同步操作将从 xiaoyi-tyut/NoduleNet 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
import random
# Set seed
SEED = 35202
# Preprocessing using preserved HU in dilated part of mask
BASE = '/home/htang6/workspace/data/LIDC/' # make sure you have the ending '/'
data_config = {
# put combined LUNA16 .mhd files into one folder
'data_dir': BASE + 'combined',
# directory for putting all preprocessed results for training to this path
'preprocessed_data_dir': BASE + 'preprocessed_test/3',
# put annotation downloaded from LIDC to this path
'annos_dir': BASE + 'annotation/LIDC-XML-only/tcia-lidc-xml',
# put lung mask downloaded from LUNA16 to this path
'lung_mask_dir': BASE + 'seg-lungs-LUNA16/',
# Directory for saving intermediate results
'ctr_arr_save_dir': BASE + 'annotation/mask_test',
'mask_save_dir': BASE + 'masks_test',
'mask_exclude_save_dir': BASE + 'masks_exclude_test',
'roi_names': ['nodule'],
'crop_size': [128, 128, 128],
'bbox_border': 8,
'pad_value': 170,
# 'jitter_range': [0, 0, 0],
def get_anchors(bases, aspect_ratios):
anchors = []
for b in bases:
for asp in aspect_ratios:
d, h, w = b * asp[0], b * asp[1], b * asp[2]
anchors.append([d, h, w])
return anchors
bases = [5, 10, 20, 30, 50]
aspect_ratios = [[1, 1, 1]]
net_config = {
# Net configuration
'anchors': get_anchors(bases, aspect_ratios),
'chanel': 1,
'crop_size': data_config['crop_size'],
'stride': 4,
'max_stride': 16,
'num_neg': 800,
'th_neg': 0.02,
'th_pos_train': 0.5,
'th_pos_val': 1,
'num_hard': 3,
'bound_size': 12,
'blacklist': [],
'augtype': {'flip': True, 'rotate': True, 'scale': True, 'swap': False},
'r_rand_crop': 0.,
'pad_value': 170,
# region proposal network configuration
'rpn_train_bg_thresh_high': 0.02,
'rpn_train_fg_thresh_low': 0.5,
'rpn_train_nms_num': 300,
'rpn_train_nms_pre_score_threshold': 0.5,
'rpn_train_nms_overlap_threshold': 0.1,
'rpn_test_nms_pre_score_threshold': 0.5,
'rpn_test_nms_overlap_threshold': 0.1,
# false positive reduction network configuration
'num_class': len(data_config['roi_names']) + 1,
'rcnn_crop_size': (7,7,7), # can be set smaller, should not affect much
'rcnn_train_fg_thresh_low': 0.5,
'rcnn_train_bg_thresh_high': 0.1,
'rcnn_train_batch_size': 64,
'rcnn_train_fg_fraction': 0.5,
'rcnn_train_nms_pre_score_threshold': 0.5,
'rcnn_train_nms_overlap_threshold': 0.1,
'rcnn_test_nms_pre_score_threshold': 0.0,
'rcnn_test_nms_overlap_threshold': 0.1,
'mask_crop_size': [24, 48, 48],
'mask_test_nms_overlap_threshold': 0.3,
'box_reg_weight': [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]
def lr_shedule(epoch, init_lr=0.01, total=200):
if epoch <= total * 0.5:
lr = init_lr
elif epoch <= total * 0.8:
lr = 0.1 * init_lr
lr = 0.01 * init_lr
return lr
train_config = {
'net': 'NoduleNet',
'batch_size': 16,
'lr_schedule': lr_shedule,
'optimizer': 'SGD',
'momentum': 0.9,
'weight_decay': 1e-4,
'epochs': 200,
'epoch_save': 1,
'epoch_rcnn': 65,
'epoch_mask': 80,
'num_workers': 8,
'train_set_list': ['split/3_train.csv'],
'val_set_list': ['split/3_val.csv'],
'test_set_name': 'split/3_val.csv',
'label_types': ['mask'],
'DATA_DIR': data_config['preprocessed_data_dir'],
'ROOT_DIR': os.getcwd()
if train_config['optimizer'] == 'SGD':
train_config['init_lr'] = 0.01
elif train_config['optimizer'] == 'Adam':
train_config['init_lr'] = 0.001
elif train_config['optimizer'] == 'RMSprop':
train_config['init_lr'] = 2e-3
train_config['RESULTS_DIR'] = os.path.join(train_config['ROOT_DIR'], 'results')
train_config['out_dir'] = os.path.join(train_config['RESULTS_DIR'], 'cross_val_test')
train_config['initial_checkpoint'] = None #train_config['out_dir'] + '/model/027.ckpt'
config = dict(data_config, **net_config)
config = dict(config, **train_config)
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