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Frank Denis 提交于 2024-02-10 22:12 . Update to the current Fastly APIs
;;; Status codes returned from hostcalls.
(typename $fastly_status
(enum (@witx tag u32)
;;; Success value.
;;; This indicates that a hostcall finished successfully.
;;; Generic error value.
;;; This means that some unexpected error occurred during a hostcall.
;;; Invalid argument.
;;; Invalid handle.
;;; Returned when a request, response, or body handle is not valid.
;;; Buffer length error.
;;; Returned when a buffer is too long.
;;; Unsupported operation error.
;;; This error is returned when some operation cannot be performed, because it is not supported.
;;; Alignment error.
;;; This is returned when a pointer does not point to a properly aligned slice of memory.
;;; Invalid HTTP error.
;;; This can be returned when a method, URI, header, or status is not valid. This can also
;;; be returned if a message head is too large.
;;; HTTP user error.
;;; This is returned in cases where user code caused an HTTP error. For example, attempt to send
;;; a 1xx response code, or a request with a non-absolute URI. This can also be caused by
;;; an unexpected header: both `content-length` and `transfer-encoding`, for example.
;;; HTTP incomplete message error.
;;; This can be returned when a stream ended unexpectedly.
;;; A `None` error.
;;; This status code is used to indicate when an optional value did not exist, as opposed to
;;; an empty value.
;;; Message head too large.
;;; Invalid HTTP status.
;;; Limit exceeded
;;; This is returned when an attempt to allocate a resource has exceeded the maximum number of
;;; resources permitted. For example, creating too many response handles.
;;; Resource temporarily unavailable
;;; This is returned when an attempting to retrieve a resource that is not yet available.
;;; For example when attempting to read trailers from a Body that has not yet been consumed.
;;; A tag indicating HTTP protocol versions.
(typename $http_version
(enum (@witx tag u32)
;;; HTTP status codes.
(typename $http_status u16)
(typename $body_write_end
(enum (@witx tag u32)
;;; A handle to an HTTP request or response body.
(typename $body_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to an HTTP request.
(typename $request_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to an HTTP response.
(typename $response_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to a currently-pending asynchronous HTTP request.
(typename $pending_request_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to a logging endpoint.
(typename $endpoint_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to an Edge Dictionary.
(typename $dictionary_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to an Object Store.
(typename $object_store_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to a pending Object Store lookup.
(typename $pending_object_store_lookup_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to a pending Object Store insert.
(typename $pending_object_store_insert_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to a pending Object Store delete.
(typename $pending_object_store_delete_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to a Secret Store.
(typename $secret_store_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to an individual secret.
(typename $secret_handle (handle))
;;; A handle to an object supporting generic async operations.
;;; Can be either a `body_handle` or a `pending_request_handle`.
;;; Each async item has an associated I/O action:
;;; * Pending requests: awaiting the response headers / `Response` object
;;; * Normal bodies: reading bytes from the body
;;; * Streaming bodies: writing bytes to the body
;;; For writing bytes, note that there is a large host-side buffer that bytes can eagerly be written
;;; into, even before the origin itself consumes that data.
(typename $async_item_handle (handle))
;;; A "multi-value" cursor.
(typename $multi_value_cursor u32)
;;; -1 represents "finished", non-negative represents a $multi_value_cursor:
(typename $multi_value_cursor_result s64)
;;; An override for response caching behavior.
;;; A zero value indicates that the origin response's cache control headers should be used.
(typename $cache_override_tag
(flags (@witx repr u32)
;;; Do not cache the response to this request, regardless of the origin response's headers.
(typename $num_bytes (@witx usize))
(typename $header_count u32)
(typename $is_done u32)
(typename $done_idx u32)
(typename $is_valid u32)
(typename $inserted u32)
(typename $ready_idx u32)
(typename $port u16)
(typename $timeout_ms u32)
(typename $backend_exists u32)
(typename $is_dynamic u32)
(typename $is_ssl u32)
(typename $backend_health
(enum (@witx tag u32)
(typename $content_encodings
(flags (@witx repr u32)
(typename $framing_headers_mode
(enum (@witx tag u32)
(typename $http_keepalive_mode
(enum (@witx tag u32)
(typename $tls_version
(enum (@witx tag u32)
(typename $backend_config_options
(flags (@witx repr u32)
(typename $dynamic_backend_config
(field $host_override (@witx pointer (@witx char8)))
(field $host_override_len u32)
(field $connect_timeout_ms u32)
(field $first_byte_timeout_ms u32)
(field $between_bytes_timeout_ms u32)
(field $ssl_min_version $tls_version)
(field $ssl_max_version $tls_version)
(field $cert_hostname (@witx pointer (@witx char8)))
(field $cert_hostname_len u32)
(field $ca_cert (@witx pointer (@witx char8)))
(field $ca_cert_len u32)
(field $ciphers (@witx pointer (@witx char8)))
(field $ciphers_len u32)
(field $sni_hostname (@witx pointer (@witx char8)))
(field $sni_hostname_len u32)
(field $client_certificate (@witx pointer (@witx char8)))
(field $client_certificate_len u32)
(field $client_key $secret_handle)
;;; TLS client certificate verified result from downstream.
(typename $client_cert_verify_result
(enum (@witx tag u32)
;;; Success value.
;;; This indicates that client certificate verified successfully.
;;; bad certificate error.
;;; This error means the certificate is corrupt
;;; (e.g., the certificate signatures do not verify correctly).
;;; certificate revoked error.
;;; This error means the client certificate is revoked by its signer.
;;; certificate expired error.
;;; This error means the client certificate has expired or is not currently valid.
;;; unknown CA error.
;;; This error means the valid certificate chain or partial chain was received,
;;; but the certificate was not accepted because the CA certificate could not be
;;; located or could not be matched with a known trust anchor.
;;; certificate missing error.
;;; This error means the client does not provide a certificate
;;; during the handshake..
;;; certificate unknown error.
;;; This error means the client certificate was received, but some other (unspecified)
;;; issue arose in processing the certificate, rendering it unacceptable.
(typename $purge_options_mask
(flags (@witx repr u32)
$ret_buf ;; all ret_buf fields must be populated
(typename $purge_options
;; JSON purge response as in https://developer.fastly.com/reference/api/purging/#purge-tag
(field $ret_buf_ptr (@witx pointer u8))
(field $ret_buf_len (@witx usize))
(field $ret_buf_nwritten_out (@witx pointer (@witx usize)))
(typename $send_error_detail_tag
(enum (@witx tag u32)
;;; The $send_error_detail struct has not been populated.
;;; There was no send error.
;;; The system encountered a timeout when trying to find an IP address for the backend
;;; hostname.
;;; The system encountered a DNS error when trying to find an IP address for the backend
;;; hostname. The fields $dns_error_rcode and $dns_error_info_code may be set in the
;;; $send_error_detail.
;;; The system cannot determine which backend to use, or the specified backend was invalid.
;;; The system considers the backend to be unavailable; e.g., recent attempts to communicate
;;; with it may have failed, or a health check may indicate that it is down.
;;; The system cannot find a route to the next-hop IP address.
;;; The system's connection to the backend was refused.
;;; The system's connection to the backend was closed before a complete response was
;;; received.
;;; The system's attempt to open a connection to the backend timed out.
;;; The system is configured to limit the number of connections it has to the backend, and
;;; that limit has been exceeded.
;;; The system encountered an error when verifying the certificate presented by the backend.
;;; The system encountered an error with the backend TLS configuration.
;;; The system received an incomplete response to the request from the backend.
;;; The system received a response to the request whose header section was considered too
;;; large.
;;; The system received a response to the request whose body was considered too large.
;;; The system reached a configured time limit waiting for the complete response.
;;; The system received a response to the request whose status code or reason phrase was
;;; invalid.
;;; The process of negotiating an upgrade of the HTTP version between the system and the
;;; backend failed.
;;; The system encountered an HTTP protocol error when communicating with the backend. This
;;; error will only be used when a more specific one is not defined.
;;; An invalid cache key was provided for the request.
;;; An invalid URI was provided for the request.
;;; The system encountered an unexpected internal error.
;;; The system received a TLS alert from the backend. The field $tls_alert_id may be set in
;;; the $send_error_detail.
;;; The system encountered a TLS error when communicating with the backend, either during
;;; the handshake or afterwards.
;;; Mask representing which fields are understood by the guest, and which have been set by the host.
;;; When the guest calls hostcalls with a mask, it should set every bit in the mask that corresponds
;;; to a defined flag. This signals the host to write only to fields with a set bit, allowing
;;; forward compatibility for existing guest programs even after new fields are added to the struct.
(typename $send_error_detail_mask
(flags (@witx repr u32)
(typename $send_error_detail
(field $tag $send_error_detail_tag)
(field $mask $send_error_detail_mask)
(field $dns_error_rcode u16)
(field $dns_error_info_code u16)
(field $tls_alert_id u8)
(typename $blocked u32)
(typename $rate u32)
(typename $count u32)
(typename $has u32)
(typename $body_length u64)
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