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0001-fix-issue-of-ImportError.patch 11.09 KB
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From 7d26527839659d03d1cc52fa0171b9a2fc7fb321 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: li-miaomiao_zhr <mmlidc@isoftstone.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2023 10:26:38 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] fix issue of ImportError
tests/__init__.py | 317 ----------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 317 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 711b368..0000000
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-import setuptools # noqa: F401
- import distutils.dir_util
- import distutils.sysconfig
-except ImportError:
- import distutils # Python < 3.10
-import functools
-import os
-import os.path
-import pathlib
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from unittest.mock import patch
-import _pytest.tmpdir
-import pkg_resources
-import py.path
-import requests
-from skbuild.platform_specifics import get_platform
-from skbuild.utils import push_dir
-SAMPLES_DIR = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
- "samples",
-__all__ = [
- "execute_setup_py",
- "get_cmakecache_variables",
- "initialize_git_repo_and_commit",
- "list_ancestors",
- "prepare_project",
- "project_setup_py_test",
- "push_dir",
- "push_env",
-def push_argv(argv):
- old_argv = sys.argv
- sys.argv = argv
- yield
- sys.argv = old_argv
-def push_env(**kwargs):
- """This context manager allow to set/unset environment variables."""
- saved_env = dict(os.environ)
- for var, value in kwargs.items():
- if value is not None:
- os.environ[var] = value
- elif var in os.environ:
- del os.environ[var]
- yield
- os.environ.clear()
- for saved_var, saved_value in saved_env.items():
- os.environ[saved_var] = saved_value
-def prepend_sys_path(paths):
- """This context manager allows to prepend paths to ``sys.path`` and restore the
- original list.
- """
- saved_paths = list(sys.path)
- sys.path = paths + saved_paths
- yield
- sys.path = saved_paths
-def _tmpdir(basename: str) -> py.path.local:
- """This function returns a temporary directory similar to the one
- returned by the ``tmpdir`` pytest fixture.
- The difference is that the `basetemp` is not configurable using
- the pytest settings."""
- # Adapted from _pytest.tmpdir.tmpdir()
- basename = re.sub(r"[\W]", "_", basename)
- max_val = 30
- if len(basename) > max_val:
- basename = basename[:max_val]
- # Adapted from _pytest.tmpdir.TempdirFactory.getbasetemp()
- try:
- basetemp = _tmpdir._basetemp # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- except AttributeError:
- temproot = py.path.local.get_temproot()
- user = _pytest.tmpdir.get_user()
- # use a sub-directory in the temproot to speed-up
- # make_numbered_dir() call
- rootdir = temproot.join(f"pytest-of-{user}") if user else temproot
- rootdir.ensure(dir=1)
- basetemp = py.path.local.make_numbered_dir(prefix="pytest-", rootdir=rootdir)
- # Adapted from _pytest.tmpdir.TempdirFactory.mktemp
- return py.path.local.make_numbered_dir(prefix=basename, keep=0, rootdir=basetemp, lock_timeout=None)
-def _copy(src, target):
- """
- Copies a single entry (file, dir) named 'src' to 'target'. Softlinks are
- processed properly as well.
- Copied from pytest-datafiles/pytest_datafiles.py (MIT License)
- """
- if not src.exists():
- msg = f"'{src}' does not exist!"
- raise ValueError(msg)
- if src.isdir():
- src.copy(target / src.basename)
- elif src.islink():
- (target / src.basename).mksymlinkto(src.realpath())
- else: # file
- src.copy(target)
-def _copy_dir(target_dir, src_dir, on_duplicate="exception", keep_top_dir=False):
- """
- Copies all entries (files, dirs) from 'src_dir' to 'target_dir' taking
- into account the 'on_duplicate' option (which defines what should happen if
- an entry already exists: raise an exception, overwrite it or ignore it).
- Adapted from pytest-datafiles/pytest_datafiles.py (MIT License)
- """
- src_files = []
- if isinstance(src_dir, str):
- src_dir = py.path.local(src_dir)
- if keep_top_dir:
- src_files = src_dir
- else:
- if src_dir.isdir():
- src_files.extend(src_dir.listdir())
- else:
- src_files.append(src_dir)
- for entry in src_files:
- target_entry = target_dir / entry.basename
- if not target_entry.exists() or on_duplicate == "overwrite":
- _copy(entry, target_dir)
- elif on_duplicate == "exception":
- msg = f"'{target_entry}' already exists (src {entry})"
- raise ValueError(msg)
-def initialize_git_repo_and_commit(project_dir, verbose=True):
- """Convenience function creating a git repository in ``project_dir``.
- If ``project_dir`` does NOT contain a ``.git`` directory, a new
- git repository with one commit containing all the directories and files
- is created.
- """
- if isinstance(project_dir, str):
- project_dir = py.path.local(project_dir)
- if project_dir.join(".git").exists():
- return
- # If any, exclude virtualenv files
- project_dir.join(".gitignore").write(".env")
- with push_dir(str(project_dir)):
- for cmd in [
- ["git", "init"],
- ["git", "config", "user.name", "scikit-build"],
- ["git", "config", "user.email", "test@test"],
- ["git", "config", "commit.gpgsign", "false"],
- ["git", "add", "-A"],
- ["git", "reset", ".gitignore"],
- ["git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit"],
- ]:
- subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=None if verbose else subprocess.PIPE)
-def prepare_project(project, tmp_project_dir, force=False):
- """Convenience function setting up the build directory ``tmp_project_dir``
- for the selected sample ``project``.
- If ``tmp_project_dir`` does not exist, it is created.
- If ``tmp_project_dir`` is empty, the sample ``project`` is copied into it.
- Specifying ``force=True`` will copy the files even if ``tmp_project_dir``
- is not empty.
- """
- if isinstance(tmp_project_dir, str):
- tmp_project_dir = py.path.local(tmp_project_dir)
- # Create project directory if it does not exist
- if not tmp_project_dir.exists():
- tmp_project_dir = _tmpdir(project)
- # If empty or if force is True, copy project files and initialize git
- if not tmp_project_dir.listdir() or force:
- _copy_dir(tmp_project_dir, os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR, project))
-def execute_setup_py(project_dir, setup_args, disable_languages_test=False):
- """Context manager executing ``setup.py`` with the given arguments.
- It yields after changing the current working directory
- to ``project_dir``.
- """
- # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9160227/dir-util-copy-tree-fails-after-shutil-rmtree
- distutils.dir_util._path_created = {} # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- # Clear _PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM to ensure value sets in skbuild.setuptools_wrap.setup() does not
- # influence other tests.
- if "_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM" in os.environ:
- del os.environ["_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM"]
- with push_dir(str(project_dir)), push_argv(["setup.py", *setup_args]), prepend_sys_path([str(project_dir)]):
- # Restore master working set that is reset following call to "python setup.py test"
- # See function "project_on_sys_path()" in setuptools.command.test
- pkg_resources._initialize_master_working_set() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- with open("setup.py") as fp:
- setup_code = compile(fp.read(), "setup.py", mode="exec")
- if setup_code is not None:
- if disable_languages_test:
- platform = get_platform()
- original_write_test_cmakelist = platform.write_test_cmakelist
- def write_test_cmakelist_no_languages(_self, _languages):
- original_write_test_cmakelist([])
- with patch.object(type(platform), "write_test_cmakelist", new=write_test_cmakelist_no_languages):
- exec(setup_code)
- else:
- exec(setup_code)
- yield
-def project_setup_py_test(project, setup_args, tmp_dir=None, verbose_git=True, disable_languages_test=False, ret=False):
- def dec(fun):
- @functools.wraps(fun)
- def wrapped(*iargs, **ikwargs):
- if wrapped.tmp_dir is None: # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- wrapped.tmp_dir = _tmpdir(fun.__name__) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- prepare_project(wrapped.project, wrapped.tmp_dir) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- initialize_git_repo_and_commit(wrapped.tmp_dir, verbose=wrapped.verbose_git) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- with execute_setup_py(wrapped.tmp_dir, wrapped.setup_args, disable_languages_test=disable_languages_test): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- result2 = fun(*iargs, **ikwargs)
- if ret:
- return wrapped.tmp_dir, result2 # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- return None
- wrapped.project = project # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- wrapped.setup_args = setup_args # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- wrapped.tmp_dir = tmp_dir # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- wrapped.verbose_git = verbose_git # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- return wrapped
- return dec
-def get_cmakecache_variables(cmakecache):
- """Returns a dictionary of all variables found in given CMakeCache.txt.
- Dictionary entries are tuple of the
- form ``(variable_type, variable_value)``.
- Possible `variable_type` are documented
- `here <https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.7/prop_cache/TYPE.html>`_.
- """
- results = {}
- cache_entry_pattern = re.compile(r"^([\w\d_-]+):([\w]+)=")
- with open(cmakecache) as content:
- for full_line in content.readlines():
- line = full_line.strip()
- result = cache_entry_pattern.match(line)
- if result:
- variable_name = result.group(1)
- variable_type = result.group(2)
- variable_value = line.split("=")[1]
- results[variable_name] = (variable_type, variable_value)
- return results
-def is_site_reachable(url):
- """Return True if the given website can be accessed"""
- try:
- request = requests.get(url)
- return request.status_code == 200
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- return False
-def list_ancestors(path):
- """Return logical ancestors of the path."""
- return [str(parent) for parent in pathlib.PurePosixPath(path).parents if str(parent) != "."]
-def get_ext_suffix():
- """Return python extension suffix."""
- return distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("EXT_SUFFIX")
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