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.golangci.yml 12.89 KB
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disable-all: true
- asasalint
- asciicheck
- bidichk
- bodyclose
- copyloopvar
- depguard
- dogsled
- errcheck
- errname
- errorlint
- exportloopref
- gocheckcompilerdirectives
- gocritic
- goprintffuncname
- gosec
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- interfacebloat
- lll
- makezero
- mirror
- nakedret
- nilerr
- nolintlint
- perfsprint
- prealloc
- predeclared
- revive
- sqlclosecheck
- staticcheck
- tenv
- testifylint
- tparallel
- typecheck
- unconvert
- unparam
- unused
# Name of a rule.
# Packages that are not allowed where the value is a suggestion.
- pkg: log
desc: 'Use injected telegraf.Logger instead'
# List of file globs that will match this list of settings to compare against.
# Default: $all
- "!**/agent/**"
- "!**/cmd/**"
- "!**/config/**"
- "!**/filter/**"
- "!**/internal/**"
- "!**/logger/**"
- "!**/metric/**"
- "!**/models/**"
- "!**/plugins/serializers/**"
- "!**/scripts/**"
- "!**/selfstat/**"
- "!**/testutil/**"
- "!**/tools/**"
- "!**/*_test.go"
# List of functions to exclude from checking, where each entry is a single function to exclude.
# See https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck#excluding-functions for details.
- "(*hash/maphash.Hash).Write"
- "(*hash/maphash.Hash).WriteByte"
- "(*hash/maphash.Hash).WriteString"
check-blank: true
# Disable all checks.
# Default: false
disable-all: true
# Which checks should be enabled in addition to default checks; can't be combined with 'disabled-checks'.
# By default, list of stable checks is used (https://go-critic.github.io/overview#checks-overview).
# To see which checks are enabled run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic golangci-lint run --enable=gocritic`.
# diagnostic
- argOrder
- badCall
- badCond
- badLock
- badRegexp
- badSorting
- badSyncOnceFunc
- builtinShadowDecl
- caseOrder
- codegenComment
- commentedOutCode
- deferInLoop
- dupArg
- deprecatedComment
- dupBranchBody
- dupCase
- dupSubExpr
- dynamicFmtString
- emptyDecl
- evalOrder
- exitAfterDefer
- externalErrorReassign
- filepathJoin
- flagName
- mapKey
- nilValReturn
- offBy1
- regexpPattern
- sloppyLen
- sloppyReassign
- sloppyTypeAssert
- sortSlice
- sprintfQuotedString
- sqlQuery
- syncMapLoadAndDelete
- truncateCmp
- uncheckedInlineErr
- unnecessaryDefer
- weakCond
# performance
- appendCombine
- equalFold
- indexAlloc
- hugeParam
- preferDecodeRune
- preferFprint
- preferStringWriter
- preferWriteByte
- rangeExprCopy
- rangeValCopy
- sliceClear
- stringXbytes
# Settings passed to gocritic.
# The settings key is the name of a supported gocritic checker.
# The list of supported checkers can be find in https://go-critic.github.io/overview.
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 80
sizeThreshold: 512
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 128
sizeThreshold: 512
# To select a subset of rules to run.
# Available rules: https://github.com/securego/gosec#available-rules
# Default: [] - means include all rules
- G101
- G102
- G103
- G106
- G107
- G108
- G109
- G110
- G111
- G112
- G114
- G201
- G202
- G203
- G301
- G302
- G303
- G305
- G306
- G401
- G403
- G404
- G501
- G502
- G503
- G505
- G601
- G602
# G104, G105, G113, G204, G304, G307, G402, G504 were not enabled intentionally
# To specify the configuration of rules.
# Maximum allowed permissions mode for os.OpenFile and os.Chmod
# Default: "0600"
G302: "0640"
# Maximum allowed permissions mode for os.WriteFile and ioutil.WriteFile
# Default: "0600"
G306: "0640"
## Check the logging function like it would be a printf
# Comma-separated list of print function names to check (in addition to default, see `go tool vet help printf`).
# Default: []
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Debugf
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Infof
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Warnf
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Errorf
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Debug
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Info
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Warn
- (github.com/influxdata/telegraf.Logger).Error
# Max line length, lines longer will be reported.
# '\t' is counted as 1 character by default, and can be changed with the tab-width option.
# Default: 120.
line-length: 160
# Tab width in spaces.
# Default: 1
tab-width: 4
# Make an issue if func has more lines of code than this setting, and it has naked returns.
# Default: 30
max-func-lines: 1
# Enable to require an explanation of nonzero length after each nolint directive.
# Default: false
require-explanation: true
# Enable to require nolint directives to mention the specific linter being suppressed.
# Default: false
require-specific: true
# Report pre-allocation suggestions only on simple loops that have no returns/breaks/continues/gotos in them.
# Default: true
simple: false
- name: argument-limit
arguments: [ 6 ]
- name: atomic
- name: bare-return
- name: blank-imports
- name: bool-literal-in-expr
- name: call-to-gc
- name: confusing-naming
- name: confusing-results
- name: constant-logical-expr
- name: context-as-argument
- name: context-keys-type
- name: deep-exit
- name: defer
- name: dot-imports
- name: duplicated-imports
- name: early-return
- name: empty-block
- name: empty-lines
- name: error-naming
- name: error-return
- name: error-strings
- name: errorf
- name: function-result-limit
arguments: [ 3 ]
- name: identical-branches
- name: if-return
- name: import-shadowing
- name: increment-decrement
- name: indent-error-flow
- name: modifies-parameter
- name: modifies-value-receiver
- name: package-comments
- name: range
- name: range-val-address
- name: range-val-in-closure
- name: receiver-naming
- name: redefines-builtin-id
- name: string-of-int
- name: struct-tag
- name: superfluous-else
- name: time-naming
- name: unconditional-recursion
- name: unexported-naming
- name: unnecessary-stmt
- name: unreachable-code
- name: unused-parameter
- name: var-declaration
- name: var-naming
- name: waitgroup-by-value
# The option `all` will run against whole test files (`_test.go`) regardless of method/function signatures.
# Otherwise, only methods that take `*testing.T`, `*testing.B`, and `testing.TB` as arguments are checked.
# Default: false
all: true
# Disable all checkers (https://github.com/Antonboom/testifylint#checkers).
# Default: false
disable-all: true
# Enable checkers by name
# (in addition to default
# blank-import, bool-compare, compares, empty, error-is-as, error-nil, expected-actual, go-require, float-compare,
# len, negative-positive, nil-compare, require-error, suite-dont-use-pkg, suite-extra-assert-call, useless-assert
# ).
- blank-import
- bool-compare
- compares
- empty
- error-is-as
- error-nil
- expected-actual
- float-compare
- len
- negative-positive
- nil-compare
- require-error
- suite-dont-use-pkg
- suite-extra-assert-call
- suite-thelper
- useless-assert
# Timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m.
# Default: 1m
timeout: 10m
# List of regexps of issue texts to exclude.
# But independently of this option we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`.
# To list all excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`
# Default: https://golangci-lint.run/usage/false-positives/#default-exclusions
# revive:var-naming
- don't use an underscore in package name
# EXC0001 errcheck: Almost all programs ignore errors on these functions, and in most cases it's ok
- Error return value of .((os\.)?std(out|err)\..*|.*Close.*|.*Flush|.*Disconnect|.*Clear|os\.Remove(All)?|.*print(f|ln)?|os\.(Un)?Setenv). is not checked
# EXC0013 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments
- package comment should be of the form "(.+)...
# EXC0015 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments
- should have a package comment
# nolintlint: directive `//nolint:errcheck` is unused for linter "errcheck"
# temporary while these are being fixed
- directive `//nolint:errcheck //.*` is unused for linter "errcheck"
# Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source
- path: plugins/parsers/influx
- govet
- path: cmd/telegraf/(main|printer|cmd_plugins).go
text: "Error return value of `outputBuffer.Write` is not checked" #errcheck
# temporary disabling of errcheck as this linter is gradually being applied across the codebase
- path: plugins/inputs/*
- errcheck
- path: plugins/outputs/*
- errcheck
- path: _test\.go
text: "Potential hardcoded credentials" #gosec:G101
- path: _test\.go
text: "Use of weak random number generator" #gosec:G404
# Independently of option `exclude` we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by this option.
# To list all excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`.
# Default: true
exclude-use-default: false
# Which dirs to exclude: issues from them won't be reported.
# Can use regexp here: `generated.*`, regexp is applied on full path,
# including the path prefix if one is set.
# Default dirs are skipped independently of this option's value (see exclude-dirs-use-default).
# "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
# Default: []
- assets
- docs
- etc
# Which files to exclude: they will be analyzed, but issues from them won't be reported.
# There is no need to include all autogenerated files,
# we confidently recognize autogenerated files.
# If it's not, please let us know.
# "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
# Default: []
- plugins/parsers/influx/machine.go*
# Maximum issues count per one linter.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# Default: 50
max-issues-per-linter: 0
# Maximum count of issues with the same text.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# Default: 3
max-same-issues: 0
# output configuration options
# The formats used to render issues.
# Formats:
# - `colored-line-number`
# - `line-number`
# - `json`
# - `colored-tab`
# - `tab`
# - `html`
# - `checkstyle`
# - `code-climate`
# - `junit-xml`
# - `github-actions`
# - `teamcity`
# - `sarif`
# Output path can be either `stdout`, `stderr` or path to the file to write to.
# For the CLI flag (`--out-format`), multiple formats can be specified by separating them by comma.
# The output can be specified for each of them by separating format name and path by colon symbol.
# Example: "--out-format=checkstyle:report.xml,json:stdout,colored-line-number"
# The CLI flag (`--out-format`) override the configuration file.
# Default:
# formats:
# - format: colored-line-number
# path: stdout
- format: tab
path: stdout
# Make issues output unique by line.
# Default: true
uniq-by-line: false
# Sort results by the order defined in `sort-order`.
# Default: false
sort-results: true
# Show statistics per linter.
# Default: false
show-stats: true
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