package main
import (
stdlog "log"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const version = "v0.6-beta"
func main() {
usage := fmt.Sprintf(`Q.uickTime V.ideo H.ack (qvh) %s
qvh devices [-v]
qvh activate [--udid=<udid>] [-v]
qvh record <h264file> <wavfile> [--udid=<udid>] [-v]
qvh audio <outfile> (--mp3 | --ogg | --wav) [--udid=<udid>] [-v]
qvh gstreamer [--pipeline=<pipeline>] [--examples] [--udid=<udid>] [-v]
qvh diagnostics <outfile> [--dump=<dumpfile>] [--udid=<udid>]
qvh --version | version
-h --help Show this screen.
-v Enable verbose mode (debug logging).
--version Show version.
--udid=<udid> UDID of the device. If not specified, the first found device will be used automatically.
The commands work as following:
devices lists iOS devices attached to this host and tells you if video streaming was activated for them
activate enables the video streaming config for the device specified by --udid
record will start video&audio recording. Video will be saved in a raw h264 file playable by VLC.
Audio will be saved in a uncompressed wav file. Run like: "qvh record /home/yourname/out.h264 /home/yourname/out.wav"
audio Records only audio from the device. It does not change the status bar like the video recording mode does.
The recorded audio will be saved in <outfile> with the selected format. Currently (--mp3 | --ogg | --wav) are supported.
Adding more formats is trivial though so create an issue or a PR if you need something :-)
gstreamer If no additional param is provided, qvh will open a new window and push AV data to gstreamer.
If "qvh gstreamer --examples" is provided, qvh will print some common gstreamer pipeline examples.
If --pipeline is provided, qvh will use the provided gstreamer pipeline instead of
displaying audio and video in a window.
diagnostics The diagnostics mode is added for running longterm tests to debug and ensure stability.
It will log several metrics and debug logs. Optionally specify a dump file with the --dump option that
will store raw bytes of all messages. Be aware though, that this file will grow quite large over time.
`, version)
arguments, _ := docopt.ParseDoc(usage)
verboseLoggingEnabled, _ := arguments.Bool("-v")
if verboseLoggingEnabled {
log.Info("Set Debug mode")
shouldPrintVersionNoDashes, _ := arguments.Bool("version")
shouldPrintVersion, _ := arguments.Bool("--version")
if shouldPrintVersionNoDashes || shouldPrintVersion {
devicesCommand, _ := arguments.Bool("devices")
if devicesCommand {
udid, _ := arguments.String("--udid")
device, err := findDevice(udid)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "no device found to use")
activateCommand, _ := arguments.Bool("activate")
if activateCommand {
audioCommand, _ := arguments.Bool("audio")
if audioCommand {
outfile, err := arguments.String("<outfile>")
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Missing <outfile> parameter. Please specify a valid path like '/home/me/out.h264'")
log.Infof("Recording audio only to file: %s", outfile)
mp3, _ := arguments.Bool("--mp3")
ogg, _ := arguments.Bool("--ogg")
wav, _ := arguments.Bool("--wav")
log.Debugf("recording audio only format mp3:%t ogg: %t wav:%t to file: %s", mp3, ogg, wav, outfile)
if wav {
recordAudioWav(outfile, device)
if ogg {
recordAudioGst(outfile, device, gstadapter.OGG)
recordAudioGst(outfile, device, gstadapter.MP3)
diagnostics, _ := arguments.Bool("diagnostics")
if diagnostics {
logfileName := fmt.Sprintf("logfile-%d.log", time.Now().Unix())
logfile, err := os.OpenFile(logfileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err == nil {
println("logging to", logfileName, " execute: 'tail -f ", logfileName, "' for logs. Press CTRL+C to stop recording.")
} else {
log.Info("Failed to log to file, using default stderr")
outfile, err := arguments.String("<outfile>")
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Missing <outfile> parameter. Please specify a valid path like '/home/me/out.json'")
dump, _ := arguments.String("--dump")
runDiagnostics(outfile, dump != "", dump, device)
recordCommand, _ := arguments.Bool("record")
if recordCommand {
h264FilePath, err := arguments.String("<h264file>")
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Missing <h264file> parameter. Please specify a valid path like '/home/me/out.h264'")
waveFilePath, err := arguments.String("<wavfile>")
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Missing <wavfile> parameter. Please specify a valid path like '/home/me/out.raw'")
record(h264FilePath, waveFilePath, device)
gstreamerCommand, _ := arguments.Bool("gstreamer")
if gstreamerCommand {
shouldPrintExamples, _ := arguments.Bool("--examples")
if shouldPrintExamples {
gstPipeline, _ := arguments.String("--pipeline")
if gstPipeline == "" {
startGStreamerWithCustomPipeline(device, gstPipeline)
//findDevice grabs the first device on the host for a empty --udid
//or tries to find the provided device otherwise
func findDevice(udid string) (screencapture.IosDevice, error) {
if udid == "" {
return screencapture.FindIosDevice("")
usbSerial, err := screencapture.ValidateUdid(udid)
if err != nil {
return screencapture.IosDevice{}, err
log.Debugf("requested usb-serial:'%s' from udid:%s", usbSerial, udid)
return screencapture.FindIosDevice(usbSerial)
func printVersion() {
versionMap := map[string]interface{}{
"version": version,
func printExamples() {
examples := `Examples:
Writing an MP4 file
This pipeline will save the recording in video.mp4 with h264 and aac format. The default settings
of this pipeline will create a compressed video that takes up way less space than raw h264.
Note that you need to set "ignore-length" on the wavparse because we are streaming and do not know the length in advance.
Write MP4 file Mac OSX:
vtdec is the hardware accelerated decoder on the mac.
qvh gstreamer --pipeline "mp4mux name=mux ! filesink location=video.mp4 \
queue name=audio_target ! wavparse ignore-length=true ! audioconvert ! faac ! aacparse ! mux. \
queue name=video_target ! h264parse ! vtdec ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency ! mux."
Write MP4 file Linux:
note that I am using software en and decoding, if you have intel VAAPI available, maybe use those.
gstreamer --pipeline "mp4mux name=mux ! filesink location=video.mp4 \
queue name=audio_target ! wavparse ignore-length=true ! audioconvert ! avenc_aac ! aacparse ! mux. \
queue name=video_target ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency ! mux."
func recordAudioGst(outfile string, device screencapture.IosDevice, audiotype string) {
log.Debug("Starting Gstreamer with audio pipeline")
gStreamer, err := gstadapter.NewWithAudioPipeline(outfile, audiotype)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Failed creating custom pipeline")
startWithConsumer(gStreamer, device, true)
func runDiagnostics(outfile string, dump bool, dumpFile string, device screencapture.IosDevice) {
log.Debugf("diagnostics mode: %s dump:%t %s device:%s", outfile, dump, dumpFile, device.SerialNumber)
metricsFile, err := os.Create(outfile)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not open file '%s'", outfile)
defer metricsFile.Close()
consumer := diagnostics.NewDiagnosticsConsumer(metricsFile, time.Second*10)
if dump {
startWithConsumerDump(consumer, device, dumpFile)
startWithConsumer(consumer, device, false)
func recordAudioWav(outfile string, device screencapture.IosDevice) {
log.Debug("Starting Gstreamer with audio pipeline")
wavFile, err := os.Create(outfile)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error creating wav file:%s", err)
log.Errorf("Could not open wav file '%s'", outfile)
wavFileWriter := coremedia.NewAVFileWriterAudioOnly(wavFile)
defer func() {
stat, err := wavFile.Stat()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not get wav file stats", err)
err = coremedia.WriteWavHeader(int(stat.Size()), wavFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error writing wave header %s might be invalid. %s", outfile, err.Error())
err = wavFile.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error closing wave file. '%s' might be invalid. %s", outfile, err.Error())
startWithConsumer(wavFileWriter, device, true)
func startGStreamerWithCustomPipeline(device screencapture.IosDevice, pipelineString string) {
log.Debug("Starting Gstreamer with custom pipeline")
gStreamer, err := gstadapter.NewWithCustomPipeline(pipelineString)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Failed creating custom pipeline")
startWithConsumer(gStreamer, device, false)
func startGStreamer(device screencapture.IosDevice) {
log.Debug("Starting Gstreamer")
gStreamer := gstadapter.New()
startWithConsumer(gStreamer, device, false)
// Just dump a list of what was discovered to the console
func devices() {
deviceList, err := screencapture.FindIosDevices()
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Error finding iOS Devices")
log.Debugf("Found (%d) iOS Devices with UsbMux Endpoint", len(deviceList))
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Error finding iOS Devices")
output := screencapture.PrintDeviceDetails(deviceList)
printJSON(map[string]interface{}{"devices": output})
// This command is for testing if we can enable the hidden Quicktime device config
func activate(device screencapture.IosDevice) {
log.Debugf("Enabling device: %v", device)
var err error
device, err = screencapture.EnableQTConfig(device)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Error enabling QT config")
"device_activated": device.DetailsMap(),
func record(h264FilePath string, wavFilePath string, device screencapture.IosDevice) {
log.Debugf("Writing video output to:'%s' and audio to: %s", h264FilePath, wavFilePath)
h264File, err := os.Create(h264FilePath)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error creating h264File:%s", err)
log.Errorf("Could not open h264File '%s'", h264FilePath)
wavFile, err := os.Create(wavFilePath)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error creating wav file:%s", err)
log.Errorf("Could not open wav file '%s'", wavFilePath)
writer := coremedia.NewAVFileWriter(bufio.NewWriter(h264File), bufio.NewWriter(wavFile))
defer func() {
stat, err := wavFile.Stat()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not get wav file stats", err)
err = coremedia.WriteWavHeader(int(stat.Size()), wavFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error writing wave header %s might be invalid. %s", wavFilePath, err.Error())
err = wavFile.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error closing wave file. '%s' might be invalid. %s", wavFilePath, err.Error())
err = h264File.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error closing h264File '%s'. %s", h264FilePath, err.Error())
startWithConsumer(writer, device, false)
func startWithConsumer(consumer screencapture.CmSampleBufConsumer, device screencapture.IosDevice, audioOnly bool) {
var err error
device, err = screencapture.EnableQTConfig(device)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Error enabling QT config")
adapter := screencapture.UsbAdapter{}
stopSignal := make(chan interface{})
mp := screencapture.NewMessageProcessor(&adapter, stopSignal, consumer, audioOnly)
err = adapter.StartReading(device, &mp, stopSignal)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "failed connecting to usb")
func startWithConsumerDump(consumer screencapture.CmSampleBufConsumer, device screencapture.IosDevice, dumpPath string) {
var err error
device, err = screencapture.EnableQTConfig(device)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "Error enabling QT config")
inboundMessagesFile, err := os.Create("inbound-" + dumpPath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not open file: %v", err)
defer inboundMessagesFile.Close()
outboundMessagesFile, err := os.Create("outbound-" + dumpPath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not open file: %v", err)
defer outboundMessagesFile.Close()
log.Debug("Start dumping all binary transfer")
adapter := screencapture.UsbAdapter{Dump: true, DumpInWriter: inboundMessagesFile, DumpOutWriter: outboundMessagesFile}
stopSignal := make(chan interface{})
mp := screencapture.NewMessageProcessor(&adapter, stopSignal, consumer, false)
err = adapter.StartReading(device, &mp, stopSignal)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "failed connecting to usb")
func waitForSigInt(stopSignalChannel chan interface{}) {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
go func() {
for sig := range c {
log.Debugf("Signal received: %s", sig)
var stopSignal interface{}
stopSignalChannel <- stopSignal
func checkDeviceIsPaired(device screencapture.IosDevice) {
dev, err := ios.GetDevice(screencapture.Correct24CharacterSerial(device.SerialNumber))
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "device not found, is it still connected?")
allValues, err := ios.GetValuesPlist(dev)
if err != nil {
printErrJSON(err, "failed getting deviceinfo, you need to pair the device before running qvh")
log.Infof("found %s %s for udid %s", allValues["DeviceName"], allValues["ProductVersion"], dev.Properties.SerialNumber)
func printErrJSON(err error, msg string) {
"original_error": err.Error(),
"error_message": msg,
func printJSON(output map[string]interface{}) {
text, err := json.Marshal(output)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Broken json serialization, error: %s", err)
//this is to ban these irritating "2021/04/29 14:27:59 handle_events: error: libusb: interrupted [code -10]" libusb messages
type LogrusWriter int
const interruptedError = "interrupted [code -10]"
func (LogrusWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
logmessage := string(data)
if strings.Contains(logmessage, interruptedError) {
log.Tracef("gousb_logs:%s", logmessage)
return len(data), nil
log.Infof("gousb_logs:%s", logmessage)
return len(data), nil
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