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Commitment.cpp 5.20 KB
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Ian Miers 提交于 2013-07-04 23:21 . libzerocoin initial commit
* @file Commitment.cpp
* @brief Commitment and CommitmentProof classes for the Zerocoin library.
* @author Ian Miers, Christina Garman and Matthew Green
* @date June 2013
* @copyright Copyright 2013 Ian Miers, Christina Garman and Matthew Green
* @license This project is released under the MIT license.
#include "Commitment.h"
#include "bitcoin_bignum/hash.h"
namespace libzerocoin {
//Commitment class
Commitment::Commitment::Commitment(const IntegerGroupParams* p,
const Bignum& value): params(p), contents(value) {
this->randomness = Bignum::randBignum(params->groupOrder);
this->commitmentValue = (params->g.pow_mod(this->contents, params->modulus) *
params->h.pow_mod(this->randomness, params->modulus)) % params->modulus;
const Bignum& Commitment::getCommitmentValue() const {
return this->commitmentValue;
const Bignum& Commitment::getRandomness() const {
return this->randomness;
const Bignum& Commitment::getContents() const {
return this->contents;
//CommitmentProofOfKnowledge class
CommitmentProofOfKnowledge::CommitmentProofOfKnowledge(const IntegerGroupParams* ap, const IntegerGroupParams* bp): ap(ap), bp(bp) {}
// TODO: get parameters from the commitment group
CommitmentProofOfKnowledge::CommitmentProofOfKnowledge(const IntegerGroupParams* aParams,
const IntegerGroupParams* bParams, const Commitment& a, const Commitment& b):
ap(aParams),bp(bParams) {
Bignum r1;
// First: make sure that the two commitments have the
// same contents.
if(a.getContents() != b.getContents()){
throw std::invalid_argument("Both commitments must contain the same value");
// In order to ensure statistical zero knowledge, we pick "r1" out of the
// largest possible range. In this case, the smaller of the two group orders.
if(this->ap->groupOrder < this->bp->groupOrder){
r1 = Bignum::randBignum(ap->groupOrder);
r1 = Bignum::randBignum(bp->groupOrder);
// Generate two random, ephemeral commitments "T1, T2" to "r1" under the two different
// sets of commitment parameters.
Commitment t1(aParams, r1);
Commitment t2(bParams, r1);
Bignum T1 = t1.getCommitmentValue();
Bignum T2 = t2.getCommitmentValue();
// Now hash commitment "A" with commitment "B" as well as the
// parameters and the two ephemeral commitments "T1, T2" we just generated
this->challenge = calculateChallenge(a.getCommitmentValue(), b.getCommitmentValue(), T1, T2);
// Let "m" be the contents of the commitments. We'll implicitly define
// A = g1^m * h1^x mod p1
// B = g2^m * h2^y mod p2
// T1 = g1^r1 * h1^r2 mod p1
// T2 = g2^r1 * h2^r3 mod p2
// Now compute:
// S1 = r1 + (m * challenge)
// S2 = r2 + (x * challenge)
// S3 = r3 + (y * challenge)
S1 = t1.getContents() + (a.getContents() * challenge);
S2 = t1.getRandomness() + (a.getRandomness() * challenge);
S3 = t2.getRandomness() + (b.getRandomness() * challenge);
// We're done. The proof is S1, S2, S3 and "challenge".
bool CommitmentProofOfKnowledge::Verify(const Bignum& A, const Bignum& B) const
// TODO: First verify that the values
// S1, S2 and S3 and "challenge" are in the correct ranges
if((this->challenge < Bignum(0)) || (this->challenge > (Bignum(2).pow(256) - Bignum(1)))){
return false;
// Compute T1 = g1^S1 * h1^S2 * inverse(A^{challenge}) mod p1
Bignum T1 = A.pow_mod(this->challenge, ap->modulus).inverse(ap->modulus).mul_mod(
(ap->g.pow_mod(S1, ap->modulus).mul_mod(ap->h.pow_mod(S2, ap->modulus), ap->modulus)),
// Compute T2 = g2^S1 * h2^S3 * inverse(B^{challenge}) mod p2
Bignum T2 = B.pow_mod(this->challenge, bp->modulus).inverse(bp->modulus).mul_mod(
(bp->g.pow_mod(S1, bp->modulus).mul_mod(bp->h.pow_mod(S3, bp->modulus), bp->modulus)),
// Hash T1 and T2 along with all of the public parameters
Bignum computedChallenge = calculateChallenge(A, B, T1, T2);
// Return success if the computed challenge matches the incoming challenge
if(computedChallenge == this->challenge){
return true;
// Otherwise return failure
return false;
const Bignum CommitmentProofOfKnowledge::calculateChallenge(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum &commitOne, const Bignum &commitTwo) const {
CHashWriter hasher(0,0);
hasher << commitOne;
hasher << std::string("||");
hasher << commitTwo;
hasher << std::string("||");
hasher << a;
hasher << std::string("||");
hasher << b;
hasher << std::string("||");
hasher << *(this->ap);
hasher << std::string("||");
hasher << *(this->bp);
return Bignum(hasher.GetHash());
} /* namespace libzerocoin */
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