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加入 Gitee
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join.go 17.90 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package kapacitor
import (
type JoinNode struct {
j *pipeline.JoinNode
fill influxql.FillOption
fillValue interface{}
groupsMu sync.RWMutex
groups map[models.GroupID]*joinGroup
// Represents the lower bound of times per group per source
lowMarks map[srcGroup]time.Time
// Buffer for caching points that need to be matched with specific points.
matchGroupsBuffer map[models.GroupID]*CircularQueue[srcPoint]
// Buffer for caching specific points until their match arrivces.
specificGroupsBuffer map[models.GroupID]*CircularQueue[srcPoint]
reported map[int]bool
allReported bool
// Create a new JoinNode, which takes pairs from parent streams combines them into a single point.
func newJoinNode(et *ExecutingTask, n *pipeline.JoinNode, d NodeDiagnostic) (*JoinNode, error) {
jn := &JoinNode{
j: n,
node: node{Node: n, et: et, diag: d},
groups: make(map[models.GroupID]*joinGroup),
matchGroupsBuffer: make(map[models.GroupID]*CircularQueue[srcPoint]),
specificGroupsBuffer: make(map[models.GroupID]*CircularQueue[srcPoint]),
lowMarks: make(map[srcGroup]time.Time),
reported: make(map[int]bool),
// Set fill
switch fill := n.Fill.(type) {
case string:
switch fill {
case "null":
jn.fill = influxql.NullFill
case "none":
jn.fill = influxql.NoFill
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected fill option %s", fill)
case int64, float64:
jn.fill = influxql.NumberFill
jn.fillValue = fill
jn.fill = influxql.NoFill
jn.node.runF = jn.runJoin
return jn, nil
func (n *JoinNode) runJoin([]byte) error {
consumer := edge.NewMultiConsumerWithStats(n.ins, n)
valueF := func() int64 {
l := len(n.groups)
return int64(l)
n.statMap.Set(statCardinalityGauge, expvar.NewIntFuncGauge(valueF))
return consumer.Consume()
func (n *JoinNode) BufferedBatch(src int, batch edge.BufferedBatchMessage) error {
return n.doMessage(src, batch)
func (n *JoinNode) Point(src int, p edge.PointMessage) error {
return n.doMessage(src, p)
func (n *JoinNode) Barrier(src int, b edge.BarrierMessage) error {
g := n.getOrCreateGroup(b.GroupID())
if err := g.Barrier(src, b.Time()); err != nil {
return err
return edge.Forward(n.outs, b)
// Delete deletes the group from the JoinNode, and resets the Low Marks for from the group from that source.
// if deleteAll is set on the pipeline.Joinnode, then it any delete will delete
func (n *JoinNode) Delete(src int, d edge.DeleteGroupMessage) error {
groupID := d.GroupID()
delete(n.groups, groupID)
delete(n.matchGroupsBuffer, groupID)
delete(n.specificGroupsBuffer, groupID)
if n.j.DeleteAll {
for x := range n.lowMarks {
delete(n.lowMarks, x)
} else {
delete(n.lowMarks, srcGroup{src: src, groupId: groupID})
return edge.Forward(n.outs, d)
func (n *JoinNode) Finish() error {
// No more points are coming signal all groups to finish up.
for _, group := range n.groups {
if err := group.Finish(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type messageMeta interface {
type srcPoint struct {
Src int
Msg messageMeta
func (n *JoinNode) doMessage(src int, m messageMeta) error {
defer n.timer.Stop()
if len(n.j.Dimensions) > 0 {
// Match points with their group based on join dimensions.
n.matchPoints(srcPoint{Src: src, Msg: m})
} else {
// Just send point on to group, we are not joining on specific dimensions.
group := n.getOrCreateGroup(m.GroupID())
if err := group.Collect(src, m); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// The purpose of this method is to match more-specific points
// with the less-specific points as they arrive.
// Where 'more-specific' means, that a point has more dimensions than the join.on dimensions.
func (n *JoinNode) matchPoints(p srcPoint) {
// Specific points may be sent to the joinset without a matching point, but not the other way around.
// This is because the specific points have the needed specific tag data.
// The joinset will later handle the fill inner/outer join operations.
if !n.allReported {
n.reported[p.Src] = true
n.allReported = len(n.reported) == len(n.ins)
t := p.Msg.Time().Round(n.j.Tolerance)
groupId := models.ToGroupID(
ByName: p.Msg.Dimensions().ByName,
TagNames: n.j.Dimensions,
// Update current srcGroup lowMark
srcG := srcGroup{src: p.Src, groupId: groupId}
n.lowMarks[srcG] = t
// Determine lowMark, the oldest time per parent per group.
var lowMark time.Time
if n.allReported {
for s := 0; s < len(n.ins); s++ {
sg := srcGroup{src: s, groupId: groupId}
if lm := n.lowMarks[sg]; lowMark.IsZero() || lm.Before(lowMark) {
lowMark = lm
// Check for cached specific points that can now be sent alone.
if n.allReported {
// Send all cached specific point that won't match anymore.
var i int
buf := n.specificGroupsBuffer[groupId]
if buf != nil {
l := buf.Len
for i = 0; i < l; i++ {
pt := buf.Peek(i)
st := pt.Msg.Time().Round(n.j.Tolerance)
if st.Before(lowMark) {
// Send point by itself since it won't get a match.
} else {
// Remove all sent points.
if len(p.Msg.Dimensions().TagNames) > len(n.j.Dimensions) {
// We have a specific point and three options:
// 1. Find the cached match point and send both to group.
// 2. Cache the specific point for later.
// 3. Send the specific point alone if it is no longer possible that a match will arrive.
// Search for a match.
// Also purge any old match points.
matches := n.matchGroupsBuffer[groupId]
matched := false
if matches != nil {
var i int
l := matches.Len
for i = 0; i < l; i++ {
match := matches.Peek(i)
pt := match.Msg.Time().Round(n.j.Tolerance)
if pt.Equal(t) {
// Option 1, send both points
n.sendMatchPoint(p, match)
matched = true
if !pt.Before(lowMark) {
if n.allReported {
// Can't trust lowMark until all parents have reported.
// Remove any unneeded match points.
// If the point didn't match that leaves us with options 2 and 3.
if !matched {
if n.allReported && t.Before(lowMark) {
// Option 3
// Send this specific point by itself since it won't get a match.
} else {
// Option 2
// Cache this point for when its match arrives.
} else {
// Cache match point.
// Send all specific points that match, to the group.
var i int
buf := n.specificGroupsBuffer[groupId]
if buf != nil {
l := buf.Len
for i = 0; i < l; i++ {
pt := buf.Peek(i)
st := pt.Msg.Time().Round(n.j.Tolerance)
if st.Equal(t) {
n.sendMatchPoint(pt, p)
} else {
// Remove all sent points
// Add the specific tags from the specific point to the matched point
// and then send both on to the group.
func (n *JoinNode) sendMatchPoint(specific, matched srcPoint) {
var newMatched messageMeta
switch msg := matched.Msg.(type) {
case edge.BufferedBatchMessage:
b := msg.ShallowCopy()
newMatched = b
case edge.PointMessage:
p := msg.ShallowCopy()
info := specific.Msg.GroupInfo()
p.SetTagsAndDimensions(info.Tags, info.Dimensions)
newMatched = p
group := n.getOrCreateGroup(specific.Msg.GroupID())
// Collect specific point
group.Collect(specific.Src, specific.Msg)
// Collect new matched point
group.Collect(matched.Src, newMatched)
// Send only the specific point to the group
func (n *JoinNode) sendSpecificPoint(specific srcPoint) {
group := n.getOrCreateGroup(specific.Msg.GroupID())
group.Collect(specific.Src, specific.Msg)
// safely get the group for the point or create one if it doesn't exist.
func (n *JoinNode) getOrCreateGroup(groupID models.GroupID) *joinGroup {
group := n.groups[groupID]
if group == nil {
group = n.newGroup(len(n.ins))
n.groups[groupID] = group
return group
func (n *JoinNode) newGroup(count int) *joinGroup {
return &joinGroup{
n: n,
sets: make(map[time.Time]*CircularQueue[*joinset]),
head: make([]time.Time, count),
func (n *JoinNode) getOrCreateMatchGroup(id models.GroupID) *CircularQueue[srcPoint] {
buf := n.matchGroupsBuffer[id]
if buf == nil {
buf = NewCircularQueue[srcPoint]()
n.matchGroupsBuffer[id] = buf
return buf
func (n *JoinNode) getOrCreateSpecificGroup(id models.GroupID) *CircularQueue[srcPoint] {
buf := n.specificGroupsBuffer[id]
if buf == nil {
buf = NewCircularQueue[srcPoint]()
n.specificGroupsBuffer[id] = buf
return buf
// handles emitting joined sets once enough data has arrived from parents.
type joinGroup struct {
n *JoinNode
sets map[time.Time]*CircularQueue[*joinset]
head []time.Time
oldestTime time.Time
func (g *joinGroup) Finish() error {
return g.emitAll()
// Collect a point from a given parent.
// emit the oldest set if we have collected enough data.
func (g *joinGroup) Collect(src int, p timeMessage) error {
t := p.Time().Round(g.n.j.Tolerance)
if t.Before(g.oldestTime) || g.oldestTime.IsZero() {
g.oldestTime = t
var set *joinset
sets := g.sets[t]
if sets == nil {
sets = NewCircularQueue[*joinset](g.newJoinset(t))
g.sets[t] = sets
l := sets.Len
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
if x := sets.Peek(i); !x.Has(src) {
set = x
if set == nil {
set = g.newJoinset(t)
set.Set(src, p)
// Update head
g.head[src] = t
onlyReadySets := g.checkOnlyReadSets()
err := g.emit(onlyReadySets)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Barrier signals a src will not produce points older than time.
// Emit the oldest set if we have collected enough data.
func (g *joinGroup) Barrier(src int, t time.Time) error {
t = t.Round(g.n.j.Tolerance)
if t.Before(g.oldestTime) || g.oldestTime.IsZero() {
g.oldestTime = t
// Update head
g.head[src] = t
onlyReadySets := g.checkOnlyReadSets()
err := g.emit(onlyReadySets)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *joinGroup) newJoinset(t time.Time) *joinset {
return newJoinset(
// emit a set and update the oldestTime.
func (g *joinGroup) emit(onlyReadySets bool) error {
if len(g.sets) == 0 {
return nil
sets := g.sets[g.oldestTime]
i := 0
l := sets.Len
for ; i < l; i++ {
set := sets.Peek(i)
if set.Ready() || !onlyReadySets {
err := g.emitJoinedSet(set)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if i == sets.Len {
delete(g.sets, g.oldestTime)
} else {
g.oldestTime = time.Time{}
for t := range g.sets {
if g.oldestTime.IsZero() || t.Before(g.oldestTime) {
g.oldestTime = t
// Check if there are more non ready sets we can emit.
// This occurs when one of the parents missed a section of data
// while the other parents continued on.
// We need to emit all the buffered sets as soon as all the parent heads have passed the oldesttime.
if !onlyReadySets {
onlyReadySets = g.checkOnlyReadSets()
return g.emit(onlyReadySets)
return nil
// checkOnlyReadSets reports if all heads are past the oldesttime,
// indicated whether its ok to emit non ready sets.
func (g *joinGroup) checkOnlyReadSets() bool {
onlyReadySets := false
// Check if heads are past oldest time
for _, t := range g.head {
if !t.After(g.oldestTime) {
onlyReadySets = true
return onlyReadySets
// emit sets until we have none left.
func (g *joinGroup) emitAll() error {
var lastErr error
for len(g.sets) > 0 {
err := g.emit(false)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return lastErr
// emit a single joined set
func (g *joinGroup) emitJoinedSet(set *joinset) error {
if set.name == "" {
set.name = set.First().(edge.NameGetter).Name()
switch g.n.Wants() {
case pipeline.StreamEdge:
p, err := set.JoinIntoPoint()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to join into point")
if p != nil {
if err := edge.Forward(g.n.outs, p); err != nil {
return err
case pipeline.BatchEdge:
b, err := set.JoinIntoBatch()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to join into batch")
if b != nil {
if err := edge.Forward(g.n.outs, b); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// A groupId and its parent
type srcGroup struct {
src int
groupId models.GroupID
// represents a set of points or batches from the same joined time
type joinset struct {
j *JoinNode
name string
fill influxql.FillOption
fillValue interface{}
prefixes []string
delimiter string
time time.Time
tolerance time.Duration
values []edge.Message
expected int
size int
first int
diag NodeDiagnostic
func newJoinset(
n *JoinNode,
name string,
fill influxql.FillOption,
fillValue interface{},
prefixes []string,
delimiter string,
tolerance time.Duration,
time time.Time,
d NodeDiagnostic,
) *joinset {
expected := len(prefixes)
return &joinset{
j: n,
name: name,
fill: fill,
fillValue: fillValue,
prefixes: prefixes,
delimiter: delimiter,
expected: expected,
values: make([]edge.Message, expected),
first: expected,
time: time,
tolerance: tolerance,
diag: d,
func (js *joinset) Ready() bool {
return js.size == js.expected
func (js *joinset) Has(i int) bool {
return js.values[i] != nil
// add a point to the set from a given parent index.
func (js *joinset) Set(i int, v edge.Message) {
if i < js.first {
js.first = i
js.values[i] = v
// a valid point in the set
func (js *joinset) First() edge.Message {
return js.values[js.first]
// join all points into a single point
func (js *joinset) JoinIntoPoint() (edge.PointMessage, error) {
first, ok := js.First().(edge.PointMessage)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type of first value %T", js.First())
firstFields := first.Fields()
fields := make(models.Fields, js.size*len(firstFields))
for i, v := range js.values {
if v == nil {
switch js.fill {
case influxql.NullFill:
for k := range firstFields {
fields[js.prefixes[i]+js.delimiter+k] = nil
case influxql.NumberFill:
for k := range firstFields {
fields[js.prefixes[i]+js.delimiter+k] = js.fillValue
// inner join no valid point possible
return nil, nil
} else {
p, ok := v.(edge.FieldGetter)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T", v)
for k, v := range p.Fields() {
fields[js.prefixes[i]+js.delimiter+k] = v
np := edge.NewPointMessage(
js.name, "", "",
return np, nil
// join all batches the set into a single batch
func (js *joinset) JoinIntoBatch() (edge.BufferedBatchMessage, error) {
first, ok := js.First().(edge.BufferedBatchMessage)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type of first value %T", js.First())
newBegin := edge.NewBeginBatchMessage(
newPoints := make([]edge.BatchPointMessage, 0, len(first.Points()))
empty := make([]bool, js.expected)
emptyCount := 0
indexes := make([]int, js.expected)
var fieldNames []string
for emptyCount < js.expected {
set := make([]edge.BatchPointMessage, js.expected)
setTime := time.Time{}
count := 0
for i, batch := range js.values {
if empty[i] {
if batch == nil {
empty[i] = true
b, ok := batch.(edge.BufferedBatchMessage)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type of batch value %T", batch)
if indexes[i] == len(b.Points()) {
empty[i] = true
bp := b.Points()[indexes[i]]
t := bp.Time().Round(js.tolerance)
if setTime.IsZero() {
setTime = t
if t.Before(setTime) {
// We need to backup
setTime = t
for j := range set {
if set[j] != nil {
set[j] = nil
set[i] = bp
count = 1
} else if t.Equal(setTime) {
if fieldNames == nil {
for k := range bp.Fields() {
fieldNames = append(fieldNames, k)
set[i] = bp
// we didn't get any points from any group we must be empty
// skip this set
if count == 0 {
// Join all batch points in set
fields := make(models.Fields, js.expected*len(fieldNames))
for i, bp := range set {
if bp == nil {
switch js.fill {
case influxql.NullFill:
for _, k := range fieldNames {
fields[js.prefixes[i]+js.delimiter+k] = nil
case influxql.NumberFill:
for _, k := range fieldNames {
fields[js.prefixes[i]+js.delimiter+k] = js.fillValue
// inner join no valid point possible
continue BATCH_POINT
} else {
for k, v := range bp.Fields() {
fields[js.prefixes[i]+js.delimiter+k] = v
bp := edge.NewBatchPointMessage(
newPoints = append(newPoints, bp)
return edge.NewBufferedBatchMessage(
), nil
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