同步操作将从 9miao.com/CrossApp 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* Need to figure out how to get correct screen resolutions consistently.
* Touch handler screwed up after TouchesTest? MenuTest? (TestCpp sample)
* TTF Font rendering is slow and seems to wrap around by a few pixels
horizontally. Need to investigate here, but I suspect the right answer is to
offload font rendering to an offscreen canvas and let the browser handle it.
Potentially creates new challenges in packaging which would need to be solved
* Need to switch to server-side buffers in
- cocos2dx/draw_nodes/CCDrawingPrimitives
* Need to compile with -O2 -- possible -s VERBOSE=1 will give a clue?
* SchedulerTest crashes
- cocos2d::CCNode::boundingBox()
* Parallax Test crashes
- cocos2d::CCAtlasNode::calculateMaxItems()
* Particle Test crashes
- TIFFClientOpen not a function. Looks like we need to build and link in libtiff.
* cocos2d::CCAtlasNode::calculateMaxItems() throwing an error; related to
CCTextureAtlas? Preventing particle test from working.
* Need to switch to server-side buffers in
- cocos2dx/draw_nodes/CCDrawNode.cpp -- Think this is fixed by undef CC_TEXTURE_ATLAS_USE_VAO?
- cocos2dx/particle_nodes/CCParticleSystemQuad.cpp -- Think this is fixed by CC_REBIND_INDICES_BUFFER?
- cocos2dx/textures/CCTextureAtlas.cpp -- Think this works already.
* Layer Test crashes
- cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont::create(char const*, char const*, float, cocos2d::CCTextAlignment, cocos2d::CCPoint)
* IntervalTest crashes
- cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont::create(char const*, char const*, float, cocos2d::CCTextAlignment, cocos2d::CCPoint)
* TileMap Test crashes
- void CCNode::insertChild(CCNode* child, int z)
* LabelTest crashes
- cocos2d::CCAtlasNode::calculateMaxItems()
* ZwoptexTest crashes.
- ZwoptexGenericTest::onEnter()
* ChipmunkTest crashes:
Aborting due to Chipmunk error: Moment of Inertia must be positive and non-zero.
Failed condition: moment > 0.0f
* Add linkage to libjpeg to get RenderTexture test to work.
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