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Gitee 极速下载/otto

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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/robertkrimen/otto
type_function.go 8.29 KB
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Steven Hartland 提交于 2024-04-13 17:05 . chore: update ci versions (#519)
package otto
// constructFunction.
type constructFunction func(*object, []Value) Value
// 13.2.2 [[Construct]].
func defaultConstruct(fn *object, argumentList []Value) Value {
obj := fn.runtime.newObject()
obj.class = classObjectName
prototype := fn.get("prototype")
if prototype.kind != valueObject {
prototype = objectValue(fn.runtime.global.ObjectPrototype)
obj.prototype = prototype.object()
this := objectValue(obj)
value := fn.call(this, argumentList, false, nativeFrame)
if value.kind == valueObject {
return value
return this
// nativeFunction.
type nativeFunction func(FunctionCall) Value
// nativeFunctionObject.
type nativeFunctionObject struct {
call nativeFunction
construct constructFunction
name string
file string
line int
func (rt *runtime) newNativeFunctionProperty(name, file string, line int, native nativeFunction, length int) *object {
o := rt.newClassObject(classFunctionName)
o.value = nativeFunctionObject{
name: name,
file: file,
line: line,
call: native,
construct: defaultConstruct,
o.defineProperty("name", stringValue(name), 0o000, false)
o.defineProperty(propertyLength, intValue(length), 0o000, false)
return o
func (rt *runtime) newNativeFunctionObject(name, file string, line int, native nativeFunction, length int) *object {
o := rt.newNativeFunctionProperty(name, file, line, native, length)
o.defineOwnProperty("caller", property{
value: propertyGetSet{
rt.newNativeFunctionProperty("get", "internal", 0, func(fc FunctionCall) Value {
for sc := rt.scope; sc != nil; sc = sc.outer {
if sc.frame.fn == o {
if sc.outer == nil || sc.outer.frame.fn == nil {
return nullValue
return rt.toValue(sc.outer.frame.fn)
return nullValue
}, 0),
mode: 0o000,
}, false)
return o
// bindFunctionObject.
type bindFunctionObject struct {
target *object
this Value
argumentList []Value
func (rt *runtime) newBoundFunctionObject(target *object, this Value, argumentList []Value) *object {
o := rt.newClassObject(classFunctionName)
o.value = bindFunctionObject{
target: target,
this: this,
argumentList: argumentList,
length := int(toInt32(target.get(propertyLength)))
length -= len(argumentList)
if length < 0 {
length = 0
o.defineProperty("name", stringValue("bound "+target.get("name").String()), 0o000, false)
o.defineProperty(propertyLength, intValue(length), 0o000, false)
o.defineProperty("caller", Value{}, 0o000, false) // TODO Should throw a TypeError
o.defineProperty("arguments", Value{}, 0o000, false) // TODO Should throw a TypeError
return o
// [[Construct]].
func (fn bindFunctionObject) construct(argumentList []Value) Value {
obj := fn.target
switch value := obj.value.(type) {
case nativeFunctionObject:
return value.construct(obj, fn.argumentList)
case nodeFunctionObject:
argumentList = append(fn.argumentList, argumentList...)
return obj.construct(argumentList)
panic(fn.target.runtime.panicTypeError("construct unknown type %T", obj.value))
// nodeFunctionObject.
type nodeFunctionObject struct {
node *nodeFunctionLiteral
stash stasher
func (rt *runtime) newNodeFunctionObject(node *nodeFunctionLiteral, stash stasher) *object {
o := rt.newClassObject(classFunctionName)
o.value = nodeFunctionObject{
node: node,
stash: stash,
o.defineProperty("name", stringValue(node.name), 0o000, false)
o.defineProperty(propertyLength, intValue(len(node.parameterList)), 0o000, false)
o.defineOwnProperty("caller", property{
value: propertyGetSet{
rt.newNativeFunction("get", "internal", 0, func(fc FunctionCall) Value {
for sc := rt.scope; sc != nil; sc = sc.outer {
if sc.frame.fn == o {
if sc.outer == nil || sc.outer.frame.fn == nil {
return nullValue
return rt.toValue(sc.outer.frame.fn)
return nullValue
mode: 0o000,
}, false)
return o
// _object.
func (o *object) isCall() bool {
switch fn := o.value.(type) {
case nativeFunctionObject:
return fn.call != nil
case bindFunctionObject:
return true
case nodeFunctionObject:
return true
return false
func (o *object) call(this Value, argumentList []Value, eval bool, frm frame) Value { //nolint:unparam // Isn't currently used except in recursive self.
switch fn := o.value.(type) {
case nativeFunctionObject:
// Since eval is a native function, we only have to check for it here
if eval {
eval = o == o.runtime.eval // If eval is true, then it IS a direct eval
// Enter a scope, name from the native object...
rt := o.runtime
if rt.scope != nil && !eval {
rt.enterFunctionScope(rt.scope.lexical, this)
rt.scope.frame = frame{
native: true,
nativeFile: fn.file,
nativeLine: fn.line,
callee: fn.name,
file: nil,
fn: o,
defer func() {
return fn.call(FunctionCall{
runtime: o.runtime,
eval: eval,
This: this,
ArgumentList: argumentList,
Otto: o.runtime.otto,
case bindFunctionObject:
// TODO Passthrough site, do not enter a scope
argumentList = append(fn.argumentList, argumentList...)
return fn.target.call(fn.this, argumentList, false, frm)
case nodeFunctionObject:
rt := o.runtime
stash := rt.enterFunctionScope(fn.stash, this)
rt.scope.frame = frame{
callee: fn.node.name,
file: fn.node.file,
fn: o,
defer func() {
callValue := rt.cmplCallNodeFunction(o, stash, fn.node, argumentList)
if value, valid := callValue.value.(result); valid {
return value.value
return callValue
panic(o.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", objectValue(o)))
func (o *object) construct(argumentList []Value) Value {
switch fn := o.value.(type) {
case nativeFunctionObject:
if fn.call == nil {
panic(o.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", objectValue(o)))
if fn.construct == nil {
panic(o.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a constructor", objectValue(o)))
return fn.construct(o, argumentList)
case bindFunctionObject:
return fn.construct(argumentList)
case nodeFunctionObject:
return defaultConstruct(o, argumentList)
panic(o.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", objectValue(o)))
func (o *object) hasInstance(of Value) bool {
if !o.isCall() {
// We should not have a hasInstance method
panic(o.runtime.panicTypeError("Object.hasInstance not callable"))
if !of.IsObject() {
return false
prototype := o.get("prototype")
if !prototype.IsObject() {
panic(o.runtime.panicTypeError("Object.hasInstance prototype %q is not an object", prototype))
prototypeObject := prototype.object()
value := of.object().prototype
for value != nil {
if value == prototypeObject {
return true
value = value.prototype
return false
// FunctionCall is an encapsulation of a JavaScript function call.
type FunctionCall struct {
This Value
runtime *runtime
thisObj *object
Otto *Otto
ArgumentList []Value
eval bool
// Argument will return the value of the argument at the given index.
// If no such argument exists, undefined is returned.
func (f FunctionCall) Argument(index int) Value {
return valueOfArrayIndex(f.ArgumentList, index)
func (f FunctionCall) getArgument(index int) (Value, bool) {
return getValueOfArrayIndex(f.ArgumentList, index)
func (f FunctionCall) slice(index int) []Value {
if index < len(f.ArgumentList) {
return f.ArgumentList[index:]
return []Value{}
func (f *FunctionCall) thisObject() *object {
if f.thisObj == nil {
this := f.This.resolve() // FIXME Is this right?
f.thisObj = f.runtime.toObject(this)
return f.thisObj
func (f *FunctionCall) thisClassObject(class string) *object {
if o := f.thisObject(); o.class != class {
panic(f.runtime.panicTypeError("Function.Class %s != %s", o.class, class))
return f.thisObj
func (f FunctionCall) toObject(value Value) *object {
return f.runtime.toObject(value)
// CallerLocation will return file location information (file:line:pos) where this function is being called.
func (f FunctionCall) CallerLocation() string {
// see error.go for location()
return f.runtime.scope.outer.frame.location()
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