#!/bin/echo Source me don't execute me
if (!exists("gform")) gform <- "uneak"
if (!exists("genofile")) genofile <- "HapMap.hmc.txt"
if (!exists("sampdepth.thresh")) sampdepth.thresh <- 0.01
if (!exists("snpdepth.thresh")) snpdepth.thresh <- 0.01
if (!exists("hirel.thresh")) hirel.thresh <- 0.9
if (!exists("triallelic.thresh")) triallelic.thresh <- 0.005 # if third allele present in higher than this proportion, then discard SNP, otherwise discard 3rd & 4th allele calls (currently only for ANGSD data)
if (!exists("cex.pointsize")) cex.pointsize <- 1
if (!exists("functions.only")) functions.only <- FALSE
if (!exists("alleles.keep")) alleles.keep <- FALSE
if (!exists("outlevel")) outlevel <- 9
if (!exists("use.Rcpp")) use.Rcpp <- TRUE
if (!exists("nThreads")) nThreads <- 4 # 0 means use all available
# function to locate Rcpp file (assume it is in the same directory as this file and this file was 'sourced')
pathToCppFile = function() {
cpp.name <- "GBS-Rcpp-functions.cpp"
this.file <- NULL
for (i in -(1:sys.nframe())) {
if (identical(sys.function(i), base::source)) {
f <- sys.frame(i)
if (!f$chdir)
this.file <- normalizePath(f$ofile)
if (!is.null(this.file)) {
source.dir <- dirname(this.file)
return(file.path(source.dir, cpp.name))
else {
# assume it is in the current working directory
# load C++ functions
# compiling can take ~10 seconds, so we cache the file (under ~/R/RcppCache)
# it will only be recompiled when the C++ file changes or is moved
have_rcpp <- FALSE
if (require(Rcpp) & use.Rcpp) {
# RcppArmadillo is also required, but we don't need to load it here
if (is.element("RcppArmadillo", installed.packages()[,"Package"])) {
have_rcpp <- TRUE
cpp.path <- pathToCppFile()
cat("Loading C++ functions:", cpp.path, "\n")
sourceCpp(file = cpp.path, showOutput = TRUE,
cacheDir = file.path(path.expand("~"), "R", "RcppCache"))
### depth2K functions
r_depth2K <- function(depthvals) 1/2^depthvals # convert depth to K value assuming binomial
# select R or Rcpp version of depth2K depending on whether Rcpp is installed
if (have_rcpp) {
depth2K <- function(depthvals) {
# Rcpp version only works with matrix as input, so fallback to R version otherwise
if (is.matrix(depthvals)) {
result <- rcpp_depth2K(depthvals, nThreads)
} else {
result <- r_depth2K(depthvals)
} else {
depth2K <- r_depth2K
# convert depth to K value assuming beta-binomial with parameters alpha=beta=alph. Inf gives binomial
r_depth2Kbb <- function(depthvals, alph=Inf) {
if (alph==Inf) 1/2^depthvals else beta(alph,depthvals+alph)/beta(alph,alph)
# select R or Rcpp version depending on whether Rcpp is installed
if (have_rcpp) {
depth2Kbb <- function(depthvals, alph=Inf) {
# Rcpp version only works with matrix as input, so fallback to R version otherwise
if (is.matrix(depthvals) & alph < Inf) {
if(alph < Inf) {
result <- rcpp_depth2Kbb(depthvals, nThreads, alph)
} else {
result <- depth2K(depthvals)
} else {
result <- r_depth2Kbb(depthvals, alph)
} else {
depth2Kbb <- r_depth2Kbb
# convert depth to K value modp model. prob of seeing same allele as last time is modp (usually >= 0.5)
r_depth2Kmodp <- function(depthvals, modp=0.5 ) {
Kvals <- 0.5*modp^(depthvals-1)
Kvals[which(depthvals==0)] <- 1
# select R or Rcpp version depending on whether Rcpp is installed
if (have_rcpp) {
depth2Kmodp <- function(depthvals, modp=0.5) {
# Rcpp version only works with matrix as input, so fallback to R version otherwise
if (is.matrix(depthvals)) {
result <- rcpp_depth2Kmodp(depthvals, modp, nThreads)
} else {
result <- r_depth2Kmodp(depthvals, modp)
} else {
depth2Kmodp <- r_depth2Kmodp
depth2Kchoose <- function(dmodel="bb",param) { # function to choose redefine depth2K
if (!dmodel=="modp") dmodel <- "bb"
if (missing(param) & dmodel=="bb") param <- Inf
if (missing(param) & dmodel=="modp") param <- 0.5
if (dmodel=="bb") depth2K <- function(depthvals) depth2Kbb(depthvals,alph=param)
if (dmodel=="modp") depth2K <- function(depthvals) depth2Kmodp(depthvals,modp=param)
readGBS <- function(genofilefn = genofile) {
if (gform == "chip") readChip(genofilefn)
if (gform == "ANGSDcounts") readANGSD(genofilefn)
if (gform == "TagDigger") readTD(genofilefn)
if (gform %in% c("uneak","Tassel")) readTassel(genofilefn)
readTD <- function(genofilefn0 = genofile) {
havedt <- require("data.table")
ghead <- scan(genofilefn0, what = "", nlines = 1, sep = ",")
nsnps <<- (length(ghead) - 1)/2
SNP_Names <<- read.table(text=ghead[-1][2*seq(nsnps)],sep="_",fill=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]
if (havedt) {
isgzfile <- grepl(".gz",genofilefn0) #gz unzipping will only work on linux systemss
if(isgzfile) genosin <- fread(paste("gunzip -c",genofilefn0),sep=",",header=TRUE,showProgress=FALSE)
if(!isgzfile) genosin <- fread(genofilefn0,sep=",",header=TRUE)
seqID <<- as.matrix(genosin[,1])[,1] # (Allows any name for first col), also convert to vector from data.table
nind <<- length(seqID)
alleles <<- as.matrix(genosin[,-1,with=FALSE])
} else {
genosin <- scan(genofilefn0, skip = 1, sep = ",", what = c(list(seqID = ""), rep(list(0), 2*nsnps)))
seqID <<- genosin[[1]]
nind <<- length(seqID)
alleles <<- matrix(0, nrow = nind, ncol = 2 * nsnps)
for (isnp in seq(2*nsnps)) alleles[, isnp] <<- genosin[[isnp+1]]
readANGSD <- function(genofilefn0 = genofile) {
ghead <- scan(genofilefn0, what = "", nlines = 1, sep = "\t")
nind <<- (length(ghead) - 1) / 4
if (nind != floor(nind)) nind <<- length(ghead) / 4
if (nind != floor(nind)) print("Incorrect number of columns")
seqID <<- substr(ghead,1,nchar(ghead)-2)[seq(4,4*nind,4)]
genosin <- scan(genofilefn0, skip = 1, sep = "\t", flush=TRUE, what = rep(list(integer(0)), 4*nind))
nsnps <<- length(genosin[[1]])
SNP_Names <<- paste0("SNP",formatC(seq(nsnps),width=nchar(nsnps),flag="0")) # with leading zeros
alleles4 <- matrix(aperm(array(unlist(genosin,use.names=FALSE),dim =c(nsnps,4,nind)), c(3,2,1)), nrow=nind)
# cols in sets of 4 alleles, rows are samples (temporary, until relevant alleles extracted)
acounts <- matrix(colSums(alleles4),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
acountord <- t(apply(acounts,1,order,decreasing=TRUE))
SNP.discard <- which(acounts[cbind(1:nsnps,acountord[,3])] / rowSums(acounts) > triallelic.thresh)
snpcols <- sort(c(seq(0,4*(nsnps-1),4)+acountord[,1],seq(0,4*(nsnps-1),4)+acountord[,2]))
alleles <<- alleles4[,snpcols]
if(length(SNP.discard) > 0) {
alleles <<- alleles[,-c(2*SNP.discard-1,2*SNP.discard)]
nsnps <<- nsnps - length(SNP.discard)
SNP_Names <<- SNP_Names[-SNP.discard]
cat(length(SNP.discard),"SNP(s) removed with 3rd allele frequency >",triallelic.thresh,"\n")
readChip <- function(genofilefn0 = genofile) {
ghead <- scan(genofilefn0,what="",nlines=1,sep=",")
genost <- scan(genofilefn0,what="",skip=1,sep=",") # read as text ... easier to pull out elements than list of nsnps+1
SNP_Names <<- ghead[-1]
nsnps <<- length(SNP_Names)
snpnums <- ((1:length(genost))-1) %% (nsnps+1)
genon <<- matrix(as.numeric(genost[which(snpnums !=0)]) ,ncol=nsnps,byrow=TRUE)
seqID <<- genost[which(snpnums ==0)]
nind <<- length(seqID)
depth <<- matrix(Inf, nrow = nind, ncol = nsnps)
depth[is.na(genon)] <<- 0
p <<- colMeans(genon, na.rm = TRUE)/2 # same as pg further down
readTassel <- function(genofilefn0 = genofile) {
#havedt <- require("data.table")
havedt <- FALSE
gsep <- switch(gform, uneak = "|", Tassel = ",")
ghead <- scan(genofile, what = "", nlines = 1, sep = "\t")
nind <<- length(ghead) - switch(gform, uneak = 6, Tassel = 2)
seqID <<- switch(gform, uneak = ghead[2:(nind + 1)], Tassel = ghead[-(1:2)])
if (havedt) {
# placeholder for code to use data.table
isgzfile <- grepl(".gz",genofilefn0) #gz unzipping will only work on linux systemss
} else {
if (gform == "Tassel"){
genosin <- scan(genofile, skip = 1, sep = "\t", what = c(list(chrom = "", coord = 0), rep(list(""), nind)))
chrom <<- genosin[[1]]
pos <<- genosin[[2]]
SNP_Names <<- paste(genosin[[1]],genosin[[2]],sep="_")
if (gform == "uneak"){
genosin <- scan(genofile, skip = 1, sep = "\t", what = c(list(chrom = ""), rep(list(""), nind), list(hetc1 = 0, hetc2 = 0, acount1 = 0, acount2 = 0, p = 0)))
SNP_Names <<- genosin[[1]]
nsnps <<- length(SNP_Names)
alleles <<- matrix(0, nrow = nind, ncol = 2 * nsnps)
for (iind in 1:nind) alleles[iind, ] <<- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(genosin[[iind + switch(gform, uneak = 1, Tassel = 2)]], split = gsep,
fixed = TRUE))), nrow = 1)
if (gform == "uneak") AFrq <<- genosin[[length(genosin)]]
samp.remove <- function (samppos=NULL, keep=FALSE) {
if(keep) samppos <- setdiff(1:nind,samppos)
if(length(samppos)>0) {
if(gform != "chip") alleles <<- alleles[-samppos, ]
if(exists("depth")) depth <<- depth[-samppos, ]
if(exists("depth.orig")) depth.orig <<- depth.orig[-samppos, ]
if(exists("genon")) genon <<- genon[-samppos,]
if(exists("sampdepth")) sampdepth <<- sampdepth[-samppos]
if(exists("alleles") & alleles.keep) alleles <- alleles[-samppos,]
seqID <<- seqID[-samppos]
nind <<- nind - length(samppos)
snp.remove <- function(snppos=NULL, keep=FALSE) {
if(keep) snppos <- setdiff(1:nsnps,snppos)
if (length(snppos) > 0) {
p <<- p[-snppos]
nsnps <<- length(p)
SNP_Names <<- SNP_Names[-snppos]
if(exists("depth")) depth <<- depth[, -snppos]
if(exists("genon")) genon <<- genon[, -snppos]
if(exists("chrom")) chrom <<- chrom[-snppos]
if(exists("pos")) pos <<- pos[-snppos]
if (gform == "chip") {
genon <<- genon[, -snppos]
} else {
uremovea <- sort(c(2 * snppos, 2 * snppos - 1)) # allele positions
if(exists("RAcounts")) RAcounts <<- RAcounts[-snppos, ]
alleles <<- alleles[, -uremovea]
if(exists("allelecounts")) allelecounts <<- allelecounts[uremovea]
if (gform == "uneak") AFrq <<- AFrq[-snppos]
finplot <- function(HWdiseq=HWdis, MAF=maf, plotname="finplot", finpalette=palette.aquatic, finxlim=c(0,0.5), finylim=c(-0.25, 0.25)) {
depthtrans <- function(x) round(20 * log(-log(1/(x + 0.9)) + 1.05)) # to compress colour scale at higher depths
depthpoints <- c(0.5, 5, 50, 250) # legend points
transpoints <- depthtrans(depthpoints)
mindepthplot <- 0.1
maxdepthplot <- 256
maxtrans <- depthtrans(maxdepthplot)
legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(rev(finpalette[1:maxtrans]), ncol = 1))
png(paste0(plotname,".png"), width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 18)
if(whitedist(finpalette) < 25) par(bg="grey")
plot(HWdiseq ~ MAF, col = finpalette[depthtrans(pmax(mindepthplot, pmin(snpdepth, maxdepthplot)))], cex = 0.8,
xlab = "Minor allele frequency", ylab = "Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium", cex.lab = 1.5, xlim=finxlim, ylim=finylim)
rasterImage(legend_image, 0.05, -0.2, 0.07, -0.1)
text(x = 0.1, y = -0.2 + 0.1 * transpoints/maxtrans, labels = format(depthpoints))
text(x = 0.075, y = -0.075, labels = "SNP Depth", cex = 1.2)
HWsigplot <- function(HWdiseq=HWdis, MAF=maf, ll=l10LRT, plotname="HWdisMAFsig", finpalette=palette.aquatic, finxlim=c(0,0.5), finylim=c(-0.25, 0.25),
llname="log10 LRT", sortord=ll) {
sigtrans <- function(x) round(sqrt(x) * 40/max(sqrt(ll))) + 1 # to compress colour scale at higher LRT
sigpoints <- c(0.5, 2, 5, 20, 50, 200, 500) # legend points
sigpoints <- sigpoints[union(1:2,which(sigpoints < max(ll)))]
if(length(sigpoints) > 5) sigpoints <- sigpoints[seq(1,length(sigpoints),2)]
transpoints <- sigtrans(sigpoints)
maxtrans <- sigtrans(max(ll))
legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(rev(finpalette[1:maxtrans]), ncol = 1))
plotord <- 1:length(MAF)
if(!is.null(sortord)) plotord <- order(sortord)
png(paste0(plotname,".png"), width = 640, height = 640, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 15)
if(whitedist(finpalette) < 25) par(bg="grey")
plot(HWdiseq[plotord] ~ MAF[plotord], col = finpalette[sigtrans(ll)][plotord], cex = 0.8, xlab = "Minor Allele Frequency",
ylab = "Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium", cex.lab = 1.5, xlim=finxlim, ylim=finylim)
rasterImage(legend_image, 0.05, -0.2, 0.07, -0.1)
text(x = 0.1, y = -0.2 + 0.1 * transpoints/maxtrans, labels = format(sigpoints))
text(x = 0.075, y = -0.075, labels = llname, cex = 1.2)
mafplot <- function(MAF=maf,plotname="MAF", barcol="grey", ...) {
png(paste0(plotname,".png"), pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
hist(MAF, breaks = 50, xlab = "Minor Allele Frequency", col = barcol, ...)
na.zero <- function (x) {
x[is.na(x)] <- 0
calcp <- function(indsubset, pmethod="A") {
if(!pmethod == "G") pmethod <- "A"
if (missing(indsubset)) indsubset <- 1:nind
if (pmethod == "A") {
if (nrow(alleles) == nind) {
RAcountstemp <- matrix(colSums(alleles[indsubset,,drop=FALSE]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) # 1 row per SNP, ref and alt allele counts
afreqs <- RAcountstemp[, 1]/rowSums(RAcountstemp) # p for ref allele - based on # reads, not on inferred # alleles
} else {
afreqs <- NULL
print("Error: alleles is wrong size for pmethod A")
if (pmethod == "G") afreqs <- colMeans(genon[indsubset,,drop=FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)/2 # allele freq assuming genotype calls
GBSsummary <- function() {
havedepth <- exists("depth") # if depth present, assume it and genon are correct & shouldn't be recalculated (as alleles may be the wrong one)
if(gform != "chip") {
if (!havedepth) depth <<- alleles[, seq(1, 2 * nsnps - 1, 2)] + alleles[, seq(2, 2 * nsnps, 2)]
if (have_rcpp) {
sampdepth.max <<- rcpp_rowMaximums(depth, nThreads)
else {
sampdepth.max <<- apply(depth, 1, max)
sampdepth <<- rowMeans(depth)
u0 <- which(sampdepth.max == 0)
u1 <- setdiff(which(sampdepth.max == 1 | sampdepth < sampdepth.thresh), u0)
nmax0 <- length(u0)
nmax1 <- length(u1)
if (nmax0 > 0) {
cat(nmax0, "samples with no calls (maximum depth = 0) removed:\n")
print(data.frame(indnum = u0, seqID = seqID[u0], sampdepth = sampdepth[u0]))
if (nmax1 > 0) {
cat(nmax1, "samples with maximum depth of 1 and/or mean depth <", sampdepth.thresh, "removed:\n")
print(data.frame(indnum = u1, seqID = seqID[u1], sampdepth = sampdepth[u1]))
samp.remove(union(u0, u1))
if (!exists("p") & exists("alleles")) { # not redone e.g. after merge
p <<- calcp()
if (is.null(p)) {
cat("alleles not available, using genotype method for p\n")
p <- calcp(pmethod="G")
# changed to use function version, delete following lines
# allelecounts <<- colSums(alleles)
# RAcounts <<- matrix(allelecounts, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) # 1 row per SNP, ref and alt allele counts
# p <<- RAcounts[, 1]/rowSums(RAcounts) # p for ref allele - based on # reads, not on inferred # alleles
# acountmin <- 1
# acountmax <- max(rowSums(RAcounts))
if(exists("genosin")) rm(genosin)
} #end GBS-specific
write.csv(data.frame(seqID = seqID), "seqID.csv", row.names = FALSE)
snpdepth <<- colMeans(depth)
uremove <- which(p == 0 | p == 1 | is.nan(p) | snpdepth < snpdepth.thresh)
cat(length(uremove), "SNPs with MAF=0 or depth <", snpdepth.thresh, "removed\n")
cat("Analysing", nind, "individuals and", nsnps, "SNPs\n")
if (!gform == "chip") {
if (!havedepth) {
genon <<- alleles[, seq(1, 2 * nsnps - 1, 2)]/depth
genon <<- trunc(2*genon-1)+1
# uhet <- which(!genon^2 == genon)
# genon <<- 2*genon
# genon[uhet] <<- 1
if(outlevel > 7) {
samples <<- genon
# uhet <- which(genon == 1)
# samples[uhet] <<- 2* (sample.int(2, length(uhet), replace = TRUE) - 1)
samples[na.zero(genon) == 1] <<- 2* (sample.int(2, sum(genon == 1, na.rm=TRUE), replace = TRUE) - 1) # allows genon to have > .Machine$integer.max elements
# rm(uhet)
###### compare allele frequency estimates from allele counts and from genotype calls (& from input file, if uneak format)
pg <<- colMeans(genon, na.rm = TRUE)/2 # allele freq assuming genotype calls
if(outlevel > 4) {
png("AlleleFreq.png", width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 18)
p.lab <- "Allele frequency from allele counts"
pg.lab <- "Allele frequency from genotype calls"
AF.lab <- "Allele frequency given"
if (gform == "uneak" & outlevel > 6) pairs(cbind(pg, p, AFrq), col = "#80808020", pch = 16, cex = 0.8, labels = c(pg.lab, p.lab, AF.lab))
if (gform != "uneak" | outlevel < 7) plot(pg ~ p, col="#80808020", pch=16, cex=0.8, xlab=p.lab, ylab=pg.lab)
# calc some overall snp stats
naa <- colSums(genon == 2, na.rm = TRUE)
nab <- colSums(genon == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
nbb <- colSums(genon == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
n1 <- 2 * naa + nab
n2 <- nab + 2 * nbb
n <- n1 + n2 #n alleles
p1 <- n1/n
p2 <- 1 - p1
HWdis <<- naa/(naa + nab + nbb) - p1 * p1
x2 <- (naa + nab + nbb) * HWdis^2/(p1^2 * p2^2)
LRT <- 2 * (n * log(n) + naa * log(pmax(1, naa)) + nab * log(pmax(1, nab)) + nbb * log(pmax(1, nbb)) - (n/2) * log(n/2) - n1 * log(n1) - n2 *
log(n2) - nab * log(2)) # n is # alleles = 2* n obs
maf <<- ifelse(p1 > 0.5, p2, p1)
l10p <- -log10(exp(1)) * pchisq(x2, 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
l10LRT <<- -log10(exp(1)) * pchisq(LRT, 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
Kdepth <- depth2K(depth)
Kdepth[which(depth==0)] <- NA
esnphetstar <- 2*p1*p2*(1-2*colMeans(Kdepth,na.rm=TRUE))
osnphetstar <- nab/(naa + nab + nbb)
x2star <<- colSums(1-Kdepth,na.rm=TRUE)*(1-osnphetstar/esnphetstar)^2
l10pstar <<- -log10(exp(1)) * pchisq(x2star, 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
sampdepth <<- rowMeans(depth) # recalc after removing SNPs and samples
#if(outlevel > 4) sampdepth.med <<- apply(depth, 1, median)
if(outlevel > 4) {
if (have_rcpp) {
sampdepth.med <<- rcpp_rowMedians(depth, nThreads)
else {
sampdepth.med <<- apply(depth, 1, median)
depth0 <- rowSums(depth == 0)
snpdepth <<- colMeans(depth)
missrate <- sum(depth == 0)/nrow(depth)/ncol(depth)
cat("Proportion of missing genotypes: ", missrate, "Callrate:", 1-missrate,"\n")
callrate <- 1 - rowSums(depth == 0)/nsnps # sample callrate, after removing SNPs, samples
SNPcallrate <- 1 - colSums(depth == 0)/nind
png("CallRate.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
hist(callrate, 50, col = "cornflowerblue", border = "cornflowerblue", main = "Histogram of sample call rates", xlab = "Call rate (proportion of SNPs scored)")
png("SNPCallRate.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
# suggested by Jaroslav Klapste (Scion)
hist(SNPcallrate, 50, col = "cornflowerblue", border = "cornflowerblue", main = "Histogram of SNP call rates", xlab = "Call rate (proportion of samples scored)")
if (gform == "chip") write.csv(data.frame(seqID, callrate), "SampleStats.csv", row.names = FALSE)
if (!gform == "chip") {
write.csv(data.frame(seqID, callrate, sampdepth), "SampleStats.csv", row.names = FALSE)
sampdepth.scored <- sampdepth * nsnps/(nsnps - depth0)
cat("Mean sample depth:", mean(sampdepth), "\n")
if(outlevel > 4) {
png("SampDepth.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
plot(sampdepth ~ sampdepth.med, col = "#80808080", pch = 16, cex = 1.2, main = "Sample Depth", xlab = "Median", ylab = "Mean")
png("SampDepth-scored.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
plot(sampdepth.scored ~ sampdepth, col = "#80808080", pch = 16, cex = 1.2, main = "Sample Depth", xlab = "Mean", ylab = "Mean with depth>0")
png("SampDepthHist.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
hist(sampdepth, 100, col = "cornflowerblue", border = "cornflowerblue", main = "Histogram of mean sample depth", xlab = "Mean sample depth")
png("SampDepthCR.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
plot(sampdepth ~ callrate, col = "#80808080", pch = 16, cex = 1.2, main = "Sample Depth v Call rate", xlab = "Sample call rate", ylab = "Mean sample depth")
png("SNPDepthHist.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
hist(snpdepth, 100, col = "cornflowerblue", border = "cornflowerblue", main = "Histogram of mean SNP depth", xlab = "Mean SNP depth")
png("SNPDepth.png", width = 640, height = 640, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 15)
plot(SNPcallrate ~ snpdepth, log="x", col = "#80808080", pch = 16, cex = 1, main = "SNP Depth", ylab = "SNP Call rate (proportion of samples scored)",
xlab = "Mean SNP depth (log scale)")
HWsigplot(ll=l10pstar,llname="log10p X2*", finpalette=colorRampPalette(c("deepskyblue2","red"))(50))
if(outlevel > 9) HWsigplot(plotname="HWdisMAFsig-raw")
if(outlevel > 4) {
png("LRT-QQ.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
qqplot(qchisq(ppoints(nsnps), df = 1), LRT, main = "Hardy-Weinberg LRT Q-Q Plot", xlab = parse(text = "Theoretical ~~ (chi[1]^2) ~~ Quantiles"),
ylab = "Sample Quantiles")
png("LRT-hist.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
hist(LRT, breaks = 50, col = "grey", xlab = "Hardy Weinberg likelihood ratio test statistic")
png("X2star-QQ.png", width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
qqplot(qchisq(ppoints(nsnps), df = 1), x2star, main = parse(text = "Hardy-Weinberg ~~ X^2~~ '* Q-Q Plot'"),
xlab = parse(text = "Theoretical ~~ (chi[1]^2) ~~ Quantiles"), ylab = "Sample Quantiles")
depth.orig <<- depth # see next, but actually need original depths for plots, summaries etc
depth[depth < 2] <<- 1.1 # not using depth values <2 after this so set to >1 to avoid 0 divisor note do not use depth.max <2 though
fcolo <<- rep("black", nind) # modify this to specify colours for individuals in the plots
palette.aquatic <- colorRampPalette(c(rgb(200, 200, 200, max = 255), "blue"))(50) # grey to blue
palette.terrain <- terrain.colors(50)
palette.temperature <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","white","red"))(50)
whitedist <- function(pal) min(colSums(abs(col2rgb(pal)-matrix(255,nrow=3,ncol=length(pal)))))
if(!functions.only) {
} # !functions.only
################## functions
upper.vec <- function(sqMatrix) as.vector(sqMatrix[upper.tri(sqMatrix)])
#seq2samp <- function(seqIDvec=seqID) read.table(text=seqIDvec,sep="_",stringsAsFactors=FALSE,fill=TRUE)[,1] # undoc AgR function # might not get number of cols right
seq2samp <- function(seqIDvec=seqID) sapply(strsplit(seqIDvec,split="_"),"[",1)
colourby <- function(colgroup, groupsort=FALSE) {# undoc AgR function
collabels <- unique(colgroup)
if(groupsort) collabels <- sort(collabels)
ncol <- length(collabels)
collist <- rainbow(ncol)
# if(ncol > 8 ) collist[seq(2,ncol,2)] <- rgb(t(col2rgb(collist[seq(2,ncol,2)]))/1.5,maxColorValue = 255) # darken every 2nd one
if(ncol > 8 ) collist[seq(2,ncol,2)] <- rgb((t(col2rgb(collist[seq(2,ncol,2)]))+matrix(127,ncol=3,nrow=floor(ncol/2)))/2,maxColorValue = 255) # darken every 2nd one
sampcol <- collist[match(colgroup,collabels)]
changecol <- function(colobject,colposition,newcolour) {# undoc AgR function - provide new colours to colourby object
oldcolour <- colobject$collist[colposition]
colobject$collist[colposition] <- newcolour
colobject$sampcol[which(colobject$sampcol == oldcolour)] <- newcolour
posCreport <- function(mergeIDs,Guse,sfx = "",indsubset,Gindsubset) {
if (missing(Gindsubset)) Gindsubset <- 1:nind
if (missing(indsubset)) indsubset <- 1:nrow(Guse)
mergeIDs <- mergeIDs[indsubset]
csvout <- paste0("posCreport", sfx, ".csv")
cat("Positive Control Checks (also see", csvout, ")\n")
seqIDtemp <- seqID[Gindsubset][indsubset]
multiIDs <- unique(mergeIDs[which(duplicated(mergeIDs))])
depthsub <- depth.orig[Gindsubset,,drop=FALSE]
posCstats <- data.frame(mergeID=character(0),nresults=integer(0),selfrel=numeric(0),meanrel=numeric(0),minrel=numeric(0),meandepth=numeric(0),mindepth=numeric(0),meanCR=numeric(0))
for (i in seq_along(multiIDs)) {
thisID <- multiIDs[i]
thispos <- which(mergeIDs==thisID)
thisG <- Guse[thispos,thispos]
selfrel <- mean(diag(thisG))
meanrel <- mean(upper.vec(thisG))
minrel <- min(upper.vec(thisG))
meandepth <- mean(sampdepth[Gindsubset][thispos])
mindepth <- min(sampdepth[Gindsubset][thispos])
meanCR <- mean( 1 - rowSums(depthsub[thispos,,drop=FALSE] == 0)/nsnps )
posCstats <- rbind(posCstats, data.frame(mergeID=thisID,nresults=length(thispos),selfrel=selfrel,meanrel=meanrel,minrel=minrel,meandepth=meandepth,mindepth=mindepth,meanCR=meanCR))
ulorel <- which(thisG < 1 & thisG - selfrel <= hirel.thresh - 1 & upper.tri(thisG), arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(ulorel) > 0) print(data.frame(Indiv1 = seqIDtemp[thispos[ulorel[, 1]]], Indiv2 = seqIDtemp[thispos[ulorel[, 2]]], rel = thisG[ulorel]))
if(nrow(posCstats) > 0) {
png(paste0("SelfRel",sfx,".png"), width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 18)
with(posCstats,plot(meanrel~selfrel,xlab="Mean within run",ylab="Mean between run",main="Self-relatedness"))
mergeSamples <- function(mergeIDs, indsubset) {
# doesn't do samples0, so cant do G3
if (missing(indsubset)) indsubset <- 1:nind
mergeIDs <- mergeIDs[indsubset]
aggr.msum <- rowsum(genon[indsubset,,drop=FALSE],mergeIDs,na.rm=TRUE) # rowsum very fast
temp <- 1 * !is.na(genon[indsubset,,drop=FALSE])
aggr.mn <- rowsum(temp,mergeIDs)
# aggr.mn <- rowsum(1 * !is.na(genon[indsubset,,drop=FALSE]),mergeIDs)
genon.m <- aggr.msum/aggr.mn
genon.m <- trunc(genon.m-1)+1
ID.m <- rownames(aggr.msum)
depth.m <- rowsum(depth.orig[indsubset,,drop=FALSE],mergeIDs,na.rm=TRUE)
if(alleles.keep) alleles.m <- rowsum(alleles[indsubset,,drop=FALSE],mergeIDs,na.rm=TRUE) else alleles.m <- NULL
nind.m <- nrow(genon.m)
nseq <- rowsum(rep(1,length(indsubset)),mergeIDs) # results being merged
seqID.m <- seqID[indsubset][match(ID.m,mergeIDs)]
seqinfo <- read.table(text=seqID[indsubset][match(ID.m,mergeIDs)],sep="_",fill=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(ncol(seqinfo)==5) { #Assume formated as ID_Flowcell_Lane_plate_X and return ID_merged_nsamples_0_X
umerged <- which(nseq>1)
seqinfo[umerged,2] <- "merged"
seqinfo[umerged,3] <- nseq[umerged]
seqinfo[umerged,4] <- 0
seqID.m <- paste(seqinfo[,1],seqinfo[,2],seqinfo[,3],seqinfo[,4],seqinfo[,5],sep="_")
sampdepth.m <- rowMeans(depth.m)
snpdepth.m <- colMeans(depth.m)
pg.m <- colMeans(genon.m, na.rm = TRUE)/2 # allele freq assuming genotype calls
mergelist <- list(mergeIDs=ID.m, nind=nind.m, seqID=seqID.m, genon=genon.m, depth.orig = depth.m, sampdepth=sampdepth.m, snpdepth=snpdepth.m, pg=pg.m, nmerged=nseq)
if(alleles.keep) mergelist <- list(mergeIDs=ID.m, nind=nind.m, seqID=seqID.m, genon=genon.m, depth.orig = depth.m, alleles=alleles.m, sampdepth=sampdepth.m, snpdepth=snpdepth.m, pg=pg.m, nmerged=nseq)
mergeSamples2 <- function(mergeIDs, indsubset) {
# this version to merge duplicates only ...
# doesn't do samples0, so cant do G3
if (missing(indsubset)) indsubset <- 1:nind
mergeIDs <- mergeIDs[indsubset]
nseq <- rowsum(rep(1,length(indsubset)),mergeIDs) # results being merged
singleIDs <- row.names(nseq)[nseq==1]
usingle <- which(mergeIDs %in% singleIDs)
umultiple <- setdiff(1:length(indsubset),usingle)
aggr.msum <- rowsum(genon[indsubset[umultiple],,drop=FALSE],mergeIDs[umultiple],na.rm=TRUE) # rowsum very fast
temp <- 1 * !is.na(genon[indsubset[umultiple],,drop=FALSE])
aggr.mn <- rowsum(temp,mergeIDs[umultiple])
# aggr.mn <- rowsum(1 * !is.na(genon[indsubset,,drop=FALSE]),mergeIDs)
genon.m <- aggr.msum/aggr.mn
genon.m <- trunc(genon.m-1)+1
ID.m <- rownames(aggr.msum)
depth.m <- rowsum(depth.orig[indsubset[umultiple],,drop=FALSE],mergeIDs[umultiple],na.rm=TRUE)
nind.m <- nrow(genon.m)
seqID.m <- seqID[indsubset[umultiple]][match(ID.m,mergeIDs[umultiple])]
seqinfo <- read.table(text=seqID.m ,sep="_",fill=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(ncol(seqinfo)==5) { #Assume formated as ID_Flowcell_Lane_plate_X and return ID_merged_nsamples_0_X
seqinfo[,2] <- "merged"
seqinfo[,3] <- nseq[nseq>1]
seqinfo[,4] <- 0
seqID.m <- paste(seqinfo[,1],seqinfo[,2],seqinfo[,3],seqinfo[,4],seqinfo[,5],sep="_")
if(length(usingle) > 0) {
genon.m <- rbind(genon.m,genon[indsubset[usingle],,drop=FALSE])
ID.m <- c(ID.m,mergeIDs[usingle])
depth.m <- rbind(depth.m,depth.orig[indsubset[usingle],,drop=FALSE])
nind.m <- nind.m + length(usingle)
seqID.m <- c(seqID.m,seqID[indsubset[usingle]])
sampdepth.m <- rowMeans(depth.m)
snpdepth.m <- colMeans(depth.m)
pg.m <- colMeans(genon.m, na.rm = TRUE)/2 # allele freq assuming genotype calls
list(mergeIDs=ID.m, nind=nind.m, seqID=seqID.m, genon=genon.m, depth.orig = depth.m, sampdepth=sampdepth.m, snpdepth=snpdepth.m, pg=pg.m, nmerged=nseq)
calcG <- function(snpsubset, sfx = "", puse, indsubset, depth.min = 0, depth.max = Inf, npc = 0, calclevel = 9, cocall.thresh = 0, mdsplot=FALSE,
withPlotly=FALSE, withHeatmaply=withPlotly, plotly.group=NULL, plotly.group2=NULL, samp.info=NULL) {
# example calls:
# Gfull <- calcG(npc=4)
# GHWdgm.05 <- calcG(which(HWdis > -0.05),'HWdgm.05') # recalculate using Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium cut-off at -0.05
# sfx is text to add to GGBS5 as graph name, puse is allele freqs (all snps) to use
# calclevel: 1: G5 only, 2: G5 + reports using G5, 3: all G, 9: all
if (missing(snpsubset)) snpsubset <- 1:nsnps
if (missing(indsubset)) indsubset <- 1:nind
if (missing(puse)) puse <- p
## Some checks if using plotly
withPlotly = FALSE
# Some checks on the plotly group vectors
warning("The first group object for use in plotly is not a vector.\nNo groups will be ploted in plotly.")
plotly.group = NULL
else if(length(plotly.group) != length(indsubset)){
warning("The first group vector for use in plotly does not equal the number of individuals.\nNo groups will be ploted in plotly.")
plotly.group = NULL
warning("The second group object for use in plotly is not a vector.\nNo groups will be ploted in plotly.")
plotly.group2 = NULL
else if(length(plotly.group2) != length(indsubset)){
warning("The second group vector for use in plotly does not equal the number of individuals.\nNo groups will be ploted in plotly.")
plotly.group2 = NULL
addpixel = ifelse(any(!is.null(c(plotly.group,plotly.group2))),200,0)
# Some checks on the hove information for plotly
samp.info <- list("Sample ID"=1:length(indsubset))
samp.info <- list("Sample ID"=seqID[indsubset])
} else if(!is.list(samp.info)){
warning("Sample information object is not a list")
samp.info <- list("Sample ID"=seqID[indsubset])
} else if(any(unlist(lapply(samp.info,function(x) length(x)!=length(indsubset))))){
stop("Missing or extra sample information. Check that the 'samp.info' object is correct.")
hover.info <- apply(sapply(1:length(samp.info),function(x) paste0(names(samp.info)[x],": ",samp.info[[x]]),simplify = TRUE),1,paste0,collapse="<br>")
if(!require(heatmaply) || compareVersion(as.character(packageVersion("heatmaply")), "0.15.0")==-1)
withHeatmaply = FALSE
hover.info <- apply(sapply(1:length(samp.info),function(x) paste0(names(samp.info)[x],": ",samp.info[[x]]),simplify = TRUE),1,paste0,collapse="<br>")
nsnpsub <- length(snpsubset)
nindsub <- length(indsubset)
depthsub <- depth.orig[indsubset, snpsubset]
if(min(depth) < 2) depth[depth < 2] <- 1.1 # in case got here without executing this
cat("Calculating G matrix, analysis code:", sfx, "\n")
cat("# SNPs: ", nsnpsub, "\n")
cat("# individuals: ", nindsub, "\n")
genon0 <- genon[indsubset, snpsubset]
usegeno <- !is.na(genon[indsubset, snpsubset])
if (depth.min > 1 | depth.max < Inf) {
genon0[depth[indsubset, snpsubset] < depth.min] <- NA
genon0[depth[indsubset, snpsubset] > depth.max] <- NA
depthsub[depthsub < depth.min] <- 0
depthsub[depthsub > depth.max] <- 0
usegeno[depth[indsubset, snpsubset] < depth.min] <- FALSE
usegeno[depth[indsubset, snpsubset] > depth.max] <- FALSE
cocall <- tcrossprod(usegeno)
cat("Mean co-call rate (for sample pairs):", mean(upper.vec(cocall)/nsnpsub), "\n")
cat("Min co-call rate (for sample pairs):", min(upper.vec(cocall)/nsnpsub), "\n")
png(paste0("Co-call-", sfx, ".png"), pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
hist(upper.vec(cocall)/nsnpsub, breaks = 50, xlab = "Co-call rate (for sample pairs)", main="", col = "grey")
lowpairs <- which(cocall/nsnpsub <= cocall.thresh & upper.tri(cocall),arr.ind=TRUE)
if (have_rcpp) {
sampdepth.max <- rcpp_rowMaximums(depthsub, nThreads)
else {
sampdepth.max <- apply(depthsub, 1, max)
samp.removed <- NULL
if(cocall.thresh >= 0) { # remove samples which wont get self-rel
samp.removed <- which(sampdepth.max < 2)
ulow <- which(lowpairs[,1] %in% samp.removed | lowpairs[,2] %in% samp.removed)
if(length(ulow) > 0) lowpairs <- lowpairs[-ulow,,drop=FALSE]
while(nrow(lowpairs) > 0) {
lowsamptab <- table(as.vector(lowpairs))
lowsamp <- as.numeric(names(which.max(lowsamptab)))
samp.removed <- c(samp.removed,lowsamp)
lowpairs <- lowpairs[-(which(lowpairs[,1] == lowsamp | lowpairs[,2] == lowsamp)),,drop=FALSE]
if ((nsnpsub < nsnps | depth.min > 1 | depth.max < Inf) & calclevel %in% c(2,9)) {
naa <- colSums(genon0 == 2, na.rm = TRUE)
nab <- colSums(genon0 == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
nbb <- colSums(genon0 == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
p1 = (naa + nab/2)/(naa + nab + nbb)
maf <- ifelse(p1 > 0.5, 1 - p1, p1)
png(paste0("MAF", sfx, ".png"), pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
hist(maf, breaks = 50, xlab = "MAF", col = "grey")
samplesOK <- exists("samples")
if(samplesOK) if(nrow(samples) != nind) samplesOK <- FALSE
if (!gform == "chip" & calclevel > 2 & outlevel > 7 & samplesOK) {
samples0 <- samples[indsubset, snpsubset] - rep.int(2 * puse[snpsubset], rep(nindsub, nsnpsub))
samples0[is.na(genon0)] <- 0
genon0 <- genon0 - rep.int(2 * puse[snpsubset], rep(nindsub, nsnpsub))
genon0[is.na(genon0)] <- 0 # equivalent to using 2p for missing genos
sampdepthsub <- rowMeans(depthsub)
# depth0sub <- rowSums(depthsub==0) snpdepthsub <- colMeans(depthsub) snpdepthsub.non0 <- colSums(depthsub>0)/nrow(depthsub)
missrate <- sum(depthsub == 0)/nrow(depthsub)/ncol(depthsub)
cat("Proportion of missing genotypes: ", missrate, "Callrate:", 1-missrate,"\n")
# callratesub <- 1-rowSums(depthsub==0)/nsnpsub
cat("Mean sample depth:", mean(sampdepthsub), "\n")
P0 <- matrix(puse[snpsubset], nrow = nindsub, ncol = nsnpsub, byrow = TRUE)
P1 <- 1 - P0
P0[!usegeno] <- 0
P1[!usegeno] <- 0
div0 <- 2 * tcrossprod(P0, P1)
if (!gform == "chip" & calclevel > 2 & outlevel > 7 & samplesOK) {
GGBS3top <- tcrossprod(samples0)
GGBS3bot <- (div0 + diag(diag(div0)))
GGBS3 <- GGBS3top/GGBS3bot # faster in 3 steps
rm(GGBS3top, GGBS3bot)
} else {
GGBS4top <- tcrossprod(genon0)
GGBS4 <- GGBS4top/div0
GGBS1 <- GGBS4top/2/sum(puse[snpsubset] * (1 - puse[snpsubset]))
genon01 <- genon0
P0 <- matrix(puse[snpsubset], nrow = nindsub, ncol = nsnpsub, byrow = TRUE)
P1 <- 1 - P0
if (have_rcpp) {
rcpp_assignP0P1Genon01(P0, P1, genon01, usegeno, depth[indsubset, snpsubset], nThreads)
else {
genon01[depth[indsubset, snpsubset] < 2] <- 0
P0[!usegeno | depth[indsubset, snpsubset] < 2] <- 0
P1[!usegeno | depth[indsubset, snpsubset] < 2] <- 0
# div0 <- 2 * diag(tcrossprod(P0, P1)) # rowSums version faster
div0 <- 2 * rowSums(P0 * P1)
Kdepth <- depth2K(depth[indsubset, snpsubset])
GGBS5d <- 1 + rowSums((genon01^2 - 2 * P0 * P1 * (1 + 2*Kdepth))/(1 - 2*Kdepth))/div0
rm(Kdepth, div0, P0, P1)
diag(GGBS5) <- GGBS5d
cat("Mean self-relatedness (G5 diagonal):", mean(GGBS5d), "\n")
uhirel <- which(GGBS5 > hirel.thresh & upper.tri(GGBS5), arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(uhirel) > 0 & nsnpsub >= 999)
write.csv(data.frame(Indiv1 = seqID[indsubset][uhirel[, 1]], Indiv2 = seqID[indsubset][uhirel[, 2]], G5rel = GGBS5[uhirel], SelfRel1 = GGBS5d[uhirel[,1]], SelfRel2 = GGBS5d[uhirel[,2]] ),
paste0("HighRelatedness", sfx, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)
if (!npc == 0 ) {
# check for missing elements and subset to remove
pcasamps <- 1:nindsub
if(length(samp.removed) > 0) {
pcasamps <- pcasamps[-samp.removed]
cat("SeqIDs removed for PCA and/or heatmap\n"); print(seqID[indsubset][samp.removed])
pcacolo <- fcolo[indsubset[pcasamps]]
if (npc > 0) {
temp <- sqrt(GGBS5[pcasamps,pcasamps] - min(GGBS5[pcasamps,pcasamps], na.rm = TRUE))
if(length(table(pcacolo)) > 1) {
temp_p <- heatmaply(x=round(temp,3), symm=TRUE, colors=rev(heat.colors(50)), hide_colorbar=TRUE,
width=1000, height=1000, plot_method="plotly", margins=c(0,0,0,0), seriate="none",
labRow = paste0("<br>",hover.info), labCol = paste0("<br>",hover.info), showticklabels=FALSE,
label_names=c("<b>Row</b>","<b>Column</b>","<b>Relatedness value</b>"),
ColSideColors=pcacolo, RowSideColors=pcacolo,
file=paste0("Heatmap-G5", sfx, ".html")) %>% layout(width=1000,height=1000)
} else{
temp_p <- heatmaply(x=round(temp,3), symm=TRUE, colors=rev(heat.colors(50)), hide_colorbar=TRUE,
width=1000, height=1000, plot_method="plotly", margins=c(0,0,0,0), seriate="none",
labRow = paste0("<br>",hover.info), labCol = paste0("<br>",hover.info), showticklabels=FALSE,
label_names=c("<b>Row</b>","<b>Column</b>","<b>Relatedness value</b>"),
file=paste0("Heatmap-G5", sfx, ".html"))
#htmlwidgets::saveWidget(temp_p, paste0("Heatmap-G5", sfx, ".html"))
} else {
png(paste0("Heatmap-G5", sfx, ".png"), width = 2000, height = 2000, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 18)
if (require(parallelDist)) {
cat("Using parallelDist function in heatmap\n")
distfun <- parDist
else {
cat("Using normal dist function in heatmap\n")
distfun <- dist
if(length(table(pcacolo)) > 1) {
hmout <- heatmap(temp, col = rev(heat.colors(50)), ColSideColors=pcacolo, RowSideColors=pcacolo, symm=TRUE, revC=FALSE, distfun=distfun)
} else {
hmout <- heatmap(temp, col = rev(heat.colors(50)), symm=TRUE, revC=FALSE, distfun=distfun)
hmdat <- data.frame(rowInd=hmout$rowInd,seqIDInd=indsubset[pcasamps[hmout$rowInd]],seqID=seqID[indsubset[pcasamps[hmout$rowInd]]])
write.csv(hmdat,paste0("HeatmapOrder", sfx, ".csv"),row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
if (calclevel %in% c(2,9)) {
temp_p <- plot_ly(y=diag(GGBS4), x=diag(GGBS5), hoverinfo="text", text=hover.info, mode="markers", type="scatter",
width=480 + addpixel, height=480, marker=list(size=cex.pointsize*6),
color=plotly.group, symbol=plotly.group2) %>%
layout(title="Self-relatedness estimates",xaxis=list(title = "Using G5"), yaxis=list(title = "Using G4"))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(temp_p, paste0("G", sfx, "-diag.html"))
png(paste0("G", sfx, "-diag.png"), width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
plot(diag(GGBS4) ~ diag(GGBS5), col = fcolo[indsubset], main = "Self-relatedness estimates", xlab = "Using G5", ylab = "Using G4")
if (!gform == "chip") {
temp_p <- plot_ly(y=diag(GGBS5), x=sampdepthsub, hoverinfo="text", text=hover.info, mode="markers", type="scatter",
width=480 + addpixel, height=480, marker=list(size=cex.pointsize*6),
color=plotly.group, symbol=plotly.group2) %>%
layout(title="Self-relatedness estimate using G5",xaxis=list(title = "Sample depth (log scale)", zeroline=FALSE, type='log'),
yaxis=list(title = "Self-relatedness estimate using G5", zeroline=FALSE))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(temp_p, paste0("G", sfx, "diagdepth.html"))
png(paste0("G", sfx, "diagdepth.png"), width = 480, height = 480, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
#plot(diag(GGBS5) ~ I(sampdepthsub + 1), col = fcolo[indsubset], ylab = "Self-relatedness estimate using G5", xlab = "Sample depth +1", log="x")
plot(diag(GGBS5) ~ sampdepthsub, col = fcolo[indsubset], ylab = "Self-relatedness estimate using G5", xlab = "Sample depth (log scale)", log="x")
if (calclevel %in% c(2,9)) {
png(paste0("Gcompare", sfx, ".png"), width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 18)
if (gform == "chip" | !samplesOK)
plot(upper.vec(GGBS1) ~ upper.vec(GGBS5), col = "#80808060", pch = 16, main = "Off-diagonal comparisons", xlab = "Using G5", ylab = "Using G1")
if (!gform == "chip" & calclevel > 2 & samplesOK)
pairs(cbind(upper.vec(GGBS1), upper.vec(GGBS3), upper.vec(GGBS5)), col = "#80808060", pch = 16, main = "Off-diagonal comparisons",
labels = paste0("Using G", c("1", "3", "5")))
npc <- abs(npc)
if (npc >= 1) {
### PCA analysis on GGBS5
pcasymbol <- 1; if(length(pcasamps) < 100) pcasymbol <- 16
PC <- svd(GGBS5[pcasamps,pcasamps] - matrix(colMeans(GGBS5[pcasamps,pcasamps]), nrow = length(pcasamps), ncol = length(pcasamps), byrow = TRUE), nu = npc)
eval <- sign(PC$d) * PC$d^2/sum(PC$d^2)
PC$x <- PC$u %*% diag(PC$d[1:npc],nrow=npc) # nrow to get correct behaviour when npc=1
cat("minimum eigenvalue: ", min(eval), "\n") #check for +ve def
if(npc > 1) {
temp_p <- plot_ly(y=PC$x[, 2],x=PC$x[, 1], type="scatter", mode="markers",
hoverinfo="text", text=hover.info, width=640 + addpixel, height=640,
marker=list(size=cex.pointsize*6), color=plotly.group, symbol=plotly.group2) %>%
layout(xaxis=list(title="Principal component 1",zeroline=FALSE), yaxis=list(title="Principal component 2",zeroline=FALSE))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(temp_p, paste0("PC1v2G5", sfx, ".html"))
png(paste0("PC1v2G5", sfx, ".png"), width = 640, height = 640, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 15)
if(npc > 1) {
plot(PC$x[, 2] ~ PC$x[, 1], cex = 0.6, col = pcacolo, pch = pcasymbol, xlab = "Principal component 1", ylab = "Principal component 2")
} else {
hist(PC$x[, 1], 50)
if (npc > 2) {
pdf(paste0("PCG5", sfx, ".pdf"), pointsize = cex.pointsize * 12)
pairs(PC$x[,1:npc], cex=0.6, pch = pcasymbol, label=paste(dimnames(PC$x)[[2]],round(eval,3),sep="\n")[1:npc], col=pcacolo)
if(mdsplot) {
mdsout <- cmdscale(dist(GGBS5))
temp_p <- plot_ly(x=mdsout[,1],y=mdsout[,2], type="scatter", mode="markers", marker=list(size=cex.pointsize*6),
width=640 + addpixel, height=640 + addpixel,
hoverinfo="text", text=hover.info, color=plotly.group, symbol=plotly.group2) %>%
layout(xaxis=list(title="MDS coordinate 1",zeroline=FALSE), yaxis=list(title="MDS coordinate 2",zeroline=FALSE))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(temp_p, paste0("MDS1v2G5", sfx, ".html"))
png(paste0("MDS1v2G5", sfx, ".png"), width = 640, height = 640, pointsize = cex.pointsize * 15)
plot(mdsout, cex = 0.6, col = pcacolo, xlab = "MDS coordinate 1", ylab = "MDS coordinate 2")
list(G1 = GGBS1, G4d = diag(GGBS4), G5 = GGBS5, samp.removed = samp.removed, PC = PC) # add G3=GGBS3, if needed
} else {
list(G1 = GGBS1, G4d = diag(GGBS4), G5 = GGBS5, samp.removed = samp.removed) # add G3=GGBS3, if needed
writeG <- function(Guse, outname, outtype=0, indsubset,IDuse, metadf=NULL ) { # IDuse, metadf is for only those samples in Guse
Gname <- deparse(substitute(Guse))
if (is.list(Guse)) {
if(!"G5" %in% names(Guse)) stop("Guse is a list without a G5")
if("PC" %in% names(Guse)) PCtemp <- Guse$PC
Guse <- Guse$G5
Gname <- "G5"
if (missing(indsubset)) indsubset <- 1:nrow(Guse)
if (missing(outname)) outname <- "GBS-Gmatrix"
IDname <- as.character(deparse(substitute(IDuse)))
charpos <- regexpr("[",IDname,fixed=TRUE) ; if (charpos>0) IDname <- substr(IDname,1,charpos-1)
charpos <- regexpr("$",IDname,fixed=TRUE) ; if (charpos>0) IDname <- substr(IDname,charpos+1,nchar(IDname))
if (missing(IDuse)) { IDuse <- seqID[indsubset]; IDname <- "seqID" }
if(1 %in% outtype) {
savelist <- list(Guse=Guse,IDuse=IDuse)
charpos <- regexpr("[",Gname,fixed=TRUE) ; if (charpos>0) Gname <- substr(Gname,1,charpos-1)
charpos <- regexpr("$",Gname,fixed=TRUE) ; if (charpos>0) Gname <- substr(Gname,charpos+1,nchar(Gname))
names(savelist) <- c(Gname,IDname)
save(list=names(savelist),file= paste0(outname,".RData"), envir=list2env(savelist))
if(2 %in% outtype) {
colnames(Guse) <- IDuse
Gout <- cbind(IDuse, Guse)
colnames(Gout)[1] <- IDname
write.csv(Gout, paste0(outname,".csv"),row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
if(3 %in% outtype) {
upperRel <- upper.vec(Guse)
ID1 <- upper.vec(matrix(IDuse,nrow=length(IDuse),ncol=length(IDuse),byrow=FALSE))
ID2 <- upper.vec(matrix(IDuse,nrow=length(IDuse),ncol=length(IDuse),byrow=TRUE))
df.out <- data.frame(id1=ID1,id2=ID2,rel=upperRel)
if(4 %in% outtype) {
Inbreeding <- diag(Guse) - 1
Gout <- cbind(IDuse,Inbreeding)
colnames(Gout)[1] <- IDname
write.csv(Gout, paste0(outname,"-Inbreeding.csv"),row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
if(5 %in% outtype) { # input for projector.tensorflow.org
colnames(Guse) <- IDuse
write.table(Guse, paste0(outname,"-pca_vectors.tsv"),sep="\t",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
if(is.null(metadf)) write.table(IDuse, paste0(outname,"-pca_metadata.tsv"),sep="\t",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
if(!is.null(metadf)) write.table(metadf, paste0(outname,"-pca_metadata.tsv"),sep="\t",row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,quote=FALSE)
if(6 %in% outtype & exists("PCtemp")) {
colnames(PCtemp$x) <- paste0("PC",1:ncol(PCtemp$x))
PCout <- data.frame(IDuse); colnames(PCout) <- IDname
if(!is.null(metadf)) PCout <- metadf #cbind(PCout,metadf)
PCout <- cbind(PCout,PCtemp$x)
##### functions for G matrix comparison
regpanel <- function(x,y,nvars=3, ...) {
usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
if(nvars==2) par(usr = c(-1.5, 1, 0, 2.5)) # use lower RHS
regn <- summary(lm(x ~ y)) # reverse order to match plot
regneqn <- paste0("y = ",signif(regn$coefficients[1,1],3),"\n (SE ",signif(regn$coefficients[1,2],2),")\n + ",
signif(regn$coefficients[2,1],3),"x\n (SE ",signif(regn$coefficients[2,2],2),")")
regnsign <- sign(regn$coefficients[2,1])
reqnn <- paste0("n = ",sum(regn$df[1:2]))
reqn <- paste0("r = ",signif(regnsign * sqrt(regn$r.squared),3))
textcex <- 0.3 + 2/(nvars^.75) # need to make smaller when more panels
GCompare <- function(Glist,IDlist,Gnames = paste0("G.",1:length(Glist)), plotname = "", whichplot="both", doBA=FALSE, ...) {
#whichplot can be "both", "diag" or "off"
if(doBA) doBA <- require(MethComp)
nG <- length(Glist)
if (length(IDlist) != nG) stop("ID list different length to G list")
if (nG < 2) stop("Nothing to compare")
allID <- unique(unlist(IDlist))
if(whichplot %in% c("both","diag")) {
gcompare <- diag(Glist[[1]])[match(allID,IDlist[[1]])]
for(iG in 2:nG) gcompare <- cbind(gcompare,diag(Glist[[iG]])[match(allID,IDlist[[iG]])])
png(paste0("Gcompare-", plotname, "-diag.png"), width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = 18)
if (nG>2) pairs(gcompare,labels=Gnames,upper.panel=regpanel,main="Diagonal comparisons", nvars=nG, ...) else {
plot(gcompare,xlab=Gnames[1],ylab=Gnames[2],main="Diagonal comparisons", ...)
if(doBA) {
diffmax <- max(apply(gcompare,1,max,na.rm=TRUE)-apply(gcompare,1,min,na.rm=TRUE))
gcompareBA <- data.frame(meth=Gnames[1],item=1:length(allID),y=diag(Glist[[1]])[match(allID,IDlist[[1]])])
for(iG in 2:nG) gcompareBA <- rbind(gcompareBA,data.frame(meth=Gnames[iG],item=1:length(allID),y=diag(Glist[[iG]])[match(allID,IDlist[[iG]])]))
gcompareBA$meth <- factor(gcompareBA$meth,levels=Gnames) # levels specified to keep order
png(paste0("GcompareBA-", plotname, "-diag.png"), width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = 18)
plot(Meth(gcompareBA),diff.range=diffmax,main="Diagonal comparisons")
if(whichplot %in% c("both","off")) {
gcompare <- upper.vec(Glist[[1]][match(allID,IDlist[[1]]),match(allID,IDlist[[1]])])
ncompare <- length(gcompare)
for(iG in 2:nG) gcompare <- cbind(gcompare,upper.vec(Glist[[iG]][match(allID,IDlist[[iG]]),match(allID,IDlist[[iG]])]))
png(paste0("Gcompare-", plotname, "-offdiag.png"), width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = 18)
if (nG>2) pairs(gcompare,labels=Gnames,upper.panel=regpanel,main="Off-diagonal comparisons", nvars=nG, ...) else {
plot(gcompare,xlab=Gnames[1],ylab=Gnames[2],main="Off-diagonal comparisons", ...)
if(doBA) {
diffmax <- max(apply(gcompare,1,max,na.rm=TRUE)-apply(gcompare,1,min,na.rm=TRUE))
gcompareBA <- data.frame(meth=Gnames[1],item=1:ncompare,y= upper.vec(Glist[[1]][match(allID,IDlist[[1]]),match(allID,IDlist[[1]])]))
for(iG in 2:nG) gcompareBA <- rbind(gcompareBA,data.frame(meth=Gnames[iG],item=1:ncompare,y=upper.vec(Glist[[iG]][match(allID,IDlist[[iG]]),match(allID,IDlist[[iG]])])))
gcompareBA$meth <- factor(gcompareBA$meth,levels=Gnames)
png(paste0("GcompareBA-", plotname, "-offdiag.png"), width = 960, height = 960, pointsize = 18)
plot(Meth(gcompareBA),diff.range=diffmax,main="Off-diagonal comparisons")
## Write KGD back to VCF file
writeVCF <- function(indsubset=NULL, snpsubset=NULL, outname=NULL, ep=0, puse = p, IDuse){
if (missing(IDuse)) IDuse <- seqID[indsubset]
if (is.null(outname)) outname <- "GBSdata"
filename <- paste0(outname,".vcf")
stop("Allele matrix does not exist. Change the 'alleles.keep' argument to TRUE and rerun KGD")
ref <- alleles[, seq(1, 2 * nsnps - 1, 2)]
alt <- alleles[, seq(2, 2 * nsnps, 2)]
## subset data if required
indsubset <- 1:nind
snpsubset <- 1:nsnps
ref <- ref[indsubset, snpsubset]
alt <- alt[indsubset, snpsubset]
genon0 <- genon[indsubset, snpsubset]
pmat <- matrix(puse[snpsubset], nrow=length(indsubset), ncol=length(snpsubset), byrow=TRUE)
# Meta information
metaInfo <- paste('##fileformat=VCFv4.3',paste0("##fileDate=",Sys.Date()),"##source=KGDpackage",
'##FORMAT=<ID=GP,Number=G,Type=Float,Description="Genotype Probability">',
'##FORMAT=<ID=GL,Number=G,Type=Float,Description="Genotype Likelihood">',
'##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Allele Read Counts">\n',sep="\n")
cat(metaInfo, file=filename)
## colnames:
cat(c("#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF","ALT","QUAL","FILTER","INFO","FORMAT", IDuse, "\n"), file=filename, append=TRUE, sep="\t")
## set up the matrix to be written
out <- matrix(nrow=length(snpsubset),ncol=9+length(indsubset))
## Compute the Data line fields
if(gform == "Tassel"){
out[,1] <- chrom[snpsubset]
out[,2] <- pos[snpsubset]
out[,1] <- SNP_Names[snpsubset]
out[,2] <- 1:length(snpsubset)
out[,3] <- rep(".", length(snpsubset))
out[,4] <- rep("C", length(snpsubset))
out[,5] <- rep("G", length(snpsubset))
out[,6] <- rep(".", length(snpsubset))
out[,7] <- rep(".", length(snpsubset))
out[,8] <- rep(".", length(snpsubset))
out[,9] <- rep("GT:GP:GL:AD", length(snpsubset))
## Compute the genotype fields
genon0[is.na(genon0)] <- -1
gt <- sapply(as.vector(genon0), function(x) switch(x+2,"./.","1/1","0/1","0/0"))
## compute probs
paa <- (1-ep)^ref*ep^alt*pmat^2
pab <- (1/2)^(ref+alt)*2*pmat*(1-pmat)
pbb <- ep^ref*(1-ep)^alt*(1-pmat)^2
psum <- paa + pab + pbb
paa <- round(paa/psum,4)
pab <- round(pab/psum,4)
pbb <- round(pbb/psum,4)
## compute likelihood values
compLike <- function(x) 1/2^(ref+alt)*((2-x)*ep + x*(1-ep))^ref * ((2-x)*(1-ep) + x*ep)^alt
llaa <- log10(compLike(2))
llab <- log10(compLike(1))
llbb <- log10(compLike(0))
llaa[which(is.infinite(llaa))] <- -1000
llab[which(is.infinite(llab))] <- -1000
llbb[which(is.infinite(llbb))] <- -1000
llaa <- round(llaa,4)
llab <- round(llab,4)
llbb <- round(llbb,4)
## Create the data part
temp <- options()$scipen
options(scipen=10) #needed for formating
out[,-c(1:9)] <- matrix(paste(gt,paste(paa,pab,pbb,sep=","),paste(llaa,llab,llbb,sep=","), paste(ref,alt,sep=","), sep=":"),
nrow=length(snpsubset), ncol=length(indsubset), byrow=TRUE)
## fwrite is much faster
fwrite(split(t(out), 1:(length(indsubset)+9)), file=filename, sep="\t", append=TRUE, nThread = 1)
write.table(out, file = filename, append = T, sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
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