* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "ShapeTensor.hpp"
#include "TensorOrWeights.hpp"
#include "onnx2trt_utils.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
namespace onnx2trt
//! If true, tolerate bug where scalar constant of type FLOAT is missing its value,
//! and a shape tensor is expected.
static const bool gTolerateTRT_12408 = true;
ShapeTensor::ShapeTensor(int rank_, std::vector<int64_t>&& values_)
: mDepth(0)
, mAllValuesKnown(true)
, mRank(rank_)
, mSize(values_.size())
, mValues(std::move(values_))
assert((rank_ == 0 || rank_ == 1) && "shape tensor must have rank 0 or 1");
assert(rank_ > 0 || mValues.size() == 1);
ShapeTensor::ShapeTensor(IImporterContext* ctx, TensorOrWeights& t)
: mDepth(0)
if (t.is_tensor())
*this = ShapeTensor(t.tensor());
const nvinfer1::Dims d = t.shape();
const auto& weights = t.weights();
if (gTolerateTRT_12408 && weights.type == ::ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorProto::FLOAT && d.nbDims == 0 && weights.count() == 0)
LOG_WARNING("Scalar constant of type FLOAT with no value encountered where ONNX specification requires tensor describing a shape. Assuming it's an INT64 empty vector.");
mRank = 1;
mSize = 0;
mAllValuesKnown = true;
assert(0 <= d.nbDims);
assert(d.nbDims <= 1 && "shape tensor must be 0D or 1D");
mRank = d.nbDims;
mSize = d.nbDims == 0 ? 1 : d.d[0];
auto status = weightsToVector(weights, &mValues);
if (status.code() != ErrorCode::kSUCCESS)
throw std::runtime_error("constant " + t.getName() + " is not a valid shape tensor");
mAllValuesKnown = true;
static bool hasAllNonNegativeValues(const std::vector<int64_t>& values)
return std::all_of(values.begin(), values.end(), [](int x) { return x >= 0; });
ShapeTensor::ShapeTensor(nvinfer1::ITensor& t, int depth)
: mDepth(depth)
, mRank(1)
, mTensor(&t)
const nvinfer1::Dims dims = t.getDimensions();
switch (mDepth)
case 0:
assert(t.getType() == nvinfer1::DataType::kINT32);
mRank = dims.nbDims;
if (mRank == 0)
mSize = 1;
else if (mRank == 1)
mSize = dims.d[0];
assert(mRank == -1);
case 1:
if (dims.nbDims >= 0)
mSize = dims.nbDims;
std::copy_n(dims.d, dims.nbDims, mValues.begin());
mAllValuesKnown = hasAllNonNegativeValues(mValues);
case 2:
mSize = 1;
if (dims.nbDims >= 0)
mValues = {dims.nbDims};
mAllValuesKnown = hasAllNonNegativeValues(mValues);
case 3:
// Applying IShapeLayer three times always yields a 1D vector containing 1.
mDepth = 0;
mSize = 1;
mValues = {1};
mAllValuesKnown = true;
mTensor = nullptr;
// Though depths greater than 3 could be handled the same as 3, they are
// likely a sign of a problem. Depths less than 0 make no sense.
ShapeTensor shapeVector(int64_t value)
return ShapeTensor(1, std::vector<int64_t>({value}));
ShapeTensor shapeScalar(int64_t value)
return ShapeTensor(0, std::vector<int64_t>({value}));
bool ShapeTensor::valueKnown(int k) const
assert(0 <= k);
assert(k < mSize);
return allValuesKnown() || (mValues.size() == static_cast<size_t>(mSize) && mValues[k] >= 0);
bool ShapeTensor::isAll(int64_t x) const
assert(mDepth >= 0 && "undefined tensor");
return allValuesKnown() && std::all_of(begin(), end(), [x](int64_t y) { return x == y; });
nvinfer1::ITensor& ShapeTensor::tensor(IImporterContext* ctx) const
assert(mDepth >= 0 && "undefined tensor");
assert(mDepth <= 2);
if (!mTensor || mDepth != 0)
// Need to create an ITensor representing *this.
if (allValuesKnown())
// Create constant
const nvinfer1::Dims dims{rank(), {size()}};
const nvinfer1::Weights w{nvinfer1::DataType::kINT32, convertINT64(mValues.data(), dims, ctx), size()};
mTensor = ctx->network()->addConstant(dims, w)->getOutput(0);
mDepth = 0;
for (; mDepth > 0; --mDepth)
mTensor = ctx->network()->addShape(*mTensor)->getOutput(0);
return *mTensor;
ShapeTensor iotaShapeVector(int32_t n)
std::vector<int64_t> values(n);
std::iota(values.begin(), values.end(), 0);
return ShapeTensor(1, std::move(values));
ShapeTensor similar(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& exemplar, int64_t value)
return fillShapeVector(ctx, value, shapeOf(exemplar));
ShapeTensor fillShapeVector(IImporterContext* ctx, int64_t value, const ShapeTensor& count)
assert(count.rank() == 1 && "implementation assumes 1D size");
assert(count.size() == 1 && "implementation assumes 1D size of known size");
if (count.allValuesKnown())
return ShapeTensor(1, std::vector<int64_t>(count[0], value));
nvinfer1::ISliceLayer* slice
= addSlice(ctx, shapeVector(value).tensor(ctx), shapeVector(0), count, shapeVector(0));
return ShapeTensor(*slice->getOutput(0));
using nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation;
//! Helper that implements an elementwise operations on two shape tensors x and y.
//! f must implement the operation on a pair of int64_t.
//! commutes should be true f is commutative.
//! rightIdentity should be the right identity value for f.
static ShapeTensor op(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y, ElementWiseOperation operation,
bool commutative, int64_t rightIdentity, const std::function<int64_t(int64_t, int64_t)>&& f)
assert(!x.rankKnown() || !y.rankKnown() || x.rank() == y.rank());
if (x.sizeKnown() && y.sizeKnown())
assert(x.size() == 1 || y.size() == 1 || x.size() == y.size());
if (y.isAll(rightIdentity) && y.size() <= x.size())
return x;
if (commutative && x.isAll(rightIdentity) && x.size() <= y.size())
return y;
if (x.allValuesKnown() && y.allValuesKnown())
std::vector<int64_t> values(std::max(x.size(), y.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
// The % simulates broadcast rules.
values[i] = f(x[i % x.size()], y[i % y.size()]);
return ShapeTensor(x.rank(), std::move(values));
return ShapeTensor(*ctx->network()->addElementWise(x.tensor(ctx), y.tensor(ctx), operation)->getOutput(0), 0);
ShapeTensor add(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
return op(ctx, x, y, ElementWiseOperation::kSUM, true, 0, std::plus<int64_t>());
ShapeTensor sub(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
return op(ctx, x, y, ElementWiseOperation::kSUB, false, 0, std::minus<int64_t>());
ShapeTensor mul(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
return op(ctx, x, y, ElementWiseOperation::kPROD, true, 1, std::multiplies<int64_t>());
ShapeTensor min(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
return op(ctx, x, y, ElementWiseOperation::kMIN, true, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
[](int64_t x, int64_t y) { return std::min(x, y); });
ShapeTensor max(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
return op(ctx, x, y, ElementWiseOperation::kMAX, true, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
[](int64_t x, int64_t y) { return std::max(x, y); });
ShapeTensor floorDiv(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
return op(ctx, x, y, ElementWiseOperation::kFLOOR_DIV, false, 1, [](int64_t x, int64_t y) {
assert(y != 0 && "divisor must be non-zero");
const int64_t d = x / y;
return d * y == x ? d : d - ((x < 0) ^ (y < 0));
ShapeTensor broadcast(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
// max(x,y) works unless x or y is 0.
// min(x,y,1) yields 0 if x or y is 0, and 1 otherwise.
// So compute max(x,y)*min(x,y,1).
return mul(ctx, max(ctx, x, y), min(ctx, x, min(ctx, y, similar(ctx, y, 1))));
ShapeTensor product(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, int first, int last, int rank)
assert(first <= last);
ShapeTensor z(rank, std::vector<int64_t>(1, 1));
for (int i = first; i < last; ++i)
z = mul(ctx, z, gather(ctx, x, ShapeTensor(rank, std::vector<int64_t>(1, i))));
return z;
ShapeTensor concat(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
assert(!x.rankKnown() || x.rank() == 1);
assert(!y.rankKnown() || y.rank() == 1);
if (x.sizeKnown() && x.size() == 0)
return y;
if (y.sizeKnown() && y.size() == 0)
return x;
if (x.allValuesKnown() && y.allValuesKnown())
std::vector<int64_t> values(x.size() + y.size());
auto p = std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), values.begin());
std::copy(y.begin(), y.end(), p);
return ShapeTensor(1, std::move(values));
nvinfer1::ITensor* const args[2] = {&x.tensor(ctx), &y.tensor(ctx)};
return ShapeTensor(*ctx->network()->addConcatenation(args, 2)->getOutput(0));
ShapeTensor gather(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& data, const ShapeTensor& indices)
assert(data.rank() == 1);
if (indices.allValuesKnown()
&& std::all_of(indices.begin(), indices.end(), [&data](int i) { return data.valueKnown(i); }))
std::vector<int64_t> z(indices.size());
std::transform(indices.begin(), indices.end(), z.begin(), [&data](int64_t i) {
assert(0 <= i);
assert(i < data.size());
return data[i];
return ShapeTensor(indices.rank(), std::move(z));
return ShapeTensor(*ctx->network()->addGather(data.tensor(ctx), indices.tensor(ctx), 0)->getOutput(0));
ShapeTensor shapeOf(nvinfer1::ITensor& tensor)
return ShapeTensor(tensor, 1);
ShapeTensor shapeOf(TensorOrWeights& t)
if (t.is_tensor())
return shapeOf(t.tensor());
const nvinfer1::Dims& d = t.weights().shape;
return ShapeTensor(1, std::vector<int64_t>(d.d, d.d + d.nbDims));
ShapeTensor shapeOf(const ShapeTensor& t)
assert(t.mDepth >= 0);
if (t.mTensor)
return ShapeTensor(*t.mTensor, t.mDepth + 1);
// ShapeTensor is either a scalar or vector.
// shape of a scalar is an empty tensor.
// shape of a vector is a one-element tensor containing the length of the vector.
return t.rank() == 0 ? ShapeTensor(0, {}) : ShapeTensor(1, {t.size()});
ShapeTensor convertTo1D(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& tensor)
assert(tensor.rank() == 0);
assert(tensor.size() == 1);
if (tensor.valueKnown(0))
return shapeVector(tensor[0]);
return ShapeTensor(*addShuffle(ctx, tensor.tensor(ctx), shapeVector(1))->getOutput(0));
//! If all values of x are known, return Dims with those values,
//! but throw exception if any value is outside specified bounds.
//! Otherwise return Dims with zeros.
//! The string that should describe the context of the dimensions,
//! e.g. "reshape" or "fill output".
static nvinfer1::Dims toDims(const ShapeTensor& x, const char* what, int32_t minAllowed, int32_t maxAllowed)
nvinfer1::Dims d{-1, {}};
if (x.sizeKnown())
d.nbDims = x.size();
if (x.allValuesKnown())
assert(x.size() <= nvinfer1::Dims::MAX_DIMS);
for (const auto& dim : x)
if (dim < minAllowed || dim > maxAllowed)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << what << " dimensions have value " << dim << " beyond allowed bounds." << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), d.d);
return d;
//! If not all values in x are known, set layer input specifed by inputIndex
//! to tensor with value of x.
static void setShapeInputIfDynamic(IImporterContext* ctx, nvinfer1::ILayer* layer, int inputIndex, const ShapeTensor& x)
if (!x.allValuesKnown())
layer->setInput(inputIndex, x.tensor(ctx));
bool operator==(const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y)
if (x.allValuesKnown() && y.allValuesKnown())
return x.mValues == y.mValues;
assert(x.mTensor || y.mTensor);
return x.mTensor == y.mTensor && x.mDepth == y.mDepth;
nvinfer1::ITensor& reshape(IImporterContext* ctx, nvinfer1::ITensor& data, const ShapeTensor& newShape)
const ShapeTensor oldShape = shapeOf(data);
if (newShape == oldShape)
return data;
return *addShuffle(ctx, data, newShape)->getOutput(0);
nvinfer1::IShuffleLayer* addShuffle(
IImporterContext* ctx, nvinfer1::ITensor& data, const ShapeTensor& reshapeDims, bool zeroIsPlaceholder)
nvinfer1::IShuffleLayer* shuffle = ctx->network()->addShuffle(data);
if (reshapeDims.allValuesKnown())
shuffle->setReshapeDimensions(toDims(reshapeDims, "reshape", -1, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()));
shuffle->setInput(1, reshapeDims.tensor(ctx));
return shuffle;
nvinfer1::ISliceLayer* addSlice(IImporterContext* ctx, nvinfer1::ITensor& data, const ShapeTensor& starts,
const ShapeTensor& sizes, const ShapeTensor& strides)
constexpr int32_t minDim = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
constexpr int32_t maxDim = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
nvinfer1::ISliceLayer* slice = ctx->network()->addSlice(data, toDims(starts, "slice start", 0, maxDim),
toDims(sizes, "slice size", 0, maxDim), toDims(strides, "slide strides", minDim, maxDim));
setShapeInputIfDynamic(ctx, slice, 1, starts);
setShapeInputIfDynamic(ctx, slice, 2, sizes);
setShapeInputIfDynamic(ctx, slice, 3, strides);
return slice;
nvinfer1::IFillLayer* addFill(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& shape, nvinfer1::FillOperation op)
nvinfer1::IFillLayer* fill
= ctx->network()->addFill(toDims(shape, "fill output", 0, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()), op);
setShapeInputIfDynamic(ctx, fill, 0, shape);
return fill;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ShapeTensor& x)
stream << "(";
for (int i = 0, e = x.size(); i < e; ++i)
stream << (i ? ", " : "");
if (x.valueKnown(i))
stream << x[i];
stream << "_";
if (x.size() == 1 && x.rank() == 1)
// Use Python convention to distinguish 1-element vector from a scalar.
stream << ",";
return stream << ")";
} // namespace onnx2trt
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