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data_loaders.py 12.11 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Edward Smith 提交于 2020-10-14 15:13 . Initial commit
#Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
#All rights reserved.
#This source code is licensed under the license found in the
#LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
import os
from glob import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
import scipy.io as sio
import random
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import torch
from torchvision import transforms
preprocess = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((256, 256)),
# class used for obtaining an instance of the dataset for training vision chart prediction
# to be passed to a pytorch dataloader
# input:
# - classes: list of object classes used
# - args: set of input parameters from the training file
# - set_type: the set type used
# - sample_num: the size of the point cloud to be returned in a given batch
class mesh_loader_vision(object):
def __init__(self, classes, args, set_type='train', sample_num=3000):
# initialization of data locations
self.args = args
self.surf_location = '../data/surface/'
self.img_location = '../data/images/'
self.touch_location = '../data/touch_info/'
self.sheet_location = '../data/sheets/'
self.point_rings_location = '../data/point_rings/'
self.sample_num = sample_num
self.set_type = set_type
self.set_list = np.load('../data/split.npy', allow_pickle='TRUE').item()
names = [[f.split('/')[-1], f.split('/')[-2]] for f in glob((f'{self.img_location}/*/*'))]
self.names = []
self.classes_names = [[] for _ in classes]
for n in tqdm(names):
if n[1] in classes:
if os.path.exists(self.surf_location + n[1] + '/' + n[0] + '.mat'):
if os.path.exists(self.touch_location + n[1] + '/' + n[0]):
source = self.point_rings_location + n[1] + '/' + n[0]
if n[0] in self.set_list[n[1]][self.set_type]:
for i in range(5):
self.names.append(n + [i])
self.classes_names[classes.index(n[1])].append(n + [i])
print(f'The number of {set_type} set objects found : {len(self.names)}')
def __len__(self):
return len(self.names)
# select the object and grasps for training
def get_training_instance(self):
# select an object and and a principle grasp randomly
class_choice = random.choice(self.classes_names)
object_choice = random.choice(class_choice)
obj, obj_class, num = object_choice
orig_num = num
# select the remaining grasps and shuffle the select grasps
num_choices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
del (num_choices[num])
nums = [num]
for i in range(self.args.num_grasps - 1):
choice = random.choice(num_choices)
del (num_choices[num_choices.index(choice)])
return obj, obj_class, orig_num, nums
# select the object and grasps for validating
def get_validation_examples(self, index):
# select an object and a principle grasp
obj, obj_class, num = self.names[index]
orig_num = num
# select the remaining grasps deterministically
nums = [(num + i) % 5 for i in range(self.args.num_grasps)]
return obj, obj_class, orig_num, nums
# load surface point cloud
def get_gt_points(self, obj_class, obj):
samples = sio.loadmat(self.surf_location + obj_class + '/' + obj + '.mat')['points']
if self.args.eval:
gt_points = torch.FloatTensor(samples[:self.sample_num])
gt_points *= .5 # scales the models to the size of shape we use
gt_points[:, -1] += .6 # this is to make the hand and the shape the right releative sizes
return gt_points
# load vision signal
def get_images(self, obj_class, obj, grasp_number):
# load images
img_occ = Image.open(f'{self.img_location}/{obj_class}/{obj}/{grasp_number}.png')
img_unocc = Image.open(f'{self.img_location}/{obj_class}/{obj}/object.png')
# apply pytorch image preprocessing
img_occ = preprocess(img_occ)
img_unocc = preprocess(img_unocc)
return torch.FloatTensor(img_occ), torch.FloatTensor(img_unocc)
# load touch sheet mask indicating toch success
def get_touch_info(self, obj_class, obj, grasps):
sheets, successful = [], []
# cycle though grasps and load touch sheets
for grasp in grasps:
sheet_location = self.sheet_location + f'{obj_class}/{obj}/sheets_{grasp}_finger_num.npy'
hand_info = np.load(f'{self.touch_location}/{obj_class}/{obj}/hand_{grasp}.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
sheet, success = self.get_touch_sheets(sheet_location, hand_info)
successful += success
return torch.cat(sheets), successful
# load the touch sheet
def get_touch_sheets(self, location, hand_info):
sheets = []
successful = []
touches = hand_info['touch']
finger_pos = torch.FloatTensor(hand_info['tip_pos'])
# cycle through fingers in the grasp
for i in range(4):
sheet = np.load(location.replace('finger_num', str(i)))
# if the touch was unsuccessful
if not touches[i] or sheet.shape[0] == 1:
sheets.append(finger_pos[i].view(1, 3).expand(25, 3)) # save the finger position instead in every vertex
successful.append(False) # binary mask for unsuccessful touch
# if the touch was successful
sheets.append(torch.FloatTensor(sheet)) # save the sheet
successful.append(True) # binary mask for successful touch
sheets = torch.stack(sheets)
return sheets, successful
# loads points on gt surface point cloud in rings around reach touch site
def get_radius(self, obj_class, obj, grasp_number):
radii = []
radius_masks = []
point_rings_location = self.point_rings_location + f'{obj_class}/{obj}/radius_{grasp_number}_finger_num.npy'
# for each finger tip
for i in range(4):
radius_info = np.load(point_rings_location.replace('finger_num', str(i)), allow_pickle=True).item()
radius_masks.append(torch.LongTensor(radius_info['mask'])) # mask indicating which points corresponding to surface
radii.append(torch.FloatTensor(radius_info['plane'])) # full plane of projected points
radii = torch.stack(radii)
radius_masks = torch.stack(radius_masks)
return radii, radius_masks
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self.set_type == 'train':
obj, obj_class, grasp_number, grasps = self.get_training_instance()
obj, obj_class, grasp_number, grasps = self.get_validation_examples(index)
data = {}
# meta data
data['names'] = obj, obj_class, grasp_number
data['class'] = obj_class
# load sampled ground truth points
data['gt_points'] = self.get_gt_points(obj_class, obj)
# load images
data['img_occ'], data['img_unocc'] = self.get_images(obj_class, obj, grasp_number)
# get touch information
data['sheets'], data['successful'] = self.get_touch_info(obj_class, obj, grasps)
if self.args.eval:
data['radius'], data['radius_masks'] = self.get_radius(obj_class, obj, grasp_number)
return data
def collate(self, batch):
data = {}
data['names'] = [item['names'] for item in batch]
data['class'] = [item['class'] for item in batch]
data['sheets'] = torch.cat([item['sheets'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['gt_points'] = torch.cat([item['gt_points'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['img_occ'] = torch.cat([item['img_occ'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['img_unocc'] = torch.cat([item['img_unocc'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['successful'] = [item['successful'] for item in batch]
if self.args.eval:
data['radius'] = torch.cat([item['radius'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['radius_masks'] = torch.cat([item['radius_masks'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
return data
# class used for obtaining an instance of the dataset for training touch chart prediction
# to be passed to a pytorch dataloader
# input:
# - classes: list of object classes used
# - args: set of input parameters from the training file
# - set_type: the set type used
# - num: if specified only returns a given grasp number
# - all: if True use all objects, regarless of set type
# - finger: if specified only returns a given finger number
class mesh_loader_touch(object):
def __init__(self, classes, args, set_type='train', produce_sheets = False):
# initialization of data locations
self.args = args
self.surf_location = '../data/surface/'
self.img_location = '../data/images/'
self.touch_location = '../data/touch_info/'
self.sheet_location = '../data/sheets/'
self.set_type = set_type
self.set_list = np.load('../data/split.npy', allow_pickle='TRUE').item()
self.empty = torch.FloatTensor(np.load('../data/empty_gel.npy'))
names = [[f.split('/')[-1], f.split('/')[-2]] for f in glob((f'{self.img_location}/*/*'))]
self.names = []
for n in tqdm(names):
if n[1] in classes:
if os.path.exists(self.surf_location + n[1] + '/' + n[0] + '.mat'):
if os.path.exists(self.touch_location + n[1] + '/' + n[0]):
if produce_sheets or n[0] in self.set_list[n[1]][self.set_type]:
if produce_sheets:
for i in range(5):
for j in range(4):
self.names.append(n + [i, j])
for i in range(5):
hand_info = np.load(f'{self.touch_location}/{n[1]}/{n[0]}/hand_{i}.npy',
for j in range(4):
if hand_info['touch'][j]:
self.names.append(n + [i, j])
print(f'The number of {set_type} set objects found : {len(self.names)}')
def __len__(self):
return len(self.names)
def standerdize_point_size(self, points):
if points.shape[0] == 0:
return torch.zeros((self.args.num_samples, 3))
points = torch.FloatTensor(points)
while points.shape[0] < self.args.num_samples :
points = torch.cat((points, points, points, points))
perm = torch.randperm(points.shape[0])
idx = perm[:self.args.num_samples ]
return points[idx]
def get_finger_transforms(self, hand_info, finger_num, args):
rot = hand_info['tip_rot'][finger_num]
rot = R.from_euler('xyz', rot, degrees=False).as_matrix()
rot_q = R.from_matrix(rot).as_quat()
pos = hand_info['tip_pos'][finger_num]
return torch.FloatTensor(rot_q), torch.FloatTensor(rot), torch.FloatTensor(pos)
def __getitem__(self, index):
obj, obj_class, num, finger_num = self.names[index]
# meta data
data = {}
data['names'] = [obj, num , finger_num]
data['class'] = obj_class
# hand infomation
hand_info = np.load(f'{self.touch_location}/{obj_class}/{obj}/hand_{num}.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
data['rot'], data['rot_M'], data['pos'] = self.get_finger_transforms(hand_info, finger_num, self.args)
data['good_touch'] = hand_info['touch']
# simulated touch information
scene_info = np.load(f'{self.touch_location}/{obj_class}/{obj}/images_{num}.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
data['depth'] = torch.clamp(torch.FloatTensor(scene_info['depth'][finger_num]).unsqueeze(0), 0, 1)
data['sim_touch'] = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(scene_info['gel'][finger_num]) / 255.).permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous().view(3, 100, 100)
data['empty'] = torch.FloatTensor(self.empty / 255.).permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous().view(3, 100, 100)
# point cloud information
data['samples'] = self.standerdize_point_size(scene_info['points'][finger_num])
data['num_samples'] = scene_info['points'][finger_num].shape
# where to save sheets
data['save_dir'] = f'{self.sheet_location}/{obj_class}/{obj}/sheets_{num}_{finger_num}.npy'
if not os.path.exists(f'{self.sheet_location}/{obj_class}/{obj}/'):
return data
def collate(self, batch):
data = {}
data['names'] = [item['names'] for item in batch]
data['class'] = [item['class'] for item in batch]
data['samples'] = torch.cat([item['samples'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['sim_touch'] = torch.cat([item['sim_touch'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['empty'] = torch.cat([item['empty'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['depth'] = torch.cat([item['depth'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['ref'] = {}
data['ref']['rot'] = torch.cat([item['rot'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['ref']['rot_M'] = torch.cat([item['rot_M'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['ref']['pos'] = torch.cat([item['pos'].unsqueeze(0) for item in batch])
data['good_touch'] = [item['good_touch'] for item in batch]
data['save_dir'] = [item['save_dir'] for item in batch]
data['num_samples'] = [item['num_samples'] for item in batch]
return data
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