Examples of propensity scoring models to examine treatment effects performed in Stata
Stata module for random assignment, including blocking, balance checking, and automated rerandomization.
Linear, IV and GMM Regressions With Any Number of Fixed Effects
我常用一些软件 - zoomit 屏幕缩放 - everything 文件检索 - LICEcap 录制GIF - Q-dir 多窗口文件操作 - SpaceSniffer 硬盘图形化分析
简书文章[『君生我未生!Stata - 论文四表一键出』](http://www.jianshu.com/p/97c4f291ee1e) 文中使用的 Do-file 和原始 Markdown 文档。
use datasets of Cattaneo (2010) to perform PSM in stata
-appendfiles.ado- Stata 新命令 以 `appendfile` 为基础,但该命令只能一次性合并两个文件。而 `appendfiles` 则可以一次性合并多个文本文件。
快速将非平衡数据转换为平衡数据 (Transfer unbalance data to balance data)