#Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
#All rights reserved.
#This source code is licensed under the license found in the
#LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import numpy as np
import torch
import time
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../")
wait = True
while wait:
from third_party_code import ChamferDistance
chamfer_dist = ChamferDistance()
wait = False
except FileExistsError:
print('trying again')
# loads the initial mesh and stores vertex, face, and adjacency matrix information
# input:
# - args: arguments from the training file
# - obj_name: name of the initial mesh object file fot eh vision charts
# output:
# - adj_info: the adjacency matrix, and faces for the combination of vision and touch charts
# - verts: the set of vertices for the initial vision charts
def load_mesh_vision(args, obj_name):
# load obj file
obj = import_obj(obj_name)
verts = np.array(obj.vertices)
verts = torch.FloatTensor(verts).cuda()
faces = torch.LongTensor(np.array(obj.faces) - 1).cuda()
# get adjacency matrix infomation
adj_info = adj_init(verts, faces, args)
return adj_info, verts
# loads object file
# involves identifying face and vertex infomation in .obj file
# needs to be triangulated to work
class import_obj(object):
def __init__(self, file):
self.vertices = []
self.faces = []
with open(file) as f :
for line in f:
line = line.replace('//', '/')
line = line.replace('\n', '')
if line[:2] == "v ":
self.vertices.append([float(v) for v in line.split(" ")[1:]])
elif line[0] == "f":
self.faces.append([int(s.split('/')[0]) for s in line.split(' ')[1:]])
# normalizes symetric, binary adj matrix such that sum of each row is 1
def normalize_adj(mx):
rowsum = mx.sum(1)
r_inv = (1. / rowsum).view(-1)
r_inv[r_inv != r_inv] = 0.
mx = torch.mm(torch.eye(r_inv.shape[0]).to(mx.device) * r_inv, mx)
return mx
# defines the adjacecny matrix for an object
def adj_init(verts, faces, args):
# get generic adjacency matrix for vision charts
adj = calc_adj(faces)
adj_info = {}
if args.use_touch:
# this combines the adjacency information of touch and vision charts
# the output adj matrix has the first k rows corresponding to vision charts, and the last |V| - k
# corresponding to touch charts. Similarly the first l faces are correspond to vision charts, and the
# remaining correspond to touch charts
adj, faces = adj_fuse_touch(verts, faces, adj, args)
adj = normalize_adj(adj)
adj_info['adj'] = adj
adj_info['faces'] = faces
return adj_info
# combines graph for vision and touch charts to define a fused adjacency matrix
# input:
# - verts: vertices of the vision charts
# - faces: faces of the vision charts
# - adj: adjacency matric for the vision charts
# - args: arguements from the training file
# output:
# - adj: adjacency matrix from the combination of touch and vision charts
# - faces: combination of vision and touch chart faces
def adj_fuse_touch(verts, faces, adj, args):
verts = verts.data.cpu().numpy()
hash = {}
# find vertices which have the same 3D position
for e, v in enumerate(verts):
if v.tobytes() in hash:
hash[v.tobytes()] = [e]
# load object information for generic touch chart
sheet = import_obj('../data/initial_sheet.obj')
sheet_verts = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(sheet.vertices)).cuda()
sheet_faces = torch.LongTensor(np.array(sheet.faces) - 1).cuda()
sheet_adj = calc_adj(sheet_faces)
# central vertex for each touch chart that will communicate with all vision charts
central_point = 4
central_points = [central_point + (i * sheet_adj.shape[0]) + adj.shape[0] for i in range(4 * args.num_grasps)]
# define and fill new adjacency matrix with vision and touch charts
new_dim = adj.shape[0] + (4 * args.num_grasps * sheet_adj.shape[0])
new_adj = torch.zeros((new_dim, new_dim)).cuda()
new_adj[: adj.shape[0], :adj.shape[0]] = adj.clone()
for i in range(4 * args.num_grasps):
start = adj.shape[0] + (sheet_adj.shape[0] * i)
end = adj.shape[0] + (sheet_adj.shape[0] * (i + 1))
new_adj[start: end, start:end] = sheet_adj.clone()
adj = new_adj
# define new faces with vision and touch charts
all_faces = [faces]
for i in range(4 * args.num_grasps):
temp_sheet_faces = sheet_faces.clone() + verts.shape[0]
temp_sheet_faces += i * sheet_verts.shape[0]
faces = torch.cat(all_faces)
# update adjacency matrix to allow communication between vision and touch charts
for key in hash.keys():
cur_verts = hash[key]
if len(cur_verts) > 1:
for v1 in cur_verts:
for v2 in cur_verts: # vertices on the boundary of vision charts can communicate
adj[v1, v2] = 1
if args.use_touch:
for c in central_points: # touch and vision charts can communicate
adj[v1, c] = 1
adj[c, v1] = 1
return adj, faces
# computes adjacemcy matrix from face information
def calc_adj(faces):
v1 = faces[:, 0]
v2 = faces[:, 1]
v3 = faces[:, 2]
num_verts = int(faces.max())
adj = torch.eye(num_verts + 1).to(faces.device)
adj[(v1, v2)] = 1
adj[(v1, v3)] = 1
adj[(v2, v1)] = 1
adj[(v2, v3)] = 1
adj[(v3, v1)] = 1
adj[(v3, v2)] = 1
return adj
# sample points from a batch of meshes
# implemented from:
# https://github.com/EdwardSmith1884/GEOMetrics/blob/master/utils.py
# MIT License
# input:
# - verts: vertices of the mesh to sample from
# - faces: faces of the mesh to sample from
# - num: number of point to sample
# output:
# - points: points sampled on the surface of the mesh
def batch_sample(verts, faces, num=10000):
dist_uni = torch.distributions.Uniform(torch.tensor([0.0]).cuda(), torch.tensor([1.0]).cuda())
batch_size = verts.shape[0]
# calculate area of each face
x1, x2, x3 = torch.split(torch.index_select(verts, 1, faces[:, 0]) - torch.index_select(verts, 1, faces[:, 1]), 1,
y1, y2, y3 = torch.split(torch.index_select(verts, 1, faces[:, 1]) - torch.index_select(verts, 1, faces[:, 2]), 1,
a = (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) ** 2
b = (x3 * y1 - x1 * y3) ** 2
c = (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) ** 2
Areas = torch.sqrt(a + b + c) / 2
Areas = Areas.squeeze(-1) / torch.sum(Areas, dim=1) # percentage of each face w.r.t. full surface area
# define distrubtions of relative face surface areas
choices = None
for A in Areas:
if choices is None:
choices = torch.multinomial(A, num, True) # list of faces to be sampled from
choices = torch.cat((choices, torch.multinomial(A, num, True)))
# select the faces to be used
select_faces = faces[choices].view(verts.shape[0], 3, num)
face_arange = verts.shape[1] * torch.arange(0, batch_size).cuda().unsqueeze(-1).expand(batch_size, num)
select_faces = select_faces + face_arange.unsqueeze(1)
select_faces = select_faces.view(-1, 3)
flat_verts = verts.view(-1, 3)
# sample one point from each
xs = torch.index_select(flat_verts, 0, select_faces[:, 0])
ys = torch.index_select(flat_verts, 0, select_faces[:, 1])
zs = torch.index_select(flat_verts, 0, select_faces[:, 2])
u = torch.sqrt(dist_uni.sample_n(batch_size * num))
v = dist_uni.sample_n(batch_size * num)
points = (1 - u) * xs + (u * (1 - v)) * ys + u * v * zs
points = points.view(batch_size, num, 3)
return points
# compute the local chamfer distance metric on the ground truth mesh at different distances away from the touch sites
# input:
# - samples: point cloud from surface of predicted charts
# - batch: current batch information
# - losses: the current losses across the test set
# output:
# - losses: updates losses across the test set
# - num_examples: the number of times the losses were updated
def calc_local_chamfer(samples, batch, losses):
batch_size = samples.shape[0]
# a grid of point projected towards the surface of the object, starting from the same position and orientation
# as the touch sensor when the touch occurred, but 5 times its size
planes = batch['radius'].cuda().view(batch_size, 4, 100, 100, 3)
# mask indicating which point hit the surface of the object, ie, tho ones we care about
masks = batch['radius_masks'].cuda().view(batch_size, 4, 100, 100)
successful = batch['successful']
num_examples = 0
# for every grasps
for pred, gt, mask, success in zip(samples, planes, masks, successful):
# for every ring size around each touch site
for i in range(5):
# for every touch
for j in range(4):
if not success[j]:
# select the right ring of points, ie 1 x size of sensor ... 5 x size of sensor
dim_mask = torch.zeros(mask[j].shape).clone()
dim_mask[40 - i * 10: 60 + i * 10, 40 - i * 10: 60 + i * 10] = 1
dim_mask[50 - i * 10: 50 + i * 10, 50 - i * 10: 50 + i * 10] = 0
# select point which are on the objects surface
dim_mask[mask[j] == 0] = 0
gt_masked = gt[j][dim_mask == 1]
if (gt_masked.shape[0] == 0):
# compute the local loss between the selected points and the predicted surface
indices, _ = chamfer_dist(gt_masked.unsqueeze(0), pred.unsqueeze(0))
pred_counter = pred[indices.long()[0]]
loss = (torch.sum((pred_counter - gt_masked) ** 2, dim=1)).mean()
losses[i] += loss
if i == 0:
num_examples += 1.
return losses, num_examples
# sets up arugments for the pretrained models
def pretrained_args(args):
if args.pretrained == 'touch':
args.num_gcn_layers = 15
args.hidden_gcn_layers = 250
args.use_occluded = False
args.use_unoccluded = False
args.use_touch = True
elif args.pretrained == 'touch_unoccluded':
args.num_img_blocks = 5
args.num_img_layers = 5
args.size_img_ker = 5
args.num_gcn_layers = 25
args.hidden_gcn_layers = 200
args.use_occluded = False
args.use_unoccluded = True
args.use_touch = True
elif args.pretrained == 'touch_occluded':
args.num_img_blocks = 5
args.num_img_layers = 5
args.size_img_ker = 5
args.num_gcn_layers = 20
args.hidden_gcn_layers = 250
args.use_occluded = True
args.use_unoccluded = False
args.use_touch = True
elif args.pretrained == 'unoccluded':
args.num_img_blocks = 4
args.num_img_layers = 3
args.size_img_ker = 5
args.num_gcn_layers = 20
args.hidden_gcn_layers = 250
args.use_occluded = False
args.use_unoccluded = True
args.use_touch = False
elif args.pretrained == 'occluded':
args.num_img_blocks = 5
args.num_img_layers = 5
args.size_img_ker = 5
args.num_gcn_layers = 20
args.hidden_gcn_layers = 200
args.use_occluded = True
args.use_unoccluded = False
args.use_touch = False
return args
# implemented from:
# https://github.com/EdwardSmith1884/GEOMetrics/blob/master/utils.py
# MIT License
# loads the initial mesh and returns vertex, and face information
def load_mesh_touch(obj='386.obj'):
obj = import_obj(obj)
verts = np.array(obj.vertices)
verts = torch.FloatTensor(verts).cuda()
faces = torch.LongTensor(np.array(obj.faces) - 1).cuda()
return verts, faces
# returns the chamfer distance between a mesh and a point cloud
# input:
# - verts: vertices of the mesh
# - faces: faces of the mesh
# - gt_points: point cloud to operate over
# output:
# - cd: computed chamfer distance
def chamfer_distance(verts, faces, gt_points, num=1000):
batch_size = verts.shape[0]
# sample from faces and calculate pairs
pred_points = batch_sample(verts, faces, num=num)
id_p, id_g = chamfer_dist(gt_points, pred_points)
# calculate chamfer distance
pred_points = pred_points.view(-1, 3)
gt_points = gt_points.contiguous().view(-1, 3)
points_range = num * torch.arange(0, batch_size).cuda().unsqueeze(-1).expand(batch_size, num)
id_p = (id_p.long() + points_range).view(-1)
id_g = (id_g.long() + points_range).view(-1)
pred_counters = torch.index_select(pred_points, 0, id_p)
gt_counters = torch.index_select(gt_points, 0, id_g)
dist_1 = torch.mean(torch.sum((gt_counters - pred_points) ** 2, dim=1).view(batch_size, -1), dim=-1)
dist_2 = torch.mean(torch.sum((pred_counters - gt_points) ** 2, dim=1).view(batch_size, -1), dim=-1)
cd = (dist_1 + dist_2)
return cd
# implemented from:
# https://github.com/EdwardSmith1884/GEOMetrics/blob/master/utils.py
# MIT License
# compute the edgle lengths of a batch of meshes
def batch_calc_edge(verts, faces):
# get vertex locations of faces
p1 = torch.index_select(verts, 1, faces[:, 0])
p2 = torch.index_select(verts, 1, faces[:, 1])
p3 = torch.index_select(verts, 1, faces[:, 2])
# get edge lengths
e1 = p2 - p1
e2 = p3 - p1
e3 = p2 - p3
edge_length = (torch.sum(e1 ** 2, -1).mean() + torch.sum(e2 ** 2, -1).mean() + torch.sum(e3 ** 2, -1).mean()) / 3.
return edge_length
# returns the chamfer distance between two point clouds
# input:
# - gt_points: point cloud 1 to operate over
# - pred_points: point cloud 2 to operate over
# output:
# - cd: computed chamfer distance
def point_loss(gt_points, pred_points):
batch_size = pred_points.shape[0]
num = pred_points.shape[-2]
id_p, id_g = chamfer_dist(gt_points, pred_points)
pred_points = pred_points.view(-1, 3)
gt_points = gt_points.contiguous().view(-1, 3)
points_range = num * torch.arange(0, batch_size).cuda().unsqueeze(-1).expand(batch_size, num)
id_p = (id_p.long() + points_range).view(-1)
id_g = (id_g.long() + points_range).view(-1)
pred_counters = torch.index_select(pred_points, 0, id_p)
gt_counters = torch.index_select(gt_points, 0, id_g)
dist_1 = torch.mean(torch.sum((gt_counters - pred_points) ** 2, dim=1))
dist_2 = torch.mean(torch.sum((pred_counters - gt_points) ** 2, dim=1))
cd = (dist_1 + dist_2)
return cd
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