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Gitee 极速下载/racket

加入 Gitee
与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/racket/racket
main.zuo 36.08 KB
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#lang zuo
(require "racket/src/lib.zuo")
;; This Zuo script drives a Racket build from a Git checkout, either
;; for an in-place build (which is the most typical mode), a Unix-style
;; build, or a distro-build server or client.
;; Build options are provided as <variable>=<value> command-line
;; arguments, as in
;; zuo . PKGS="compiler-lib"
;; or
;; zuo main.zuo unix-style PKGS="compiler-lib"
;; All variables are described in `Makefile`, which also provides
;; all default values.
;; `Makefile` also effectively lists the available targets, and it
;; bounces each of those targets to this script after ensuring that a
;; `zuo` executable is built.
(provide-targets targets-at)
;; We ignore the `at-dir` argument and instead do everything
;; relative to the source directory
(define (targets-at at-dir-ignored [vars (hash)])
(define config (config-file->hash (at-source "Makefile") vars))
(define (lookup key [default ""]) (hash-ref config key default))
(define (lookup! key) (or (hash-ref config key #f)
(error "required configuration entry is missing" key)))
(define build-config.rktd (at-source "build/config/config.rktd"))
(define build/site.rkt (at-source "build/site.rkt"))
(define vm (let ([cb (lookup 'CLIENT_BASE)]
[wcb (lookup 'WIN32_CLIENT_BASE)])
[(equal? cb "cs-base") 'cs]
[(equal? cb "bc-base") 'bc]
[(equal? wcb "win-cs-base") 'cs]
[(equal? wcb "win-bc-base") 'bc]
[else (string->symbol (lookup 'VM "cs"))])))
(define required-pkgs (shell->strings (hash-ref config 'REQUIRED_PKGS)))
(define default-src-catalog (hash-ref config 'DEFAULT_SRC_CATALOG))
(define (get-provided-racket)
(let ([r (lookup 'RACKET)])
(if (equal? r "")
(lookup 'PLAIN_RACKET)
(define (get-jobs)
(define cpus (let ([s (lookup 'CPUS)])
(and (not (equal? s ""))
(define simple-jobs (or cpus
(let ([s (lookup 'JOBS)])
(and (not (equal? s ""))
(define jobs (or simple-jobs
(let ([l (string-split (lookup 'JOB_OPTIONS))])
(and (= 2 (length l))
(equal? (car l) "-j")
(cadr l)))))
(define n-jobs (and jobs (string->integer jobs)))
(when (and jobs
(or (not n-jobs)
(< n-jobs 1)))
(error (~a (if cpus "CPUS" (if simple-jobs "JOBS" "JOB_OPTIONS argument"))
"is not a positive integer"
(or n-jobs
(define (build-options)
(define n-jobs (get-jobs))
(if n-jobs
(hash 'jobs n-jobs)
(define (get-job-options)
(define jobs (get-jobs))
(if jobs
(list "-j" (~a jobs))
(define (setup-options)
(define opts (lookup 'PLT_SETUP_OPTIONS))
(build-shell opts (get-job-options)))
(define (get-mcr-args)
(list "-MCR" (~a (path->complete-path (at-source "build/zo")) ":")))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; pb setup
(define (check-mode mode)
(define mode-file (at-source "racket/src/build/checkout-mode"))
[(file-exists? mode-file)
(define old-mode (file->string mode-file))
(unless (equal? old-mode mode)
(error (~a "checkout previously built in "
(~s old-mode)
" mode; start with a fresh checkout for "
(~s mode)
" mode")))]
(mkdir-p (path-only mode-file))
(display-to-file mode mode-file)]))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; pb setup
(define (pb-manage step)
(define boot-dir (at-source "racket/src/ChezScheme/boot"))
(define pb-dir (build-path boot-dir "pb"))
(define branch (lookup! 'PB_BRANCH))
[(eq? step 'fetch)
(mkdir-p boot-dir)
(if (directory-exists? pb-dir)
(shell/wait "git fetch -q origin" (~a branch ":remotes/origin/" branch)
(hash 'dir pb-dir))
(shell/wait "git clone -q" (lookup 'SINGLE_BRANCH_FLAG)
"-b" branch (string->shell
(let ([ex (lookup 'EXTRA_REPOS_BASE)])
(if (equal? ex "")
(lookup! 'PB_REPO)
(~a ex "pb/.git"))))
(string->shell pb-dir)))
(shell/wait "git remote set-branches origin" branch
(hash 'dir pb-dir))
(shell/wait "git checkout -q" branch
(hash 'dir pb-dir))]
[(eq? step 'build)
(define scheme (let ([s (lookup 'SCHEME)])
(if (equal? s "")
(find-executable-path "scheme")
(define reboot (dynamic-require "racket/src/ChezScheme/s/reboot.zuo" 'reboot))
(reboot 'infer "pb" scheme (hash 'work-dir "build" 'out-dir "racket/src/ChezScheme"))]
(shell/wait "racket ../rktboot/main.rkt --machine pb"
(hash 'dir (at-source "racket/src/ChezScheme")))])]
[(eq? step 'stage)
(define options (hash 'dir pb-dir))
(shell/wait "git branch" branch options)
(shell/wait "git checkout" branch options)
(shell/wait "git add . && git commit --amend --reset-author -m" (string->shell "new build")
[(eq? step 'push)
(shell/wait "git push -u origin" branch
(hash 'dir pb-dir))]
(error "unknown pb step" step)]))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; base, in-place, and unix-style
;; non-#f prefix implies Unix-style build:
(define (build-base subdir token [options (hash)])
(define also? (hash-ref options 'also? #f))
(define prefix (hash-ref options 'prefix #f))
(define targets
(configured-targets-at (hash
'configure (if (eq? 'windows (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'toolchain-type))
(at-source "racket/src" subdir "winfig.bat")
(at-source "racket/src" subdir "configure"))
'inputs (list (at-source "racket/src" subdir "Makefile.in"))
'outputs (list (at-source "racket/src/build" subdir "Makefile"))
'configure-args (append
(shell->strings (shell-subst-pwd (lookup 'CONFIGURE_ARGS_qq)
(at-source "racket/src/build" subdir)))
(shell->strings (lookup 'CONFIGURE_ARGS))
(if (hash-ref options 'server-compile-machine? #f)
(shell->strings (lookup 'DISABLE_STATIC_LIBS))
[(and (equal? subdir "cs/c")
(equal? (lookup 'RACKETCS_SUFFIX) ""))
[(and (equal? subdir "bc")
(equal? (lookup 'RACKETBC_SUFFIX) ""))
[else '()])
[(eq? 'windows (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'toolchain-type))
[prefix (list (~a "--prefix=" prefix)
[else '("--disable-useprefix"
'vars (hash-maybe-set*
;; causes the `raco setup` step to not build
;; installed packages (unless `prefix`):
(path-only build-config.rktd))
(if (hash-ref options 'server-compile-machine? #f)
(map string->shell (get-mcr-args))
'PLT_SETUP_OPTIONS (build-shell
(if also? "-D" "")
'DESTDIR (if prefix
(lookup 'DESTDIR "")
'MMM_CAP_INSTALLED (string-upcase (lookup 'RACKETBC_SUFFIX))
;; for a unix-style install, we'll run any needed
;; `DESTDIR` fixes later:
;; Propagate `MAKE`
'MAKE (lookup 'MAKE))
;; Propagate `RACKET` and similar if specified
'RACKET (get-provided-racket)
'SCHEME (lookup 'SCHEME)
(if (equal? s "")
(build-path s "ChezScheme")))
'CROSS_MODE (if (equal? (lookup 'CS_CROSS_SUFFIX) "-cross")
(build (find-target "build" targets)
(when (eq? 'windows (system-type))
(build (find-target "install-again" targets)
(define (remove-early-load-dlls)
;; On Windows, remove DLLs that might be loaded by `raco` on startup,
;; but which we might need to reinstall via `raco`
(for-each (lambda (dll)
(rm* (at-source "racket/lib" dll)))
(define (native-for-cross subdir token)
(define targets
(configured-targets-at (hash
'configure (if (eq? 'windows (system-type))
(at-source "racket/src" subdir "winfig.bat")
(at-source "racket/src" subdir "configure"))
'configure-args (if (equal? subdir "cs/c")
(list "--enable-csdefault")
(list "--enable-bcdefault"))
'inputs (list (at-source "racket/src" subdir "Makefile.in"))
'outputs (list (at-source "racket/src/build/cross" subdir "Makefile"))
'vars (hash))))
(build (find-target "build" targets)
(define (find-racket vm [config (at-source "racket/etc")] [options (hash)])
(define provided-racket (get-provided-racket))
(define racket.exe
[(not (equal? provided-racket ""))
(executable->path provided-racket at-source)]
(define sfx (if (eq? vm 'cs)
[(eq? 'windows (system-type))
(at-source "racket" (~a "Racket" (string-upcase sfx) ".exe"))]
(at-source "racket/bin" (~a "racket" sfx))])]))
(hash 'racket racket.exe
'racket-args (append (shell->strings (lookup 'SETUP_MACHINE_FLAGS))
(if (hash-ref options 'server-compile-machine? #f)
(list "-G" config
"-X" (at-source "racket/collects")))))
(define (local-catalog [racket (hash-ref (find-racket vm) 'racket)]
[raco #f])
(define loc-catalog (at-source "build/local/pkgs-catalog"))
(define unix-catalog (at-source "build/local/catalog"))
(process/wait racket "-l-" "pkg/dirs-catalog" "--check-metadata" loc-catalog "pkgs")
(process/wait (or raco racket)
(if raco '() (list "-l-" "raco"))
"pkg" "catalog-copy" "--force" "--from-config" loc-catalog
(define (setup vm . args)
(raco (find-racket vm)
(shell->strings (setup-options))))
(define (maybe-fetch vm)
(when (eq? vm 'cs)
(when (andmap (lambda (key) (equal? (lookup key) ""))
(pb-manage 'fetch))))
(define (base token vm [options (hash)])
(build/dep (find-target build-config.rktd the-targets) token)
[(eq? vm 'cs)
(build-base "cs/c" token options)]
(build-base "bc" token options)]))
;; currently does not support Windows or cross compilation
(define (unix-style token vm)
(check-mode "unix-style")
(define prefix (lookup! 'PREFIX))
(when (equal? prefix "")
(error "supply PREFIX=<prefix> for a unix-style installation"))
(maybe-fetch vm)
;; builds and installs to `DESTDIR` plus `prefix`
(base token vm (hash 'prefix prefix))
;; run installed `raco` and `racket`
(define raco (at-destdir vars (build-path prefix "bin" "raco")))
(define racket (at-destdir vars (build-path prefix "bin" "racket")))
;; setup installed catalog
(define src-catalog (lookup 'SRC_CATALOG))
(unless (equal? src-catalog default-src-catalog)
(process/wait raco "pkg" "config" "-i"
"--set" "catalogs" src-catalog ""))
;; create local catalog
(define unix-catalog (local-catalog racket raco))
;; install packages
(define jobs (get-jobs))
(process/wait raco "pkg" "install"
(if jobs (list "-j" (~a jobs)) '())
"--catalog" unix-catalog "--auto" "-i"
(shell->strings (lookup 'PKGS)))
;; destdir fixups
(define at-vm-dir (make-at-dir (at-source "racket/src/build" (if (eq? vm 'cs) "cs/c" "bc"))))
(define config (config-file->hash (at-vm-dir "Makefile") vars))
(maybe-libzo-move config racket #f at-vm-dir)
(maybe-destdir-fix config racket #f at-vm-dir))
(define (as-is token vm)
(check-mode "in-place")
(base token vm)
(racket (find-racket vm)
(list "-U" "-G" (path-only build-config.rktd)
(at-source "racket/src/pkgs-config.rkt")
(setup vm))
(define (in-place token vm [also? #f] [setup-extra-args ""])
(check-mode "in-place")
(maybe-fetch vm)
(base token vm (hash 'also? also?))
(define vars (find-racket vm))
(define jobs (get-jobs))
(unless also?
(pkgs-catalog token vars)
(raco vars "pkg" "update"
"--all" "--auto" "--no-setup" "--scope" "installation"
(shell->strings (lookup 'PKG_UPDATE_OPTIONS)))
(raco vars "pkg" "install"
(if jobs (list "-j" (~a jobs)) '())
"--no-setup" "--pkgs" "--skip-installed" "--scope" "installation"
"--deps" "search-auto"
(shell->strings (lookup 'PKGS)))
(setup vm "--only-foreign-libs"))
(setup vm (shell->strings setup-extra-args)
(if also? "-D" '())))
(define (pkgs-catalog token vars)
(racket vars
(list "-U" "-G" (path-only build-config.rktd)
"-l-" "pkg/dirs-catalog"
"--link" "--check-metadata" "--immediate"
(at-source "racket/share/pkgs-catalog")
(racket vars
(list "-U" "-G" (path-only build-config.rktd)
(at-source "racket/src/pkgs-config.rkt")
(lookup 'SRC_CATALOG)))
(racket vars
(at-source "racket/src/pkgs-check.rkt")
(at-source "racket/share/pkgs-catalog")))
(define (local-pkg-dirs)
(list (at-source "pkgs")
(at-source "racket/src/expander")
(at-source "racket/src/zuo/zuo-doc")))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Distribution builds: server
(define svr-prt (~a (lookup 'SERVER) ":" (lookup 'SERVER_PORT)))
(define svr-cat (~a (lookup 'SERVER_URL_SCHEME) "://" svr-prt "/" (lookup 'SERVER_CATALOG_PATH)))
(define config+mode (list (lookup 'CONFIG) (lookup 'CONFIG_MODE)))
(define user-flags (list "-A" "build/user"))
;; Catch problems due to malformed distribution-build packages
(define recompile-options (list "--recompile-only"))
(define auto-options (list "--skip-installed" "--deps" "search-auto" "--pkgs" (get-job-options)))
(define user-auto-options (list "--scope" "user" auto-options))
(define source-user-auto (list "--catalog" "build/catalog-copy" user-auto-options
(shell->strings (lookup 'SERVER_PKG_INSTALL_OPTIONS))))
(define remote-user-auto (list "--catalog" svr-cat user-auto-options))
(define remote-inst-auto (list "--catalog" svr-cat "--scope" "installation"
auto-options recompile-options
(shell->strings (lookup 'PKG_INSTALL_OPTIONS))))
(define (find-built-racket options)
(define vars (find-racket vm
(at-source "build/user/config")
(if (or (and (hash-ref options 'cross? #f)
(eq? vm 'cs))
(hash-ref options 'server-compile-machine? #t))
(hash 'server-compile-machine? #t)
(hash-set vars
(append (hash-ref vars 'racket-args '())
(list '"-A" "build/user"))))
(define (built-racket options . args)
(racket (find-built-racket options) args))
(define (built-raco options . args)
(built-racket options "-N" "raco" "-l-" "raco" args))
(define (add-server-compile-machine options)
(if (equal? "-M" (lookup 'SERVER_COMPILE_MACHINE))
(hash-set options 'server-compile-machine? #t)
(define (server token [options (hash)])
(check-mode "server")
(maybe-fetch 'cs)
(rm* "build/zo")
(base token vm (add-server-compile-machine options))
(server-from-base token options))
(define (server-from-base token [options-in (hash)])
(check-mode "server")
(define options (add-server-compile-machine options-in))
(update-stamp.txt options)
;; Create a copy of `SRC_CATALOG', so that we snapshot checksums, and
;; start building from it. The packages are installed in user scope,
;; but we set the add-on directory to "build/user", so that we don't
;; affect the actual current user's installation (and to a large degree
;; we're insulated from it). Before using `SRC_CATALOG`, though, use
;; packages that are part of the main repo in preference to entries
;; in the catalog.
(rm* "build/user")
(define link-catalog "build/link-catalog")
(rm* link-catalog)
(built-racket options
"-l-" "pkg/dirs-catalog" "--immediate"
(rm* "build/catalog-copy")
(built-raco options "pkg" "catalog-copy"
link-catalog (lookup 'SRC_CATALOG)
(server-cache-config options)
(built-raco options "pkg" "install" "--all-platforms" source-user-auto
(shell->strings (lookup 'DISTRO_BUILD_PKGS)))
(server-set-config options)
(built-racket options "-l-" "distro-build/pkg-info" "-o" "build/pkgs.rktd" "build/catalog-copy")
(built-racket options "-l" "distro-build/install-pkgs" config+mode
(build-shell (lookup 'PKGS) (lookup 'TEST_PKGS))
(built-raco options "setup" "--avoid-main" (get-job-options))
;; Although a client will build its own "collects", pack up the
;; server's version to be used by each client, so that every client has
;; exactly the same bytecode (which matters for SHA1-based dependency
;; tracking)
(built-racket options "-l" "distro-build/pack-collects")
;; Now that we've built packages from local sources, create "built"
;; versions of the packages from the installation into "build/user"
(built-racket options "-l-" "distro-build/pack-built"
(shell->strings (lookup 'PACK_BUILT_OPTIONS))
(built-catalog-server token options))
(define (built-catalog-server token [options (hash)])
;; Run a catalog server to provide pre-built packages, as well
;; as the copy of the server's "collects" tree:
(when (directory-exists? ".git")
(shell/wait "git update-server-info"))
(let ([rkt (find-built-racket options)])
(built-racket options "-l" "distro-build/serve-catalog" config+mode
(lookup 'SERVER_HOSTS) (lookup 'SERVER_PORT)
(hash-ref rkt 'racket) (hash-ref rkt 'racket-args)
(or (hash-ref options 'serve-during-cmd #f)
(shell->strings (lookup 'SERVE_DURING_CMD_qq))))))
(define (make-build/site.rkt)
(when (and (equal? (lookup 'CONFIG) build/site.rkt)
(not (file-exists? build/site.rkt)))
(mkdir-p (path-only build/site.rkt))
(display-to-file (~a "#lang distro-build/config\n"
(define (update-stamp.txt options)
(define given-stamp (lookup 'BUILD_STAMP))
(define stamp
[(not (equal? given-stamp ""))
(define cmds
(list (find-built-racket options)
(at-source "racket/src/pkgs-config.rkt")
(define p
(apply racket/process (append cmds (list (hash 'stdout 'pipe)))))
(define r
(fd-read (hash-ref p 'stdout) eof))
(process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
(unless (= 0 (process-status (hash-ref p 'process)))
(error "failed" cmds))
(car (string-split r "\n"))]))
(display-to-file (~a stamp "\n") (at-source "build/stamp.txt") :truncate))
(define (server-cache-config options)
(built-raco options "pkg" "config" "-i" "--set" "download-cache-dir" "build/cache")
(built-raco options "pkg" "config" "-i" "--set" "download-cache-max-files" "1023")
(built-raco options "pkg" "config" "-i" "--set" "download-cache-max-bytes" "671088640"))
(define (server-set-config options)
(built-racket options "-l" "distro-build/set-server-config" "build/user/config/config.rktd"
config+mode "" "" (lookup 'DOC_SEARCH) ""))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Distribution builds: client
(define (client token [options-in (hash)])
[(directory-exists? "build/log") ; => server space also used for client build
(check-mode "server")]
(check-mode "client")
(rm* "build/user")])
(maybe-fetch 'cs)
(base token vm options-in)
(define cross? (or (hash-ref options-in 'server-compile-machine? #f)
(equal? (lookup 'BUNDLE_FROM_SERVER_TARGET) "bundle-cross-from-server")
(equal? (lookup 'CS_CROSS_SUFFIX) "-cross")))
(define options (if cross?
(hash-set options-in 'cross? #t)
(define (built-racket* . args) (built-racket options args))
(define (built-raco* . args) (built-raco options args))
;; Install the "distro-build" package from the server into
;; a local build:
(built-raco* "pkg" "install" remote-user-auto "distro-build-client")
(when cross?
(rm* (apply build-path (cons "build/zo" (cdr (explode-path (path->complete-path (at-source "bundle"))))))))
;; Copy our local build into a "bundle/racket" build, dropping in the
;; process things that should not be in an installer (such as the "src"
;; directory). Then, replace the "collects" tree with the one from the
;; server. Run `raco setup` in case the replacing "collects" tree needs
;; recompiling. Install required packages next, because they may include
;; packages that are needed to make core functionality work right
;; (which as the SQLite3 library). At last, install the selected packages
;; from the server, and the run a post-adjustment script.
(rm* "bundle")
(mkdir-p "bundle/racket")
(built-racket* "-l" "setup/unixstyle-install" "bundle" "racket" "bundle/racket")
(built-racket* "-l" "setup/winstrip" "bundle/racket")
(built-racket* "-l" "setup/winvers-change" "bundle/racket")
(built-racket* "-l-" "distro-build/unpack-collects" (shell->strings (lookup 'UNPACK_COLLECTS_FLAGS))
(~a (lookup 'SERVER_URL_SCHEME) "://" svr-prt "/" (lookup 'SERVER_COLLECTS_PATH)))
(in-bundle-raco options "setup" "--no-user" (get-job-options) recompile-options)
(define pkg-source-flags (shell->strings (lookup 'PKG_SOURCE_MODE)))
(in-bundle-raco options "pkg" "install" remote-inst-auto pkg-source-flags required-pkgs)
(in-bundle-raco options "pkg" "install" remote-inst-auto pkg-source-flags (shell->strings (lookup 'PKGS)))
(built-racket* "-l" "setup/unixstyle-install" "post-adjust" (lookup 'SOURCE_MODE) (lookup 'PKG_SOURCE_MODE) "racket" "bundle/racket")
(built-racket* "-l" "distro-build/set-config" "bundle/racket/etc/config.rktd"
(lookup 'INSTALL_NAME) (lookup 'BUILD_STAMP) (lookup 'DOC_SEARCH)
(if (hash-ref options 'from-site? #f)
(list (~a (lookup 'SERVER_URL_SCHEME) "://" svr-prt "/"
(let ([s (lookup 'SITE_PATH)])
(if (or (equal? s "") (= (char "/") (string-ref s (- (string-length s) 1))))
(~a s "/")))
(shell->strings (lookup 'DIST_CATALOGS_q))))
(built-racket* "-l-" "distro-build/installer"
"--readme" (lookup 'README) "--upload" (lookup 'UPLOAD)
"--desc" (lookup 'DIST_DESC)
(shell->strings (lookup 'RELEASE_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'SOURCE_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'VERSIONLESS_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'MAC_PKG_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'TGZ_MODE))
"--packed-options" (lookup 'INSTALLER_OPTIONS)
"--pre-process" (lookup 'INSTALLER_PRE_PROCESS_BASE64)
"--post-process" (lookup 'INSTALLER_POST_PROCESS_BASE64)
(shell->strings (lookup 'NOTARIZATION_CONFIG))
(lookup 'DIST_NAME) (lookup 'DIST_BASE) (lookup 'DIST_DIR)
(lookup 'DIST_SUFFIX)
(define (in-bundle-raco options . args)
(if (hash-ref options 'cross? #f)
(built-racket options
(list "-G" "bundle/racket/etc" "-X" "bundle/racket/collects"
"-C" "-A" "bundle/user" "-l" "raco")
(shell/wait (if (eq? 'windows (system-type))
(define (test-client token [options (hash)])
(in-bundle-raco options
"pkg" "install" remote-inst-auto (shell->strings (lookup 'PKG_SOURCE_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'TEST_PKGS)))
(in-bundle-raco options
"test" (shell->strings (lookup 'TEST_ARGS_q))))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Distribution builds: installers
(define (installers token)
(rm* "build/installers")
(server token (hash 'serve-during-cmd (get-drive-clients-args))))
(define (installers-from-built token)
(built-catalog-server token (add-server-compile-machine
(hash 'serve-during-cmd (get-drive-clients-args)))))
(define (get-drive-clients-args [describe-clients? #f])
(list "-l-" "distro-build/drive-clients"
(if describe-clients?
(list "--describe")
(shell->strings (lookup 'RELEASE_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'SOURCE_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'VERSIONLESS_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'CLEAN_MODE))
(shell->strings (lookup 'SERVER_COMPILE_MACHINE))
(lookup 'SERVER) (lookup 'SERVER_PORT)
(lookup 'SERVER_HOSTS)
(lookup 'PKGS)
(lookup 'DOC_SEARCH) (lookup 'DIST_NAME)
(lookup 'DIST_BASE) (lookup 'DIST_DIR)))
(define (describe-clients token)
(built-racket (hash) (get-drive-clients-args #t)))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Distribution builds: site and snapshot
(define (site token)
(installers token)
(site-from-installers token))
(define (site-from-installers token)
(define options (add-server-compile-machine (hash)))
(rm* "build/docs")
(rm* (build-path "build/zo"
(apply build-path (cdr (explode-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir))))
(built-racket options "-l-" "distro-build/install-for-docs" "build/docs"
config+mode (lookup 'PKGS)
"build/built/catalog" "build/native/catalog")
(built-racket options "-l-" "distro-build/assemble-site"
config+mode (lookup 'DIST_BASE)))
(define (snapshot-site token)
(site token)
(snapshot-at-site token))
(define (snapshot-at-site token)
(define options (add-server-compile-machine (hash)))
(built-racket options "-l-" "distro-build/manage-snapshots" config+mode (lookup 'DIST_BASE)))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Derived: steps that require a working `racket` to build things
;; that need to be in sync to build `racket` in the first place
(define (derived token)
(define (build-one src target-name)
(let ([src (at-source src)])
(build (find-target target-name
((dynamic-require src 'targets-at)
(make-at-dir (path-only src))))
(build-one "racket/src/rktio/build.zuo" "rktio-rktl")
(build-one "racket/src/expander/main.zuo" "expander")
(build-one "racket/src/cs/main.zuo" "schemified"))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Targets
(define the-targets
`([:target in-place () ,(lambda (token) (in-place token vm))]
[:target as-is () ,(lambda (token) (as-is token vm))]
[:target base () ,(lambda (token) (maybe-fetch vm) (base token vm))]
[:target unix-style () ,(lambda (token) (unix-style token vm))]
[:target both () ,(lambda (token)
(in-place token vm #f "--error-out build/step")
(in-place token (if (eq? vm 'cs) 'bc 'cs) #t "--error-in build/step"))]
[:target also-in-place () ,(lambda (token) (in-place token vm #t))]
[:target cs () ,(lambda (token) (in-place token 'cs))]
[:target cs-base () ,(lambda (token) (maybe-fetch 'cs) (base token 'cs))]
[:target cs-as-is () ,(lambda (token) (as-is token 'cs))]
[:target cs-in-place () ,(lambda (token) (in-place token 'cs))]
[:target cs-unix-style () ,(lambda (token) (unix-style token 'cs))]
[:target bc () ,(lambda (token) (in-place token 'bc))]
[:target bc-base () ,(lambda (token) (base token 'bc))]
[:target bc-as-is () ,(lambda (token) (as-is token 'bc))]
[:target bc-in-place () ,(lambda (token) (in-place token 'bc))]
[:target bc-unix-style () ,(lambda (token) (unix-style token 'bc))]
[:target pb-fetch () ,(lambda (token) (pb-manage 'fetch))]
[:target pb-build () ,(lambda (token) (pb-manage 'build))]
[:target pb-stage () ,(lambda (token) (pb-manage 'stage))]
[:target pb-push () ,(lambda (token) (pb-manage 'push))]
[:target pkgs-catalog () ,(lambda (token) (pkgs-catalog token (find-racket vars vm)))]
[:target native-cs-for-cross () ,(lambda (token) (maybe-fetch 'cs) (native-for-cross "cs/c" token))]
[:target native-bc-for-cross () ,(lambda (token) (native-for-cross "bc" token))]
[:target server () ,(lambda (token) (server token))]
[:target server-from-base () ,(lambda (token) (server-from-base token))]
[:target client () ,(lambda (token) (client token))]
[:target client-compile-any () ,(lambda (token) (client token (hash 'server-compile-machine? #t)))]
[:target client-from-site () ,(lambda (token) (client token (hash 'from-site? #t)))]
[:target test-client () ,(lambda (token) (test-client token))]
[:target installers () ,(lambda (token) (installers token))]
[:target installers-from-built () ,(lambda (token) (installers-from-built token))]
[:target describe-clients () ,(lambda (token) (describe-clients token))]
[:target site () ,(lambda (token) (site token))]
[:target site-from-installers () ,(lambda (token) (site-from-installers token))]
[:target snapshot-site () ,(lambda (token) (snapshot-site token))]
[:target snapshot-at-site () ,(lambda (token) (snapshot-at-site token))]
[:target ,build-config.rktd ()
,(lambda (path token)
(mkdir-p (path-only path))
(display-to-file "#hash((links-search-files . ()))\n"
[:target local-catalog () ,(lambda (token) (local-catalog))]
[:target derived () ,(lambda (token) (derived token))]
;; does nothing; used to make sure that "main.zuo" loads without error
[:target ping () ,(lambda (token) (alert "pong"))])))
马建仓 AI 助手
