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ins_gnss.m 14.14 KB
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rodralez 提交于 2019-04-19 11:39 . 2019-04-19
function [nav_e] = ins_gnss(imu, gnss, att_mode)
% ins_gnss: loosely-coupled integrated navigation system.
% ins_gnss integrates IMU and GNSS measurements by using an Extended Kalman filter.
% imu: IMU data structure.
% t: Ix1 time vector (seconds).
% fb: Ix3 accelerations vector in body frame XYZ (m/s^2).
% wb: Ix3 turn rates vector in body frame XYZ (radians/s).
% arw: 1x3 angle random walks (rad/s/root-Hz).
% vrw: 1x3 angle velocity walks (m/s^2/root-Hz).
% gstd: 1x3 gyros standard deviations (radians/s).
% astd: 1x3 accrs standard deviations (m/s^2).
% gb_sta: 1x3 gyros static biases or turn-on biases (radians/s).
% ab_sta: 1x3 accrs static biases or turn-on biases (m/s^2).
% gb_dyn: 1x3 gyros dynamic biases or bias instabilities (radians/s).
% ab_dyn: 1x3 accrs dynamic biases or bias instabilities (m/s^2).
% gb_corr: 1x3 gyros correlation times (seconds).
% ab_corr: 1x3 accrs correlation times (seconds).
% gb_psd: 1x3 gyros dynamic biases PSD (rad/s/root-Hz).
% ab_psd: 1x3 accrs dynamic biases PSD (m/s^2/root-Hz);
% freq: 1x1 sampling frequency (Hz).
% ini_align: 1x3 initial attitude at t(1).
% ini_align_err: 1x3 initial attitude errors at t(1).
% gnss: GNSS data structure.
% t: Mx1 time vector (seconds).
% lat: Mx1 latitude (radians).
% lon: Mx1 longitude (radians).
% h: Mx1 altitude (m).
% vel: Mx3 NED velocities (m/s).
% std: 1x3 position standard deviations (rad, rad, m).
% stdm: 1x3 position standard deviations (m, m, m).
% stdv: 1x3 velocity standard deviations (m/s).
% larm: 3x1 lever arm from IMU to GNSS antenna (x-fwd, y-right, z-down) (m).
% freq: 1x1 sampling frequency (Hz).
% zupt_th: 1x1 ZUPT threshold (m/s).
% zupt_win: 1x1 ZUPT time window (seconds).
% eps: 1x1 time interval to compare IMU time vector to GNSS time vector (s).
% att_mode: attitude mode string.
% 'quaternion': attitude updated in quaternion format. Default value.
% 'dcm': attitude updated in Direct Cosine Matrix format.
% nav_e: INS/GNSS navigation estimates data structure.
% t: Ix1 INS time vector (seconds).
% tg: Mx1 GNSS time vector, when Kalman filter was executed (seconds).
% roll: Ix1 roll (radians).
% pitch: Ix1 pitch (radians).
% yaw: Ix1 yaw (radians).
% vel: Ix3 NED velocities (m/s).
% lat: Ix1 latitude (radians).
% lon: Ix1 longitude (radians).
% h: Ix1 altitude (m).
% xi: Mx15 Kalman filter a priori states.
% xp: Mx15 Kalman filter a posteriori states.
% z: Mx6 INS/GNSS measurements
% v: Mx6 Kalman filter innovations.
% b: Mx6 Kalman filter biases compensations, [gb_dyn ab_dyn].
% A: Mx225 Kalman filter transition-state matrices, one matrix per
% row ordered by columns.
% Pp: Mx225 Kalman filter a posteriori covariance matrices, one
% matrix per row ordered by columns.
% Pi: Mx225 Kalman filter a priori covariance matrices, one matrix
% per row ordered by columns.
% Copyright (C) 2014, Rodrigo Gonzalez, all rights reserved.
% This file is part of NaveGo, an open-source MATLAB toolbox for
% simulation of integrated navigation systems.
% NaveGo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
% version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
% License along with this program. If not, see
% <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% References:
% R. Gonzalez, J. Giribet, and H. Patiño. NaveGo: a
% simulation framework for low-cost integrated navigation systems,
% Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol. 17,
% issue 2, pp. 110-120, 2015. Alg. 2.
% ZUPT algothim based on Paul Groves, Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and
% Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems (2008). Chapter 13: INS
% Alignment and Zero Velocity Updates.
% ins_gps.m, ins_gnss function is based on that previous function.
% Version: 005
% Date: 2019/04/19
% Author: Rodrigo Gonzalez <rodralez@frm.utn.edu.ar>
% URL: https://github.com/rodralez/navego
if nargin < 3, att_mode = 'quaternion'; end
%% ZUPT detection algorithm
zupt = false;
% Constant matrices
I = eye(3);
O = zeros(3);
% Length of INS time vector
LI = length(imu.t);
% Length of GNSS time vector
LG = length(gnss.t);
% Attitude
roll_e = zeros (LI, 1);
pitch_e = zeros (LI, 1);
yaw_e = zeros (LI, 1);
% yawm_e = zeros (Mi, 1);
% Initialize estimates at INS time = 1
roll_e(1) = imu.ini_align(1);
pitch_e(1) = imu.ini_align(2);
yaw_e(1) = imu.ini_align(3);
% yawm_e(1) = imu.ini_align(3);
DCMnb = euler2dcm([roll_e(1); pitch_e(1); yaw_e(1);]);
DCMbn = DCMnb';
qua = euler2qua([roll_e(1) pitch_e(1) yaw_e(1)]);
% Velocities
vel_e = zeros (LI, 3);
% Initialize estimates at INS time = 1
vel_e(1,:) = gnss.vel(1,:);
% Positions
lat_e = zeros (LI,1);
lon_e = zeros (LI,1);
h_e = zeros (LI, 1);
% Initialize estimates at INS time = 1
h_e(1) = gnss.h(1);
lat_e(1) = gnss.lat(1);
lon_e(1) = gnss.lon(1);
% Biases
gb_dyn = imu.gb_dyn';
ab_dyn = imu.ab_dyn';
% Initialize Kalman filter matrices
% Prior estimates
kf.xi = [ zeros(1,9), imu.gb_dyn, imu.ab_dyn ]'; % Error vector state
kf.Pi = diag([imu.ini_align_err, gnss.stdv, gnss.std, imu.gb_dyn, imu.ab_dyn].^2);
kf.R = diag([gnss.stdv, gnss.stdm].^2);
kf.Q = diag([imu.arw, imu.vrw, imu.gb_psd, imu.ab_psd].^2);
fb_corrected = (imu.fb(1,:)' + ab_dyn );
fn = (DCMbn * fb_corrected);
% Vector to update matrix F
upd = [gnss.vel(1,:) gnss.lat(1) gnss.h(1) fn'];
% Update matrices F and G
[kf.F, kf.G] = F_update(upd, DCMbn, imu);
[RM,RN] = radius(gnss.lat(1));
Tpr = diag([(RM + gnss.h(1)), (RN + gnss.h(1)) * cos(gnss.lat(1)), -1]); % radians-to-meters
% Update matrix H
kf.H = [ O I O O O ;
O O Tpr O O ; ];
kf.R = diag([gnss.stdv gnss.stdm]).^2;
kf.z = [ gnss.stdv, gnss.stdm ]';
% Propagate prior estimates to get xp(1) and Pp(1)
kf = kf_update( kf );
% PENDING: UD filter matrices
% [Up, Dp] = myUD(S.P);
% dp = diag(Dp);
% DEC = 0.5 * 180/pi; % Magnetic declination (radians)
% Kalman filter matrices for later performance analysis
xi = zeros(LG, 15); % Evolution of Kalman filter a priori states, xi
xp = zeros(LG, 15); % Evolution of Kalman filter a posteriori states, xp
z = zeros(LG, 6); % INS/GNSS measurements
v = zeros(LG, 6); % Kalman filter innovations
b = zeros(LG, 6); % Biases compensantions after Kalman filter correction
A = zeros(LG, 225); % Transition-state matrices, A
Pi = zeros(LG, 225); % Priori covariance matrices, Pi
Pp = zeros(LG, 225); % Posteriori covariance matrices, Pp
K = zeros(LG, 90); % Kalman gain matrices, K
S = zeros(LG, 36); % Innovation matrices, S
% Initialize matrices for Kalman filter performance analysis
xp(1,:) = kf.xp';
Pp(1,:) = reshape(kf.Pp, 1, 225);
b(1,:) = [imu.gb_sta, imu.ab_sta];
% INS (IMU) time is the master clock
for i = 2:LI
% Print a dot on console every 10,000 INS executions
if (mod(i,10000) == 0), fprintf('. '); end
% Print a return on console every 200,000 INS executions
if (mod(i,200000) == 0), fprintf('\n'); end
% IMU sampling interval
dti = imu.t(i) - imu.t(i-1);
% Inertial sensors corrected with KF biases estimation
wb_corrected = (imu.wb(i,:)' + gb_dyn );
fb_corrected = (imu.fb(i,:)' + ab_dyn );
% Turn-rates update
omega_ie_n = earthrate(lat_e(i-1));
omega_en_n = transportrate(lat_e(i-1), vel_e(i-1,1), vel_e(i-1,2), h_e(i-1));
% Attitude update
[qua_n, DCMbn, euler] = att_update(wb_corrected, DCMbn, qua, ...
omega_ie_n, omega_en_n, dti, att_mode);
roll_e(i) = euler(1);
pitch_e(i)= euler(2);
yaw_e(i) = euler(3);
qua = qua_n;
% Gravity update
gn = gravity(lat_e(i-1), h_e(i-1));
% Velocity update
fn = (DCMbn * fb_corrected);
vel_n = vel_update(fn, vel_e(i-1,:), omega_ie_n, omega_en_n, gn', dti);
vel_e (i,:) = vel_n;
% Position update
pos = pos_update([lat_e(i-1) lon_e(i-1) h_e(i-1)], vel_e(i,:), dti);
lat_e(i) = pos(1);
lon_e(i) = pos(2);
h_e(i) = pos(3);
% PENDING. Magnetic heading update
% yawm_e(i) = hd_update (imu.mb(i,:), roll_e(i), pitch_e(i), D);
% ZUPT detection algorithm
idz = floor( gnss.zupt_win / dti ); % Index to set ZUPT window time
if ( i > idz )
vel_m = mean (vel_e(i-idz:i , :));
if (abs(vel_m) <= gnss.zupt_th)
% Alternative attitude ZUPT correction
% roll_e(i) = (roll_e(i-idz , :));
% pitch_e(i)= (pitch_e(i-idz , :));
% yaw_e(i) = (yaw_e(i-idz, :));
roll_e(i) = mean (roll_e(i-idz:i , :));
pitch_e(i)= mean (pitch_e(i-idz:i , :));
yaw_e(i) = mean (yaw_e(i-idz:i , :));
lat_e(i) = mean (lat_e(i-idz:i , :));
lon_e(i) = mean (lon_e(i-idz:i , :));
h_e(i) = mean (h_e(i-idz:i , :));
zupt = true;
% Check if there is new GNSS data to process at current INS time
gdx = find (gnss.t >= (imu.t(i) - gnss.eps) & gnss.t < (imu.t(i) + gnss.eps));
if ( ~isempty(gdx) && gdx > 1)
[RM,RN] = radius(lat_e(i));
Tpr = diag([(RM + h_e(i)), (RN + h_e(i)) * cos(lat_e(i)), -1]); % radians-to-meters
% Innovations for position with lever arm correction
zp = Tpr * ([lat_e(i); lon_e(i); h_e(i);] - [gnss.lat(gdx); gnss.lon(gdx); gnss.h(gdx);]) ...
+ (DCMbn * gnss.larm);
% Innovations for velocity with lever arm correction
zv = (vel_e(i,:) - gnss.vel(gdx,:) - ((omega_ie_n + omega_en_n) .* (DCMbn * gnss.larm))' ...
+ (DCMbn * skewm(wb_corrected) * gnss.larm )' )';
% GNSS sampling interval
dtg = gnss.t(gdx) - gnss.t(gdx-1);
% Vector to update matrix F
upd = [vel_e(i,:) lat_e(i) h_e(i) fn'];
% Update matrices F and G
[kf.F, kf.G] = F_update(upd, DCMbn, imu);
% Update matrix H
if(zupt == false)
kf.H = [ O I O O O ;
O O Tpr O O ; ];
kf.R = diag([gnss.stdv gnss.stdm]).^2;
kf.z = [ zv' zp' ]';
kf.H = [ O I O O O ; ];
kf.R = diag([gnss.stdv]).^2;
kf.z = zv;
% Execute the extended Kalman filter
kf.xp(1:9) = 0; % states 1:9 are forced to be zero (error-state approach)
kf = kalman(kf, dtg);
% Quaternion corrections
% Crassidis. Eq. 7.34 and A.174a.
antm = [0 qua_n(3) -qua_n(2); -qua_n(3) 0 qua_n(1); qua_n(2) -qua_n(1) 0];
qua = qua_n + 0.5 .* [qua_n(4)*eye(3) + antm; -1.*[qua_n(1) qua_n(2) qua_n(3)]] * kf.xp(1:3);
qua = qua / norm(qua); % Brute-force normalization
% DCM correction
DCMbn = qua2dcm(qua);
% Another possible attitude correction
% euler = qua2euler(qua);
% roll_e(i) = euler(1);
% pitch_e(i)= euler(2);
% yaw_e(i) = euler(3);
% E = skewm(S.xp(1:3));
% DCMbn = (eye(3) + E) * DCMbn_n;
% Attitude corrections
roll_e(i) = roll_e(i) - kf.xp(1);
pitch_e(i) = pitch_e(i) - kf.xp(2);
yaw_e(i) = yaw_e(i) - kf.xp(3);
% Velocity corrections
vel_e (i,1) = vel_e (i,1) - kf.xp(4);
vel_e (i,2) = vel_e (i,2) - kf.xp(5);
vel_e (i,3) = vel_e (i,3) - kf.xp(6);
% Position corrections
lat_e(i) = lat_e(i) - (kf.xp(7));
lon_e(i) = lon_e(i) - (kf.xp(8));
h_e(i) = h_e(i) - kf.xp(9);
% Biases corrections
gb_dyn = kf.xp(10:12);
ab_dyn = kf.xp(13:15);
% Matrices for later Kalman filter performance analysis
xi(gdx,:) = kf.xi';
xp(gdx,:) = kf.xp';
b(gdx,:) = [gb_dyn', ab_dyn'];
A(gdx,:) = reshape(kf.A, 1, 225);
Pi(gdx,:) = reshape(kf.Pi, 1, 225);
Pp(gdx,:) = reshape(kf.Pp, 1, 225);
if(zupt == false)
v(gdx,:) = kf.v';
K(gdx,:) = reshape(kf.K, 1, 90);
S(gdx,:) = reshape(kf.S, 1, 36);
zupt = false;
v(gdx,:) = [ kf.v' 0 0 0 ]';
K(gdx,1:45) = reshape(kf.K, 1, 45);
S(gdx,1:9) = reshape(kf.S, 1, 9);
%% Summary from INS/GNSS integration
nav_e.t = imu.t(1:i, :); % INS time vector
nav_e.tg = gnss.t; % GNSS time vector, which is the time vector when the Kalman filter was executed
nav_e.roll = roll_e(1:i, :); % Roll
nav_e.pitch = pitch_e(1:i, :); % Pitch
nav_e.yaw = yaw_e(1:i, :); % Yaw
% nav_e.yawm = yawm_e(1:i, :); % Magnetic heading
nav_e.vel = vel_e(1:i, :); % NED velocities
nav_e.lat = lat_e(1:i, :); % Latitude
nav_e.lon = lon_e(1:i, :); % Longitude
nav_e.h = h_e(1:i, :); % Altitude
nav_e.xi = xi; % A priori states
nav_e.xp = xp; % A posteriori states
nav_e.m = z; % INS/GNSS measurements
nav_e.v = v; % Kalman filter innovations
nav_e.b = b; % Biases compensations
nav_e.A = A; % Transition matrices
nav_e.Pi = Pi; % A priori covariance matrices
nav_e.Pp = Pp; % A posteriori covariance matrices
nav_e.K = K; % Kalman gain matrices
nav_e.S = S; % Innovation matrices
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