import collections
import json
import subprocess
from math import ceil
from subprocess import Popen
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
import numpy as np
Rational = collections.namedtuple('Rational', ['num', 'den'])
# for [1..255] return 256
# for 256 return 256
# for 0 return 0
def align16up(x: int) -> int:
return x + 15 & (-15 - 1)
def ffprobejson(path: str):
process: Popen = subprocess.Popen(
['ffprobe', '-hide_banner', '-i', path, '-show_streams', '-show_format', '-print_format', 'json'],
return process.communicate()[0]
def ffprobe(path: str):
return json.loads(ffprobejson(path))
def mediainfo(path: str):
process: Popen = subprocess.Popen(
['mediainfo', path],
bytes = process.communicate()[0]
lines = bytes.split(b'\n')
kv = [line.split(b':', maxsplit=1) for line in filter(lambda x: b':' in x, lines)]
d = {key.strip().decode(): value.strip().decode(errors='replace') for (key, value) in kv}
return d
def video_stream(ffp):
return next(filter(lambda x: x['codec_type'] == 'video', ffp['streams']))
def parse_rational(r: str) -> Rational:
(num, den) = r.replace(":", "/").split("/")
return Rational(int(num), int(den))
def fps(ffp) -> Rational:
name = ffp['format']['format_name']
vstream = video_stream(ffp)
fps: str = vstream['avg_frame_rate'] if name != "mxf" else vstream['r_frame_rate']
if fps is None:
return None
return parse_rational(fps)
def sar(ffp: Dict) -> Rational:
vstream = video_stream(ffp)
if vstream is None:
return None
sarstr = vstream.get('sample_aspect_ratio', '1/1')
sar = parse_rational(sarstr)
return sar
i_dont_care_seek_fast_please_i_know_what_i_am_doing = True
def ffmpeg_cmd(ffp, downscale: float = 2.0, startframe: int = 0, endframe_inclusive: int = -1, interlaced=False,
crop: str = None, forcesar: Rational = None, forcefps: float = None) -> List[str]:
vstream = video_stream(ffp)
bps = int(vstream.get('bits_per_raw_sample', '8'))
_sar = forcesar if forcesar is not None else sar(ffp)
if 'nb_frames' in vstream:
duration: int = int(vstream['nb_frames'])
duration: int = 10005000 # infinite
assert duration > 0, "video has zero frames"
if endframe_inclusive > -1:
endframe_inclusive = min(duration - 1, endframe_inclusive)
duration = min(duration, endframe_inclusive - startframe + 1)
ss = 0
if startframe > 0:
_fps = fps(ffp)
ss = startframe * _fps.den / _fps.num
pix_fmt = "bgr48le" if bps > 8 else "bgr24" # cv2.imread reads images in BGR order
width = int(vstream['width'])
height = int(vstream['height'])
if crop is not None:
w, h, x, y = crop.split(":")
width = int(w)
height = int(h)
# fix non-square pixel videos
if _sar.num != 0:
width = ceil(width * _sar.den / _sar.num)
width16 = align16up(width)
height16 = align16up(height)
if downscale != 1:
width16 = align16up(int(width / downscale))
height16 = align16up(int(height / downscale))
videopath = ffp['format']['filename']
cmd: List[str] = ['ffmpeg']
if vstream['codec_name'] == 'prores' or i_dont_care_seek_fast_please_i_know_what_i_am_doing:
# iframe-only codecs like prores can be quickly and precisely seeked
if ss > 0:
cmd.extend(['-ss', str(ss)])
cmd.extend(['-i', videopath])
cmd.extend(['-i', videopath])
if ss > 0:
cmd.extend(['-ss', str(ss)])
if forcefps is not None:
cmd.extend(['-r', str(forcefps)])
if endframe_inclusive > -1:
cmd.extend(['-vframes', str(duration)])
filters = [f"format={pix_fmt}"]
if interlaced:
filters += ["yadif"]
if crop is not None:
filters += [f"crop={crop}"]
if width != width16 or height != height16 or _sar != (1, 1):
filters += [f"scale={width16}:{height16}"]
if len(filters) != 0:
cmd += ["-vf", ",".join(filters)]
if width != width16 or height != height16 or _sar != (1, 1):
cmd.extend(['-sws_flags', 'lanczos'])
cmd.extend(['-pix_fmt', pix_fmt, '-an', '-sn', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-'])
return cmd
def videosize(ffp: Dict, adjust_for_sar=True) -> Tuple[int, int]:
vstream = video_stream(ffp)
if vstream is None:
return None
width = int(vstream['width'])
height = int(vstream['height'])
if adjust_for_sar:
sarstr = vstream.get('sample_aspect_ratio', '1/1')
sar = parse_rational(sarstr)
width = ceil(width * sar.den / sar.num)
return int(width), int(height)
# expects (n, h, w, c) image
def imgs2video(outpath: str, imgs: np.ndarray, fps: int = 12, crf: int = 21, in_pix_fmt: str = 'bgr24',
out_pix_fmt: str = 'yuv420p'):
assert len(imgs.shape) == 4, f"expected (N, h, w, c) images got {imgs.shape}"
n, h, w, c = imgs.shape
enc = VideoEncoder(outpath, in_w=w, in_h=h, fps=fps, crf=crf, in_pix_fmt=in_pix_fmt, out_pix_fmt=out_pix_fmt)
for img in imgs:
class VideoEncoder:
def __init__(self, outpath: str, in_w: int, in_h: int, fps: float = 24, crf: int = 21, in_pix_fmt: str = 'bgr24',
out_pix_fmt: str = 'yuv420p'):
self.in_h = in_h
self.in_w = in_w
self.cmd = ['ffmpeg',
'-v', 'info',
'-f', 'rawvideo',
'-pix_fmt', in_pix_fmt, "-s:v", "%dx%d" % (in_w, in_h),
'-r', str(fps),
'-i', '-',
'-vcodec', 'libx264', '-g', str(int(fps)), '-bf', '0', '-crf', str(crf), '-pix_fmt', out_pix_fmt,
'-movflags', 'faststart', '-y', outpath]
self.process = None
def forkffmpeg(self):
self.process = Popen(self.cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
def imwrite(self, img: np.ndarray):
if self.process is None:
h, w, c = img.shape
assert self.in_w == w and self.in_h == h
uimg = img
if img.dtype != np.uint8:
uimg = img.astype(np.uint8)
def close(self):
if self.process is not None:
class SimpleVideoLoader:
def __init__(self, videopath: str, downscale: float = 1.0, startframe: int = 0,
endframe_inclusive: int = -1,
crop: str = None,
forcesar: Rational = None,
forcefps: float = None):
assert startframe >= 0, "cant start with negative frame"
self.videopath = videopath
self.downscale = downscale
self.previdx = -1
self.process: Popen = None
self.bytes_per_sample: int = 1
self.nextfn = 0
ffp = ffprobe(videopath)
vstream = video_stream(ffp)
assert vstream is not None, "video stream not found in " + videopath
if 'nb_frames' in vstream:
self.duration = int(vstream['nb_frames'])
self.duration = 10005000 # infinite
assert self.duration > 0, "video has zero frames"
if endframe_inclusive < 0:
endframe_inclusive = self.duration - 1
self.duration = min(self.duration, endframe_inclusive - startframe + 1)
bps = int(vstream.get('bits_per_raw_sample', 8))
self.bytes_per_sample = 2 if bps > 8 else 1
self.max_val = 65535. if bps > 8 else 255.
self.want255 = 1. / 257. if bps > 8 else 1.
uint16le = np.dtype(np.uint16)
uint16le = uint16le.newbyteorder('L')
self.dtype = uint16le if bps > 8 else np.uint8
width = int(vstream['width'])
height = int(vstream['height'])
if crop is not None:
w, h, x, y = crop.split(":")
width = int(w)
height = int(h)
# fix non-square pixel videos
_sar = forcesar if forcesar is not None else sar(ffp)
if _sar.num != 0:
width = ceil(width * _sar.den / _sar.num)
self.width16 = align16up(int(width / downscale))
self.height16 = align16up(int(height / downscale))
minfo = mediainfo(videopath)
interlaced = minfo.get('Scan type', '') != 'Progressive'
interlaced = False
self.cmd = ffmpeg_cmd(ffp, downscale, startframe, endframe_inclusive, interlaced=interlaced, crop=crop,
forcesar=forcesar, forcefps=forcefps)
self.fn = 0
print(" ".join(self.cmd))
def _forkffmpeg(self):
self.process: Popen = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def _readnextframe(self) -> np.ndarray:
if self.nextfn >= self.duration:
# no more frames
raise StopIteration()
if self.process is None:
expected_len = self.width16 * self.height16 * 3 * self.bytes_per_sample
b = self.process.stdout.read(expected_len)
if len(b) == 0:
# end early
raise StopIteration()
assert len(b) == expected_len, f"expected {expected_len} got {len(b)}"
nb = np.frombuffer(b, dtype=np.dtype(self.dtype), count=self.width16 * self.height16 * 3).reshape(
(self.height16, self.width16, 3))
self.nextfn += 1
return nb * self.want255
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return self._readnextframe()
def __len__(self):
return self.duration
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