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util.py 8.63 KB
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Xinquan Wang 提交于 2024-03-09 20:47 . Update util.py
GEMML code
Implementation of GEMML algorithm, which is proposed in the paper:
Robust Beamforming for RIS-aided Communications: Gradient Enhanced Manifold Meta Learning
References and Relevant Links
GitHub Repository:
Related arXiv Paper:
file introduction
this is the utils file, including the initialization of the channel, the computation of the SINR and the rate, etc.
@author: F. Zhu and X.Wang
# <editor-fold desc="import package">
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import random
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="define the constant">
USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
DEVICE = torch.device("cuda" if USE_CUDA else "cpu")
External_iteration = 500
Internal_iteration = 1
Update_steps = 1
N_i = Internal_iteration
N_o = Update_steps
# optimizer_lr_theta = 10e-4 # changeable
# optimizer_lr_w = 15e-4
optimizer_lr_theta = 1e-3 # changeable
optimizer_lr_w = 1.5e-3
hidden_size_theta = 200
hidden_size_w = 200
nr_of_users = 4
nr_of_BS_antennas = 64
nr_of_RIS_elements = 100
epoch = 1
nr_of_training = 100 # used for training, while solving
scheduled_users = [x for x in range(nr_of_users)]
selected_users = [x for x in range(nr_of_users)] # array of scheduled users. Note that we schedule all the users.
snr = 10
noise_power = 1
total_power = noise_power * 10 ** (snr / 10)
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="define the util function">
def initialize_channel(number_of_BS_antennas, number_of_users):
Generate the channel matrix
:param number_of_BS_antennas: the number of BS antennas
:param number_of_users: the number of users
:return: channel matrix
channel = torch.randn(number_of_users, number_of_BS_antennas) + 1j * torch.randn(number_of_users,
channel = channel / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2))
return channel # size: nr_of_users * nr_of_BS_antennas
def compute_sinr(channel1, channel2, precoder, theta, power_noise, user_id):
This version of SINR computation deals with torch format, precoder is a complex matrix
:param channel1: nr_of_RIS_elements * nr_of_BS_antennas (G in our paper, the channel from BS to RIS)
:param channel2: nr_of_users * nr_of_RIS_elements (h in our paper, the channel from RIS to users)
:param precoder: nr_of_BS_antennas * nr_of_users (w in our paper, the precoder of BS)
:param theta: nr_of_RIS_elements * nr_of_RIS_elements (theta in our paper, the phase shift of RIS)
:param user_id: the index of the user
:param power_noise: the noise power
:return: the SINR of the user
# to avoid duplicate calculation, we first calculate G @ w_k and h_k @ Theta
# and then calculate the numerator and denominator using the result
htG = torch.conj(channel2[user_id, :])*torch.exp(theta * 1j) @ channel1
inter_user_interference = (torch.absolute(htG @ precoder)) ** 2
numerator = inter_user_interference[user_id]
inter_user_interference = torch.sum(inter_user_interference)-numerator
denominator = power_noise + inter_user_interference
result = numerator / denominator
return result
def compute_weighted_sum_rate(user_weights, channel1, channel2, precoder_in, theta, power_noise):
This version of rate function deals with torch format, and the transmitter. Precoder is a complex matrix
:param user_weights: the weights of users
:param channel1: nr_of_RIS_elements * nr_of_BS_antennas (G in our paper, the channel from BS to RIS)
:param channel2: nr_of_users * nr_of_RIS_elements (h in our paper, the channel from RIS to users)
:param precoder_in: nr_of_BS_antennas * nr_of_users (w in our paper, the precoder of BS)
:param theta: nr_of_RIS_elements * 1 (theta in our paper, the phase shift of RIS)
:param power_noise: the noise power
:return: weighted_sum_rate (the weighted sum rate of the users)
result = 0
nr_of_user = channel2.shape[0]
transmitter_precoder = precoder_in
for user_index in range(nr_of_user):
user_sinr = compute_sinr(channel1, channel2, transmitter_precoder, theta, power_noise, user_index)
result = result + user_weights[user_index] * torch.log2(1 + user_sinr)
# print('end')
return result
def compute_weighted_sum_rate_X(user_weights, channel1, channel2, X, theta, power_noise):
This version of rate function deals with torch format, and the transmitter. Precoder is a complex matrix
:param user_weights: the weights of users
:param channel1: nr_of_RIS_elements * nr_of_BS_antennas (G in our paper, the channel from BS to RIS)
:param channel2: nr_of_users * nr_of_RIS_elements (h in our paper, the channel from RIS to users)
:param X: nr_of_users * nr_of_users (X in our paper, the collapsed precoder of BS)
:param theta: nr_of_RIS_elements * 1 (theta in our paper, the phase shift of RIS)
:param power_noise: the noise power
:return: weighted_sum_rate (the weighted sum rate of the users)
result = 0
cascaded_channel = channel2.conj() @ torch.diag(torch.exp(theta * 1j)) @ channel1
transmitter_precoder = cascaded_channel.conj().T @ X
nr_of_user = channel2.shape[0]
for user_index in range(nr_of_user):
user_sinr = compute_sinr(channel1, channel2, transmitter_precoder, theta, power_noise, user_index)
result = result + user_weights[user_index] * torch.log2(1 + user_sinr)
return result
def init_transmitter_precoder(channel_realization):
This function is used to initialize the transmitter precoder in torch and numpy format
:param channel_realization:
:return: transmitter_precoder, transmitter_precoder_initialize
transmitter_precoder_init = np.zeros((nr_of_BS_antennas, nr_of_users)) + 1j * np.zeros(
(nr_of_BS_antennas, nr_of_users))
for user_index in range(nr_of_users):
if user_index in selected_users:
transmitter_precoder_init[:, user_index] = channel_realization[user_index, :]
transmitter_precoder_initialize = transmitter_precoder_init / np.linalg.norm(transmitter_precoder_init) * np.sqrt(
transmitter_precoder_init = torch.from_numpy(transmitter_precoder_initialize)
transmitter_precoder_complex = transmitter_precoder_init
transmitter_precoder_Re = transmitter_precoder_complex.real
transmitter_precoder_Im = transmitter_precoder_complex.imag
transmitter_precoder = torch.cat((transmitter_precoder_Re, transmitter_precoder_Im), dim=1)
return transmitter_precoder, transmitter_precoder_initialize # torch real format, numpy complex format
def init_X(antenna_number, user_number, cascaded_channel, power):
This function is used to initialize the collapsed beamforming vector in torch format
:param user_number: the number of users
:param cascaded_channel: the cascaded channel between BS and users
:param power: the power constraint
:return: initiliazed collapsed beamforming vector X (user_number * user_number)
and initiliazed full beamforming vector V (antenna_number * user_number)
# initialize the collapsed beamforming vector X and the full beamforming vector V
X = torch.randn(user_number, user_number) + 1j * torch.randn(user_number, user_number)
V = torch.randn(antenna_number, user_number) + 1j * torch.randn(antenna_number, user_number)
V = cascaded_channel.conj().T @ X
# normalize the collapsed beamforming vector X and the full beamforming vector V
X = X / torch.norm(V) * torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(power))
V = cascaded_channel.conj().T @ X
return X, V
# </editor-fold>
# 测试函数,仅供测试用途 Test function, for test only
if __name__ == '__main__':
channel1 = torch.randn(nr_of_RIS_elements, nr_of_BS_antennas) + 1j * torch.randn(
nr_of_RIS_elements, nr_of_BS_antennas)
channel2 = torch.randn(nr_of_users, nr_of_RIS_elements) + 1j * torch.randn(
nr_of_users, nr_of_RIS_elements)
precoder = torch.randn(nr_of_BS_antennas, nr_of_users) + 1j * torch.randn(
nr_of_BS_antennas, nr_of_users)
theta = torch.randn(nr_of_RIS_elements)
user_weights = np.ones(nr_of_users)
noise_power = 1
user_id = 0
selected_users = [x for x in range(nr_of_users)]
print("compute_weighted_sum_rate: ",
compute_weighted_sum_rate(user_weights, channel1, channel2,
precoder, theta, noise_power),
"compute_sinr: ",
compute_sinr(channel1, channel2, precoder, theta, noise_power, user_id),
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