This demos for Microchip device like PIC24, dsPIC33E, dsPIC33F , dsPIC33C and PIC32MM. MPLAB X and MPLAB XC16 are the preferred IDE and compiler respectively with which to build the FreeRTOS demos.
This is essentially a FreeRTOS/dsPIC33E play ground. Originaly Sourced from Microchip at:
To provide a relatively easy-to-use bootloader that is compatible with most PIC24 and DSPIC33 series processors.
There will be some bootloader example projects for dsPIC33 series MCU.
RT-Thread是一个来自中国的开源物联网操作系统,它提供了非常强的可伸缩能力:从一个可以运行在ARM Cortex-M0芯片上的极小内核,到中等的ARM Cortex-M3/4/7系统,甚至是多核,64位的ARM Cortex-A,MIPS32/64处理器的功能丰富系统
software timers extend module for embedded