oepkgs-management仓库是https://gitee.com/src-oepkgs 组织仓的管理仓库,通过提PR向oepkgs-management仓库提交两个配置文件,ci-robot会自动化在https://gitee.com/src-oepkgs 组织仓创建仓库和分支,并添加仓库管理人员
最近更新: 3天前oeDevPlugin is designed for all developers, based on the widely-used IDE VSCode. It enables developers to quickly participate in openEuler community development by using the VSCode plugin to easily pull code repositories, compile with the AI4C compiler, and invoke EulerMaker with one click. It helps developers seamlessly leverage the openEuler community infrastructure.
最近更新: 5天前