学之思开源考试系统是一款 java + vue 的前后端分离的考试系统。主要优点是开发、部署简单快捷、界面设计友好、代码结构清晰。支持web端和微信小程序,能覆盖到pc机和手机等设备。 支持多种部署方式:集成部署、前后端分离部署、docker部署
最近更新: 13小时前Kiran side main panel which include start menu, taskbar, system tray and calendar plugins.
最近更新: 15天前A security product that provides features such as baseline hardening, trusted protection, file protection, private boxes and device management.
最近更新: 7个月前All dependent packages required to manage Kiran desktop environment
最近更新: 12个月前