1、需求:内部转测试的双周非正式版本信息承载 2、目标:OH非正式版本的信息承载 3、意义:非官方开发转测试通道
DSoftBus capabilities, including discovery, networking, and transmission | 软总线发现、组网、传输功能实现
Peripheral driver of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF外设驱动
Framework of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF驱动框架
Peripheral driver of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF外设驱动
DSoftBus capabilities, including discovery, networking, and transmission | 软总线发现、组网、传输功能实现
DSoftBus capabilities, including discovery, networking, and transmission | 软总线发现、组网、传输功能实现
DSoftBus capabilities, including discovery, networking, and transmission | 软总线发现、组网、传输功能实现
DSoftBus capabilities, including discovery, networking, and transmission | 软总线发现、组网、传输功能实现
Native API header files containing API declarations and comments | Native接口的头文件,包含了接口声明和标准注释。
Peripheral driver of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF外设驱动
Peripheral driver HDI interface definition | 外设驱动HDI接口定义
Peripheral driver of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF外设驱动
Wi-Fi station/P2P/AP management, including enabling, disabling, scanning, connecting, and information obtaining operations | WiFi STA/P2P/AP模式的管理:开关、扫描、连接、WiFi信息
init process for startup | 启动模块init进程
Peripheral driver HDI interface definition | 外设驱动HDI接口定义