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tank_client.h 24.51 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <compress.h>
#include <network.h>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <switch.h>
#include <switch_dictionary.h>
#include <switch_ll.h>
#include <switch_mallocators.h>
#include <switch_vector.h>
#include <vector>
// Tank, because its a large container of liquid or gas
// and data flow (as in, liquid), and also, this is a Trinity character name
class TankClient final
struct broker;
enum class ProduceFlags : uint8_t
enum class RetryStrategy : uint8_t
RetryNever = 0,
enum class CompressionStrategy : uint8_t
CompressNever = 0,
struct msg
strwlen32_t content;
uint64_t ts;
strwlen8_t key;
using topic_partition = std::pair<strwlen8_t, uint16_t>;
// there is one such payload per request
// we are going to keep them around even after we have dispatched them
// in case we want to retry them; that is the purprose of the pendingRespList and RetainForAck flag
struct outgoing_payload
outgoing_payload *next;
switch_dlist pendingRespList;
IOBuffer *b, *b2;
struct iovec iov[64];
uint8_t iovCnt;
uint8_t iovIdx;
enum class Flags : uint8_t
// if set, it means the payload must be retained if it has been sent via writev(), until the response for the request of this payload is received
// That is, after we write() to the socket buffer, we can't know if the broker has gotten the chance to process the request or not, so retrying it
// may lead to problems. If this is set, it means rescheduling, even if the original request was processes, won't affect state
ReqIsIdempotent = 0,
// If the broker report it is no longer the leader for a (topic, partition), we may need to retry the same request
// XXX: However, a request may include multiple distinct (topic, partition)s, so we may not
// be able to reschedule it as-is, and so we 'd need to account for that - that is, we should either set ReqMaybeRetried and
// track it in pendingConsumeReqs and pendingProduceReqs iff number of partitions involved in the request == 1, or we should
// set another flag, set another flag, and when we are told to try another node, either unpack the tracked payload to send
// the data to where we need to send them, or do something else.
ReqMaybeRetried = 1
uint8_t flags;
uint32_t __id;
// If the payload is tracked by reqs_tracker.pendingConsume or reqs_tracker.pendingProduce or another reqs_tracker tracker, then
// we shouldn't try to put_payload() if it's registered with outgoing_content (either in pendingRespList or in outgoing payloads list)
inline bool tracked_by_reqs_tracker() const
return flags & ((1u << uint8_t(Flags::ReqIsIdempotent)) | (1u << uint8_t(Flags::ReqMaybeRetried)));
struct consume_ctx
Switch::endpoint leader;
strwlen8_t topic;
uint16_t partitionId;
uint64_t absSeqNum;
uint32_t fetchSize;
struct produce_ctx
Switch::endpoint leader;
strwlen8_t topic;
uint16_t partitionId;
uint64_t baseSeqNum;
const msg *msgs;
size_t msgsCnt;
struct connection
int fd{-1};
switch_dlist list;
IOBuffer *inB{nullptr};
broker *bs{nullptr};
enum class Type : uint8_t
} type{Type::Tank};
struct State
enum class Flags : uint8_t
ConnectionAttempt = 0,
// Consume responses, produce acks, and errors almost all derefence the connection input buffer data.
// Once we dereference it, we can't reallocate the buffer internal memory, so this is set.
// This flag is unset when we read data, and may be set by various process_() methods, and considered
// when we process the ingested input
uint8_t flags;
uint64_t lastInputTS, lastOutputTS;
} state;
void deregister_connection_attempt(connection *const c)
struct active_consume_req
uint32_t clientReqId;
outgoing_payload *reqPayload;
uint64_t ts;
uint64_t *seqNums;
uint8_t seqNumsCnt;
struct active_ctrl_req
uint32_t clientReqId;
outgoing_payload *reqPayload;
uint64_t ts;
struct active_produce_req
uint32_t clientReqId;
outgoing_payload *reqPayload;
uint64_t ts;
uint8_t *ctx;
uint32_t ctxLen;
struct discovered_topic_partitions
uint32_t clientReqId;
strwlen8_t topic;
range_base<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> *, uint16_t> watermarks;
struct created_topic
uint32_t clientReqId;
strwlen8_t topic;
struct produce_ack
uint32_t clientReqId;
strwlen8_t topic;
uint16_t partition;
struct consumed_msg
uint64_t seqNum;
uint64_t ts;
strwlen8_t key;
strwlen32_t content;
struct partition_content
uint32_t clientReqId;
strwlen8_t topic;
uint16_t partition;
range_base<consumed_msg *, uint32_t> msgs;
// https://github.com/phaistos-networks/TANK/issues/1
// For now, this is always true, but when we implement support for pseudo-streaming (see GH issue)
// this may be false, in which case, the response is not complete -- more messages are expected for
// the request with id `clientReqId`
// See TankClient::set_allow_streaming_consume_responses();
bool respComplete;
// We can't rely on msgs.back().seqNum + 1 to compute the next sequence number
// to consume from, because if no message at all can be parsed because
// of the request fetch size, msgs will be empty()
// to get more messages
// consume from (topic, partition) starting from seqNum,
// and set fetchSize to be at least minFetchSize
uint64_t seqNum;
uint32_t minFetchSize;
} next;
struct fault
uint32_t clientReqId;
enum class Type : uint8_t
UnknownTopic = 1,
} type;
enum class Req : uint8_t
Consume = 1,
} req;
strwlen8_t topic;
uint16_t partition;
union {
// Set when fault is BoundaryCheck
uint64_t firstAvailSeqNum;
uint64_t highWaterMark;
} ctx;
uint32_t next{1};
} client;
uint32_t next{1};
} leader_reqs;
} ids_tracker;
struct broker
struct connection *con{nullptr};
const Switch::endpoint endpoint;
switch_dlist retainedPayloadsList;
enum class Reachability : uint8_t
Reachable = 0, // Definitely reachable, or we just don't know yet for we haven't tried to connect
Unreachable, // Definitely unreachable; can't retry connection until block_ctx.until
MaybeReachable, // Was blocked, and will now retry the connection in case it is now possible
Blocked // Blocked; will retry the connection at block_ctx.until
} reachability{Reachability::Reachable};
uint32_t prevSleep;
uint64_t until;
uint64_t naSince;
uint16_t retries{0};
} block_ctx;
void set_reachability(const Reachability r);
// outgoing content will be associated with a leader state, not its connection
// and the connection will drain this outgoing_content
outgoing_payload *front_{nullptr}, *back_{nullptr};
void push_front(outgoing_payload *const p)
p->iovIdx = 0;
p->next = front_;
front_ = p;
if (!back_)
back_ = front_;
// this will be a no-op a few revisions later
// just need to make sure ordering is preserved
void validate()
if (auto it = front_)
for (auto prev = it; (it = it->next);)
require(it->__id > prev->__id);
void push_back(outgoing_payload *const p)
p->iovIdx = 0;
p->next = nullptr;
if (back_)
back_->next = p;
front_ = p;
back_ = p;
auto front()
return front_;
void pop_front()
front_ = front_->next;
if (!front_)
back_ = nullptr;
} outgoing_content;
std::set<uint32_t> pendingConsume;
std::set<uint32_t> pendingProduce;
std::set<uint32_t> pendingCtrl;
} reqs_tracker;
broker(const Switch::endpoint e)
: endpoint{e}
uint64_t nextInflightReqsTimeoutCheckTs{0};
RetryStrategy retryStrategy{RetryStrategy::RetryAlways};
CompressionStrategy compressionStrategy{CompressionStrategy::CompressIntelligently};
Switch::unordered_map<Switch::endpoint, broker *> bsMap;
Switch::unordered_map<strwlen8_t, Switch::endpoint> leadersMap;
Switch::endpoint defaultLeader{};
bool allowStreamingConsumeResponses{false};
int sndBufSize{128 * 1024}, rcvBufSize{1 * 1024 * 1024};
strwlen8_t clientId{"c++"};
switch_dlist connections;
Switch::vector<std::pair<connection *, IOBuffer *>> connsBufs;
// TODO: https://github.com/phaistos-networks/TANK/issues/6
Switch::vector<IOBuffer *> usedBufs;
simple_allocator resultsAllocator{4 * 1024 * 1024};
Switch::vector<partition_content> consumedPartitionContent;
Switch::vector<fault> capturedFaults;
Switch::vector<produce_ack> produceAcks;
Switch::vector<discovered_topic_partitions> discoverPartitionsResults;
Switch::vector<created_topic> createdTopicsResults;
Switch::vector<consumed_msg> consumptionList;
Switch::vector<consume_ctx> consumeOut;
Switch::vector<produce_ctx> produceOut;
uint64_t nowMS;
uint32_t nextConsumeReqId{1}, nextProduceReqId{1};
Switch::vector<connection *> connectionAttempts, connsList;
EPoller poller;
int pipeFd[2];
std::atomic<bool> polling{false};
Switch::vector<connection *> connectionsPool;
Switch::vector<outgoing_payload *> payloadsPool;
Switch::vector<IOBuffer *> buffersPool;
size_t buffersPoolPressure{0};
Switch::vector<range32_t> ranges;
IOBuffer produceCtx;
Switch::unordered_map<uint32_t, active_consume_req> pendingConsumeReqs;
Switch::unordered_map<uint32_t, active_produce_req> pendingProduceReqs;
Switch::unordered_map<uint32_t, active_ctrl_req> pendingCtrlReqs;
struct reschedule_queue_entry_cmp
bool operator()(const broker *const b1, const broker *const b2)
return b1->block_ctx.until > b2->block_ctx.until;
std::priority_queue<broker *, std::vector<broker *>, reschedule_queue_entry_cmp> rescheduleQueue;
inline void update_time_cache()
nowMS = Timings::Milliseconds::Tick();
broker *broker_state(const Switch::endpoint e);
static uint8_t choose_compression_codec(const msg *const, const size_t);
// this is somewhat complicated, because we want to use varint for the bundle length and we want to
// encode this efficiently (no copying or moving data across buffers)
// so we construct payload->iov[] properly
bool produce_to_leader(const uint32_t clientReqId, const Switch::endpoint leader, const produce_ctx *const produce, const size_t cnt);
bool produce_to_leader_with_base(const uint32_t clientReqId, const Switch::endpoint leader, const produce_ctx *const produce, const size_t cnt);
// minSize: The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request.
// If insufficient data is available, the request will wait for >= that much data to accumlate before answering the request.
// 0 (default) means that the fetch requests are answered as soon as a single byte is available or the fetch request times out waiting for data to arrive.
// maxWait: The maximum amount of time the server will block before answering a fetch request, if ther isn't sufficeint data to immediately satisfy the requirement set by minSize
bool consume_from_leader(const uint32_t clientReqId, const Switch::endpoint leader, const consume_ctx *const from, const size_t total, const uint64_t maxWait, const uint32_t minSize);
void track_na_broker(broker *);
bool is_unreachable(const Switch::endpoint) const;
bool consider_retransmission(broker *);
void track_inflight_req(const uint32_t, const uint64_t, const TankAPIMsgType);
void abort_inflight_req(connection *, const uint32_t, const TankAPIMsgType);
void consider_inflight_reqs(const uint64_t);
void forget_inflight_req(const uint32_t, const TankAPIMsgType);
bool shutdown(connection *const c, const uint32_t ref, const bool fault = false);
void reschedule_any();
bool process_produce(connection *const c, const uint8_t *const content, const size_t len);
bool process_consume(connection *const c, const uint8_t *const content, const size_t len);
bool process_discover_partitions(connection *const c, const uint8_t *const content, const size_t len);
bool process_create_topic(connection *const c, const uint8_t *const content, const size_t len);
bool process(connection *const c, const uint8_t msg, const uint8_t *const content, const size_t len);
auto get_buffer()
if (buffersPool.size())
auto b = buffersPool.Pop();
buffersPoolPressure -= b->Reserved();
return b;
return new IOBuffer();
void ack_payload(broker *, outgoing_payload *);
void prepare_retransmission(broker *);
bool try_recv(connection *const c);
bool try_send(connection *const c);
void retain_for_resp(broker *, outgoing_payload *);
void put_buffer(IOBuffer *const b);
void put_buffers(IOBuffer **const list, const size_t n);
uint32_t __nextPayloadId{0};
auto get_payload()
auto res = payloadsPool.size() ? payloadsPool.Pop() : new outgoing_payload();
res->iovCnt = res->iovIdx = 0;
res->next = nullptr;
res->flags = 0;
res->b = get_buffer();
res->b2 = get_buffer();
// See broker::outgoing_content::validate()
res->__id = ++__nextPayloadId;
return res;
outgoing_payload *get_payload_for(connection *, const size_t);
void put_payload(outgoing_payload *const p, const uint32_t ref)
if (p->b)
p->b = nullptr;
if (p->b2)
p->b2 = nullptr;
p->__id = 0; // so that validate() will catch it if e.g we re-use a payload without put_payload() first
auto get_connection()
return connectionsPool.size() ? connectionsPool.Pop() : new connection();
void put_connection(connection *const c)
c->state.flags = 0;
int init_connection_to(const Switch::endpoint e);
void bind_fd(connection *const c, int fd);
bool try_transmit(broker *);
void flush_broker(broker *bs);
TankClient(const strwlen32_t defaultLeader = {});
const auto &consumed() const noexcept
return consumedPartitionContent;
const auto &faults() const noexcept
return capturedFaults;
const auto &produce_acks() const noexcept
return produceAcks;
const auto &discovered_partitions() const noexcept
return discoverPartitionsResults;
const auto &created_topics() const noexcept
return createdTopicsResults;
void poll(uint32_t timeoutMS);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t produce(const std::vector<std::pair<topic_partition, std::vector<msg>>> &req);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t produce(const std::pair<topic_partition, std::vector<msg>> *, const size_t);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t produce_to(const topic_partition &to, const std::vector<msg> &msgs);
// This is needed for Tank system tools. Applications should never need to use this method
// e.g tank-ctl mirroring functionality
// Right now, it's only required for implementing the mirroring functionality
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t produce_with_base(const std::vector<std::pair<topic_partition, std::pair<uint64_t, std::vector<msg>>>> &req);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t produce_with_base(const std::pair<topic_partition, std::pair<uint64_t, std::vector<msg>>> *, const size_t);
Switch::endpoint leader_for(const strwlen8_t topic, const uint16_t partition);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t consume(const std::vector<std::pair<topic_partition, std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t>>> &req, const uint64_t maxWait, const uint32_t minSize);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t consume_from(const topic_partition &from, const uint64_t seqNum, const uint32_t minFetchSize, const uint64_t maxWait, const uint32_t minSize);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t discover_partitions(const strwlen8_t topic);
[[gnu::warn_unused_result]] uint32_t create_topic(const strwlen8_t topic, const uint16_t numPartitions, const strwlen32_t configuration);
void set_client_id(const char *const p, const uint32_t len)
clientId.Set(p, len);
void set_retry_strategy(const RetryStrategy r)
retryStrategy = r;
void set_compression_strategy(const CompressionStrategy c)
compressionStrategy = c;
void set_sock_sndbuf_size(const int v)
sndBufSize = v;
void set_sock_rcvbuf_size(const int v)
rcvBufSize = v;
void set_default_leader(const Switch::endpoint e)
if (!e)
throw Switch::data_error("Unable to parse default leader endpoint");
defaultLeader = e;
void set_allow_streaming_consume_responses(const bool v)
allowStreamingConsumeResponses = v;
void set_default_leader(const strwlen32_t e)
set_default_leader(Switch::ParseSrvEndpoint(e, {_S("tank")}, 11011));
void set_topic_leader(const strwlen8_t topic, const strwlen32_t e);
void interrupt_poll();
bool should_poll() const noexcept;
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<TankClient::topic_partition>
using argument_type = TankClient::topic_partition;
using result_type = std::size_t;
inline result_type operator()(const argument_type &v) const
size_t hash{2166136261U};
for (uint32_t i{0}; i != v.first.len; ++i)
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ v.first.p[i];
hash ^= std::hash<uint16_t>{}(v.second) + 0x9e3779b9 + (hash << 6) + (hash >> 2);
return hash;
namespace Switch
template <>
struct hash<TankClient::topic_partition>
using argument_type = TankClient::topic_partition;
using result_type = uint32_t;
inline result_type operator()(const argument_type &v) const
uint32_t seed = Switch::hash<strwlen8_t>{}(v.first);
Switch::hash_combine(seed, Switch::hash<uint16_t>{}(v.second));
return seed;
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