% Welcome to SuiteSparse : a Suite of Sparse matrix packages, containing a
% collection of sparse matrix packages authored or co-authored by Tim Davis.
% Only the primary MATLAB functions are listed below.
% Example:
% SuiteSparse_install
% compiles and installs all of SuiteSparse, and runs several demos and tests.
% Ordering methods and graph partitioners:
% amd2 - approximate minimum degree ordering.
% colamd2 - column approximate minimum degree ordering.
% symamd2 - symmetrix approximate min degree ordering based on colamd.
% camd - constrained amd.
% ccolamd - constrained colamd.
% csymamd - constrained symamd.
% edgecut - Mongoose graph partitioner
% CHOLMOD: a sparse supernodal Cholesky update/downdate package:
% cholmod2 - computes x=A\b when A is symmetric and positive definite.
% chol2 - same as MATLAB chol(sparse(A)), just faster.
% lchol - computes an LL' factorization.
% ldlchol - computes an LDL' factorization.
% ldlupdate - updates an LDL' factorization.
% resymbol - recomputes symbolic LL or LDL' factorization.
% ldlsolve - solves Ax=b using an LDL' factorization.
% ldlsplit - splits LD into L and D.
% metis - interface to METIS node-nested-dissection.
% nesdis - interface to CHOLMOD's nested-dissection (based on METIS).
% septree - prune a separator tree.
% bisect - interface to METIS' node bisector.
% analyze - order and analyze using CHOLMOD.
% etree2 - same as MATLAB "etree", just faster and more reliable.
% sparse2 - same as MATLAB "sparse", just faster.
% symbfact2 - same as MATLAB "symbfact", just faster and more reliable.
% sdmult - same as MATLAB S*F or S'*F (S sparse, F full), just faster.
% ldl_normest - compute error in LDL' factorization.
% lu_normest - compute error in LU factorization.
% mread - read a sparse matrix in Matrix Market format
% mwrite - write a sparse matrix in Matrix Market format
% spsym - determine the symmetry of a sparse matrix
% CSPARSE / CXSPARSE: a Concise Sparse matrix package:
% Matrices used in CSparse must in general be either sparse and real, or
% dense vectors. Ordering methods can accept any sparse matrix. CXSparse
% supports complex matrices and 64-bit MATLAB; it is installed by default.
% cs_add - sparse matrix addition.
% cs_amd - approximate minimum degree ordering.
% cs_chol - sparse Cholesky factorization.
% cs_cholsol - solve A*x=b using a sparse Cholesky factorization.
% cs_counts - column counts for sparse Cholesky factor L.
% cs_dmperm - maximum matching or Dulmage-Mendelsohn permutation.
% cs_dmsol - x=A\b using the coarse Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition.
% cs_dmspy - plot the Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition of a matrix.
% cs_droptol - remove small entries from a sparse matrix.
% cs_esep - find an edge separator of a symmetric matrix A
% cs_etree - elimination tree of A or A'*A.
% cs_gaxpy - sparse matrix times vector.
% cs_lsolve - solve a sparse lower triangular system L*x=b.
% cs_ltsolve - solve a sparse upper triangular system L'*x=b.
% cs_lu - sparse LU factorization, with fill-reducing ordering.
% cs_lusol - solve Ax=b using LU factorization.
% cs_make - compiles CSparse for use in MATLAB.
% cs_multiply - sparse matrix multiply.
% cs_nd - generalized nested dissection ordering.
% cs_nsep - find a node separator of a symmetric matrix A.
% cs_permute - permute a sparse matrix.
% cs_print - print the contents of a sparse matrix.
% cs_qr - sparse QR factorization.
% cs_qleft - apply Householder vectors on the left.
% cs_qright - apply Householder vectors on the right.
% cs_qrsol - solve a sparse least-squares problem.
% cs_randperm - random permutation.
% cs_sep - convert an edge separator into a node separator.
% cs_scc - strongly-connected components of a square sparse matrix.
% cs_scc2 - cs_scc, or connected components of a bipartite graph.
% cs_sparse - convert a triplet form into a sparse matrix.
% cs_sqr - symbolic sparse QR factorization.
% cs_symperm - symmetric permutation of a symmetric matrix.
% cs_transpose - transpose a sparse matrix.
% cs_updown - rank-1 update/downdate of a sparse Cholesky factorization.
% cs_usolve - solve a sparse upper triangular system U*x=b.
% cs_utsolve - solve a sparse lower triangular system U'*x=b.
% cspy - plot a sparse matrix in color.
% ccspy - plot the connected components of a matrix.
% LDL: Sparse LDL factorization:
% ldlsparse - LDL' factorization of a real, sparse, symmetric matrix.
% ldlrow - an m-file description of the algorithm used by LDL.
% UMFPACK: the Unsymmetric MultiFrontal Package:
% umfpack2 - computes x=A\b, x=A/b, or lu (A) for a sparse matrix A
% umfpack_details - details on all the options for using umfpack in MATLAB
% umfpack_report - prints optional control settings and statistics
% umfpack_btf - factorize A using a block triangular form
% umfpack_solve - x = A\b or x = b/A
% lu_normest - estimates norm (L*U-A,1) without forming L*U-A
% (duplicate of CHOLMOD/lu_normest, for completeness)
% luflop - given L and U, computes # of flops required
% SuiteSparseQR: multifrontal rank-revealing sparse QR
% spqr - sparse QR
% spqr_solve - x=A\b using SuiteSparseQR
% spqr_qmult - y=Q*x, Q'*x, x*Q, or x*Q' using Q in Householder form
% GraphBLAS: graph algorithms via sparse linear algebra (graphblas.org)
% GrB - the GraphBLAS matrix object; 100s of overloaded functions.
% SPEX: solves sparse Ax=b exactly, with no roundoff error
% SPEX_Left_LU_backslash - solve Ax=b via sparse left-looking
% integer-preserving LU
% Other packages:
% MATLAB_Tools various MATLAB tools, most in M, some as C mexFunctions:
% ssmult sparse matrix times sparse matrix
% meshnd nested dissection of regular 2D and 3D meshes
% linfactor solve Ax=b using LU or CHOL
% dimacs10 MATLAB interface for the DIMACS10 collection
% factorize object-oriented system solver
% sparseinv sparse inverse subset
% spqr_rank toolbox for sparse rank-deficient matrices
% SuiteSparseCollection for managing the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection
% RBio for reading/writing Rutherford/Boeing sparse matrices
% ssget MATLAB interface to the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection
% For help on compiling SuiteSparse or the demos, testing functions, etc.,
% please see the help for each individual package.
% Copyright (c) 1995-2023, Timothy A. Davis, http://suitesparse.com.
% See each package for its license.
help SuiteSparse
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