 0, 1) && false === strpos($key, '.') && false === strpos($key, '(') && false === strpos($key, '|') && false === strpos($key, '&')) {
// 表达式过滤
return $options;
// 表达式过滤回调方法
protected function _options_filter(&$options)
* 数据类型检测
* @access protected
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @param string $key 字段名
* @return void
protected function _parseType(&$data, $key)
if (empty($this->options['bind'][':' . $key])) {
$fieldType = strtolower($this->fields['_type'][$key]);
if (false !== strpos($fieldType, 'enum')) {
// 支持ENUM类型优先检测
} elseif (false === strpos($fieldType, 'bigint') && false !== strpos($fieldType, 'int')) {
//$data[$key] = intval($data[$key]);
} elseif (false !== strpos($fieldType, 'float') || false !== strpos($fieldType, 'double')) {
$data[$key] = floatval($data[$key]);
} elseif (false !== strpos($fieldType, 'bool')) {
$data[$key] = (bool)$data[$key];
* 查询数据
* @access public
* @param mixed $options 表达式参数
* @return mixed
public function find($options = array())
if (is_numeric($options) || is_string($options)) {
$where[$this->getPk()] = $options;
$options = array();
$options['where'] = $where;
// 总是查找一条记录
$options['limit'] = 1;
// 分析表达式
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
$resultSet = $this->db->select($options);
if (false === $resultSet) {
return false;
if (empty($resultSet)) {// 查询结果为空
return null;
$this->data = $resultSet[0];
$this->_after_find($this->data, $options);
if (!empty($this->options['result'])) {
return $this->returnResult($this->data, $this->options['result']);
return $this->data;
// 查询成功的回调方法
protected function _after_find(&$result, $options)
protected function returnResult($data, $type = '')
if ($type) {
if (is_callable($type)) {
return call_user_func($type, $data);
switch (strtolower($type)) {
case 'json':
return json_encode($data);
case 'xml':
return xml_encode($data);
return $data;
* 处理字段映射
* @access public
* @param array $data 当前数据
* @param integer $type 类型 0 写入 1 读取
* @return array
public function parseFieldsMap($data, $type = 1)
// 检查字段映射
if (!empty($this->_map)) {
foreach ($this->_map as $key => $val) {
if ($type == 1) { // 读取
if (isset($data[$val])) {
$data[$key] = $data[$val];
} else {
if (isset($data[$key])) {
$data[$val] = $data[$key];
return $data;
* 设置记录的某个字段值
* 支持使用数据库字段和方法
* @access public
* @param string|array $field 字段名
* @param string $value 字段值
* @return boolean
public function setField($field, $value = '')
if (is_array($field)) {
$data = $field;
} else {
$data[$field] = $value;
return $this->save($data);
* 字段值增长
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param integer $step 增长值
* @return boolean
public function setInc($field, $step = 1)
return $this->setField($field, array('exp', $field . '+' . $step));
* 字段值减少
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param integer $step 减少值
* @return boolean
public function setDec($field, $step = 1)
return $this->setField($field, array('exp', $field . '-' . $step));
* 获取一条记录的某个字段值
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param string $sepa 字段数据间隔符号 NULL返回数组
* @return mixed
public function getField($field, $sepa = null)
$options['field'] = $field;
$options = $this->_parseOptions($options);
$field = trim($field);
if (strpos($field, ',')) { // 多字段
if (!isset($options['limit'])) {
$options['limit'] = is_numeric($sepa) ? $sepa : '';
$resultSet = $this->db->select($options);
if (!empty($resultSet)) {
$_field = explode(',', $field);
$field = array_keys($resultSet[0]);
$key = array_shift($field);
$key2 = array_shift($field);
$cols = array();
$count = count($_field);
foreach ($resultSet as $result) {
$name = $result[$key];
if (2 == $count) {
$cols[$name] = $result[$key2];
} else {
$cols[$name] = is_string($sepa) ? implode($sepa, $result) : $result;
return $cols;
} else { // 查找一条记录
// 返回数据个数
if (true !== $sepa) {// 当sepa指定为true的时候 返回所有数据
$options['limit'] = is_numeric($sepa) ? $sepa : 1;
$result = $this->db->select($options);
$array = null;
if (!empty($result)) {
if (true !== $sepa && 1 == $options['limit']) return reset($result[0]);
foreach ($result as $val) {
$array[] = $val[$field];
return $array;
return null;
* 创建数据对象 但不保存到数据库
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 创建数据
* @param string $type 状态
* @return mixed
public function create($data = '', $type = '')
// 如果没有传值默认取POST数据
if (empty($data)) {
$data = $_POST;
} elseif (is_object($data)) {
$data = get_object_vars($data);
// 验证数据
if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {
$this->error = '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' ;
return false;
// 检查字段映射
$data = $this->parseFieldsMap($data, 0);
// 状态
$type = $type ? $type : (!empty($data[$this->getPk()]) ? self::MODEL_UPDATE : self::MODEL_INSERT);
// 检测提交字段的合法性
if (isset($this->options['field'])) { // $this->field('field1,field2...')->create()
$fields = $this->options['field'];
} elseif ($type == self::MODEL_INSERT && isset($this->insertFields)) {
$fields = $this->insertFields;
} elseif ($type == self::MODEL_UPDATE && isset($this->updateFields)) {
$fields = $this->updateFields;
if (isset($fields)) {
if (is_string($fields)) {
$fields = explode(',', $fields);
// 判断令牌验证字段
if (C('TOKEN_ON')) $fields[] = C('TOKEN_NAME');
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
if (!in_array($key, $fields)) {
// 数据自动验证
if (!$this->autoValidation($data, $type)) return false;
// 表单令牌验证
if (!$this->autoCheckToken($data)) {
$this->error = '_TOKEN_ERROR_' ;
return false;
// 验证完成生成数据对象
if ($this->autoCheckFields) { // 开启字段检测 则过滤非法字段数据
$fields = $this->getDbFields();
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
if (!in_array($key, $fields)) {
} elseif (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC && is_string($val)) {
$data[$key] = stripslashes($val);
// 创建完成对数据进行自动处理
$this->autoOperation($data, $type);
// 赋值当前数据对象
$this->data = $data;
// 返回创建的数据以供其他调用
return $data;
// 自动表单令牌验证
// TODO ajax无刷新多次提交暂不能满足
public function autoCheckToken($data)
{ //去掉,好像用不到
// 支持使用token(false) 关闭令牌验证
if (isset($this->options['token']) && !$this->options['token']) return true;
if (C('TOKEN_ON')) {
$name = C('TOKEN_NAME');
if (!isset($data[$name]) || !isset($_SESSION[$name])) { // 令牌数据无效
return false;
// 令牌验证
list($key, $value) = explode('_', $data[$name]);
if ($value && $_SESSION[$name][$key] === $value) { // 防止重复提交
unset($_SESSION[$name][$key]); // 验证完成销毁session
return true;
// 开启TOKEN重置
if (C('TOKEN_RESET')) unset($_SESSION[$name][$key]);
return false;
return true;
* 使用正则验证数据
* @access public
* @param string $value 要验证的数据
* @param string $rule 验证规则
* @return boolean
public function regex($value, $rule)
$validate = array(
'require' => '/.+/',
'email' => '/^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/',
'url' => '/^http(s?):\/\/(?:[A-za-z0-9-]+\.)+[A-za-z]{2,4}(?:[\/\?#][\/=\?%\-&~`@[\]\':+!\.#\w]*)?$/',
'currency' => '/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/',
'number' => '/^\d+$/',
'zip' => '/^\d{6}$/',
'integer' => '/^[-\+]?\d+$/',
'double' => '/^[-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/',
'english' => '/^[A-Za-z]+$/',
// 检查是否有内置的正则表达式
if (isset($validate[strtolower($rule)]))
$rule = $validate[strtolower($rule)];
return preg_match($rule, $value) === 1;
* 自动表单处理
* @access public
* @param array $data 创建数据
* @param string $type 创建类型
* @return mixed
private function autoOperation(&$data, $type)
if (!empty($this->options['auto'])) {
$_auto = $this->options['auto'];
} elseif (!empty($this->_auto)) {
$_auto = $this->_auto;
// 自动填充
if (isset($_auto)) {
foreach ($_auto as $auto) {
// 填充因子定义格式
// array('field','填充内容','填充条件','附加规则',[额外参数])
if (empty($auto[2])) $auto[2] = self::MODEL_INSERT; // 默认为新增的时候自动填充
if ($type == $auto[2] || $auto[2] == self::MODEL_BOTH) {
switch (trim($auto[3])) {
case 'function': // 使用函数进行填充 字段的值作为参数
case 'callback': // 使用回调方法
$args = isset($auto[4]) ? (array)$auto[4] : array();
if (isset($data[$auto[0]])) {
array_unshift($args, $data[$auto[0]]);
if ('function' == $auto[3]) {
$data[$auto[0]] = call_user_func_array($auto[1], $args);
} else {
$data[$auto[0]] = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $auto[1]), $args);
case 'field': // 用其它字段的值进行填充
$data[$auto[0]] = $data[$auto[1]];
case 'ignore': // 为空忽略
if ('' === $data[$auto[0]])
case 'string':
default: // 默认作为字符串填充
$data[$auto[0]] = $auto[1];
if (false === $data[$auto[0]]) unset($data[$auto[0]]);
return $data;
* 自动表单验证
* @access protected
* @param array $data 创建数据
* @param string $type 创建类型
* @return boolean
protected function autoValidation($data, $type)
if (!empty($this->options['validate'])) {
$_validate = $this->options['validate'];
} elseif (!empty($this->_validate)) {
$_validate = $this->_validate;
// 属性验证
if (isset($_validate)) { // 如果设置了数据自动验证则进行数据验证
if ($this->patchValidate) { // 重置验证错误信息
$this->error = array();
foreach ($_validate as $key => $val) {
// 验证因子定义格式
// array(field,rule,message,condition,type,when,params)
// 判断是否需要执行验证
if (empty($val[5]) || $val[5] == self::MODEL_BOTH || $val[5] == $type) {
if (0 == strpos($val[2], '{%') && strpos($val[2], '}'))
// 支持提示信息的多语言 使用 {%语言定义} 方式
$val[2] = L(substr($val[2], 2, -1));
$val[3] = isset($val[3]) ? $val[3] : self::EXISTS_VALIDATE;
$val[4] = isset($val[4]) ? $val[4] : 'regex';
// 判断验证条件
switch ($val[3]) {
case self::MUST_VALIDATE: // 必须验证 不管表单是否有设置该字段
if (false === $this->_validationField($data, $val))
return false;
case self::VALUE_VALIDATE: // 值不为空的时候才验证
if ('' != trim($data[$val[0]]))
if (false === $this->_validationField($data, $val))
return false;
default: // 默认表单存在该字段就验证
if (isset($data[$val[0]]))
if (false === $this->_validationField($data, $val))
return false;
// 批量验证的时候最后返回错误
if (!empty($this->error)) return false;
return true;
* 验证表单字段 支持批量验证
* 如果批量验证返回错误的数组信息
* @access protected
* @param array $data 创建数据
* @param array $val 验证因子
* @return boolean
protected function _validationField($data, $val)
if (false === $this->_validationFieldItem($data, $val)) {
if ($this->patchValidate) {
$this->error[$val[0]] = $val[2];
} else {
$this->error = $val[2];
return false;
* 根据验证因子验证字段
* @access protected
* @param array $data 创建数据
* @param array $val 验证因子
* @return boolean
protected function _validationFieldItem($data, $val)
switch (strtolower(trim($val[4]))) {
case 'function':// 使用函数进行验证
case 'callback':// 调用方法进行验证
$args = isset($val[6]) ? (array)$val[6] : array();
if (is_string($val[0]) && strpos($val[0], ','))
$val[0] = explode(',', $val[0]);
if (is_array($val[0])) {
// 支持多个字段验证
foreach ($val[0] as $field)
$_data[$field] = $data[$field];
array_unshift($args, $_data);
} else {
array_unshift($args, $data[$val[0]]);
if ('function' == $val[4]) {
return call_user_func_array($val[1], $args);
} else {
return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $val[1]), $args);
case 'confirm': // 验证两个字段是否相同
return $data[$val[0]] == $data[$val[1]];
case 'unique': // 验证某个值是否唯一
if (is_string($val[0]) && strpos($val[0], ','))
$val[0] = explode(',', $val[0]);
$map = array();
if (is_array($val[0])) {
// 支持多个字段验证
foreach ($val[0] as $field)
$map[$field] = $data[$field];
} else {
$map[$val[0]] = $data[$val[0]];
if (!empty($data[$this->getPk()])) { // 完善编辑的时候验证唯一
$map[$this->getPk()] = array('neq', $data[$this->getPk()]);
if ($this->where($map)->find()) return false;
return true;
default: // 检查附加规则
return $this->check($data[$val[0]], $val[1], $val[4]);
* 验证数据 支持 in between equal length regex expire ip_allow ip_deny
* @access public
* @param string $value 验证数据
* @param mixed $rule 验证表达式
* @param string $type 验证方式 默认为正则验证
* @return boolean
public function check($value, $rule, $type = 'regex')
$type = strtolower(trim($type));
switch ($type) {
case 'in': // 验证是否在某个指定范围之内 逗号分隔字符串或者数组
case 'notin':
$range = is_array($rule) ? $rule : explode(',', $rule);
return $type == 'in' ? in_array($value, $range) : !in_array($value, $range);
case 'between': // 验证是否在某个范围
case 'notbetween': // 验证是否不在某个范围
if (is_array($rule)) {
$min = $rule[0];
$max = $rule[1];
} else {
list($min, $max) = explode(',', $rule);
return $type == 'between' ? $value >= $min && $value <= $max : $value < $min || $value > $max;
case 'equal': // 验证是否等于某个值
case 'notequal': // 验证是否等于某个值
return $type == 'equal' ? $value == $rule : $value != $rule;
case 'length': // 验证长度
$length = mb_strlen($value, 'utf-8'); // 当前数据长度
if (strpos($rule, ',')) { // 长度区间
list($min, $max) = explode(',', $rule);
return $length >= $min && $length <= $max;
} else {// 指定长度
return $length == $rule;
case 'expire':
list($start, $end) = explode(',', $rule);
if (!is_numeric($start)) $start = strtotime($start);
if (!is_numeric($end)) $end = strtotime($end);
return NOW_TIME >= $start && NOW_TIME <= $end;
case 'ip_allow': // IP 操作许可验证
return in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', $rule));
case 'ip_deny': // IP 操作禁止验证
return !in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', $rule));
case 'regex':
default: // 默认使用正则验证 可以使用验证类中定义的验证名称
// 检查附加规则
return $this->regex($value, $rule);
* SQL查询
* @access public
* @param string $sql SQL指令
* @param mixed $parse 是否需要解析SQL
* @return mixed
public function query($sql, $parse = false)
if (!is_bool($parse) && !is_array($parse)) {
$parse = func_get_args();
$sql = $this->parseSql($sql, $parse);
return $this->db->query($sql);
* 执行SQL语句
* @access public
* @param string $sql SQL指令
* @param mixed $parse 是否需要解析SQL
* @return false | integer
public function execute($sql, $parse = false)
if (!is_bool($parse) && !is_array($parse)) {
$parse = func_get_args();
$sql = $this->parseSql($sql, $parse);
return $this->db->execute($sql);
* 解析SQL语句
* @access public
* @param string $sql SQL指令
* @param boolean $parse 是否需要解析SQL
* @return string
protected function parseSql($sql, $parse)
// 分析表达式
if (true === $parse) {
$options = $this->_parseOptions();
$sql = $this->db->parseSql($sql, $options);
} elseif (is_array($parse)) { // SQL预处理
$parse = array_map(array($this->db, 'escapeString'), $parse);
$sql = vsprintf($sql, $parse);
} else {
$sql = strtr($sql, array('__TABLE__' => $this->getTableName(), '__PREFIX__' => DB_PREFIX));
return $sql;
* 切换当前的数据库连接
* @access public
* @param integer $linkNum 连接序号
* @param mixed $config 数据库连接信息
* @param array $params 模型参数
* @return Model
public function db($linkNum = 0, $config = '', $params = array())
if ('' === $linkNum && $this->db) {
return $this->db;
if (!isset($this->_db[$linkNum]) || (isset($this->_db[$linkNum]) && $config && $this->_linkNum[$linkNum] != $config)) {
// 创建一个新的实例
if (!empty($config) && is_string($config) && false === strpos($config, '/')) { // 支持读取配置参数
$config = C($config);//去掉或改造
$this->_db[$linkNum] = Db::getInstance($config);
} elseif (NULL === $config) {
$this->_db[$linkNum]->close(); // 关闭数据库连接
return null;
if (!empty($params)) {
if (is_string($params)) parse_str($params, $params);
foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
$this->setProperty($name, $value);
// 记录连接信息
$this->_linkNum[$linkNum] = $config;
// 切换数据库连接
$this->db = $this->_db[$linkNum];
// 字段检测
if (!empty($this->name) && $this->autoCheckFields) $this->_checkTableInfo();
return $this;
// 数据库切换后回调方法
protected function _after_db()
* 得到当前的数据对象名称
* @access public
* @return string
public function getModelName()
if (empty($this->name))
$this->name = substr(get_class($this), 0, -5);
return $this->name;
* 得到完整的数据表名
* @access public
* @return string
public function getTableName()
if (empty($this->trueTableName)) {
$tableName = !empty($this->tablePrefix) ? $this->tablePrefix : '';
if (!empty($this->tableName)) {
$tableName .= $this->tableName;
} else {
$tableName .= parse_name($this->name);
$this->trueTableName = strtolower($tableName);
return (!empty($this->dbName) ? $this->dbName . '.' : '') . $this->trueTableName;
* 启动事务
* @access public
* @return void
public function startTrans()
* 提交事务
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function commit()
return $this->db->commit();
* 事务回滚
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function rollback()
return $this->db->rollback();
* 返回模型的错误信息
* @access public
* @return string
public function getError()
return $this->error;
* 返回数据库的错误信息
* @access public
* @return string
public function getDbError()
return $this->db->getError();
* 返回最后插入的ID
* @access public
* @return string
public function getLastInsID()
return $this->db->getLastInsID();
* 返回最后执行的sql语句
* @access public
* @return string
public function getLastSql()
return $this->db->getLastSql($this->name);
// 鉴于getLastSql比较常用 增加_sql 别名
public function _sql()
return $this->getLastSql();
* 获取主键名称
* @access public
* @return string
public function getPk()
return isset($this->fields['_pk']) ? $this->fields['_pk'] : $this->pk;
* 获取数据表字段信息
* @access public
* @return array
public function getDbFields()
if (isset($this->options['table'])) {// 动态指定表名
$fields = $this->db->getFields($this->options['table']);
return $fields ? array_keys($fields) : false;
if ($this->fields) {
$fields = $this->fields;
unset($fields['_autoinc'], $fields['_pk'], $fields['_type'], $fields['_version']);
return $fields;
return false;
* 设置数据对象值
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @return Model
public function data($data = '')
if ('' === $data && !empty($this->data)) {
return $this->data;
if (is_object($data)) {
$data = get_object_vars($data);
} elseif (is_string($data)) {
parse_str($data, $data);
} elseif (!is_array($data)) {
print_x( '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' );
$this->data = $data;
return $this;
* 查询SQL组装 join
* @access public
* @param mixed $join
* @return Model
public function join($join)
if (is_array($join)) {
$this->options['join'] = $join;
} elseif (!empty($join)) {
$this->options['join'][] = $join;
return $this;
* 查询SQL组装 union
* @access public
* @param mixed $union
* @param boolean $all
* @return Model
public function union($union, $all = false)
if (empty($union)) return $this;
if ($all) {
$this->options['union']['_all'] = true;
if (is_object($union)) {
$union = get_object_vars($union);
// 转换union表达式
if (is_string($union)) {
$options = $union;
} elseif (is_array($union)) {
if (isset($union[0])) {
$this->options['union'] = array_merge($this->options['union'], $union);
return $this;
} else {
$options = $union;
} else {
print_x( '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' );
$options = null;
$this->options['union'][] = $options;
return $this;
* 查询缓存
* @access public
* @param mixed $key
* @param integer $expire
* @param string $type
* @return Model
public function cache($key = true, $expire = null, $type = '')
if (false !== $key)
$this->options['cache'] = array('key' => $key, 'expire' => $expire, 'type' => $type);
return $this;
* 指定查询字段 支持字段排除
* @access public
* @param mixed $field
* @param boolean $except 是否排除
* @return Model
public function field($field, $except = false)
if (true === $field) {// 获取全部字段
$fields = $this->getDbFields();
$field = $fields ? $fields : '*';
} elseif ($except) {// 字段排除
if (is_string($field)) {
$field = explode(',', $field);
$fields = $this->getDbFields();
$field = $fields ? array_diff($fields, $field) : $field;
$this->options['field'] = $field;
return $this;
* 调用命名范围
* @access public
* @param mixed $scope 命名范围名称 支持多个 和直接定义
* @param array $args 参数
* @return Model
public function scope($scope = '', $args = NULL)
if ('' === $scope) {
if (isset($this->_scope['default'])) {
// 默认的命名范围
$options = $this->_scope['default'];
} else {
return $this;
} elseif (is_string($scope)) { // 支持多个命名范围调用 用逗号分割
$scopes = explode(',', $scope);
$options = array();
foreach ($scopes as $name) {
if (!isset($this->_scope[$name])) continue;
$options = array_merge($options, $this->_scope[$name]);
if (!empty($args) && is_array($args)) {
$options = array_merge($options, $args);
} elseif (is_array($scope)) { // 直接传入命名范围定义
$options = $scope;
} else {
$options = null;
if (is_array($options) && !empty($options)) {
$this->options = array_merge($this->options, array_change_key_case($options));
return $this;
* 指定查询条件 支持安全过滤
* @access public
* @param mixed $where 条件表达式
* @param mixed $parse 预处理参数
* @return Model
public function where($where, $parse = null)
if (!is_null($parse) && is_string($where)) {
if (!is_array($parse)) {
$parse = func_get_args();
$parse = array_map(array($this->db, 'escapeString'), $parse);
$where = vsprintf($where, $parse);
} elseif (is_object($where)) {
$where = get_object_vars($where);
if (is_string($where) && '' != $where) {
$map = array();
$map['_string'] = $where;
$where = $map;
if (isset($this->options['where'])) {
$this->options['where'] = array_merge($this->options['where'], $where);
} else {
$this->options['where'] = $where;
return $this;
* 指定查询数量
* @access public
* @param mixed $offset 起始位置
* @param mixed $length 查询数量
* @return Model
public function limit($offset, $length = null)
$this->options['limit'] = is_null($length) ? $offset : $offset . ',' . $length;
return $this;
* 指定分页
* @access public
* @param mixed $page 页数
* @param mixed $listRows 每页数量
* @return Model
public function page($page, $listRows = null)
$this->options['page'] = is_null($listRows) ? $page : $page . ',' . $listRows;
return $this;
* 查询注释
* @access public
* @param string $comment 注释
* @return Model
public function comment($comment)
$this->options['comment'] = $comment;
return $this;
* 设置模型的属性值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @param mixed $value 值
* @return Model
public function setProperty($name, $value)
if (property_exists($this, $name))
$this->$name = $value;
return $this;
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。