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config.ini 6.20 KB
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name = d2l-zh
title = 动手学深度学习
author = Aston Zhang, Zachary C. Lipton, Mu Li, and Alexander J. Smola
copyright = 2021, All authors. Licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0 and MIT-0.
release = 2.0.0-alpha0
lang = zh
origin_repo = d2l-ai/d2l-en
origin_lang = en
translator = aws
# A list of wildcards to indicate the markdown files that need to be evaluated as
# Jupyter notebooks.
notebooks = *.md */*.md
# A list of files that will be copied to the build folder.
resources = img/ d2lzh/ d2l.bib setup.py
# Files that will be skipped.
exclusions = */*_origin.md README.md STYLE_GUIDE.md INFO.md CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md CONTRIBUTING.md contrib/*md
# If True (default), then will evaluate the notebook to obtain outputs.
eval_notebook = True
tabs = mxnet, pytorch, tensorflow
sphinx_configs = numfig_format = {'figure': '图%%s', 'table': '表%%s', 'code-block': '列表%%s', 'section': '%%s节'}
latex_elements = {
'utf8extra' : '',
'inputenc' : '',
'babel' : r'''\usepackage[english]{babel}''',
'preamble' : r'''
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\fvset{breaklines=true, breakanywhere=true}
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# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
'pointsize': '10pt',
# Latex figure (float) alignment
'figure_align': 'H',
'fncychap': '\\usepackage[Sonny]{fncychap}',
# A list of links that is displayed on the navbar. A link consists of three
# items: name, URL, and a fontawesome icon
# (https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery). Items are separated by commas.
# PDF, http://numpy.d2l.ai/d2l-en.pdf, fas fa-file-pdf,
header_links = 伯克利深度学习课程, https://courses.d2l.ai, fas fa-user-graduate,
PDF, https://zh-v2.d2l.ai/d2l-zh.pdf, fas fa-file-pdf,
Jupyter 记事本文件, https://zh-v2.d2l.ai/d2l-zh.zip, fas fa-download,
讨论, https://discuss.d2l.ai/c/16, fab fa-discourse,
GitHub, https://github.com/d2l-ai/d2l-zh, fab fa-github,
English, https://d2l.ai, fas fa-external-link-alt
favicon = static/favicon.png
html_logo = static/logo-with-text.png
# The file used to post-process the generated tex file.
post_latex = ./static/post_latex/main.py
latex_logo = static/logo.png
version_file = d2l/__init__.py
lib_file = d2l/mxnet.py
lib_name = np
# Map from d2l.xx to np.xx
simple_alias = ones, zeros, arange, meshgrid, sin, sinh, cos, cosh, tanh,
linspace, exp, log, tensor -> array, normal -> random.normal,
rand -> random.rand, matmul -> dot, int32, float32,
concat -> concatenate, stack, abs, eye
# Map from d2l.xx(a, *args, **kwargs) to a.xx(*args, **kwargs)
fluent_alias = numpy -> asnumpy, reshape, to -> as_in_context, reduce_sum -> sum,
argmax, astype
alias =
size = lambda a: a.size
transpose = lambda a: a.T
reverse_alias =
d2l.size\(([\w\_\d]+)\) -> \1.size
d2l.transpose\(([\w\_\d]+)\) -> \1.T
lib_file = d2l/torch.py
lib_name = torch
simple_alias = ones, zeros, tensor, arange, meshgrid, sin, sinh, cos, cosh,
tanh, linspace, exp, log, normal, rand, matmul, int32, float32,
concat -> cat, stack, abs, eye
fluent_alias = numpy -> detach().numpy, size -> numel, reshape, to,
reduce_sum -> sum, argmax, astype -> type, transpose -> t
alias =
reverse_alias =
lib_file = d2l/tensorflow.py
lib_name = tf
simple_alias = reshape, ones, zeros, meshgrid, sin, sinh, cos, cosh, tanh,
linspace, exp, normal -> random.normal, rand -> random.uniform,
matmul, reduce_sum, argmax, tensor -> constant,
arange -> range, astype -> cast, int32, float32, transpose,
concat, stack, abs, eye
fluent_alias = numpy,
alias =
size = lambda a: tf.size(a).numpy()
reverse_alias =
d2l.size\(([\w\_\d]+)\) -> tf.size(\1).numpy()
google_analytics_tracking_id = UA-96378503-2
github_repo = mxnet, d2l-ai/d2l-zh-colab
pytorch, d2l-ai/d2l-zh-pytorch-colab
tensorflow, d2l-ai/d2l-zh-tensorflow-colab
replace_svg_url = img, http://d2l.ai/_images
libs = mxnet, mxnet, -U mxnet-cu101==1.7.0
mxnet, d2l, git+https://github.com/d2l-ai/d2l-zh@release # installing d2l
pytorch, d2l, git+https://github.com/d2l-ai/d2l-zh@release # installing d2l
tensorflow, d2l, git+https://github.com/d2l-ai/d2l-zh@release # installing d2l
github_repo = mxnet, d2l-ai/d2l-zh-sagemaker
pytorch, d2l-ai/d2l-zh-pytorch-sagemaker
tensorflow, d2l-ai/d2l-zh-tensorflow-sagemaker
kernel = mxnet, conda_mxnet_p36
pytorch, conda_pytorch_p36
tensorflow, conda_tensorflow_p36
libs = mxnet, mxnet, -U mxnet-cu101==1.7.0
mxnet, d2l, .. # installing d2l
pytorch, d2l, .. # installing d2l
tensorflow, d2l, .. # installing d2l
top_right = <img height=80px src='http://d2l.ai/_static/logo-with-text.png'/>
github_repo = pytorch, d2l-ai/d2l-zh-pytorch-slides
马建仓 AI 助手
