Lightweight, easy, web management software development platform
分布式存储管理系统 DSMS (Distributed Storage Management System)的管理引擎组件,实现对分布式存储的管控。
Quickly cloud serve traditional data caching middleware and add unified proxy capabilities and service monitoring and management capabilities
BiSheng JDK 8 is a high-performance, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 8.
Open source, next generation client application platform for desktop and embedded systems for use with the JDK8
Add a provider to JDK to support GMSSL
Bigtop-manager provides a modern, low-threshold web application to simplify the deployment and management of components for bigtop, similar to Apache Ambari and Cloudera Manager.
A low-overhead eBPF-based probes framework
The proxy of centralized management platform for operating system software package
致力于打造一个集主机管理、配置部署、监控报警、异常诊断、安全审计等一系列功能的自动化运维平台。 探索创新的sysAK、ossre诊断工具及高效的LCC(Libbpf Compiler Collection)开发编译平台和netinfo网络抖动问题监控系统等, 实现系统问题的快速上报、分析与解决,提升集群的全自动运维效率,构建大规模集群运维生态链。
Multi-cloud management platform Front-end project
Multi-cloud management platform self-service Front-end project
A service named sbom-service, designed for generate、consume sbom.