#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
Created By: Stefano Sinigardi
Created Date: February 18, 2019
Last Modified Date: November 10, 2021
Build darknet using CMake, trying to properly setup the environment around compiler
.PARAMETER DisableInteractive
Disable script interactivity (useful for CI runs)
Enable CUDA feature
Enable CUDNN feature
Build darknet linking to OpenCV
Use a CUDA-enabled OpenCV build
Use VCPKG to build darknet dependencies. Clone it if not already found on system
Use VCPKG to install darknet thanks to the port integrated in it
.PARAMETER InstallDARKNETdependenciesThroughVCPKGManifest
Use VCPKG to install darknet dependencies using vcpkg manifest feature
Install darknet from vcpkg and force it to HEAD version, not latest port release
Do not update vcpkg before running the build (valid only if vcpkg is cloned by this script or the version found on the system is git-enabled)
Do not update darknet before running the build (valid only if darknet is git-enabled)
.PARAMETER DoNotDeleteBuildFolder
Do not delete temporary cmake build folder at the end of the script
Do not setup VisualStudio environment using the vcvars script
Do not use Ninja for build
Force building darknet using C++ compiler also for plain C code
.PARAMETER ForceStaticLib
Create darknet library as static instead of the default linking mode of your system
Force clean up of the local vcpkg binary cache before building
.PARAMETER DoNotDeleteBuildtreesFolder
Do not delete vcpkg buildtrees temp folder at the end of the script
Forces Visual Studio setup, also on systems on which it would not have been enabled automatically
.PARAMETER EnableCSharpWrapper
Enables building C# darknet wrapper
.PARAMETER DownloadWeights
Download pre-trained weight files
Force a specific GCC version
.PARAMETER ForceOpenCVVersion
Force a specific OpenCV version (valid only with vcpkg-enabled builds)
.PARAMETER NumberOfBuildWorkers
Forces a specific number of threads for parallel building
.PARAMETER AdditionalBuildSetup
Additional setup parameters to manually pass to CMake
.\build -DisableInteractive -DoNotDeleteBuildFolder -UseVCPKG
param (
[switch]$DisableInteractive = $false,
[switch]$EnableCUDA = $false,
[switch]$EnableCUDNN = $false,
[switch]$EnableOPENCV = $false,
[switch]$EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false,
[switch]$UseVCPKG = $false,
[switch]$InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG = $false,
[switch]$InstallDARKNETdependenciesThroughVCPKGManifest = $false,
[switch]$ForceVCPKGDarknetHEAD = $false,
[switch]$DoNotUpdateVCPKG = $false,
[switch]$DoNotUpdateDARKNET = $false,
[switch]$DoNotDeleteBuildFolder = $false,
[switch]$DoNotSetupVS = $false,
[switch]$DoNotUseNinja = $false,
[switch]$ForceCPP = $false,
[switch]$ForceStaticLib = $false,
[switch]$ForceVCPKGCacheRemoval = $false,
[switch]$DoNotDeleteBuildtreesFolder = $false,
[switch]$ForceSetupVS = $false,
[switch]$EnableCSharpWrapper = $false,
[switch]$DownloadWeights = $false,
[Int32]$ForceGCCVersion = 0,
[Int32]$ForceOpenCVVersion = 0,
[Int32]$NumberOfBuildWorkers = 8,
[string]$AdditionalBuildSetup = "" # "-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=30"
$build_ps1_version = "0.9.7"
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Stop-Transcript | out-null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Start-Transcript -Path $PSScriptRoot/build.log
Function MyThrow ($Message) {
if ($DisableInteractive) {
Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red
else {
# Check if running in PowerShell ISE
if ($psISE) {
# "ReadKey" not supported in PowerShell ISE.
# Show MessageBox UI
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell"
$Shell.Popup($Message, 0, "OK", 0)
$Ignore =
16, # Shift (left or right)
17, # Ctrl (left or right)
18, # Alt (left or right)
20, # Caps lock
91, # Windows key (left)
92, # Windows key (right)
93, # Menu key
144, # Num lock
145, # Scroll lock
166, # Back
167, # Forward
168, # Refresh
169, # Stop
170, # Search
171, # Favorites
172, # Start/Home
173, # Mute
174, # Volume Down
175, # Volume Up
176, # Next Track
177, # Previous Track
178, # Stop Media
179, # Play
180, # Mail
181, # Select Media
182, # Application 1
183 # Application 2
Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host -NoNewline "Press any key to continue..."
while (($null -eq $KeyInfo.VirtualKeyCode) -or ($Ignore -contains $KeyInfo.VirtualKeyCode)) {
$KeyInfo = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown")
Write-Host ""
Function DownloadNinja() {
Write-Host "Unable to find Ninja, downloading a portable version on-the-fly" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ninja
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ninja.zip
if ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) {
$url = "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.10.2/ninja-win.zip"
elseif ($IsLinux) {
$url = "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.10.2/ninja-linux.zip"
elseif ($IsMacOS) {
$url = "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.10.2/ninja-mac.zip"
else {
MyThrow("Unknown OS, unsupported")
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Get -ContentType application/zip -OutFile "ninja.zip"
Expand-Archive -Path ninja.zip
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ninja.zip
Write-Host "Darknet build script version ${build_ps1_version}"
if ((-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $UseVCPKG)) {
$Result = Read-Host "Enable vcpkg to install darknet dependencies (yes/no)"
if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) {
$UseVCPKG = $true
if ((-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $EnableCUDA) -and (-Not $IsMacOS)) {
$Result = Read-Host "Enable CUDA integration (yes/no)"
if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) {
$EnableCUDA = $true
if ($EnableCUDA -and (-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $EnableCUDNN)) {
$Result = Read-Host "Enable CUDNN optional dependency (yes/no)"
if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) {
$EnableCUDNN = $true
if ((-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV)) {
$Result = Read-Host "Enable OpenCV optional dependency (yes/no)"
if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) {
$EnableOPENCV = $true
Write-Host -NoNewLine "PowerShell version:"
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
$IsWindowsPowerShell = $true
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
MyThrow("Your PowerShell version is too old, please update it.")
if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) {
$bootstrap_ext = ".sh"
$exe_ext = ""
elseif ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) {
$bootstrap_ext = ".bat"
$exe_ext = ".exe"
if ($InstallDARKNETdependenciesThroughVCPKGManifest -and -not $InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG) {
Write-Host "You requested darknet dependencies to be installed by vcpkg in manifest mode but you didn't enable installation through vcpkg, doing that for you"
$InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG = $true
if ($InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG -and -not $UseVCPKG) {
Write-Host "You requested darknet to be installed by vcpkg but you didn't enable vcpkg, doing that for you"
$UseVCPKG = $true
if ($InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG -and -not $EnableOPENCV) {
Write-Host "You requested darknet to be installed by vcpkg but you didn't enable OpenCV, doing that for you"
$EnableOPENCV = $true
if ($UseVCPKG) {
Write-Host "vcpkg bootstrap script: bootstrap-vcpkg${bootstrap_ext}"
if ((-Not $IsWindows) -and (-Not $IsWindowsPowerShell) -and (-Not $ForceSetupVS)) {
$DoNotSetupVS = $true
if ($ForceStaticLib) {
Write-Host "Forced CMake to produce a static library"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF "
if (($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) -and ($ForceGCCVersion -gt 0)) {
Write-Host "Manually setting CC and CXX variables to gcc version $ForceGCCVersion"
$env:CC = "gcc-$ForceGCCVersion"
$env:CXX = "g++-$ForceGCCVersion"
if (($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) -and (-Not $env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET)) {
$env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET = "x64-windows"
if ($EnableCUDA) {
if ($IsMacOS) {
Write-Host "Cannot enable CUDA on macOS" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$EnableCUDA = $false
Write-Host "CUDA is enabled"
elseif (-Not $IsMacOS) {
Write-Host "CUDA is disabled, please pass -EnableCUDA to the script to enable"
if ($EnableCUDNN) {
if ($IsMacOS) {
Write-Host "Cannot enable CUDNN on macOS" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$EnableCUDNN = $false
Write-Host "CUDNN is enabled"
elseif (-Not $IsMacOS) {
Write-Host "CUDNN is disabled, please pass -EnableCUDNN to the script to enable"
if ($EnableOPENCV) {
Write-Host "OPENCV is enabled"
else {
Write-Host "OPENCV is disabled, please pass -EnableOPENCV to the script to enable"
if ($EnableCUDA -and $EnableOPENCV -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV_CUDA)) {
Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension is not enabled, you can enable it passing -EnableOPENCV_CUDA"
elseif ($EnableOPENCV -and $EnableOPENCV_CUDA -and (-Not $EnableCUDA)) {
Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension was requested, but CUDA is not enabled, you can enable it passing -EnableCUDA"
$EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false
elseif ($EnableCUDA -and $EnableOPENCV_CUDA -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV)) {
Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension was requested, but OPENCV is not enabled, you can enable it passing -EnableOPENCV"
$EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false
elseif ($EnableOPENCV_CUDA -and (-Not $EnableCUDA) -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV)) {
Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension was requested, but OPENCV and CUDA are not enabled, you can enable them passing -EnableOPENCV -EnableCUDA"
$EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false
if ($UseVCPKG) {
Write-Host "VCPKG is enabled"
if ($DoNotUpdateVCPKG) {
Write-Host "VCPKG will not be updated to latest version if found" -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-Host "VCPKG will be updated to latest version if found"
else {
Write-Host "VCPKG is disabled, please pass -UseVCPKG to the script to enable"
if ($DoNotSetupVS) {
Write-Host "VisualStudio integration is disabled"
else {
Write-Host "VisualStudio integration is enabled, please pass -DoNotSetupVS to the script to disable"
if ($EnableCSharpWrapper -and ($IsWindowsPowerShell -or $IsWindows)) {
Write-Host "Yolo C# wrapper integration is enabled. Will be built with Visual Studio generator. Disabling Ninja"
$DoNotUseNinja = $true
else {
$EnableCSharpWrapper = $false
Write-Host "Yolo C# wrapper integration is disabled, please pass -EnableCSharpWrapper to the script to enable. You must be on Windows!"
if ($DoNotUseNinja) {
Write-Host "Ninja is disabled"
else {
Write-Host "Ninja is enabled, please pass -DoNotUseNinja to the script to disable"
if ($ForceCPP) {
Write-Host "ForceCPP build mode is enabled"
else {
Write-Host "ForceCPP build mode is disabled, please pass -ForceCPP to the script to enable"
Push-Location $PSScriptRoot
$GIT_EXE = Get-Command "git" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition
if (-Not $GIT_EXE) {
MyThrow("Could not find git, please install it")
else {
Write-Host "Using git from ${GIT_EXE}"
if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/.git") {
Write-Host "Darknet has been cloned with git and supports self-updating mechanism"
if ($DoNotUpdateDARKNET) {
Write-Host "Darknet will not self-update sources" -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-Host "Darknet will self-update sources, please pass -DoNotUpdateDARKNET to the script to disable"
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $GIT_EXE -ArgumentList "pull"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Updating darknet sources failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
$CMAKE_EXE = Get-Command "cmake" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition
if (-Not $CMAKE_EXE) {
MyThrow("Could not find CMake, please install it")
else {
Write-Host "Using CMake from ${CMAKE_EXE}"
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath ${CMAKE_EXE} -ArgumentList "--version"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("CMake version check failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
if (-Not $DoNotUseNinja) {
$NINJA_EXE = Get-Command "ninja" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition
if (-Not $NINJA_EXE) {
$env:PATH += ";${PSScriptRoot}/ninja"
$NINJA_EXE = Get-Command "ninja" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition
if (-Not $NINJA_EXE) {
$DoNotUseNinja = $true
Write-Host "Could not find Ninja, unable to download a portable ninja, using msbuild or make backends as a fallback" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($NINJA_EXE) {
Write-Host "Using Ninja from ${NINJA_EXE}"
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Ninja version "
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath ${NINJA_EXE} -ArgumentList "--version"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
$DoNotUseNinja = $true
Write-Host "Unable to run Ninja previously found, using msbuild or make backends as a fallback" -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
$generator = "Ninja"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
function getProgramFiles32bit() {
$out = ${env:PROGRAMFILES(X86)}
if ($null -eq $out) {
$out = ${env:PROGRAMFILES}
if ($null -eq $out) {
MyThrow("Could not find [Program Files 32-bit]")
return $out
function getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadPath() {
$programFiles = getProgramFiles32bit
$vswhereExe = "$programFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
if (Test-Path $vswhereExe) {
$output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop -format xml
[xml]$asXml = $output
foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) {
$installationPath = $instance.InstallationPath -replace "\\$" # Remove potential trailing backslash
if (!$installationPath) {
Write-Host "Warning: no full Visual Studio setup has been found, extending search to include also partial installations" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -format xml
[xml]$asXml = $output
foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) {
$installationPath = $instance.InstallationPath -replace "\\$" # Remove potential trailing backslash
if (!$installationPath) {
Write-Host "Warning: no full Visual Studio setup has been found, extending search to include also pre-release installations" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$output = & $vswhereExe -prerelease -products * -latest -format xml
[xml]$asXml = $output
foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) {
$installationPath = $instance.InstallationPath -replace "\\$" # Remove potential trailing backslash
if (!$installationPath) {
MyThrow("Could not locate any installation of Visual Studio")
else {
MyThrow("Could not locate vswhere at $vswhereExe")
return $installationPath
function getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadVersion() {
$programFiles = getProgramFiles32bit
$vswhereExe = "$programFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
if (Test-Path $vswhereExe) {
$output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop -format xml
[xml]$asXml = $output
foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) {
$installationVersion = $instance.InstallationVersion
if (!$installationVersion) {
Write-Host "Warning: no full Visual Studio setup has been found, extending search to include also partial installations" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -format xml
[xml]$asXml = $output
foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) {
$installationVersion = $instance.installationVersion
if (!$installationVersion) {
Write-Host "Warning: no full Visual Studio setup has been found, extending search to include also pre-release installations" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$output = & $vswhereExe -prerelease -products * -latest -format xml
[xml]$asXml = $output
foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) {
$installationVersion = $instance.installationVersion
if (!$installationVersion) {
MyThrow("Could not locate any installation of Visual Studio")
else {
MyThrow("Could not locate vswhere at $vswhereExe")
return $installationVersion
$vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $false
if ((Test-Path env:VCPKG_ROOT) -and $UseVCPKG) {
$vcpkg_path = "$env:VCPKG_ROOT"
Write-Host "Found vcpkg in VCPKG_ROOT: $vcpkg_path"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON"
elseif ((Test-Path "${env:WORKSPACE}/vcpkg") -and $UseVCPKG) {
$vcpkg_path = "${env:WORKSPACE}/vcpkg"
$env:VCPKG_ROOT = "${env:WORKSPACE}/vcpkg"
$vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $true
Write-Host "Found vcpkg in WORKSPACE/vcpkg: $vcpkg_path"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON"
elseif (-not($null -eq ${RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT})) {
if ((Test-Path "${RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT}") -and $UseVCPKG) {
$vcpkg_path = "${RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT}"
$vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $true
Write-Host "Found vcpkg in RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT: ${vcpkg_path}"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON"
elseif ($UseVCPKG) {
if (-Not (Test-Path "$PWD/vcpkg")) {
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $GIT_EXE -ArgumentList "clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Cloning vcpkg sources failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
$vcpkg_path = "$PWD/vcpkg"
$env:VCPKG_ROOT = "$PWD/vcpkg"
$vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $true
Write-Host "Found vcpkg in $PWD/vcpkg: $PWD/vcpkg"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping vcpkg integration`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=OFF"
if ($UseVCPKG -and (Test-Path "$vcpkg_path/.git") -and (-Not $DoNotUpdateVCPKG)) {
Push-Location $vcpkg_path
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $GIT_EXE -ArgumentList "pull"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Updating vcpkg sources failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $PWD/bootstrap-vcpkg${bootstrap_ext} -ArgumentList "-disableMetrics"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Bootstrapping vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
if ($UseVCPKG -and ($vcpkg_path.length -gt 40) -and ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell)) {
Write-Host "vcpkg path is very long and might fail. Please move it or" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "the entire darknet folder to a shorter path, like C:\darknet" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "You can use the subst command to ease the process if necessary" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (-Not $DisableInteractive) {
$Result = Read-Host "Do you still want to continue? (yes/no)"
if (($Result -eq 'No') -or ($Result -eq 'N') -or ($Result -eq 'no') -or ($Result -eq 'n')) {
MyThrow("Build aborted")
if ($ForceVCPKGCacheRemoval -and (-Not $UseVCPKG)) {
Write-Host "VCPKG is not enabled, so local vcpkg binary cache will not be deleted even if requested" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($UseVCPKG -and (-Not $DoNotDeleteBuildtreesFolder)) {
Write-Host "Cleaning folder buildtrees inside vcpkg" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue "$env:VCPKG_ROOT/buildtrees"
if (($ForceOpenCVVersion -eq 2) -and $UseVCPKG) {
Write-Host "You requested OpenCV version 2, so vcpkg will install that version" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV4=OFF -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV2=ON"
if (($ForceOpenCVVersion -eq 3) -and $UseVCPKG) {
Write-Host "You requested OpenCV version 3, so vcpkg will install that version" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV4=OFF -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV3=ON"
if ($UseVCPKG -and $ForceVCPKGCacheRemoval) {
if ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) {
$vcpkgbinarycachepath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA/vcpkg/archive"
elseif ($IsLinux) {
$vcpkgbinarycachepath = "$env:HOME/.cache/vcpkg/archive"
elseif ($IsMacOS) {
$vcpkgbinarycachepath = "$env:HOME/.cache/vcpkg/archive"
else {
MyThrow("Unknown OS, unsupported")
Write-Host "Removing local vcpkg binary cache from $vcpkgbinarycachepath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $vcpkgbinarycachepath
if (-Not $DoNotSetupVS) {
$CL_EXE = Get-Command "cl" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition
if ((-Not $CL_EXE) -or ($CL_EXE -match "HostX86\\x86") -or ($CL_EXE -match "HostX64\\x86")) {
$vsfound = getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadPath
Write-Host "Found VS in ${vsfound}"
Push-Location "${vsfound}\Common7\Tools"
cmd.exe /c "VsDevCmd.bat -arch=x64 & set" |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match "=") {
$v = $_.split("="); Set-Item -force -path "ENV:\$($v[0])" -value "$($v[1])"
Write-Host "Visual Studio Command Prompt variables set"
$tokens = getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadVersion
$tokens = $tokens.split('.')
if ($DoNotUseNinja) {
$dllfolder = "Release"
$selectConfig = " --config Release "
if ($tokens[0] -eq "14") {
$generator = "Visual Studio 14 2015"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -T `"host=x64`" -A `"x64`""
elseif ($tokens[0] -eq "15") {
$generator = "Visual Studio 15 2017"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -T `"host=x64`" -A `"x64`""
elseif ($tokens[0] -eq "16") {
$generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -T `"host=x64`" -A `"x64`""
else {
MyThrow("Unknown Visual Studio version, unsupported configuration")
if (-Not $UseVCPKG) {
$dllfolder = "../3rdparty/pthreads/bin"
if ($DoNotSetupVS -and $DoNotUseNinja) {
$generator = "Unix Makefiles"
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
Write-Host "Setting up environment to use CMake generator: $generator"
if (-Not $IsMacOS -and $EnableCUDA) {
$NVCC_EXE = Get-Command "nvcc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition
if (-Not $NVCC_EXE) {
if (Test-Path env:CUDA_PATH) {
$env:PATH += ";${env:CUDA_PATH}/bin"
Write-Host "Found cuda in ${env:CUDA_PATH}"
else {
Write-Host "Unable to find CUDA, if necessary please install it or define a CUDA_PATH env variable pointing to the install folder" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (Test-Path env:CUDA_PATH) {
if (-Not(Test-Path env:CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR)) {
Write-Host "Added missing env variable CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (-Not(Test-Path env:CUDACXX)) {
$env:CUDACXX = "${env:CUDA_PATH}/bin/nvcc"
Write-Host "Added missing env variable CUDACXX" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($ForceCPP) {
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DBUILD_AS_CPP:BOOL=ON"
if (-Not $EnableCUDA) {
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_CUDA:BOOL=OFF"
if (-Not $EnableCUDNN) {
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_CUDNN:BOOL=OFF"
if (-Not $EnableOPENCV) {
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_OPENCV:BOOL=OFF"
if (-Not $EnableOPENCV_CUDA) {
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DVCPKG_BUILD_OPENCV_WITH_CUDA:BOOL=OFF"
if ($EnableCSharpWrapper) {
$AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_CSHARP_WRAPPER:BOOL=ON"
if ($InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG) {
if ($ForceVCPKGDarknetHEAD) {
$headMode = " --head "
$features = "opencv-base"
$feature_manifest_opencv = "--x-feature=opencv-base"
if ($EnableCUDA) {
$features = $features + ",cuda"
$feature_manifest_cuda = "--x-feature=cuda"
if ($EnableCUDNN) {
$features = $features + ",cudnn"
$feature_manifest_cudnn = "--x-feature=cudnn"
if (-not (Test-Path "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}")) {
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath ${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/bootstrap-vcpkg${bootstrap_ext} -ArgumentList "-disableMetrics"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Bootstrapping vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
if ($InstallDARKNETdependenciesThroughVCPKGManifest) {
Write-Host "Running vcpkg in manifest mode to install darknet dependencies"
Write-Host "vcpkg install --x-no-default-features $feature_manifest_opencv $feature_manifest_cuda $feature_manifest_cudnn $headMode"
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " install --x-no-default-features $feature_manifest_opencv $feature_manifest_cuda $feature_manifest_cudnn $headMode "
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Installing darknet through vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
else {
Write-Host "Running vcpkg to install darknet"
Write-Host "vcpkg install darknet[${features}] $headMode --recurse"
Push-Location ${env:VCPKG_ROOT}
if ($ForceVCPKGDarknetHEAD) {
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " --feature-flags=-manifests remove darknet --recurse "
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Removing darknet through vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " --feature-flags=-manifests upgrade --no-dry-run "
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Upgrading vcpkg installed ports failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " --feature-flags=-manifests install darknet[${features}] $headMode --recurse " # "-manifest" disables the manifest feature, so that if vcpkg is a subfolder of darknet, the vcpkg.json inside darknet folder does not trigger errors due to automatic manifest mode
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Installing darknet dependencies through vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
else {
$build_folder = "./build_release"
if (-Not $DoNotDeleteBuildFolder) {
Write-Host "Removing folder $build_folder" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $build_folder
New-Item -Path $build_folder -ItemType directory -Force | Out-Null
Set-Location $build_folder
$cmake_args = "-G `"$generator`" ${AdditionalBuildSetup} -S .."
Write-Host "Configuring CMake project" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "CMake args: $cmake_args"
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $CMAKE_EXE -ArgumentList $cmake_args
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Config failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
Write-Host "Building CMake project" -ForegroundColor Green
$proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $CMAKE_EXE -ArgumentList "--build . ${selectConfig} --parallel ${NumberOfBuildWorkers} --target install"
$handle = $proc.Handle
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) {
MyThrow("Config failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.")
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue DarknetConfig.cmake
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue DarknetConfigVersion.cmake
$dllfiles = Get-ChildItem ./${dllfolder}/*.dll
if ($dllfiles) {
Copy-Item $dllfiles ..
Set-Location ..
Copy-Item cmake/Modules/*.cmake share/darknet/
if ($UseVCPKG -and (-Not $DoNotDeleteBuildtreesFolder)) {
Write-Host "Cleaning folder buildtrees inside vcpkg" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue "$env:VCPKG_ROOT/buildtrees"
Write-Host "Build complete!" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($DownloadWeights) {
Write-Host "Downloading weights..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
& $PSScriptRoot/scripts/download_weights.ps1
Write-Host "Weights downloaded" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script) {
$env:VCPKG_ROOT = $null
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Stop-Transcript | out-null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
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