《WebAssembly in Action With examples using C++ and Emscripten (Gerard Gallant) (z-lib.org).pdf》一书的学习代码
A self-contained, local, cross-platform, static file Web Server with automatic Live Reloading, Markdown rendering and loose Razor Pages support.
An IMU-based motion capture system and a real-time motion display in Unity.
ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF/F2D, glTF/glb, Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline.
IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. Features: Easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers. Parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's. Additionally, there's a simple IFC viewer application, using Qt and OpenSceneGraph. It can be used as starting point for all kinds of applications around the open building model standard IFC.