** ATOP - System & Process Monitor
** The program 'atop' offers the possibility to view the activity of
** the system on system-level as well as process-level.
** This source-file contains the main-function, which verifies the
** calling-parameters and takes care of initialization.
** The engine-function drives the main sample-loop in which after the
** indicated interval-time a snapshot is taken of the system-level and
** process-level counters and the deviations are calculated and
** visualized for the user.
** ==========================================================================
** Author: Gerlof Langeveld
** E-mail: gerlof.langeveld@atoptool.nl
** Date: November 1996
** Linux-port: June 2000
** Modified: May 2001 - Ported to kernel 2.4
** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Copyright (C) 2000-2024 Gerlof Langeveld
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** See the GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** After initialization, the main-function calls the ENGINE.
** For every cycle (so after another interval) the ENGINE calls various
** functions as shown below:
** +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
** | E N G I N E |
** | |
** | |
** | _____________________await interval-timer________________________ |
** | | ^ |
** | | _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ | |
** | | ^ | ^ | ^ | ^ | ^ | | |
** +---|---|-------|--|-------|--|-------|-----|--------|----|--------|--|--+
** | | | | | | | | | | | |
** +--V-----+ +--V----+ +--V----+ +--V--------+ +--V-------+ +--V-----+
** | | | | | | | | | deviate | | |
** | photo | | photo | | photo | | acct | | ..cgroup | | print |
** | cgroup | | syst | | proc | | photoproc | | ..syst | | |
** | | | | | | | | | ..proc | | |
** +--------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-----------+ +----------+ +--------+
** ^ ^ ^ ^ | |
** | | | | | |
** | | | V V V
** _______ _____ _____ __________ ________ _________
** / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
** /sys/fs /proc /proc accounting task screen or
** /cgroup file database file
** \_______/ \_____/ \_____/ \__________/ \________/ \_________/
** - photocgroup()
** Takes a snapshot of the counters related to resource usage on
** cgroup-level v2 (cpu, disk, memory).
** - photosyst()
** Takes a snapshot of the counters related to resource-usage on
** system-level (cpu, disk, memory, network).
** - photoproc()
** Takes a snapshot of the counters related to resource-usage of
** tasks which are currently active. For this purpose the whole
** task-list is read.
** - acctphotoproc()
** Takes a snapshot of the counters related to resource-usage of
** tasks which have been finished during the last interval.
** For this purpose all new records in the accounting-file are read.
** When all counters have been gathered, functions are called to calculate
** the difference between the current counter values and the counter values
** of the previous cycle. These functions operate on cgroup level, system level
** as well as on task level.
** These differences are stored in a new structure (table).
** - deviatcgroup()
** Calculates the differences between the current cgroup-level
** counters and the corresponding counters of the previous cycle.
** - deviatsyst()
** Calculates the differences between the current system-level
** counters and the corresponding counters of the previous cycle.
** - deviattask()
** Calculates the differences between the current task-level
** counters and the corresponding counters of the previous cycle.
** The per-task counters of the previous cycle are stored in the
** task-database; this "database" is implemented as a linked list
** of taskinfo structures in memory (so no disk-accesses needed).
** Within this linked list hash-buckets are maintained for fast searches.
** The entire task-database is handled via a set of well-defined
** functions from which the name starts with "pdb_..." (see the
** source-file procdbase.c).
** The processes which have been finished during the last cycle
** are also treated by deviattask() in order to calculate what their
** resource-usage was before they finished.
** All information is ready to be visualized now.
** There is a structure which holds the start-address of the
** visualization-function to be called. Initially this structure contains
** the address of the generic visualization-function ("generic_samp"), but
** these addresses can be modified in the main-function depending on particular
** flags. In this way various representation-layers (ASCII, graphical, ...)
** can be linked with 'atop'; the one to use can eventually be chosen
** at runtime.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#include "atop.h"
#include "acctproc.h"
#include "ifprop.h"
#include "photoproc.h"
#include "photosyst.h"
#include "cgroups.h"
#include "showgeneric.h"
#include "showlinux.h"
#include "parseable.h"
#include "json.h"
#include "gpucom.h"
#include "netatop.h"
#define allflags "ab:cde:fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:123456789ABCDEFGHIJ:KL:MNOP:QRSTUVWXYZ"
#define MAXFL 84 /* maximum number of command-line flags */
** declaration of global variables
struct utsname utsname;
int utsnodenamelen;
time_t pretime; /* timing info */
time_t curtime; /* timing info */
unsigned long interval = 10;
unsigned long sampcnt;
char screen;
int fdinotify = -1; /* inotify fd for twin mode */
pid_t twinpid; /* PID of lower half for twin mode */
char twindir[RAWNAMESZ] = "/tmp";
int linelen = 80;
char acctreason; /* accounting not active (return val) */
char rawname[RAWNAMESZ];
char rawreadflag;
time_t begintime, endtime, cursortime; // epoch or time in day
char flaglist[MAXFL];
char deviatonly = 1;
char usecolors = 1; /* boolean: colors for high occupation */
char threadview = 0; /* boolean: show individual threads */
char calcpss = 0; /* boolean: read/calculate process PSS */
char getwchan = 0; /* boolean: obtain wchan string */
char rmspaces = 0; /* boolean: remove spaces from command */
/* name in case of parsable output */
char displaymode = 'T'; /* 'T' = text, 'D' = draw */
char barmono = 0; /* boolean: bar without categories? */
/* name in case of parseable output */
char prependenv = 0; /* boolean: prepend selected */
/* environment variables to cmdline */
regex_t envregex;
unsigned short hertz;
unsigned int pidwidth;
unsigned int pagesize;
unsigned int nrgpus;
int osrel;
int osvers;
int ossub;
extern GHashTable *ghash_net;
int supportflags; /* supported features */
char **argvp;
struct visualize vis = {generic_samp, generic_error,
generic_end, generic_usage};
** argument values
static char awaittrigger; /* boolean: awaiting trigger */
static unsigned int nsamples = 0xffffffff;
static char midnightflag;
static char rawwriteflag;
char twinmodeflag;
** interpretation of defaults-file /etc/atoprc and $HOME/.atop
static void readrc(char *, int);
static void do_interval(char *, char *);
static void do_linelength(char *, char *);
static struct {
char *tag;
void (*func)(char *, char *);
int sysonly;
} manrc[] = {
{ "flags", do_flags, 0, },
{ "twindir", do_twindir, 0, },
{ "interval", do_interval, 0, },
{ "linelen", do_linelength, 0, },
{ "username", do_username, 0, },
{ "procname", do_procname, 0, },
{ "maxlinecpu", do_maxcpu, 0, },
{ "maxlinegpu", do_maxgpu, 0, },
{ "maxlinedisk", do_maxdisk, 0, },
{ "maxlinemdd", do_maxmdd, 0, },
{ "maxlinelvm", do_maxlvm, 0, },
{ "maxlineintf", do_maxintf, 0, },
{ "maxlineifb", do_maxifb, 0, },
{ "maxlinenfsm", do_maxnfsm, 0, },
{ "maxlinecont", do_maxcont, 0, },
{ "maxlinenuma", do_maxnuma, 0, },
{ "maxlinellc", do_maxllc, 0, },
{ "colorinfo", do_colinfo, 0, },
{ "coloralmost", do_colalmost, 0, },
{ "colorcritical", do_colcrit, 0, },
{ "colorthread", do_colthread, 0, },
{ "ownallcpuline", do_ownallcpuline, 0, },
{ "ownonecpuline", do_ownindivcpuline, 0, },
{ "owncplline", do_owncplline, 0, },
{ "ownmemline", do_ownmemline, 0, },
{ "ownswpline", do_ownswpline, 0, },
{ "ownpagline", do_ownpagline, 0, },
{ "ownmemnumaline", do_ownmemnumaline, 0, },
{ "ownnumacpuline", do_owncpunumaline, 0, },
{ "ownllcline", do_ownllcline, 0, },
{ "owndskline", do_owndskline, 0, },
{ "ownnettrline", do_ownnettransportline, 0, },
{ "ownnetnetline", do_ownnetnetline, 0, },
{ "ownnetifline", do_ownnetinterfaceline, 0, },
{ "ownifbline", do_owninfinibandline, 0, },
{ "ownprocline", do_ownprocline, 0, },
{ "ownsysprcline", do_ownsysprcline, 0, },
{ "owndskline", do_owndskline, 0, },
{ "cpucritperc", do_cpucritperc, 0, },
{ "gpucritperc", do_gpucritperc, 0, },
{ "memcritperc", do_memcritperc, 0, },
{ "swpcritperc", do_swpcritperc, 0, },
{ "dskcritperc", do_dskcritperc, 0, },
{ "netcritperc", do_netcritperc, 0, },
{ "swoutcritsec", do_swoutcritsec, 0, },
{ "almostcrit", do_almostcrit, 0, },
{ "atopsarflags", do_atopsarflags, 0, },
{ "perfevents", do_perfevents, 0, },
{ "pacctdir", do_pacctdir, 1, },
** internal prototypes
static void engine(void);
static void twinprepare(void);
static void twinclean(void);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
register int i;
int c;
char *p;
struct rlimit rlim;
** since privileged actions will be done later on, at this stage
** the root-privileges are dropped by switching effective user-id
** to real user-id (security reasons)
if (! droprootprivs() )
fprintf(stderr, "not possible to drop root privs\n");
** preserve command arguments to allow restart of other version
argvp = argv;
** read defaults-files /etc/atoprc en $HOME/.atoprc (if any)
readrc("/etc/atoprc", 1);
if ( (p = getenv("HOME")) )
char path[1024];
snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/.atoprc", p);
readrc(path, 0);
** check if we are supposed to behave as 'atopsar'
** i.e. system statistics only
if ( (p = strrchr(argv[0], '/')))
p = argv[0];
if ( memcmp(p, "atopsar", 7) == 0)
return atopsar(argc, argv);
** interpret command-line arguments & flags
if (argc > 1)
** gather all flags for visualization-functions
** generic flags will be handled here;
** unrecognized flags are passed to the print-routines
i = 0;
while (i < MAXFL-1 && (c=getopt(argc, argv, allflags)) != EOF)
switch (c)
case '?': /* usage wanted ? */
case 'V': /* version wanted ? */
printf("%s\n", getstrvers());
case 'w': /* writing of raw data ? */
if (optind >= argc)
strncpy(rawname, argv[optind++], RAWNAMESZ-1);
vis.show_samp = rawwrite;
case 'r': /* reading of raw data ? */
if (optind < argc)
if (*(argv[optind]) == '-')
if (strlen(argv[optind]) == 1)
strcpy(rawname, "/dev/stdin");
strncpy(rawname, argv[optind],
case 't': /* twin mode ? */
// optional absolute path name of directory?
if (optind < argc)
if (*(argv[optind]) == '/')
strncpy(twindir, argv[optind],
case 'B': /* bar graphs ? */
displaymode = 'D';
case 'H': /* bar graphs ? */
barmono = 1;
case 'S': /* midnight limit ? */
case 'b': /* begin time ? */
if ( !getbranchtime(optarg, &begintime) )
case 'e': /* end time ? */
if ( !getbranchtime(optarg, &endtime) )
case 'P': /* parsable output? */
if ( !parsedef(optarg) )
vis.show_samp = parseout;
case 'J': /* json output? */
if ( !jsondef(optarg) )
vis.show_samp = jsonout;
case 'L': /* line length */
if ( !numeric(optarg) )
linelen = atoi(optarg);
case MALLACTIVE: /* all processes/cgroups ? */
deviatonly = 0;
case MCALCPSS: /* calculate PSS per sample ? */
if (rawreadflag)
"PSIZE gathering depends on rawfile\n");
calcpss = 1;
if (!rootprivs())
"PSIZE gathering only for own "
case MGETWCHAN: /* obtain wchan string? */
getwchan = 1;
case MRMSPACES: /* remove spaces from command */
rmspaces = 1;
case 'z': /* prepend regex matching environment variables */
if (regcomp(&envregex, optarg, REG_NOSUB|REG_EXTENDED))
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid environment regular expression!");
prependenv = 1;
default: /* gather other flags */
flaglist[i++] = c;
** get optional interval-value and optional number of samples
if (optind < argc && optind < MAXFL)
if (!numeric(argv[optind]))
interval = atoi(argv[optind]);
if (optind < argc)
if (!numeric(argv[optind]) )
if ( (nsamples = atoi(argv[optind])) < 1)
** determine the name of this node (without domain-name)
** and the kernel-version
(void) uname(&utsname);
if ( (p = strchr(utsname.nodename, '.')) )
*p = '\0';
utsnodenamelen = strlen(utsname.nodename);
sscanf(utsname.release, "%d.%d.%d", &osrel, &osvers, &ossub);
** determine the clock rate and memory page size for this machine
hertz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
pidwidth = getpidwidth();
** check if twin mode wanted with two atop processes:
** - lower half: gather statistics and write to raw file
** - upper half: read statistics and present to user
** consistency checks
if (twinmodeflag)
** check if raw data from a file must be viewed
if (rawreadflag)
** be sure to be leader of an own process group when
** running as a daemon (or at least: when not interactive);
** needed for systemd
if (rawwriteflag)
(void) setpgid(0, 0);
** determine start-time for gathering current statistics
curtime = getboot() / hertz;
** catch signals for proper close-down
signal(SIGHUP, cleanstop);
signal(SIGTERM, cleanstop);
** regain the root-privileges that we dropped at the beginning
** to do some privileged work
** lock ATOP in memory to get reliable samples (also when
** memory is low and swapping is going on);
** ignored if not running under superuser privileges!
rlim.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
rlim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, &rlim) == 0)
(void) mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE);
** increment CPU scheduling-priority to get reliable samples (also
** during heavy CPU load);
** ignored if not running under superuser privileges!
if ( nice(-20) == -1)
** switch-on the process-accounting mechanism to register the
** (remaining) resource-usage by processes which have finished
acctreason = acctswon();
** determine properties (like speed) of all interfaces
** open socket to the IP layer to issue getsockopt() calls later on
** since privileged activities are finished now, there is no
** need to keep running under root-privileges, so switch
** effective user-id to real user-id
if (! droprootprivs() )
mcleanstop(42, "failed to drop root privs\n");
** determine if cgroups v2 is supported
** start the engine now .....
return 0; /* never reached */
** The engine() drives the main-loop of the program
static void
struct sigaction sigact;
static time_t timelimit;
** reserve space for cgroup-level statistics
static struct cgchainer *devcstat;
int ncgroups = 0;
int npids = 0;
** reserve space for system-level statistics
static struct sstat *cursstat; /* current */
static struct sstat *presstat; /* previous */
static struct sstat *devsstat; /* deviation */
static struct sstat *hlpsstat;
** reserve space for task-level statistics
static struct tstat *curtpres; /* current present list */
static unsigned long curtlen; /* size of present list */
struct tstat *curpexit; /* exited process list */
static struct devtstat devtstat; /* deviation info */
unsigned long ntaskpres; /* number of tasks present */
unsigned long nprocexit; /* number of exited procs */
unsigned long nprocexitnet; /* number of exited procs */
/* via netatopd daemon */
unsigned long noverflow;
int nrgpuproc=0, /* number of GPU processes */
gpupending=0; /* boolean: request sent */
struct gpupidstat *gp = NULL;
** initialization: allocate required memory dynamically
cursstat = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sstat));
presstat = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sstat));
devsstat = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sstat));
ptrverify(cursstat, "Malloc failed for current sysstats\n");
ptrverify(presstat, "Malloc failed for prev sysstats\n");
ptrverify(devsstat, "Malloc failed for deviate sysstats\n");
** install the signal-handler for ALARM, USR1 and USR2 (triggers
* for the next sample)
memset(&sigact, 0, sizeof sigact);
sigact.sa_handler = getusr1;
sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sigact, (struct sigaction *)0);
memset(&sigact, 0, sizeof sigact);
sigact.sa_handler = getusr2;
sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sigact, (struct sigaction *)0);
memset(&sigact, 0, sizeof sigact);
sigact.sa_handler = getalarm;
sigaction(SIGALRM, &sigact, (struct sigaction *)0);
if (interval > 0)
if (midnightflag)
time_t timenow = time(0);
struct tm *tp = localtime(&timenow);
tp->tm_hour = 23;
tp->tm_min = 59;
tp->tm_sec = 59;
timelimit = mktime(tp);
** open socket to the atopgpud daemon for GPU statistics
nrgpus = gpud_init();
if (nrgpus)
supportflags |= GPUSTAT;
** - Wait for the requested number of seconds or for other trigger
** - System-level counters
** get current counters
** calculate the differences with the previous sample
** - Process-level counters
** get current counters from running & exited processes
** calculate the differences with the previous sample
** - Call the print-function to visualize the differences
for (sampcnt=0; sampcnt < nsamples; sampcnt++)
char lastcmd;
** if the limit-flag is specified:
** check if the next sample is expected before midnight;
** if not, stop atop now
if (midnightflag && (curtime+interval) > timelimit)
** wait for alarm-signal to arrive (except first sample)
** or wait for SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2
if (sampcnt > 0 && awaittrigger)
awaittrigger = 1;
** gather time info for this sample
pretime = curtime;
curtime = time(0); /* seconds since 1-1-1970 */
** send request for statistics to atopgpud
if (nrgpus)
gpupending = gpud_statrequest();
** take a snapshot of the current system-level metrics
** and calculate the deviations (i.e. calculate the activity
** during the last sample)
hlpsstat = cursstat; /* swap current/prev. stats */
cursstat = presstat;
presstat = hlpsstat;
photosyst(cursstat); /* obtain new system-level counters */
** take a snapshot of the current cgroup-level metrics
** when cgroups v2 supported
if ( (supportflags&CGROUPV2) )
** receive and parse response from atopgpud
if (nrgpus && gpupending)
nrgpuproc = gpud_statresponse(nrgpus, cursstat->gpu.gpu, &gp);
gpupending = 0;
// connection lost or timeout on receive?
if (nrgpuproc == -1)
int ng;
// try to reconnect
ng = gpud_init();
if (ng != nrgpus) // no success
nrgpus = 0;
if (nrgpus)
// request for stats again
if (gpud_statrequest())
// receive stats response
nrgpuproc = gpud_statresponse(nrgpus,
cursstat->gpu.gpu, &gp);
// persistent failure?
if (nrgpuproc == -1)
nrgpus = 0;
cursstat->gpu.nrgpus = nrgpus;
deviatsyst(cursstat, presstat, devsstat,
curtime-pretime > 0 ? curtime-pretime : 1);
** take a snapshot of the current task-level statistics
** and calculate the deviations (i.e. calculate the activity
** during the last sample)
** first register active tasks
curtpres = NULL;
curtlen = counttasks(); // worst-case value
curtpres = realloc(curtpres,
curtlen * sizeof(struct tstat));
ptrverify(curtpres, "Malloc failed for %lu tstats\n",
memset(curtpres, 0, curtlen * sizeof(struct tstat));
while ( (ntaskpres = photoproc(curtpres, curtlen)) == curtlen);
** register processes that exited during last sample;
** first determine how many processes exited
** the number of exited processes is limited to avoid
** that atop explodes in memory and introduces OOM killing
nprocexit = acctprocnt(); /* number of exited processes */
if (nprocexit > MAXACCTPROCS)
noverflow = nprocexit - MAXACCTPROCS;
nprocexit = MAXACCTPROCS;
noverflow = 0;
** determine how many processes have been exited
** for the netatop module (only processes that have
** used the network)
if (nprocexit > 0 && (supportflags & NETATOPD))
nprocexitnet = netatop_exitstore();
nprocexitnet = 0;
** reserve space for the exited processes and read them
if (nprocexit > 0)
curpexit = malloc(nprocexit * sizeof(struct tstat));
"Malloc failed for %lu exited processes\n",
memset(curpexit, 0, nprocexit * sizeof(struct tstat));
nprocexit = acctphotoproc(curpexit, nprocexit);
** reposition offset in accounting file when not
** all exited processes have been read (i.e. skip
** those processes)
if (noverflow)
curpexit = NULL;
** merge GPU per-process stats with other per-process stats
if (nrgpus && nrgpuproc)
gpumergeproc(curtpres, ntaskpres,
curpexit, nprocexit,
gp, nrgpuproc);
** calculate process-level deviations
deviattask(curtpres, ntaskpres, curpexit, nprocexit,
&devtstat, devsstat);
if (supportflags & NETATOPBPF)
ghash_net = NULL;
** calculate cgroup-level v2 deviations
** allocation and deallocation of structs
** is arranged at a lower level
if ( (supportflags&CGROUPV2) )
ncgroups = deviatcgroup(&devcstat, &npids);
** activate the installed print function to visualize
** the deviations
lastcmd = (vis.show_samp)(curtime,
curtime-pretime > 0 ? curtime-pretime : 1,
&devtstat, devsstat,
devcstat, ncgroups, npids,
nprocexit, noverflow, sampcnt==0);
** release dynamically allocated memory
if (nprocexit > 0)
if ((supportflags & NETATOPD) && (nprocexitnet > 0))
if (gp)
if (lastcmd == MRESET) /* reset requested ? */
sampcnt = -1;
curtime = getboot() / hertz; // reset current time
/* set current (will be 'previous') counters to 0 */
memset(cursstat, 0, sizeof(struct sstat));
/* remove all tasks in database */
/* remove current cgroup info */
} /* end of main-loop */
** print usage of this command
prusage(char *myname)
printf("Usage: %s [-t [absdir]] [-flags] [interval [samples]]\n",
printf("Usage: %s -w file [-S] [-%c] [interval [samples]]\n",
myname, MALLACTIVE);
printf(" %s -r [file] [-b [YYYYMMDD]hhmm[ss]] [-e [YYYYMMDD]hhmm[ss]] [-flags]\n",
printf("\tgeneric flags:\n");
printf("\t -t twin mode: live measurement with possibility to review earlier samples\n");
printf("\t (raw file created in /tmp or in specific directory path)\n");
printf("\t -%c show bar graphs for system statistics\n", MBARGRAPH);
printf("\t -%c show bar graphs without categories\n", MBARMONO);
printf("\t -%c show cgroup v2 metrics\n", MCGROUPS);
printf("\t -7 define cgroup v2 depth level -2 till -9 (default: -7)\n");
printf("\t -%c show version information\n", MVERSION);
printf("\t -%c show all processes and cgroups (i.s.o. active only)\n",
printf("\t -%c calculate proportional set size (PSS) per process\n",
printf("\t -%c determine WCHAN (string) per thread\n", MGETWCHAN);
printf("\t -P generate parsable output for specified label(s)\n");
printf("\t -J generate JSON output for specified label(s)\n");
printf("\t -%c no spaces in parsable output for command (line)\n",
printf("\t -L alternate line length (default 80) in case of "
"non-screen output\n");
printf("\t -z prepend regex matching environment variables to "
"command line\n");
if (vis.show_usage)
printf("\tspecific flags for raw logfiles:\n");
printf("\t -w write raw data to file (compressed)\n");
printf("\t -r read raw data from file (compressed)\n");
printf("\t symbolic file: y[y...] for yesterday (repeated)\n");
printf("\t file name '-': read raw data from stdin\n");
printf("\t -S finish atop automatically before midnight "
"(i.s.o. #samples)\n");
printf("\t -b begin showing data from specified date/time\n");
printf("\t -e finish showing data after specified date/time\n");
printf("\tinterval: number of seconds (minimum 0)\n");
printf("\tsamples: number of intervals (minimum 1)\n");
printf("If the interval-value is zero, a new sample can be\n");
printf("forced manually by sending signal USR1"
" (kill -USR1 pid_atop)\n");
printf("or with the keystroke '%c' in interactive mode.\n", MSAMPNEXT);
printf("Please refer to the man-page of 'atop' for more details.\n");
** handler for ALRM-signal
getalarm(int sig)
if (interval > 0)
alarm(interval); /* restart the timer */
** handler for USR1-signal
getusr1(int sig)
** handler for USR2-signal
getusr2(int sig)
nsamples = sampcnt; // force stop after next sample
** functions to handle a particular tag in the .atoprc file
static void
do_interval(char *name, char *val)
interval = get_posval(name, val);
static void
do_linelength(char *name, char *val)
linelen = get_posval(name, val);
** read RC-file and modify defaults accordingly
static void
readrc(char *path, int syslevel)
int i, nr, line=0, errorcnt = 0;
** check if this file is readable with the user's
** *real uid/gid* with syscall access()
if ( access(path, R_OK) == 0)
FILE *fp;
char linebuf[256], tagname[20], tagvalue[256];
fp = fopen(path, "r");
while ( fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, fp) )
i = strlen(linebuf);
if (i <= 1) // empty line?
if (linebuf[i-1] == '\n')
linebuf[i-1] = 0;
nr = sscanf(linebuf, "%19s %255[^#]",
tagname, tagvalue);
switch (nr)
case 0:
case 1:
if (tagname[0] == '#')
"%s: syntax error line "
"%d (no value specified)\n",
path, line);
break; /* not reached */
if (tagname[0] == '#')
if (tagvalue[0] != '#')
"%s: syntax error line "
"%d (no value specified)\n",
path, line);
** tag name and tag value found
** try to recognize tag name
for (i=0; i < sizeof manrc/sizeof manrc[0]; i++)
if ( strcmp(tagname, manrc[i].tag) == 0)
if (manrc[i].sysonly && !syslevel)
"%s: warning at line %2d "
"- tag name %s not allowed "
"in private atoprc\n",
path, line, tagname);
manrc[i].func(tagname, tagvalue);
** tag name not recognized
if (i == sizeof manrc/sizeof manrc[0])
"%s: warning at line %2d "
"- tag name %s not recognized\n",
path, line, tagname);
if (errorcnt)
** prepare twin mode
#define TWINNAME "atoptwinXXXXXX"
extern char twindir[];
static char *tempname;
static void
char eventbuf[1024];
int tempfd;
** consistency checks for used options
if (rawreadflag)
fprintf(stderr, "twin mode can not be combined with -r\n");
if (rawwriteflag)
fprintf(stderr, "twin mode can not be combined with -w\n");
if (!isatty(fileno(stdout)) ) // output to pipe or file?
fprintf(stderr, "twin mode only for interactive use\n");
** created unique temporary file
if (strlen(twindir) + sizeof TWINNAME + 1 >= RAWNAMESZ)
fprintf(stderr, "twin mode directoy path too long\n");
tempname = malloc(strlen(twindir) + sizeof TWINNAME + 1);
ptrverify(tempname, "Malloc failed for temporary twin name\n");
sprintf(tempname, "%s/%s", twindir, TWINNAME);
if ( (tempfd = mkstemp(tempname)) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", tempname);
perror("twin mode file creation");
** create lower half as child process
switch (twinpid = fork())
case -1:
perror("fork twin process");
case 0: // lower half: gather data and write to rawfile
vis.show_samp = rawwrite;
default: // upper half: read from raw file and visualize
** created inotify instance to be awoken when the lower half
** has written a new sample to the temporary file
if ( (fdinotify = inotify_init()) == -1)
perror("twin mode inotify init");
(void) inotify_add_watch(fdinotify, tempname, IN_MODIFY);
** arrange an automic kill of the lower half
** at the moment that the upper half terminates
** wait for first sample to be written by lower half
(void) read(fdinotify, eventbuf, sizeof eventbuf);
** define current raw file name for both parent and child
strncpy(rawname, tempname, RAWNAMESZ-1);
** kill twin process that gathers data and
** remove the temporary raw file
static void
if (twinpid) // kill lower half process
kill(twinpid, SIGTERM);
(void) unlink(tempname);
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