#bkgnd {
background:url("img/bkgnd.jpg") no-repeat;
background-position: top center;
background-size: 1536px 765px;;
<script src="js/cumquat.js"></script>
<body id="bkgnd" onselectstart="return false">
<title>Test CumquatGUI</title>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<h3>Test CumquatGUI</h3>
<canvas id="mainCanvas" width="1126" height="600" style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">
SORRY! Your browser does not support the canvas element.
<!-- Set up a hidden node to store image resources, json_data and other content -->
<div id='hidden' style="display:none">
<script type="text/javascript">
// Load the required resources and mount them into the hidden node
function LoadJsonData(json_uri, node_name, fn_callback){
let node_id = "data_" + node_name
let node = document.getElementById(node_id)
if (node){
let data_source = document.createElement('script')
data_source.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript")
data_source.setAttribute("id", node_id)
data_source.src = json_uri
data_source.onload = function(){
let hidden_div = document.getElementById("hidden")
// Load the required pictures
function LoadImage(img_uri, fn_callback){
let img = new Image()
img.onload = function(){
img.src = img_uri
let hidden_div = document.getElementById("hidden")
// Resources required by the graphical interface system
var json_CQStyle = null
var json_IsKandel = null
var json_Topol_M = null
var json_nations = null
var img_IsKander = null
var img_Topol_M = null
var img_terrain = null
// Initialize the graphical interface system
function InitGUI(){
// Initialize the CumquatGUI system
let canvas = document.getElementById("mainCanvas")
let cq = CQGUI.init(canvas)
// Untie the following sentence and try another style of skin
// The main window is going to look like this
// ___________________________________________________________
// |btn:Our Situation| info_text |btn:Show Controls| top_layout_btns
// | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | Our map | Enemy map | mid_layout_map
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// |_____________________________|___________________________|
// | Deploy | Deploy | Deploy | Deploy | Deploy |
// | | | | | |
// | img_label |img_label | img_label |img_label | img_label | btm_layout_units
// | _______| ________| ________| _______| _______|
// | |Change | |Change | |Change | |Change| |Change |
//  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
// Root layout, ie desktop
let root_layout = cq.GetRootLayout(LAYOUT_TYPE_VERT)
// Top buttons bar
let top_layout_btns = cq.AddLayout(root_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_HZTL, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "5%")
// Bottom units bar
let btm_layout_units = cq.AddLayout(root_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_HZTL, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_RIGHT_OR_DOWN, "30%")
// Middle map bar
let mid_layout_map = cq.AddLayout(root_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_HZTL, LAYOUT_STG_FILL_EMPTY)
// Our situation button
let layout_btn_our_situ = cq.AddLayout(top_layout_btns, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
// Show controls button
let layout_btn_show_controls = cq.AddLayout(top_layout_btns, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_RIGHT_OR_DOWN, "20%")
// Information label
let layout_label_info = cq.AddLayout(top_layout_btns, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_FILL_EMPTY)
// Our map area
let layout_area_our_map = cq.AddLayout(mid_layout_map, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "50%")
// Enemy map area
let layout_area_emy_map = cq.AddLayout(mid_layout_map, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_FILL_EMPTY)
// Unit-1 to Unit-5
let layout_unit_1 = cq.AddLayout(btm_layout_units, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
let layout_unit_2 = cq.AddLayout(btm_layout_units, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
let layout_unit_3 = cq.AddLayout(btm_layout_units, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
let layout_unit_4 = cq.AddLayout(btm_layout_units, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
let layout_unit_5 = cq.AddLayout(btm_layout_units, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_FILL_EMPTY)
// Add controls in the layout
let btn_our_situ = cq.AddButton(layout_btn_our_situ, "Our Situation")
let btn_show_controls = cq.AddButton(layout_btn_show_controls, "Show Controls")
let lbl_info = cq.AddTxtLabel(layout_label_info, "Deploy troops and go to war", LABEL_TXT_CENTER, 'rgb(0,0,0)')
let wnd_our_map = cq.AddWindow(layout_area_our_map)
let wnd_emy_map = cq.AddWindow(layout_area_emy_map)
let box_unit1 = cq.AddBoxOnLayout(layout_unit_1, "Unit 1")
let box_unit2 = cq.AddBoxOnLayout(layout_unit_2, "Unit 2")
let box_unit3 = cq.AddBoxOnLayout(layout_unit_3, "Unit 3")
let box_unit4 = cq.AddBoxOnLayout(layout_unit_4, "Unit 4")
let box_unit5 = cq.AddBoxOnLayout(layout_unit_5, "Unit 5")
// Define the team information panel and the corresponding processing function
function InitUnitBox(box){
let in_layout = box.GetInnerLayout()
let layout_chk = box.AddLayout(in_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
let layout_bottom = box.AddLayout(in_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_HZTL, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_RIGHT_OR_DOWN, "20%")
let layout_img = box.AddLayout(in_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_FILL_EMPTY)
let layout_label = box.AddLayout(layout_bottom, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "60%")
let layout_btn = box.AddLayout(layout_bottom, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_FILL_EMPTY)
let chk_deploy = box.AddCheck(layout_chk, "Deploy", false)
let img_weapon = box.AddImgLabel(layout_img, img_IsKander, LABEL_IMG_STRETCHED, {w: 220, h: 100})
let lbl_weapon = box.AddTxtLabel(layout_label, "IsKander", LABEL_TXT_CENTER, 'rgb(0,0,0)')
let btn_change = box.AddButton(layout_btn, "Change")
chk_deploy.OnClick = function(){
chk_deploy.DoFlipCheck() // Flip selected state
btn_change.OnClick = function(){
if (img_weapon.img == img_IsKander){
img_weapon.img = img_Topol_M
lbl_weapon.txt = "Topol_M"
img_weapon.img = img_IsKander
lbl_weapon.txt = "IsKander"
img_weapon.OnClick = function(){
// Weapon parameter dialog box pops up
let rc = cq.GetCenterRect(600, 330, 0, -70)
let box = cq.AddIndependentBox(rc, lbl_weapon.txt)
let layout_img = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, 100)
let layout_intro = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_FILL_EMPTY)
let img_weapon = box.AddImgLabel(layout_img, this.img, LABEL_IMG_CENTERED, {w: 220, h: 100})
let intro = (lbl_weapon.txt == "IsKander") ? json_IsKandel : json_Topol_M
let lst_intro = box.AddList(layout_intro, LIST_ITEM_CLICK_MSG, intro)
// Add event handlers to the control
btn_our_situ.OnClick = function(){
alert ("You pressed the 'Our Situation' button")
btn_show_controls.OnClick = function(){
// Pop up the display control dialog
let rc = cq.GetCenterRect(400, 320, -50, -70)
let box = cq.AddIndependentBox(rc, "Show CumquatGUI Controls")
let layout_btn2 = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "12%")
let layout_separater1 = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "4%")
let layout_spin = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
let layout_separater2 = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "4%")
let layout_prgs = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "20%")
let layout_separater3 = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "4%")
let layout_label = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "10%")
let layout_combo1 = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "12%")
let layout_separater4 = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "4%")
let layout_combo2 = box.AddLayout(box.inner_layout, LAYOUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, LAYOUT_STG_KEEP_LEFT_OR_UP, "12%")
let btn_new_box = box.AddButton(layout_btn2, "Pop-up dialogue box")
btn_new_box.OnClick = function(){
let rc2 = cq.GetCenterRect(300, 260, 50, -70)
cq.AddIndependentBox(rc2, "Another dialog")
let test_spin = box.AddSpin(layout_spin, 0.5, 1, 0.1)
let test_prgs = box.AddPrgsBar(layout_prgs, "Progress |%", 50)
test_spin.OnValueChange = function(val){
test_prgs.DoSetPrgs(val * 100)
let desc_label = box.AddTxtLabel(layout_label, "Choose country, choose city:", LABEL_TXT_LEFT,)
let test_combo1 = box.AddCombo(layout_combo1, json_nations[0], -1, 6)
let test_combo2 = box.AddCombo(layout_combo2, json_nations[1], -1, 6)
test_combo1.OnChange = function(index){
test_combo2.SetContent(json_nations[index + 1])
// Overlay the drawing function of the window
wnd_our_map.DrawSelf = function(ctx){
this.DrawFrame(ctx, 1, "black")
this.DrawImage(ctx, 0, 0, this.rc.w, this.rc.h, img_terrain, 0, 0)
wnd_emy_map.DrawSelf = function(ctx){
this.DrawFrame(ctx, 1, "black")
this.DrawImage(ctx, 0, 0, this.rc.w, this.rc.h, img_terrain, 300, 0)
// This is the test code to check the location of each layout
// Refresh the interface display
// Before starting the CumquatGUI system, load the required resources
window.onload = function(){
LoadJsonData("data/mono_style.json", "style", function(data_source){
json_CQStyle = Object.create(data_source) // Deep copy
LoadJsonData("data/intro_IsKander_en.json", "IsKander", function(data_source){
json_IsKandel = Object.create(data_source) // Deep copy
LoadJsonData("data/intro_Topol_M_en.json", "Topol_M", function(data_source){
json_Topol_M = Object.create(data_source) // Deep copy
LoadJsonData("data/nations_en.json", "nations", function(data_source){
json_nations = Object.create(data_source) // Deep copy
LoadImage("img/IsKander.png", function(img){
img_IsKander = img
LoadImage("img/Topol_M.png", function(img){
img_Topol_M = img
LoadImage("img/terrain.jpg", function(img){
img_terrain = img
// Initialize the graphical interface system
// Start the CQGUI event processing system
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