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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
lowest.py 32.40 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
yanheven 提交于 2015-09-02 16:06 . 902 update
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*import json
import datetime
import json
import re
import sys
import itertools
from utils import http_request
from utils import table_util
turn_over_ratio = {}
manager_buy = {}
manager_sale = {}
quantity_relative_ratio = {}
rise_top = {}
black_list = ['600418', '002554', '000960', '601808', '600597', '600280', '002341', '002229', '002478', '002088', '002407', '000670', '002116', '000510', '002167', '002421', '002635', '600890', '002652', '002078', '600393', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
in_flow_ratio = {}
stock_size = {}
change_ratio = {}
hold_history = {}
price_now = {}
drop = {}
week_change = {}
month_change = {}
quarter_change = {}
pe_ratio = {}
hot_code = []
bull_code = []
b_point_code = []
short_code = []
open_price = {}
lowest_google_detail = []
sgcx_code = []
# P for profit
# Avg for average
# L for lowest
# H for highest
# MTP manager total buy price
# def read_hold(hold_codes):
# for i in hold_codes:
# with open()
def manager_top(bdlx, days=None):
# bcjd=2015-07-13&ecjd=2015-07-14
# cjd:chang day
# bdlx:1 buy, 2 sale
# bbdje=10&ebdje=100 range 10 thounsand
# bzltb: percentage %%
# titType: sort keyword,0,1:date 3:amount(10thounsand) 5:money 8:percentage
url = "http://stockdata.stock.hexun.com/ggzjc/data/ChangeHistory.aspx?count=30000&callback=" \
url += "&bdlx=" + str(bdlx)
date = datetime.date.today()
start_date = str(date - datetime.timedelta(days=41))
# url += '&bcjd=%s&ecjd=%s'%(start_date,start_date)
if days:
url +='&cjd=' + str(days)
# url += '&bcjd=%s&ecjd=%s'%(start_date,date)
elif bdlx == 1:
url +='&cjd=90'
url += '&cjd=5'
ret_list = []
codes = []
# for i in range(1, 100):
# page = '&page=' + str(i)
# new_url = url + page
# print new_url
url += '&page=1'
print url
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
content = content.replace('\"', '')
content = content.replace('http:', '')
content = re.sub(r"<[^<]*>", r"", content)
content = re.sub(r"(,?)(\w+?)\s*?:", r"\1'\2' :", content)
content = content.replace("'", "\"")
result = json.loads(content[13:-1]).get('list')
# if not len(result):
# break
for i in result:
# print i['stockName'], i['averagePrice'], i['price'], i['circulationCapitalRatio']
price = float(i['price'])
if price > 10 or bdlx == 2:
code = str(re.sub(r"[^\(]*\(", r"", i['stockName'])[:-1])
name = i['stockName'].split('(')[0]
d = {'code': code, 'price': price, 'ratio': i['circulationCapitalRatio'], 'name': name}
date = i['changeDate'][-5:]
avgprice = float(i['averagePrice'])
if bdlx ==1 and (not manager_buy.has_key(code) or manager_buy[code] < avgprice):
manager_buy[code] = avgprice
if bdlx ==2 and (not manager_sale.has_key(code) or manager_sale[code] > avgprice):
manager_sale[code] = avgprice
# elif ret_dict[code]['total_price'] < price:
# ret_dict[code]['total_price'] = price
# ret_dict[code]['date'] = date
# ret_dict[code]['avg'] = avgprice
print len(codes)
return list(set(codes)), manager_buy
def drop_east():
url = 'http://xuanguapi.eastmoney.com/Stock/JS.aspx?type=xgq&sty=xgq&token=eastmoney&c=[hqzb11(1|5)]&p=1&jn' \
url = 'http://xuanguapi.eastmoney.com/Stock/JS.aspx?type=xgq&sty=xgq&token=eastmoney&c=[hqzb12(1|5)]&p=1&jn=IkyIDTEU&ps=4000&s=hqzb12(1|5)&st=-1&r=1438828990543'
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
json_content = json.loads(content[13:]).get("Results")
for i in json_content:
detail = i.split(',')
code = detail[1]
fluctuation = detail[3]
drop[code] = fluctuation
print 'drop 3 days:', len(drop)
def rise_east():
url = 'http://xuanguapi.eastmoney.com/Stock/JS.aspx?type=xgq&sty=xgq&token=eastmoney&c=[hqzb11(1|5)]&p=1&jn' \
url = 'http://xuanguapi.eastmoney.com/Stock/JS.aspx?type=xgq&sty=xgq&token=eastmoney&c=[hqzb11(1|5)]&p=1&jn=IkyIDTEU&ps=4000&s=hqzb11(1|5)&st=-1&r=1438828990543'
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
json_content = json.loads(content[13:]).get("Results")
for i in json_content:
detail = i.split(',')
code = detail[1]
fluctuation = detail[3]
drop[code] = fluctuation
print 'rise 3 days:', len(drop)
def lowest_today():
# time_stamp = str(int(time.time()*1000 - 999999))
# today lowest
url = "http://xuanguapi.eastmoney.com/Stock/JS.aspx?type=xgq&sty=xgq&token=eastmoney&c=[hqzb04]&p=1&jn=LDGsJsMh&" \
# 3 days lowest
url3 = 'http://xuanguapi.eastmoney.com/Stock/JS.aspx?type=xgq&sty=xgq&token=eastmoney&c=[hqzb05(1|3)]&p=1&jn=' \
# 5days lowest
url5 = 'http://xuanguapi.eastmoney.com/Stock/JS.aspx?type=xgq&sty=xgq&token=eastmoney&c=[hqzb05(1|5)]&p=1&jn=' \
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
result = json.loads(content[13:]).get("Results")
date = datetime.date.today()
code_name = []
codes = []
for i in result:
i = i.encode("utf-8").split(",")
# if "N" or "退" in i[2]:
# continue
line = i[1] + " " + i[2] + "\n"
if not code_name:
return False
codes.sort(key=lambda code : int(code))
# print codes
# with open(str(date) + ".txt","w") as fb:
# fb.writelines(code_name)
# with open(str(date) + "-code.txt","w") as fb:
# for i in codes:
# fb.writelines(i + "\n")
# return codes
def lowest_163():
url = 'http://quotes.money.163.com/hs/realtimedata/service/marketIndexes.php?host=/hs/realtimedata/service/' \
'marketIndexes.php&page=0&query=HIGH_LOW_RECENTLY.HIGH_LOW:int_-1&fields=RN,SYMBOL,CODE,NAME,TYPE,PRICE,' \
url2 ='http://quotes.money.163.com/hs/realtimedata/service/marketIndexes.php?host=/hs/realtimedata/service/' \
'marketIndexes.php&page=1&query=HIGH_LOW_RECENTLY.HIGH_LOW:int_-1&fields=RN,SYMBOL,CODE,NAME,TYPE,PRICE,' \
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
index = content.index('"list":[') + 7
json_content = json.loads(content[index:-3])
codes = []
for i in json_content:
code = i['SYMBOL']
print len(codes)
return codes
def lowest_goole():
url = 'https://www.google.com.hk/finance?output=json&start=50&num=1&noIL=1&q=[%28%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHE%' \
'22%29%20%7C%20%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHA%22%29%29%20%26%20%28market_cap%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28' \
'market_cap%20%3C%3D%202220000000000%29%20%26%20%28pe_ratio%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28pe_ratio' \
'%20%3C%3D%2025099.999999999996%29%20%26%20%28dividend_yield%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28dividend_yield' \
'%20%3C%3D%2012.64%29%20%26%20%28price_change_52week%20%3E%3D%20-67.69%29%20%26%20%28price_change_52week' \
'%20%3C%3D%2099%29%20%26%20%28last_price%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28last_price%20%3C%3D%2016200.000000000002' \
'%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3C%3D%208834%29]&restype=company&' \
url = 'https://www.google.com.hk/finance?output=json&noIL=1&q=[%28%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHE%2' \
'2%29%20%7C%20%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHA%22%29%29%20%26%20%28price_change_52week%20%3E%3D%20-9999%29%2' \
'0%26%20%28price_change_52week%20%3C%3D%2099%29%20%26%20%28last_price%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28last_pric' \
'e%20%3C%3D%2016200.000000000002%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3C%3D%2' \
url = 'https://www.google.com.hk/finance?output=json&num=500&noIL=1&q=[%28%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHE%22' \
'%29%20%7C%20%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHA%22%29%29%20%26%20%28price_change_52week%20%3E%3D%20-99%29%20%' \
'26%20%28price_change_52week%20%3C%3D%20964%29%20%26%20%28high_52week%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28high_52week' \
'%20%3C%3D%2022599.999999999996%29%20%26%20%28last_price%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28last_price%20%3C%3D%' \
'2016400%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3C%3D%208834%29%20%26%20%28' \
'average_200day_price%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28average_200day_price%20%3C%3D%20185%29]' \
url2 = 'https://www.google.com.hk/finance?output=json&num=500&noIL=1&q=[%28%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHE%22' \
'%29%20%7C%20%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SHA%22%29%29%20%26%20%28price_change_52week%20%3E%3D%20-99%29%20%' \
'26%20%28price_change_52week%20%3C%3D%20964%29%20%26%20%28high_52week%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28high_52week' \
'%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28low_52week%20%3C%3D%208834%29%20%26%20%28' \
'average_50day_price%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28average_50day_price%20%3C%3D%20185%29]' \
# encode_url = 'output=json&start=0&num=20&noIL=1&q=[((exchange == "SHE") | ' \
# '(exchange == "SHA")) & (price_change_52week >= -67.69) & (price_change_52week <= 964) & (high_52week >= 0)' \
# ' & (high_52week <= 22599.999999999996) & (last_price >= 0) & (last_price <= 16400) & (low_52week >= 0) &' \
# ' (low_52week <= 8834)]&restype=company&ei=9MmoVdmyK4n3jAGdhIL4Cg&gl=cn&sortas=Price52WeekPercChange'
# print urllib.unquote(encode_url)
# url = urllib.urlencode(url)
http_client = http_request
codes = []
for i in range(0, 3300, 500):
start = str(i)
new_rul = url + '&start=' + start
resp, content = http_client.request(new_rul, "GET")
lindex = content.index('"searchresults"') + 17
rindex = content.index('"mf_searchresults"') -2
content = content[lindex : rindex].replace('\\x26', ' ')
# content = re.sub(r"\\x26([a-zA-Z]{2,6});", r"&\1;", content);
json_content = json.loads(content)
for i in json_content:
code = i['ticker']
if code.startswith('300'):
columns = i['columns']
change = float(columns[0]['value'])
except Exception as e:
change = 10000
highest = float(columns[1]['value'])
except Exception as e:
highest = 10000
quotelast = 1
if quotelast !=0 and quotelast < 100:
low52week = float(columns[-2]['value'])
except Exception as e:
low52week = 10000
avg_200 = float(columns[-1]['value'])
except Exception as e:
avg_200 = 10000
if low52week > 100 or highest > 500:
#lowest_percent = int(quotelast / low52week * 100 -100)
#avg_200_percent = int(quotelast / avg_200 * 100 -100)
d = {'code':code, 'L': low52week, 'H': highest, 'change_last_year': change, 'Avg': avg_200}
# print d, int(float(quotelast - low52week)/quotelast * 100)
print 'google lowest: ', len(set(codes))
def turn_over_sina():
url = 'http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/quotes_service/api/json_v2.php/Market_Center.getHQNodeData?page=1' \
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
content = re.sub(r":(\w+?):", r"fuck", content)
content = re.sub(r"(,?)(\w+?)\s*?:", r"\1'\2' :", content)
content = content.replace("'", "\"")
json_content = json.loads(content)
for i in json_content:
code = i['code']
ratio = int(i['turnoverratio'])
turn_over_ratio[code] = ratio
print 'sina turn over ratio: ', len(turn_over_ratio)
def in_flow_sina():
url = 'http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/quotes_service/api/json_v2.php/MoneyFlow.ssl_bkzj_ssggzj?page=1&num=4000&sort=r0_ratio&asc=0'
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
content = re.sub(r"(,?)(\w+?)\s*?:", r"\1'\2' :", content)
content = content.replace("'", "\"")
json_content = json.loads(content)
for i in json_content:
code = i['symbol'][2:]
inflow = int(float(i['r0_ratio'])*100.0)
turn_over = int(float(i['turnover']))/100.0
change = int(float(i['changeratio'])*1000)/10.0
price = int(float(i['trade'])*100)/100.0
in_flow_ratio[code] = inflow
turn_over_ratio[code] = turn_over
change_ratio[code] = change
price_now[code] = price
print 'sina turn over ratio: ', len(turn_over_ratio)
print 'sina in flow ratio: ', len(in_flow_ratio)
def bull_sina():
url = 'http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/q/go.php/vIR_Burstout/index.phtml'
resp, content = http_request.request(url, 'GET')
start = content.find('var STR_HX_CODE = ') + 18
end = content.find('\n', start) - 1
content = content[start:end]
codes = json.loads(content)
except Exception as e:
print 'get bull codes error'
global bull_code
bull_code = [i[2:] for i in codes if not i[2:].startswith('3')]
print 'bull codes:',len(bull_code)
def b_point_sina():
global b_point_code
urls = ['http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/q/go.php/vDYData/kind/bdmr/index.phtml?p=', \
'http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/q/go.php/vDYData/kind/dxcj/index.phtml?p=', \
'http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/q/go.php/vDYData/kind/kdfp/index.phtml?p=', \
for url in urls:
for i in range(1,100):
page_url = url + str(i)
resp, content = http_request.request(page_url, 'GET')
if 'php?q=' not in content:
code_str = content.split('php?q=')
for i in code_str[1::2]:
print 'b point sina:', len(b_point_code)
def short_sina():
global b_point_code
urls = ['http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/q/go.php/vDYData/kind/dxcj/index.phtml?p=']
# 'http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/q/go.php/vDYData/kind/kdfp/index.phtml?p=', \
# 'http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/q/go.php/vDYData/kind/dpjc/index.phtml?p=']
for url in urls:
for i in range(1,100):
page_url = url + str(i)
resp, content = http_request.request(page_url, 'GET')
if 'php?q=' not in content:
code_str = content.split('php?q=')
for i in code_str[1::2]:
print 'short line sina:', len(short_code)
def stock_size_sina():
url = "http://money.finance.sina.com.cn/quotes_service/api/jsonp_v2.php/IO.XSRV2.CallbackList['b4VIm$HArIJ1qfKO']/Market_Center.getHQNodeDataNew?page=1&num=5000&sort=nmc&asc=0&node=hs_a"
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
content = content[42:-1]
content = re.sub(r":(\w+?):", r"fuck", content)
content = re.sub(r"(,?)(\w+?)\s*?:", r"\1'\2' :", content)
content = content.replace("'", "\"")
json_content = json.loads(content)
for i in json_content:
code = i['code']
nmc = int(float(i['nmc'])/10000.0)
stock_size[code] = nmc
print 'sina stock size: ', len(stock_size)
def quantity_relative_ratio_163():
url ='http://quotes.money.163.com/hs/service/diyrank.php?host=http%3A%2F%2Fquotes.money.163.com%2Fhs%2Fservice%2' \
smal_url = 'http://quotes.money.163.com/hs/service/diyrank.php?host=http%3A%2F%2Fquotes.money.163.com%2Fhs%2Fservice%2' \
'Fdiyrank.php&page=0&query=SCSTC27_RNG%3AS&fields=NO%2CSYMBOL%2CNAME%2CPRICE%2CPERCENT%2CUPDOWN%2CFIVE_MINUTE%2' \
url = 'http://quotes.money.163.com/hs/service/diyrank.php?host=http%3A%2F%2Fquotes.money.163.com%2Fhs%2Fservice%2Fdiyrank.php&page=0&query=STYPE%3AEQA&fields=NO%2CSYMBOL%2CNAME%2CPRICE%2CPERCENT%2CUPDOWN%2CFIVE_MINUTE%2COPEN%2CYESTCLOSE%2CHIGH%2CLOW%2CVOLUME%2CTURNOVER%2CHS%2CLB%2CWB%2CZF%2CPE%2CMCAP%2CTCAP%2CMFSUM%2CMFRATIO.MFRATIO2%2CMFRATIO.MFRATIO10%2CSNAME%2CCODE%2CANNOUNMT%2CUVSNEWS&sort=LB&order=asc&count=4000&type=query'
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
json_content = json.loads(content)
stock_list = json_content.get('list')
print json_content.get('time')
for i in stock_list:
code = i['SYMBOL']
change = i.get('PERCENT')
if change:
change = int(change*1000)/10.0
change = 10000
turn_over = i.get('HS')
if turn_over:
turn_over = int(turn_over*1000)/10.0
turn_over = 10000
price = i.get('PRICE')
if price:
price = int(price*10)/10.0
price = 10000
lb = i.get('LB')
if lb:
lb = int(lb*10)/10.0
lb = 10000
pe = i.get('PE')
if pe:
pe = 10000
size = i.get('MCAP')
if size:
size = int(size/100000000)
size = 10000
open = i.get('OPEN')
if open:
open = float(open)
open = 10000
close = i.get('YESTCLOSE')
if close:
close = float(close)
close = 10000
if open !=10000 and close != 10000:
open = int((open-close)/close*100)
open_price[code] = open
stock_size[code] = size
pe_ratio[code] = pe
quantity_relative_ratio[code] = lb
turn_over_ratio[code] = turn_over
change_ratio[code] = change
price_now[code] = price
print '163 query: ', len(quantity_relative_ratio)
def week_change_163():
url = 'http://quotes.money.163.com/hs/realtimedata/service/rank.php?host=/hs/realtimedata/service/rank.php&page=0&query=LONG_PERIOD_RANK:_exists_&fields=SYMBOL,PRICE,LONG_PERIOD_RANK,PERCENT&sort=LONG_PERIOD_RANK.WEEK_PERCENT&order=asc&count=4000&type=query'
resp, content = http_request.request(url, "GET")
json_content = json.loads(content)
stock_list = json_content.get('list')
for i in stock_list:
code = i['SYMBOL']
long_change = i['LONG_PERIOD_RANK']
we_change = int(long_change.get('WEEK_PERCENT',10000)*100)
mon_change = int(long_change.get('MONTH_PERCENT',10000)*100)
qua_change = int(long_change.get('QUARTER_PERCENT',10000)*100)
week_change[code] = we_change
month_change[code] = mon_change
quarter_change[code] = qua_change
def sgcx_tencent():
url = ['http://smartstock.gtimg.cn/get.php?_func=zhibiao&_default=1&_page=1&_pagesize=30&zhibiao=hs_sgcx', \
for i in url:
resp, content = http_request.request(i, "GET")
content = content[16:]
json_content = json.loads(content)
data = json_content.get('data')
for i in data:
print 'sgcx from tencent lenth:', len(sgcx_code)
def filte_lowest_from_google(detail, persent=None):
lowest_codes = []
if persent:
for i in detail:
code = i['code']
price = price_now.get(code)
if not price:
i['price'] = price
lowest = float(i['L'])
if (price - lowest) < lowest*persent/100:
for i in detail:
return lowest_codes
def check_reopen(manager_codes, lowest_detail):
reopen = []
with open('reopen.txt', 'r') as fb:
lines = fb.readlines()
for i in lines:
manager_reopen = list(set(manager_codes) & set(reopen))
print manager_reopen
for i in lowest_detail:
code = i['code']
if code in manager_reopen:
lowest = i['L']
price_hold = i['price']
lowest_percent_now = int(float(i['price'] - lowest) * 100 / lowest)
i['lowest_percent%_now'] = lowest_percent_now
profit_now = ((i['price'] / price_hold) *100 -100)
i['profit%_now'] = profit_now
print i
def check_manager_transaction(choice):
# choice 1 for buy, 2 for sale
# check manager sale, we sale
# manager_codes would be sale or buy codes
hold_codes = []
hold_detail = []
with open('hold.txt', 'r') as fb:
lines = fb.readlines()
for i in lines:
line = json.loads(i)
# print line['code']
with open('candidate.txt', 'r') as fb:
lines = fb.readlines()
for i in lines:
code = i.split()[1]
# should_transaction = set(hold_codes) & set(manager_codes)
# if choice == 1:
# # print 'Manager buy num : %d' % len(manager_codes)
# print 'My hold: %s\n' % hold_codes
# print "buy More stock today:"
# for i in should_transaction:
# print i
# print '#' * 40 +'\n'
# else:
# print 'Manager sales num : %d' % len(manager_codes)
# print 'My hold: %s\n' % hold_codes
my_hold = []
for i in lowest_google_detail:
code = i['code']
for j in hold_detail:
if code == j['code']:
lowest = i['L']
price_hold = j.get('price', 10000)
price = price_now.get(code, 10000)
i['price'] = price
lowest_percent_now = int(float(price - lowest) * 100 / lowest)
i['L%'] = lowest_percent_now
avg_200_percent = int(price / i['Avg'] * 100 -100)
i['Avg%'] = avg_200_percent
profit_now = int((price / price_hold) *100 -100)
i['P%_now'] = profit_now
# sale_price = price_hold + (i['H'] - price_hold)/2
sale_price = price_hold * 1.05
profit = int((sale_price / i['price'] -1)*100)
i['sale'] = int(sale_price*100)/100.0
left = price - i['L']
right = i['H'] - price
i['P%'] = int(right / price *100)
i['TOR'] = turn_over_ratio.get(code, 10000)
i['LB'] = quantity_relative_ratio.get(code, 10000)
# i['IF%'] = in_flow_ratio.get(code, 10000)
i['NMC'] = stock_size.get(code, 0)
i['CH'] = change_ratio.get(code, 10000)
i['CH5'] = week_change.get(code, 10000)
i['CH30'] = month_change.get(code, 10000)
i['CH90'] = quarter_change.get(code, 10000)
i['PE'] = pe_ratio.get(code, 10000)
i['OPEN'] = open_price.get(code, 10000)
if price / price_hold < 2:
print 'my hold stock:'
table_util.print_list(my_hold, ['code', 'L%', 'P%', 'L', 'price', 'H', 'sale',
'Avg%', 'P%_now', 'TOR', 'LB', 'NMC', 'CH', 'CH5', 'CH30', 'CH90', 'OPEN', 'PE'])
#short = bull_code + b_point_code
#keep = [i for i in my_hold if i['code'] in short]
#table_util.print_list(keep, ['code', 'L%', 'P%', 'L', 'price', 'H', 'sale',
# 'Avg%', 'P%_now', 'TOR', 'LB', 'NMC', 'CH', 'CH5', 'CH30', 'CH90', 'PE'])
# print "Sale stock today:"
# for i in should_transaction:
# print i
print '#' * 40 +'\n'
def lowest_persentage(lowest_detail, manager_buy_codes=None, percent=None, detail=None):
lowest_codes = filte_lowest_from_google(lowest_detail, percent)
best = list(set(manager_buy_codes) & set(lowest_codes))
print 'Lowestnum: %d \n' % (len(lowest_codes))
print 'Lowest and manager buy num: %d \n' % (len(best))
if percent:
print "Buy stock today, lowest percentage manager buy:%d" % int(100.0/percent)
print "Buy stock today, lowest from last year manager 5 days buy:"
for j in lowest_detail:
if j['code'] in best or j['code'] == '000960':
sale_price = j['price'] + (j['H'] - j['price'])/2
profit = int((sale_price / j['price'] -1)*100)
j['sale_price'] = sale_price
j['P%'] = profit
if not percent or percent == 30:
print json.dumps(j)
print j['code']
print '#' * 40 +'\n'
def lowest_manager_sort():
#lowest_codes = filte_lowest_from_google(lowest_detail)
# best = list(set(manager_buy_codes) & set(lowest_codes))
#lowest_percent_sort = sorted([i for i in lowest_detail if i['code'] in lowest_codes],key=lambda x:x['L%'])
lowest = []
for i in lowest_google_detail:
code = i['code']
# sale_price = i['price'] + (i['H'] - i['price'])/2
# profit = int((sale_price / i['price'] -1)*100)
low = i['L']
price = price_now.get(code, 10000)
i['price'] = price
lowest_percent_now = int(float(price - low) * 100 / low)
i['L%'] = lowest_percent_now
avg_200_percent = int(price / i['Avg'] * 100 -100)
i['Avg%'] = avg_200_percent
left = price - i['L']
right = i['H'] - price
i['P%'] = 10000
if right + left:
i['P%'] = int(right / price *100)
# i['sale'] = sale_price
# i['P%'] = profit
# i['MB'] = manager_buy.get(i['code'], 10000)
# i['MS'] = manager_sale.get(i['code'], 10000)
# i['MTP'] = manager_5days_buy_dict[i['code']]['total_price']
# i['date'] = manager_5days_buy_dict[i['code']]['date']
# i['Avg'] = manager_5days_buy_dict[i['code']]['avg']
i['TOR'] = turn_over_ratio.get(i['code'], 10000)
i['LB'] = quantity_relative_ratio.get(i['code'], 10000)
# i['FL'] = rise_top.get(i['code'], -10000)
# i['IF%'] = in_flow_ratio.get(i['code'], 10000)
i['NMC'] = stock_size.get(i['code'], 0)
i['CH'] = change_ratio.get(i['code'], 10000)
i['CH5'] = week_change.get(i['code'], 10000)
i['CH30'] = month_change.get(i['code'], 10000)
i['CH90'] = quarter_change.get(i['code'], 10000)
i['PE'] = pe_ratio.get(code, 10000)
i['OPEN'] = open_price.get(code, 10000)
# print json.dumps(i)
# if i['P%'] != 10000 and i['L%'] < 61.8 and i['PE'] > 0 and i['PE'] <100 and i['P%'] > 50:
# i['LB'] != 10000 and i['TOR'] != 10000 and
# and i['CH'] < 5 and i['CH'] > -5:
# and i['Avg%'] < 20:
# and i['P%'] > 20:
# and i['MB'] != 10000 i['TOR'] != 10000 and :
# and i['price'] /i['MB'] < 1.2:
# print i['L']
# print lowest[-1]['L']
# lowest_50.append(i)
lowest_P = sorted(lowest, key=lambda x : x['P%'], reverse=True)
print 'bull stock from sina:'
sina_codes = list(set(bull_code + b_point_code))
sina_lowest = [i for i in lowest_P if i['code'] in bull_code and i['L%'] < 100 and i['P%']>30]# and i['OPEN'] < 3 and i['OPEN'] > -3 and i['CH5']<10 and i['CH5']>0]
table_util.print_list(sina_lowest, ['code', 'L', 'L%', 'P%', 'price', 'Avg%', 'TOR', 'LB', 'NMC', 'CH', 'CH5', 'CH30', 'CH90', 'PE', 'OPEN'])
print 'sgcx from tencent:'
tencent_lowest = [i for i in lowest_P if i['code'] in sgcx_code and i['L%'] < 100 and i['P%']>30]
table_util.print_list(tencent_lowest, ['code', 'L', 'L%', 'P%', 'price', 'Avg%', 'TOR', 'LB', 'NMC', 'CH', 'CH5', 'CH30', 'CH90', 'PE', 'OPEN'])
def get_hot_baidu():
with open('hot.txt', 'r') as fb:
lines = fb.readlines()
for i in lines:
code = i.strip()
def buy_lowest_manager_hold(lowest_detail, manager_buy_codes):
# find lowest and manager increase hold
# lowest_detail = lowest_goole()
# manager_buy_codes, manager_buy_dict = manager_top(1)
for i in [10, 15, 20, 25, 30][::-1]:
lowest_persentage(lowest_detail, manager_buy_codes, i)
def buy_lowest_manager_5day_hold(lowest_detail, manager_buy_codes):
# find lowest and manager increase hold
# lowest_detail = lowest_goole()
# manager_buy_codes, manager_buy_dict = manager_top(1)
lowest_persentage(lowest_detail, manager_buy_codes)
def bug_lowest_in_this_year(lowest_detail, percent):
lowest_codes = filte_lowest_from_google(lowest_detail, percent)
print 'buy lowest in this year:'
for j in lowest_detail:
if j['code'] in lowest_codes:
sale_price = j['price'] + (j['H'] - j['price'])/2
profit = int((sale_price / j['price'] -1)*100)
j['sale_price'] = sale_price
j['P%'] = profit
print json.dumps(j)
print '#' * 40 +'\n'
def read_lowest_google():
global lowest_google_detail
with open('lowest_google.txt','r') as fb:
lines = fb.readlines()[0]
lowest_google_detail = json.loads(lines)
print 'google lowest:', len(lowest_google_detail)
def today_transaction():
# manager_buy_codes, manager_buy_dict = manager_top(MANAGER_BUY)
# manager_buy_codes, manager_buy_dict = manager_top(MANAGER_BUY)
#new_manager_buy = list(set(record_709 + manager_buy_codes))
#manager_top(MANAGER_SALE, 30)
# buy_lowest_manager_hold(lowest_detail, new_manager_buy)
# buy_lowest_manager_5day_hold(lowest_detail, manager_5day_buy_codes)
# bug_lowest_in_this_year(lowest_detail,10)
##manager_sale_codes, manager_sale_dict = manager_top(MANAGER_SALE)
#check_manager_transaction(MANAGER_BUY, manager_buy_codes)
# check_reopen(new_manager_buy, lowest_detail)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# s = '{"a":"是"}'
# str = '{"Results":["2,002672,东江环保,是","2,002663,普邦园林,是","2,002237,恒邦股份,是","2,300315,' \
# '掌趣科技,是","1,603188,亚邦股份,是","2,000594,国恒退,是","1,601211,国泰君安,是","2,300485,赛升药业,是",' \
# '"2,002773,康弘药业,是","2,002772,众兴菌业,是","2,002776,柏堡龙,是","1,603117,N万林,是","1,603589,N口子窖,是",' \
# '"2,002769,N普路通,是","1,603116,N红蜻蜓,是","2,002771,N真视通,是","2,002775,N文科,是"],"AllCount":"17",' \
# '"PageCount":"1","AtPage":"1","PageSize":"40","ErrMsg":"","UpdateTime":"2015/6/29 15:15:18","TimeOut":"3ms"}'
# new_str = json.loads(str).get("Results")
# for i in new_str:
# print(i)
# while not lowest_today():
# pass
# lowest_goole()
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