This branch of Caffe extends [BVLC-led Caffe]( by adding Windows support and other functionalities commonly used by Microsoft's researchers, such as managed-code wrapper, [Faster-RCNN](, [R-FCN](, etc.
**Update**: this branch is not actively maintained. Please checkout [this]( for more active Windows support.
# Caffe
| **`Linux (CPU)`** | **`Windows (CPU)`** |
| [![Travis Build Status](]( | [![AppVeyor Build Status](]( |
Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind.
It is developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center ([BVLC]( and community contributors.
Check out the [project site]( for all the details like
- [DIY Deep Learning for Vision with Caffe](
- [Tutorial Documentation](
- [BVLC reference models]( and the [community model zoo](
- [Installation instructions](
and step-by-step examples.
## Windows Setup
**Requirements**: Visual Studio 2013
### Pre-Build Steps
Copy `.\windows\CommonSettings.props.example` to `.\windows\CommonSettings.props`
By defaults Windows build requires `CUDA` and `cuDNN` libraries.
Both can be disabled by adjusting build variables in `.\windows\CommonSettings.props`.
Python support is disabled by default, but can be enabled via `.\windows\CommonSettings.props` as well.
3rd party dependencies required by Caffe are automatically resolved via NuGet.
### CUDA
Download `CUDA Toolkit 7.5` [from nVidia website](
If you don't have CUDA installed, you can experiment with CPU_ONLY build.
In `.\windows\CommonSettings.props` set `CpuOnlyBuild` to `true` and set `UseCuDNN` to `false`.
### cuDNN
Download `cuDNN v4` or `cuDNN v5` [from nVidia website](
Unpack downloaded zip to %CUDA_PATH% (environment variable set by CUDA installer).
Alternatively, you can unpack zip to any location and set `CuDnnPath` to point to this location in `.\windows\CommonSettings.props`.
`CuDnnPath` defined in `.\windows\CommonSettings.props`.
Also, you can disable cuDNN by setting `UseCuDNN` to `false` in the property file.
### Python
To build Caffe Python wrapper set `PythonSupport` to `true` in `.\windows\CommonSettings.props`.
Download Miniconda 2.7 64-bit Windows installer [from Miniconda website] (
Install for all users and add Python to PATH (through installer).
Run the following commands from elevated command prompt:
conda install --yes numpy scipy matplotlib scikit-image pip
pip install protobuf
#### Remark
After you have built solution with Python support, in order to use it you have to either:
* set `PythonPath` environment variable to point to `<caffe_root>\Build\x64\Release\pycaffe`, or
* copy folder `<caffe_root>\Build\x64\Release\pycaffe\caffe` under `<python_root>\lib\site-packages`.
### Matlab
To build Caffe Matlab wrapper set `MatlabSupport` to `true` and `MatlabDir` to the root of your Matlab installation in `.\windows\CommonSettings.props`.
#### Remark
After you have built solution with Matlab support, in order to use it you have to:
* add the generated `matcaffe` folder to Matlab search path, and
* add `<caffe_root>\Build\x64\Release` to your system path.
### Build
Now, you should be able to build `.\windows\Caffe.sln`
## License and Citation
Caffe is released under the [BSD 2-Clause license](
The BVLC reference models are released for unrestricted use.
Please cite Caffe in your publications if it helps your research:
Author = {Jia, Yangqing and Shelhamer, Evan and Donahue, Jeff and Karayev, Sergey and Long, Jonathan and Girshick, Ross and Guadarrama, Sergio and Darrell, Trevor},
Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.5093},
Title = {Caffe: Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding},
Year = {2014}