from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
# from scipy.misc import imread, imresize, imsave, fromimage, toimage
from utils import imread, imresize, imsave, fromimage, toimage
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
import numpy as np
import time
import argparse
import warnings
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Convolution2D, AveragePooling2D, MaxPooling2D
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.utils import get_file
from tensorflow.keras.utils import convert_all_kernels_in_model
from tf_bfgs import LBFGSOptimizer
Neural Style Transfer with Keras 2.0.5
Based on:
Contains few improvements suggested in the paper Improving the Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
THEANO_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP = 'https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/releases/download/v0.1/vgg16_weights_th_dim_ordering_th_kernels_notop.h5'
TF_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP = 'https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/releases/download/v0.1/vgg16_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5'
TH_19_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP = 'https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/releases/download/v0.1/vgg19_weights_th_dim_ordering_th_kernels_notop.h5'
TF_19_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP = 'https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/releases/download/v0.1/vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Neural style transfer with Keras.')
parser.add_argument('base_image_path', metavar='base', type=str,
help='Path to the image to transform.')
parser.add_argument('syle_image_paths', metavar='ref', nargs='+', type=str,
help='Path to the style reference image.')
parser.add_argument('result_prefix', metavar='res_prefix', type=str,
help='Prefix for the saved results.')
parser.add_argument("--style_masks", type=str, default=None, nargs='+',
help='Masks for style images')
parser.add_argument("--content_mask", type=str, default=None,
help='Masks for the content image')
parser.add_argument("--color_mask", type=str, default=None,
help='Mask for color preservation')
parser.add_argument("--image_size", dest="img_size", default=400, type=int,
help='Minimum image size')
parser.add_argument("--content_weight", dest="content_weight", default=0.025, type=float,
help="Weight of content")
parser.add_argument("--style_weight", dest="style_weight", nargs='+', default=[1], type=float,
help="Weight of style, can be multiple for multiple styles")
parser.add_argument("--style_scale", dest="style_scale", default=1.0, type=float,
help="Scale the weighing of the style")
parser.add_argument("--total_variation_weight", dest="tv_weight", default=8.5e-5, type=float,
help="Total Variation weight")
parser.add_argument("--num_iter", dest="num_iter", default=10, type=int,
help="Number of iterations")
parser.add_argument("--model", default="vgg16", type=str,
help="Choices are 'vgg16' and 'vgg19'")
parser.add_argument("--content_loss_type", default=0, type=int,
help='Can be one of 0, 1 or 2. Readme contains the required information of each mode.')
parser.add_argument("--rescale_image", dest="rescale_image", default="False", type=str,
help="Rescale image after execution to original dimentions")
parser.add_argument("--rescale_method", dest="rescale_method", default="bilinear", type=str,
help="Rescale image algorithm")
parser.add_argument("--maintain_aspect_ratio", dest="maintain_aspect_ratio", default="True", type=str,
help="Maintain aspect ratio of loaded images")
parser.add_argument("--content_layer", dest="content_layer", default="conv5_2", type=str,
help="Content layer used for content loss.")
parser.add_argument("--init_image", dest="init_image", default="content", type=str,
help="Initial image used to generate the final image. Options are 'content', 'noise', or 'gray'")
parser.add_argument("--pool_type", dest="pool", default="max", type=str,
help='Pooling type. Can be "ave" for average pooling or "max" for max pooling')
parser.add_argument('--preserve_color', dest='color', default="False", type=str,
help='Preserve original color in image')
parser.add_argument('--min_improvement', default=0.0, type=float,
help='Defines minimum improvement required to continue script')
def str_to_bool(v):
return v.lower() in ("true", "yes", "t", "1")
''' Arguments '''
args = parser.parse_args()
base_image_path = args.base_image_path
style_reference_image_paths = args.syle_image_paths
result_prefix = args.result_prefix
style_image_paths = []
for style_image_path in style_reference_image_paths:
style_masks_present = args.style_masks is not None
mask_paths = []
if style_masks_present:
for mask_path in args.style_masks:
if style_masks_present:
assert len(style_image_paths) == len(mask_paths), "Wrong number of style masks provided.\n" \
"Number of style images = %d, \n" \
"Number of style mask paths = %d." % \
(len(style_image_paths), len(style_masks_present))
content_mask_present = args.content_mask is not None
content_mask_path = args.content_mask
color_mask_present = args.color_mask is not None
rescale_image = str_to_bool(args.rescale_image)
maintain_aspect_ratio = str_to_bool(args.maintain_aspect_ratio)
preserve_color = str_to_bool(args.color)
# these are the weights of the different loss components
content_weight = args.content_weight
total_variation_weight = args.tv_weight
style_weights = []
if len(style_image_paths) != len(args.style_weight):
print("Mismatch in number of style images provided and number of style weights provided. \n"
"Found %d style images and %d style weights. \n"
"Equally distributing weights to all other styles." % (len(style_image_paths), len(args.style_weight)))
weight_sum = sum(args.style_weight) * args.style_scale
count = len(style_image_paths)
for i in range(len(style_image_paths)):
style_weights.append(weight_sum / count)
for style_weight in args.style_weight:
style_weights.append(style_weight * args.style_scale)
# Decide pooling function
pooltype = str(args.pool).lower()
assert pooltype in ["ave", "max"], 'Pooling argument is wrong. Needs to be either "ave" or "max".'
pooltype = 1 if pooltype == "ave" else 0
read_mode = "gray" if args.init_image == "gray" else "color"
# dimensions of the generated picture.
img_width = img_height = 0
img_WIDTH = img_HEIGHT = 0
aspect_ratio = 0
assert args.content_loss_type in [0, 1, 2], "Content Loss Type must be one of 0, 1 or 2"
# util function to open, resize and format pictures into appropriate tensors
def preprocess_image(image_path, load_dims=False, read_mode="color"):
global img_width, img_height, img_WIDTH, img_HEIGHT, aspect_ratio
mode = "RGB" if read_mode == "color" else "L"
channels = 3 if mode == 'RGB' else 1
img = tf.io.read_file(image_path) # Prevents crashes due to PNG images (ARGB)
img = tf.image.decode_image(img, channels)
img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
img *= 255.
shape = tf.cast(tf.shape(img)[:-1], tf.float32)
if mode == "L":
# Expand the 1 channel grayscale to 3 channel grayscale image
temp = np.zeros(img.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8)
temp[:, :, 0] = img
temp[:, :, 1] = img.copy()
temp[:, :, 2] = img.copy()
img = temp
if load_dims:
img_WIDTH = img.shape[0]
img_HEIGHT = img.shape[1]
aspect_ratio = float(img_HEIGHT) / img_WIDTH
img_width = args.img_size
if maintain_aspect_ratio:
img_height = int(img_width * aspect_ratio)
img_height = args.img_size
new_shape = tf.cast(tf.convert_to_tensor([img_width, img_height]), tf.int32)
img = tf.image.resize(img, new_shape)
img = img.numpy()
# RGB -> BGR
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
img[:, :, 0] -= 103.939
img[:, :, 1] -= 116.779
img[:, :, 2] -= 123.68
img = tf.convert_to_tensor(img, dtype=tf.float32)
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
img = tf.cast(tf.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1)), tf.float32)
img = tf.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
return img
# util function to convert a tensor into a valid image
def deprocess_image(x):
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
x = x.reshape((3, img_width, img_height))
x = x.transpose((1, 2, 0))
x = x.reshape((img_width, img_height, 3))
x[:, :, 0] += 103.939
x[:, :, 1] += 116.779
x[:, :, 2] += 123.68
# BGR -> RGB
x = x[:, :, ::-1]
x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
return x
# util function to preserve image color
def original_color_transform(content, generated, mask=None):
generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='RGB'), mode='YCbCr') # Convert to YCbCr color space
if mask is None:
generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :, 1:] # Generated CbCr = Content CbCr
width, height, channels = generated.shape
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
if mask[i, j] == 1:
generated[i, j, 1:] = content[i, j, 1:]
generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='YCbCr'), mode='RGB') # Convert to RGB color space
return generated
def load_mask(mask_path, shape, return_mask_img=False):
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
_, channels, width, height = shape
_, width, height, channels = shape
mask = imread(mask_path, mode="L") # Grayscale mask load
mask = imresize(mask, (width, height)).astype('float32')
# Perform binarization of mask
mask[mask <= 127] = 0
mask[mask > 128] = 255
max = np.amax(mask)
mask /= max
if return_mask_img: return mask
mask_shape = shape[1:]
mask_tensor = np.empty(mask_shape)
for i in range(channels):
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
mask_tensor[i, :, :] = mask
mask_tensor[:, :, i] = mask
return mask_tensor
def pooling_func(x):
if pooltype == 1:
return AveragePooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(x)
return MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(x)
# get tensor representations of our images
base_image = K.variable(preprocess_image(base_image_path, True, read_mode=read_mode))
style_reference_images = []
for style_path in style_image_paths:
# this will contain our generated image
# if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
# combination_image = K.placeholder((1, 3, img_width, img_height))
# else:
# combination_image = K.placeholder((1, img_width, img_height, 3))
# image_tensors = [base_image]
# for style_image_tensor in style_reference_images:
# image_tensors.append(style_image_tensor)
# image_tensors.append(combination_image)
# nb_tensors = len(image_tensors)
# nb_style_images = nb_tensors - 2 # Content and Output image not considered
# combine the various images into a single Keras tensor
# input_tensor = K.concatenate(image_tensors, axis=0)
nb_tensors = 1
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
shape = (nb_tensors, 3, img_width, img_height)
shape = (nb_tensors, img_width, img_height, 3)
ip = Input(batch_shape=shape)
# build the VGG16 network with our 3 images as input
x = Convolution2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv1_1', padding='same')(ip)
x = Convolution2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv1_2', padding='same')(x)
x = pooling_func(x)
x = Convolution2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv2_1', padding='same')(x)
x = Convolution2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv2_2', padding='same')(x)
x = pooling_func(x)
x = Convolution2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv3_1', padding='same')(x)
x = Convolution2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv3_2', padding='same')(x)
x = Convolution2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv3_3', padding='same')(x)
if args.model == "vgg19":
x = Convolution2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv3_4', padding='same')(x)
x = pooling_func(x)
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv4_1', padding='same')(x)
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv4_2', padding='same')(x)
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv4_3', padding='same')(x)
if args.model == "vgg19":
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv4_4', padding='same')(x)
x = pooling_func(x)
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv5_1', padding='same')(x)
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv5_2', padding='same')(x)
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv5_3', padding='same')(x)
if args.model == "vgg19":
x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='conv5_4', padding='same')(x)
x = pooling_func(x)
model = Model(ip, x)
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
if args.model == "vgg19":
weights = get_file('vgg19_weights_th_dim_ordering_th_kernels_notop.h5', TH_19_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP, cache_subdir='models')
weights = get_file('vgg16_weights_th_dim_ordering_th_kernels_notop.h5', THEANO_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP, cache_subdir='models')
if args.model == "vgg19":
weights = get_file('vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5', TF_19_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP, cache_subdir='models')
weights = get_file('vgg16_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5', TF_WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP, cache_subdir='models')
if K.backend() == 'tensorflow' and K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
warnings.warn('You are using the TensorFlow backend, yet you '
'are using the Theano '
'image dimension ordering convention '
'(`image_dim_ordering="th"`). '
'For best performance, set '
'`image_dim_ordering="tf"` in '
'your Keras config '
'at ~/.keras/keras.json.')
print('Model loaded.')
# compute the neural style loss
# first we need to define 4 util functions
# def clip_0_1(image):
# return tf.clip_by_value(image, clip_value_min=0.0, clip_value_max=1.0)
# Improvement 1
# the gram matrix of an image tensor (feature-wise outer product) using shifted activations
def gram_matrix(x):
result = tf.linalg.einsum('bijc,bijd->bcd', x, x)
# input_shape = tf.shape(x)
# num_locations = tf.cast(input_shape[1] * input_shape[2], tf.float32)
# gram = result / (num_locations)
gram = result
return gram
class StyleContentModel(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, model: tf.keras.Model, style_layers, content_layers, style_mask_path=None, content_mask_path=None):
super(StyleContentModel, self).__init__()
# get the symbolic outputs of each "key" layer (we gave them unique names).
outputs_dict = dict([(layer.name, layer.output) for layer in model.layers])
self.shape_dict = dict([(layer.name, layer.output_shape) for layer in model.layers])
style_activations = [outputs_dict[layer_name] for layer_name in style_layers]
content_activations = [outputs_dict[layer_name] for layer_name in content_layers]
activations = style_activations + content_activations
self.vgg = tf.keras.Model(model.input, activations)
self.style_layer_names = style_layers
self.content_layer_names = content_layers
self.num_style_layers = len(style_layers)
self.num_content_layers = len(content_layers)
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None):
outputs = self.vgg(inputs)
style_outputs, content_outputs = (outputs[:self.num_style_layers],
style_outputs = [gram_matrix(style_output)
for style_output in style_outputs]
content_dict = {content_name: value
for content_name, value
in zip(self.content_layer_names, content_outputs)}
style_dict = {style_name: value
for style_name, value
in zip(self.style_layer_names, style_outputs)}
return {'content': content_dict, 'style': style_dict}
# the "style loss" is designed to maintain
# the style of the reference image in the generated image.
# It is based on the gram matrices (which capture style) of
# feature maps from the style reference image
# and from the generated image
def style_loss(style, combination, mask_path=None, nb_channels=None):
assert K.ndim(style) == 3
assert K.ndim(combination) == 3
if content_mask_path is not None:
content_mask = K.variable(load_mask(content_mask_path, nb_channels))
combination = combination * K.stop_gradient(content_mask)
del content_mask
if mask_path is not None:
style_mask = K.variable(load_mask(mask_path, nb_channels))
style = style * K.stop_gradient(style_mask)
if content_mask_path is None:
combination = combination * K.stop_gradient(style_mask)
del style_mask
channels = 3
size = img_width * img_height
return K.sum(K.square(style - combination)) / (4. * (channels ** 2) * (size ** 2))
# an auxiliary loss function
# designed to maintain the "content" of the
# base image in the generated image
def content_loss(base, combination):
channel_dim = 0 if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first" else -1
channels = K.int_shape(base)[channel_dim]
except TypeError:
channels = K.shape(base)[channel_dim]
size = img_width * img_height
if args.content_loss_type == 1:
multiplier = 1. / (2. * (channels ** 0.5) * (size ** 0.5))
elif args.content_loss_type == 2:
multiplier = 1. / (channels * size)
multiplier = 1.
return multiplier * K.sum(K.square(combination - base))
# the 3rd loss function, total variation loss,
# designed to keep the generated image locally coherent
def total_variation_loss(x):
assert K.ndim(x) == 4
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
a = K.square(x[:, :, :img_width - 1, :img_height - 1] - x[:, :, 1:, :img_height - 1])
b = K.square(x[:, :, :img_width - 1, :img_height - 1] - x[:, :, :img_width - 1, 1:])
a = K.square(x[:, :img_width - 1, :img_height - 1, :] - x[:, 1:, :img_height - 1, :])
b = K.square(x[:, :img_width - 1, :img_height - 1, :] - x[:, :img_width - 1, 1:, :])
return K.sum(K.pow(a + b, 1.25))
if args.model == "vgg19":
feature_layers = ['conv1_1', 'conv1_2', 'conv2_1', 'conv2_2', 'conv3_1', 'conv3_2', 'conv3_3', 'conv3_4',
'conv4_1', 'conv4_2', 'conv4_3', 'conv4_4', 'conv5_1', 'conv5_2', 'conv5_3', 'conv5_4']
feature_layers = ['conv1_1', 'conv1_2', 'conv2_1', 'conv2_2', 'conv3_1', 'conv3_2', 'conv3_3',
'conv4_1', 'conv4_2', 'conv4_3', 'conv5_1', 'conv5_2', 'conv5_3']
extractor = StyleContentModel(model, style_layers=feature_layers, content_layers=[args.content_layer],
style_mask_path=None, content_mask_path=None)
content_targets = extractor(base_image)['content']
style_targets_list = []
for reference_style in style_reference_images:
style_targets = extractor(reference_style)['style']
optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.02, beta_1=0.99, epsilon=1e-1)
nb_layers = len(feature_layers) - 1
def compute_loss(input, outputs, shape_dict):
style_combined_outputs = outputs['style']
content_combined_outputs = outputs['content']
# Content losses
content_losses = content_weight * tf.add_n([content_loss(content_targets[name], content_combined_outputs[name])
for name in content_combined_outputs.keys()])
num_style_references = len(style_reference_images)
num_style_layers = len(feature_layers)
if style_masks_present:
style_masks = mask_paths # If mask present, pass dictionary of masks to style loss
style_masks = [None for _ in range(num_style_references)] # If masks not present, pass None to the style loss
# Style losses
style_losses = []
for style_img_id in range(num_style_references):
style_features = style_targets_list[style_img_id]
style_mask = style_masks[style_img_id]
sl_i = 0.
for feature_layer_id in range(num_style_layers - 1):
target_feature_layer = style_features[feature_layers[feature_layer_id]]
style_output = style_combined_outputs[feature_layers[feature_layer_id]]
shape = shape_dict[feature_layers[feature_layer_id]]
sl1 = style_loss(target_feature_layer, style_output, style_mask, shape)
target_feature_layer = style_features[feature_layers[feature_layer_id + 1]]
style_output = style_combined_outputs[feature_layers[feature_layer_id + 1]]
shape = shape_dict[feature_layers[feature_layer_id + 1]]
sl2 = style_loss(target_feature_layer, style_output, style_mask, shape)
sl_i = sl_i + (sl1 - sl2) * (style_weights[style_img_id] / (2 ** (nb_layers - (feature_layer_id + 1))))
style_losses = tf.add_n(style_losses)
# Total Variation Losses
tv_losses = total_variation_weight * total_variation_loss(input)
return content_losses, style_losses, tv_losses
def train_step(image):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
outputs = extractor(image)
content_losses, style_losses, tv_losses = compute_loss(image, outputs, shape_dict=extractor.shape_dict)
loss = content_losses + style_losses + tv_losses
grad = tape.gradient(loss, image)
optimizer.apply_gradients([(grad, image)])
# tf.print("C Loss ", content_losses, "| S Loss : ", style_losses, "| TV Loss : ", tv_losses)
return loss
if "content" in args.init_image or "gray" in args.init_image:
x = preprocess_image(base_image_path, True, read_mode=read_mode)
elif "noise" in args.init_image:
x = np.random.uniform(0, 255, (1, img_width, img_height, 3)) - 128.
x = x.astype('float32')
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
x = x.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))
print("Using initial image : ", args.init_image)
x = preprocess_image(args.init_image, read_mode=read_mode)
# Make input trainable
x = tf.Variable(x)
# We require original image if we are to preserve color in YCbCr mode
if preserve_color:
content = imread(base_image_path, mode="YCbCr")
content = imresize(content, (img_width, img_height))
if color_mask_present:
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
color_mask_shape = (None, None, img_width, img_height)
color_mask_shape = (None, img_width, img_height, None)
color_mask = load_mask(args.color_mask, color_mask_shape, return_mask_img=True)
color_mask = None
color_mask = None
num_iter = args.num_iter
steps_per_epoch = 100
prev_min_val = -1
improvement_threshold = float(args.min_improvement)
step_count = 0
total_steps = num_iter * steps_per_epoch
for i in range(num_iter):
print("Starting iteration %d of %d (step %d / %d)" % ((i + 1), num_iter, step_count, total_steps))
start_time = time.time()
for step in range(steps_per_epoch):
step_count += 1
loss_val = train_step(x)
if (step_count) % 500 == 0:
print(f"Loss at step {step_count}: {loss_val.numpy():0.6f}")
# x, min_val, info = fmin_l_bfgs_b(evaluator.loss, x.flatten(), fprime=evaluator.grads, maxfun=20)
loss_val = loss_val.numpy()
if prev_min_val == -1:
prev_min_val = loss_val
improvement = (prev_min_val - loss_val) / prev_min_val * 100
print("Current loss value:", loss_val, " Improvement : %0.3f" % improvement, "%")
prev_min_val = loss_val
# save current generated image
img = deprocess_image(x.numpy())
if preserve_color and content is not None:
img = original_color_transform(content, img, mask=color_mask)
if not rescale_image:
img_ht = int(img_width * aspect_ratio)
print("Rescaling Image to (%d, %d)" % (img_width, img_ht))
img = imresize(img, (img_width, img_ht), interp=args.rescale_method)
if rescale_image:
print("Rescaling Image to (%d, %d)" % (img_WIDTH, img_HEIGHT))
img = imresize(img, (img_WIDTH, img_HEIGHT), interp=args.rescale_method)
fname = result_prefix + "_at_iteration_%d.png" % (i + 1)
imsave(fname, img)
end_time = time.time()
print("Image saved as", fname)
print("Iteration %d completed in %ds" % (i + 1, end_time - start_time))
if improvement_threshold is not 0.0:
if improvement < improvement_threshold and improvement is not 0.0:
print("Improvement (%f) is less than improvement threshold (%f). Early stopping script." %
(improvement, improvement_threshold))
python inetwork_tf.py "C:\\Users\\somsh\\OneDrive\\Pictures\\Album Art\\Ryogi-Shiki-small2.jpg" "C:\\Users\\somsh\\OneDrive\\Pictures\\
Art\\Blue Butterfly.jpg" "C:\\Users\\somsh\\Desktop\\Neural Art\\Ryogi" --image_size 400 --content_weight 0.025 --style_weight 1.0 --total_variation_weight 8.5E-05 --style_scale 1 --num_iter
10 --rescale_image "False" --rescale_method "bicubic" --maintain_aspect_ratio "True" --content_layer "conv5_2" --init_image "content" --pool_type "max" --preserve_color "False" --min_
improvement 0 --model "vgg16" --content_loss_type 0
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