REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM #DESC : Show fragemented indexes and space savings if rebuilt
REM Usage : Input parameter: none
REM Run as SYS
REM Description: This script gets info from statistics generated by "analyze statistics" so the
REM quality of the result set depends largely on the currency of the CBO statistics.
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
col idxname format a30 head "Owner.Index"
col tabname format a30 head "Owner.Index"
col owner format a8 head "Owner.Index" trunc
col uniq format a01 head "U"
col tsname format a15 head "Tablespace" trunc
col sampsz format 9999999 head "Sample|Size"
col xtrblk format 9999999 head "Extra|Blocks"
col lfcnt format 9999999 head "Leaf|Blocks"
col blk format 9999999 head "Curr|Blocks"
col blvl format 9 head "BL"
col currmb format 999999 head "Curr|MB"
col newmb format 99999 head "New|MB"
col pfitbl format a06 head "PF-I-L"
col it format 99 head "IT"
col lanal format a06 head "LastAnal"
col density format a04 head "Dens%" trunc
break on owner on tabname
select /*+ ordered */
u.name owner
,t.table_name tabname
,o.name idxname
,decode(bitand(i.property, 1), 0,' ', 1, 'x','?') uniq
,ts.name tsname
,to_char(i.analyzetime,'YYMMDD') lanal
,i.samplesize sampsz
,rpad(substr(to_char(100 * i.rowcnt * (sum(h.avgcln) + 11) / (i.leafcnt * (p.value - 66 - i.initrans * 24)), '999.00'),2),6,' ') density
,lpad(i.pctfree$,2,' ')||'-'||rpad(i.initrans,1,' ')||'-'||rpad(i.blevel,1,' ') pfitbl
,seg.blocks blk
,i.leafcnt lfcnt
,floor((1 - i.pctfree$/100) * i.leafcnt - i.rowcnt * (sum(h.avgcln) + 11) / (p.value - 66 - i.initrans * 24) ) xtrblk
,round(seg.bytes/(1024*1024)) currmb
,(1 + i.pctfree$/100) * (i.rowcnt * (sum(h.avgcln) + 11) / (i.leafcnt * (p.value - 66 - i.initrans * 24)) * seg.bytes/(1024*1204)) newmb
from sys.ind$ i
,sys.icol$ ic
,sys.hist_head$ h
,(select value value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size' ) p -- block size
,sys.obj$ o
,dba_indexes t
,sys.user$ u
,sys.ts$ ts
,dba_segments seg
where i.leafcnt > 1
and i.type# in (1,4,6) -- exclude special types
and ic.obj# = i.obj#
and h.obj# = i.bo#
and h.intcol# = ic.intcol#
and o.obj# = i.obj#
and t.index_name = o.name
and t.owner = u.name
and o.owner# != 0
and u.user# = o.owner#
and i.ts# = ts.ts#
and u.name = seg.owner
and o.name = seg.segment_name
and seg.blocks > i.leafcnt -- if i.leafcnt > seg.blocks then statistics are not up-to-date
group by
,decode(bitand(i.property, 1), 0,' ', 1, 'x','?')
having 50 * i.rowcnt * (sum(h.avgcln) + 11) < (i.leafcnt * (p.value - 66 - i.initrans * 24)) * (50 - i.pctfree$)
and floor((1 - i.pctfree$/100) * i.leafcnt - i.rowcnt * (sum(h.avgcln) + 11) / (p.value - 66 - i.initrans * 24) ) > 0
order by 1,2,12;
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