# Copyright Niantic 2019. Patent Pending. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Monodepth2 licence
# which allows for non-commercial use only, the full terms of which are made
# available in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import time
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
import json
from utils import *
from kitti_utils import *
from layers import *
import datasets
import networks
from IPython import embed
class Trainer:
def __init__(self, options):
self.opt = options
self.log_path = os.path.join(self.opt.log_dir, self.opt.model_name)
# checking height and width are multiples of 32
assert self.opt.height % 32 == 0, "'height' must be a multiple of 32"
assert self.opt.width % 32 == 0, "'width' must be a multiple of 32"
self.models = {}
self.parameters_to_train = []
self.device = torch.device("cpu" if self.opt.no_cuda else "cuda")
self.num_scales = len(self.opt.scales)
self.num_input_frames = len(self.opt.frame_ids)
self.num_pose_frames = 2 if self.opt.pose_model_input == "pairs" else self.num_input_frames
assert self.opt.frame_ids[0] == 0, "frame_ids must start with 0"
self.use_pose_net = not (self.opt.use_stereo and self.opt.frame_ids == [0])
if self.opt.use_stereo:
self.models["encoder"] = networks.ResnetEncoder(
self.opt.num_layers, self.opt.weights_init == "pretrained")
self.parameters_to_train += list(self.models["encoder"].parameters())
self.models["depth"] = networks.DepthDecoder(
self.models["encoder"].num_ch_enc, self.opt.scales)
self.parameters_to_train += list(self.models["depth"].parameters())
if self.use_pose_net:
if self.opt.pose_model_type == "separate_resnet":
self.models["pose_encoder"] = networks.ResnetEncoder(
self.opt.weights_init == "pretrained",
self.parameters_to_train += list(self.models["pose_encoder"].parameters())
self.models["pose"] = networks.PoseDecoder(
elif self.opt.pose_model_type == "shared":
self.models["pose"] = networks.PoseDecoder(
self.models["encoder"].num_ch_enc, self.num_pose_frames)
elif self.opt.pose_model_type == "posecnn":
self.models["pose"] = networks.PoseCNN(
self.num_input_frames if self.opt.pose_model_input == "all" else 2)
self.parameters_to_train += list(self.models["pose"].parameters())
if self.opt.predictive_mask:
assert self.opt.disable_automasking, \
"When using predictive_mask, please disable automasking with --disable_automasking"
# Our implementation of the predictive masking baseline has the the same architecture
# as our depth decoder. We predict a separate mask for each source frame.
self.models["predictive_mask"] = networks.DepthDecoder(
self.models["encoder"].num_ch_enc, self.opt.scales,
num_output_channels=(len(self.opt.frame_ids) - 1))
self.parameters_to_train += list(self.models["predictive_mask"].parameters())
self.model_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.parameters_to_train, self.opt.learning_rate)
self.model_lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(
self.model_optimizer, self.opt.scheduler_step_size, 0.1)
if self.opt.load_weights_folder is not None:
print("Training model named:\n ", self.opt.model_name)
print("Models and tensorboard events files are saved to:\n ", self.opt.log_dir)
print("Training is using:\n ", self.device)
# data
datasets_dict = {"kitti": datasets.KITTIRAWDataset,
"kitti_odom": datasets.KITTIOdomDataset}
self.dataset = datasets_dict[self.opt.dataset]
fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "splits", self.opt.split, "{}_files.txt")
train_filenames = readlines(fpath.format("train"))
val_filenames = readlines(fpath.format("val"))
img_ext = '.png' if self.opt.png else '.jpg'
num_train_samples = len(train_filenames)
self.num_total_steps = num_train_samples // self.opt.batch_size * self.opt.num_epochs
train_dataset = self.dataset(
self.opt.data_path, train_filenames, self.opt.height, self.opt.width,
self.opt.frame_ids, 4, is_train=True, img_ext=img_ext)
self.train_loader = DataLoader(
train_dataset, self.opt.batch_size, True,
num_workers=self.opt.num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True)
val_dataset = self.dataset(
self.opt.data_path, val_filenames, self.opt.height, self.opt.width,
self.opt.frame_ids, 4, is_train=False, img_ext=img_ext)
self.val_loader = DataLoader(
val_dataset, self.opt.batch_size, True,
num_workers=self.opt.num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True)
self.val_iter = iter(self.val_loader)
self.writers = {}
for mode in ["train", "val"]:
self.writers[mode] = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(self.log_path, mode))
if not self.opt.no_ssim:
self.ssim = SSIM()
self.backproject_depth = {}
self.project_3d = {}
for scale in self.opt.scales:
h = self.opt.height // (2 ** scale)
w = self.opt.width // (2 ** scale)
self.backproject_depth[scale] = BackprojectDepth(self.opt.batch_size, h, w)
self.project_3d[scale] = Project3D(self.opt.batch_size, h, w)
self.depth_metric_names = [
"de/abs_rel", "de/sq_rel", "de/rms", "de/log_rms", "da/a1", "da/a2", "da/a3"]
print("Using split:\n ", self.opt.split)
print("There are {:d} training items and {:d} validation items\n".format(
len(train_dataset), len(val_dataset)))
def set_train(self):
"""Convert all models to training mode
for m in self.models.values():
def set_eval(self):
"""Convert all models to testing/evaluation mode
for m in self.models.values():
def train(self):
"""Run the entire training pipeline
self.epoch = 0
self.step = 0
self.start_time = time.time()
for self.epoch in range(self.opt.num_epochs):
if (self.epoch + 1) % self.opt.save_frequency == 0:
def run_epoch(self):
"""Run a single epoch of training and validation
for batch_idx, inputs in enumerate(self.train_loader):
before_op_time = time.time()
outputs, losses = self.process_batch(inputs)
duration = time.time() - before_op_time
# log less frequently after the first 2000 steps to save time & disk space
early_phase = batch_idx % self.opt.log_frequency == 0 and self.step < 2000
late_phase = self.step % 2000 == 0
if early_phase or late_phase:
self.log_time(batch_idx, duration, losses["loss"].cpu().data)
if "depth_gt" in inputs:
self.compute_depth_losses(inputs, outputs, losses)
self.log("train", inputs, outputs, losses)
self.step += 1
def process_batch(self, inputs):
"""Pass a minibatch through the network and generate images and losses
for key, ipt in inputs.items():
inputs[key] = ipt.to(self.device)
if self.opt.pose_model_type == "shared":
# If we are using a shared encoder for both depth and pose (as advocated
# in monodepthv1), then all images are fed separately through the depth encoder.
all_color_aug = torch.cat([inputs[("color_aug", i, 0)] for i in self.opt.frame_ids])
all_features = self.models["encoder"](all_color_aug)
all_features = [torch.split(f, self.opt.batch_size) for f in all_features]
features = {}
for i, k in enumerate(self.opt.frame_ids):
features[k] = [f[i] for f in all_features]
outputs = self.models["depth"](features[0])
# Otherwise, we only feed the image with frame_id 0 through the depth encoder
features = self.models["encoder"](inputs["color_aug", 0, 0])
outputs = self.models["depth"](features)
if self.opt.predictive_mask:
outputs["predictive_mask"] = self.models["predictive_mask"](features)
if self.use_pose_net:
outputs.update(self.predict_poses(inputs, features))
self.generate_images_pred(inputs, outputs)
losses = self.compute_losses(inputs, outputs)
return outputs, losses
def predict_poses(self, inputs, features):
"""Predict poses between input frames for monocular sequences.
outputs = {}
if self.num_pose_frames == 2:
# In this setting, we compute the pose to each source frame via a
# separate forward pass through the pose network.
# select what features the pose network takes as input
if self.opt.pose_model_type == "shared":
pose_feats = {f_i: features[f_i] for f_i in self.opt.frame_ids}
pose_feats = {f_i: inputs["color_aug", f_i, 0] for f_i in self.opt.frame_ids}
for f_i in self.opt.frame_ids[1:]:
if f_i != "s":
# To maintain ordering we always pass frames in temporal order
if f_i < 0:
pose_inputs = [pose_feats[f_i], pose_feats[0]]
pose_inputs = [pose_feats[0], pose_feats[f_i]]
if self.opt.pose_model_type == "separate_resnet":
pose_inputs = [self.models["pose_encoder"](torch.cat(pose_inputs, 1))]
elif self.opt.pose_model_type == "posecnn":
pose_inputs = torch.cat(pose_inputs, 1)
axisangle, translation = self.models["pose"](pose_inputs)
outputs[("axisangle", 0, f_i)] = axisangle
outputs[("translation", 0, f_i)] = translation
# Invert the matrix if the frame id is negative
outputs[("cam_T_cam", 0, f_i)] = transformation_from_parameters(
axisangle[:, 0], translation[:, 0], invert=(f_i < 0))
# Here we input all frames to the pose net (and predict all poses) together
if self.opt.pose_model_type in ["separate_resnet", "posecnn"]:
pose_inputs = torch.cat(
[inputs[("color_aug", i, 0)] for i in self.opt.frame_ids if i != "s"], 1)
if self.opt.pose_model_type == "separate_resnet":
pose_inputs = [self.models["pose_encoder"](pose_inputs)]
elif self.opt.pose_model_type == "shared":
pose_inputs = [features[i] for i in self.opt.frame_ids if i != "s"]
axisangle, translation = self.models["pose"](pose_inputs)
for i, f_i in enumerate(self.opt.frame_ids[1:]):
if f_i != "s":
outputs[("axisangle", 0, f_i)] = axisangle
outputs[("translation", 0, f_i)] = translation
outputs[("cam_T_cam", 0, f_i)] = transformation_from_parameters(
axisangle[:, i], translation[:, i])
return outputs
def val(self):
"""Validate the model on a single minibatch
inputs = self.val_iter.next()
except StopIteration:
self.val_iter = iter(self.val_loader)
inputs = self.val_iter.next()
with torch.no_grad():
outputs, losses = self.process_batch(inputs)
if "depth_gt" in inputs:
self.compute_depth_losses(inputs, outputs, losses)
self.log("val", inputs, outputs, losses)
del inputs, outputs, losses
def generate_images_pred(self, inputs, outputs):
"""Generate the warped (reprojected) color images for a minibatch.
Generated images are saved into the `outputs` dictionary.
for scale in self.opt.scales:
disp = outputs[("disp", scale)]
if self.opt.v1_multiscale:
source_scale = scale
disp = F.interpolate(
disp, [self.opt.height, self.opt.width], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)
source_scale = 0
_, depth = disp_to_depth(disp, self.opt.min_depth, self.opt.max_depth)
outputs[("depth", 0, scale)] = depth
for i, frame_id in enumerate(self.opt.frame_ids[1:]):
if frame_id == "s":
T = inputs["stereo_T"]
T = outputs[("cam_T_cam", 0, frame_id)]
# from the authors of https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00175
if self.opt.pose_model_type == "posecnn":
axisangle = outputs[("axisangle", 0, frame_id)]
translation = outputs[("translation", 0, frame_id)]
inv_depth = 1 / depth
mean_inv_depth = inv_depth.mean(3, True).mean(2, True)
T = transformation_from_parameters(
axisangle[:, 0], translation[:, 0] * mean_inv_depth[:, 0], frame_id < 0)
cam_points = self.backproject_depth[source_scale](
depth, inputs[("inv_K", source_scale)])
pix_coords = self.project_3d[source_scale](
cam_points, inputs[("K", source_scale)], T)
outputs[("sample", frame_id, scale)] = pix_coords
outputs[("color", frame_id, scale)] = F.grid_sample(
inputs[("color", frame_id, source_scale)],
outputs[("sample", frame_id, scale)],
if not self.opt.disable_automasking:
outputs[("color_identity", frame_id, scale)] = \
inputs[("color", frame_id, source_scale)]
def compute_reprojection_loss(self, pred, target):
"""Computes reprojection loss between a batch of predicted and target images
abs_diff = torch.abs(target - pred)
l1_loss = abs_diff.mean(1, True)
if self.opt.no_ssim:
reprojection_loss = l1_loss
ssim_loss = self.ssim(pred, target).mean(1, True)
reprojection_loss = 0.85 * ssim_loss + 0.15 * l1_loss
return reprojection_loss
def compute_losses(self, inputs, outputs):
"""Compute the reprojection and smoothness losses for a minibatch
losses = {}
total_loss = 0
for scale in self.opt.scales:
loss = 0
reprojection_losses = []
if self.opt.v1_multiscale:
source_scale = scale
source_scale = 0
disp = outputs[("disp", scale)]
color = inputs[("color", 0, scale)]
target = inputs[("color", 0, source_scale)]
for frame_id in self.opt.frame_ids[1:]:
pred = outputs[("color", frame_id, scale)]
reprojection_losses.append(self.compute_reprojection_loss(pred, target))
reprojection_losses = torch.cat(reprojection_losses, 1)
if not self.opt.disable_automasking:
identity_reprojection_losses = []
for frame_id in self.opt.frame_ids[1:]:
pred = inputs[("color", frame_id, source_scale)]
self.compute_reprojection_loss(pred, target))
identity_reprojection_losses = torch.cat(identity_reprojection_losses, 1)
if self.opt.avg_reprojection:
identity_reprojection_loss = identity_reprojection_losses.mean(1, keepdim=True)
# save both images, and do min all at once below
identity_reprojection_loss = identity_reprojection_losses
elif self.opt.predictive_mask:
# use the predicted mask
mask = outputs["predictive_mask"]["disp", scale]
if not self.opt.v1_multiscale:
mask = F.interpolate(
mask, [self.opt.height, self.opt.width],
mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)
reprojection_losses *= mask
# add a loss pushing mask to 1 (using nn.BCELoss for stability)
weighting_loss = 0.2 * nn.BCELoss()(mask, torch.ones(mask.shape).cuda())
loss += weighting_loss.mean()
if self.opt.avg_reprojection:
reprojection_loss = reprojection_losses.mean(1, keepdim=True)
reprojection_loss = reprojection_losses
if not self.opt.disable_automasking:
# add random numbers to break ties
identity_reprojection_loss += torch.randn(
identity_reprojection_loss.shape).cuda() * 0.00001
combined = torch.cat((identity_reprojection_loss, reprojection_loss), dim=1)
combined = reprojection_loss
if combined.shape[1] == 1:
to_optimise = combined
to_optimise, idxs = torch.min(combined, dim=1)
if not self.opt.disable_automasking:
outputs["identity_selection/{}".format(scale)] = (
idxs > identity_reprojection_loss.shape[1] - 1).float()
loss += to_optimise.mean()
mean_disp = disp.mean(2, True).mean(3, True)
norm_disp = disp / (mean_disp + 1e-7)
smooth_loss = get_smooth_loss(norm_disp, color)
loss += self.opt.disparity_smoothness * smooth_loss / (2 ** scale)
total_loss += loss
losses["loss/{}".format(scale)] = loss
total_loss /= self.num_scales
losses["loss"] = total_loss
return losses
def compute_depth_losses(self, inputs, outputs, losses):
"""Compute depth metrics, to allow monitoring during training
This isn't particularly accurate as it averages over the entire batch,
so is only used to give an indication of validation performance
depth_pred = outputs[("depth", 0, 0)]
depth_pred = torch.clamp(F.interpolate(
depth_pred, [375, 1242], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False), 1e-3, 80)
depth_pred = depth_pred.detach()
depth_gt = inputs["depth_gt"]
mask = depth_gt > 0
# garg/eigen crop
crop_mask = torch.zeros_like(mask)
crop_mask[:, :, 153:371, 44:1197] = 1
mask = mask * crop_mask
depth_gt = depth_gt[mask]
depth_pred = depth_pred[mask]
depth_pred *= torch.median(depth_gt) / torch.median(depth_pred)
depth_pred = torch.clamp(depth_pred, min=1e-3, max=80)
depth_errors = compute_depth_errors(depth_gt, depth_pred)
for i, metric in enumerate(self.depth_metric_names):
losses[metric] = np.array(depth_errors[i].cpu())
def log_time(self, batch_idx, duration, loss):
"""Print a logging statement to the terminal
samples_per_sec = self.opt.batch_size / duration
time_sofar = time.time() - self.start_time
training_time_left = (
self.num_total_steps / self.step - 1.0) * time_sofar if self.step > 0 else 0
print_string = "epoch {:>3} | batch {:>6} | examples/s: {:5.1f}" + \
" | loss: {:.5f} | time elapsed: {} | time left: {}"
print(print_string.format(self.epoch, batch_idx, samples_per_sec, loss,
sec_to_hm_str(time_sofar), sec_to_hm_str(training_time_left)))
def log(self, mode, inputs, outputs, losses):
"""Write an event to the tensorboard events file
writer = self.writers[mode]
for l, v in losses.items():
writer.add_scalar("{}".format(l), v, self.step)
for j in range(min(4, self.opt.batch_size)): # write a maxmimum of four images
for s in self.opt.scales:
for frame_id in self.opt.frame_ids:
"color_{}_{}/{}".format(frame_id, s, j),
inputs[("color", frame_id, s)][j].data, self.step)
if s == 0 and frame_id != 0:
"color_pred_{}_{}/{}".format(frame_id, s, j),
outputs[("color", frame_id, s)][j].data, self.step)
"disp_{}/{}".format(s, j),
normalize_image(outputs[("disp", s)][j]), self.step)
if self.opt.predictive_mask:
for f_idx, frame_id in enumerate(self.opt.frame_ids[1:]):
"predictive_mask_{}_{}/{}".format(frame_id, s, j),
outputs["predictive_mask"][("disp", s)][j, f_idx][None, ...],
elif not self.opt.disable_automasking:
"automask_{}/{}".format(s, j),
outputs["identity_selection/{}".format(s)][j][None, ...], self.step)
def save_opts(self):
"""Save options to disk so we know what we ran this experiment with
models_dir = os.path.join(self.log_path, "models")
if not os.path.exists(models_dir):
to_save = self.opt.__dict__.copy()
with open(os.path.join(models_dir, 'opt.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(to_save, f, indent=2)
def save_model(self):
"""Save model weights to disk
save_folder = os.path.join(self.log_path, "models", "weights_{}".format(self.epoch))
if not os.path.exists(save_folder):
for model_name, model in self.models.items():
save_path = os.path.join(save_folder, "{}.pth".format(model_name))
to_save = model.state_dict()
if model_name == 'encoder':
# save the sizes - these are needed at prediction time
to_save['height'] = self.opt.height
to_save['width'] = self.opt.width
to_save['use_stereo'] = self.opt.use_stereo
torch.save(to_save, save_path)
save_path = os.path.join(save_folder, "{}.pth".format("adam"))
torch.save(self.model_optimizer.state_dict(), save_path)
def load_model(self):
"""Load model(s) from disk
self.opt.load_weights_folder = os.path.expanduser(self.opt.load_weights_folder)
assert os.path.isdir(self.opt.load_weights_folder), \
"Cannot find folder {}".format(self.opt.load_weights_folder)
print("loading model from folder {}".format(self.opt.load_weights_folder))
for n in self.opt.models_to_load:
print("Loading {} weights...".format(n))
path = os.path.join(self.opt.load_weights_folder, "{}.pth".format(n))
model_dict = self.models[n].state_dict()
pretrained_dict = torch.load(path)
pretrained_dict = {k: v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items() if k in model_dict}
# loading adam state
optimizer_load_path = os.path.join(self.opt.load_weights_folder, "adam.pth")
if os.path.isfile(optimizer_load_path):
print("Loading Adam weights")
optimizer_dict = torch.load(optimizer_load_path)
print("Cannot find Adam weights so Adam is randomly initialized")
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