-- Given a sql_id, show both current and historical performance statistics
set lines 250
undef sql_id
accept sql_id prompt 'Enter sql_id : '
col apwpx format 99999.999 head 'AppWms|PerX'
col bgpx format 999999999 head 'BGets|PerX'
col conw format 99999.999 head 'Conwms|PerX'
col cpx format 99999999.999 head 'CPUms|PerX'
col drpx format 9999999.99 head 'DReads|PerX'
col fetchx format 99999 head 'Fetchs|PerX'
col sortx format 999 head 'Sorts|PerX'
col elpx format 99999999.999 head 'Elapms|PerX'
col exec format 999999999999 head 'Execs'
col iowpx format 99999999.999 head 'IOWms|PerX'
col latime format a11 head 'Last Active'
col lltime format a09 head 'Last Load'
col maxsnapid format 999999 head 'Max|SnapId'
col m format a01 trunc
col minsnapid format 999999 head 'Min|SnapId'
col module format a14 trunc head 'Module'
col o format a01 head 'O' trunc
col opt_mode format a08 trunc head 'Opt|Mode' trunc
col parse_usr format a08 head 'ParsUser' trunc
col phash format 9999999999 head 'PlanHash'
col phashp format a12 head 'PlanHash P'
col rwpx format 999999.99 head 'RwsP|PerX'
col s_cn format a07 head 'S:Child' trunc
col sql_id format a15 head 'SQL Id'
col sqltext format a12 trunc head 'Sql Text'
col ue format 999
col cpct format 999 head 'CPU|Pct' trunc
col ipct format 999 head 'IO|Pct' trunc
col btime format a11 head 'Begin Time'
col smem format 99999 head 'ShrMem|KB'
break on sql_id on opt_mode on parse_usr skip 1
prompt ===== from dba_hist_sqlstat =====
select parsing_schema_name parse_usr
,plan_hash_value phash
,optimizer_mode opt_mode
,min(snap_id) minsnapid
,max(snap_id) maxsnapid
,avg(sharable_mem/1024) smem
,sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) exec
,sum(cpu_time_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta))/1000 cpx
,sum(elapsed_time_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta))/1000 elpx
,(sum(cpu_time_delta)/sum(decode(elapsed_time_delta,0,1,elapsed_time_delta)))*100 cpct
,sum(buffer_gets_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) bgpx
,sum(iowait_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta))/1000 iowpx
,(sum(iowait_delta)/sum(decode(elapsed_time_delta,0,1,elapsed_time_delta)))*100 ipct
,sum(disk_reads_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) drpx
,sum(apwait_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta))/1000 apwpx
,sum(ccwait_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta))/1000 conw
,sum(rows_processed_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) rwpx
,sum(sorts_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) sortx
,sum(end_of_fetch_count_delta)/sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) fetchx
,module module
from dba_hist_sqlstat ss
where sql_id = '&&sql_id'
group by sql_id
having sum(decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) >0
order by min(ss.snap_id),parsing_schema_name
-- profile/baseline associated with sql_id
col name format a26
col category format a04 trunc
col created format a14
col type format a03 trunc
col status format a03 trunc
col sql_text format a80 trunc
col min_ago format 9999 trunc head 'Mins|Ago'
select name
,to_char(created,'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI') created
,replace(sql_text,chr(13)) sql_text
from dba_sql_profiles
where name like '%&&sql_id%'
select distinct b.sql_handle
,to_char(b.created,'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI') created
from dba_sql_plan_baselines b
,v$sql s
where b.plan_name = s.sql_plan_baseline
and s.sql_id = '&&sql_id'
break on parse_usr
prompt ========== from v$sql ==========
select parsing_schema_name parse_usr
,lpad(plan_hash_value,10,' ')||' '||
case when sql_profile is not null then 'P'
when sql_plan_baseline is not null then 'B'
else ' '
end phashp
--,is_bind_sensitive||is_bind_aware||is_shareable pas
--,optimizer_mode m
--,is_obsolete o
,users_executing ue
,substr(object_status,1,1)||':'||lpad(child_number,5,' ') s_cn
--,to_char(to_date(last_load_time,'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS'),'MMDD HH24MI') lltime
,to_char(last_active_time,'MMDD HH24:MI') latime
,(sysdate-last_active_time)*1440 min_ago
,decode(executions,0,1,executions) exec
,cpu_time/decode(executions,0,1,executions)/1000 cpx
,elapsed_time/decode(executions,0,1,executions)/1000 elpx
,(cpu_time/elapsed_time)*100 cpct
,buffer_gets/decode(executions,0,1,executions) bgpx
,user_io_wait_time/decode(executions,0,1,executions)/1000 iowpx
,(user_io_wait_time/elapsed_time)*100 ipct
,disk_reads/decode(executions,0,1,executions) drpx
,application_wait_time/decode(executions,0,1,executions)/1000 apwpx
,concurrency_wait_time/decode(executions,0,1,executions)/1000 conw
,rows_processed/decode(executions,0,1,executions) rwpx
,sorts/decode(executions,0,1,executions) sortx
,fetches/decode(executions,0,1,executions) fetchx
,module module
,replace(sql_text,chr(13)) sqltext
from v$sql
where sql_id = '&&sql_id'
and last_active_time > sysdate-3
order by parsing_schema_name
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