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if_utilits_c.c 25.42 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#include "if_utilits_c.h"
#include "debug_printf.h"
#include <ctype.h> // toupper
#include <stdlib.h> // atoi
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <errno.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"iphlpapi.lib")
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// 归一化MAC地址字符串转大写并去除分隔符
// @param const char * input [in] MAC地址字符串,为NULL忽略
// @param char * output [out] 输出缓冲区,为NULL则原地转换
// @param size_t outputsz 输出缓冲区长度
// @return int 成功返回true,否则返回false
static bool normalize_nic(const char* input, char* output, size_t outputsz)
if (input)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (input[i])
char c = input[i];
char n;
bool found = false;
if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'))
n = c;
found = true;
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
n = toupper(c);
found = true;
if (found)/** 跳过非HEX字符 */
if (output)
if (j >= outputsz - 1 )
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG("ERROR:Insufficient output size %dz,%d writed", outputsz, j);
return false;
output[j] = n;
((char*)input)[j] = n;
if (output)
/** 结尾0 */
output[j] = '\0';
return 12 == strlen(output);
((char*)input)[j] = '\0';
return 12 == strlen((char*)input);
return true;
// 将输入的.分割十进制的标准IP地址字符串(如'')转为4字节数组,
// 如果输入格式不为.分隔的4节字符,返回空字符串
// @param const char * ipstr .分割十进制的标准IP地址
// @param unsigned char * ip4buf [out] 输出缓冲区长度要求为4
// @return bool 解析成功返回true,否则返回false
static bool parse_ip4(const char* ipstr, unsigned char *ip4buf)
if(ipstr && ip4buf)
const char* endptr = ipstr + strlen(ipstr);
const char* last = ipstr;
const char* ptr = strchr(last, '.');
int i = 0;
while(last < endptr && ptr != NULL && ((ptr - last) > 0) && i < 4)
ip4buf[i++] = (unsigned char)atoi(ptr);
ptr = strchr(last, '.');
return i == 4;
return false;
// 将二进制数据转为HEX字符串
// @param const void * in 二进制数据
// @param size_t insz 二进制数据长
// @param char * hexbuf [out]HEX字符串输出缓冲区
// @param size_t hexbufsz 输出缓冲区长度
// @return int 成功返回0,否则返回-1
static int bytes_to_hex(const void *in, size_t insz, char* hexbuf, size_t hexbufsz) {
//const static char hex_char[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
const static char hex_char[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'F' };
if (in && hexbuf && insz && hexbufsz && hexbufsz>=((insz << 1) +1))
unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char*)in;
int i = 0;
for (; i < insz; ++i) {
hexbuf[i << 1] = hex_char[bytes[i] >> 4 ]; /* 高四位 */
hexbuf[(i << 1) + 1] = hex_char[bytes[i] & 0x0f]; /* 低四位 */
hexbuf[i<<1] = '\0';
return 0;
return -1;
#if __linux__
// 获取网卡设备MAC/IP地址
// @param const char * required_name 指定网卡名,未指定则获取第一个非loopback网卡
// @param int addrtype 请求的地址类型:0:MAC地址,1:IP地址
// @param bool fmt 返回的数据是否格式化为可见字符串,
// 为true时将MAC地址格式化为16进制MAC地址字符串,IP地址格式化为.分割的十进制IP地址
// @param char * addr [out] 返回的MAC/IP地址输出缓冲区
// @param size_t addrsz 输出缓冲区长度
// @param bool debugLog 是否输出调试信息
// @return bool 调用成功返回true,否则返回false
static bool get_if_address(const char *required_name, int addrtype, bool fmt, char *addr,size_t addrsz, bool debugLog)
if (NULL == addr || 0 == addrsz)
return false;
bool sucess = false;
int fd, nic;
struct ifreq buf[8];
struct ifconf ifc;
bool nameMatchRequired = required_name && strlen(required_name) > 0;
if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) >= 0)
ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf);
ifc.ifc_buf = (caddr_t)buf;
if (!ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc))
nic = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq);
for (int i = 0; i < nic; ++i)
if (nameMatchRequired && strcmp(required_name, buf[i].ifr_name))
if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (char *)&buf[i]) == 0) {
if ((buf[i].ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) { // don't count loopback
switch (addrtype)
case 0:
/* 获取 MAC地址,如果不要求返回HEX字符串,则直接输出6字符二进制地址 */
/* (输出缓冲区长度要求大于等于6) */
/* 否则转为16进制字符串输出(输出缓冲区长度要求大于12) */
if (!(ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, (char *)&buf[i])))
if (!fmt)
if (addrsz < 6)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog,"INSUFFICIENT addr length,6 required");
memcpy(addr, buf[i].ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
sucess = true;
else {
if (addrsz < 13)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "INSUFFICIENT addr length,13 required");
bytes_to_hex(buf[i].ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6, addr, addrsz);
sucess = true;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog && sucess, "found network interface %s MAC: %s", buf[i].ifr_name, addr);
case 1:
/* 获取 IP 地址,如果要求返回.分割的十进制数字字符串,则直接输出 */
/* sockaddr_in.sin_addr 字段(输出缓冲区长度要求大于等于16) */
/* 否则转为4字节二进制数据输出(输出缓冲区长度要求大于等于4) */
if (!(ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, (char *)&buf[i])))
/** 将地址转为.分割的十进制数字字符串 */
char * ipstr = inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)&(buf[i].ifr_addr))->sin_addr);
if (fmt)
size_t ipstrlen = strlen(ipstr);
if (addrsz <= ipstrlen)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "INSUFFICIENT addr length,%dz required", ipstrlen + 1);
strncpy(addr, ipstr, ipstrlen);
sucess = true;
else {
if (addrsz < 4)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "INSUFFICIENT addr length,4 required");
parse_ip4(ipstr, addr);
sucess = true;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog && sucess, "found network interface %s IP: %s", buf[i].ifr_name, addr);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(nameMatchRequired && debugLog && !sucess, "Not found adapter named: %s", required_name);
return sucess;
// 获取网卡设备MAC地址
// @param char * macbuf [out] MAC输出缓冲区,返回16进制MAC地址字符串
// @param size_t macbufsz MAC输出缓冲区长度
// @param const char * required_name 指定网卡名,未指定(为NULL或空)则获取第一个非loopback网卡
// @param bool fmt 返回的数据是否格式化为可见字符串,为true时将IP地址格式化为.分割的十进制IP地址
// @param bool debugLog 是否输出调试信息
// @return bool 调用成功返回true,否则返回false
static bool get_mac(char * macbuf, size_t macbufsz,const char *required_name, bool fmt, bool debugLog)
return get_if_address(required_name, 0, fmt, macbuf, macbufsz, debugLog);
// 获取网卡设备IP地址
// @param char * ipaddr [out] IP地址输出缓冲区,返回.分割十进制IP地址字符串
// @param size_t ipaddrsz 输出缓冲区长度
// @param const char * required_name 指定网卡名,未指定(为NULL或空)则获取第一个非loopback网卡
// @param bool fmt 返回的数据是否格式化为可见字符串,为true时将IP地址格式化为.分割的十进制IP地址
// @param bool debugLog 是否输出调试信息
// @return bool 调用成功返回true,否则返回false
static bool get_ipaddr(char* ipaddr, size_t ipaddrsz,const char *required_name, bool fmt, bool debugLog)
return get_if_address(required_name, 1, fmt,ipaddr, ipaddrsz, debugLog);
// 执行command指定的控制台命令,返回结果保存在output,返回执行命令的状态码
// @param const char * command 要执行的命令字符串
// @param bool d debugLog 是否输出调试信息
// @param char * output [out]命令输出缓冲区
// @param size_t outputsz 输出缓冲区长度
// @return int 命令执行成功返回 0 ,失败则返回错误代码
static int shell_command(const char* command, bool debugLog, char *output, size_t outputsz)
if (NULL == command || 0 == strlen(command))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "command is NULL OR empty");
return -1;
if (NULL == output || 0 == outputsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "output is NULL OR empty");
return -1;
FILE *stream;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "command [%s]", command);
stream = popen(command, "r");
if (!stream)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "fail to open pipe");
return -1;
/** 将FILE* stream的数据流读取到buf中 */
size_t readsize = fread(output, sizeof(char), outputsz, stream);
if (readsize >= outputsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "Insufficient output size");
return -1;
/** 确保以0结尾 */
output[readsize] = '\0';
int code = pclose(stream);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "[%s] exitcode=%d", output, code);
return code;
// 通过执行shell命令("cat /sys/class/net/$ifname/address")获取MAC地址
// @param const char * ifname 网卡名
// @param bool debugLog 是否输出调试信息
// @param char * mac [out]输出缓冲区,返回16进制MAC地址字符串
// @param bool macsz 输出缓冲区长度
// @return bool 调用成功返回true,否则返回false
static bool get_mac_by_cat_sys_class_net(const char* ifname, bool debugLog, char *mac, size_t macsz)
if (NULL == ifname || 0 == strlen(ifname))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "ifname is NULL OR empty");
return false;
if (NULL == mac || 0 == macsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "mac is NULL OR empty");
return false;
char cmdbuf[256];
char cmd[256] = { 0 };
size_t wsz = snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cat /sys/class/net/%s/address 2>/dev/null",ifname);
if (wsz < 0 || wsz >= sizeof(cmd))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "Insufficient cmdbuf size,caused by too long ifname,snprintf return wsz=%dz",wsz);
return false;
if (shell_command(cmd, debugLog, cmdbuf,sizeof(cmdbuf)))
return false;
*mac = '\0';
if (normalize_nic(cmdbuf, mac, macsz))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "found network interface [%s] mac:[%s]", ifname, mac);
return true;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "normalize_nic fail: input: [%s] output: [%s]", cmdbuf,mac);
return false;
// 通过执行shell命令获取MAC地址
// @param const char * required_name 指定网卡设备名称,未指定则获取第一个非loopback网卡
// @param bool debugLog 是否输出调试信息
// @param char * mac [out]输出缓冲区,返回16进制MAC地址字符串
// @param size_t macsz 输出缓冲区长度
// @return bool 调用成功返回true,否则返回false
static bool get_mac_by_pipe(const char* required_name, bool debugLog, char *mac, size_t macsz)
char output[512];
if (required_name && strlen(required_name))
return get_mac_by_cat_sys_class_net(required_name, debugLog, mac, macsz);
bool found = get_mac_by_cat_sys_class_net("eth0", debugLog, mac, macsz);
if (found) {
return true;
found = get_mac_by_cat_sys_class_net("wlan0", debugLog, mac, macsz);
if (found) {
return true;
/* 列出所有网卡设备名 */
if (shell_command("ls /sys/class/net 2>/dev/null", debugLog, output, sizeof(output)))
return false;
if (strlen(output))
size_t outputlen = strlen(output);
const char*sep = " \t\r\n";
char*ptr = output;
const char*last = output;
ptr = strpbrk(ptr, sep); // find separator
if (ptr)
*ptr = '\0';
/* 排除 lo 的所有网卡设备名称 */
if (strcmp(last, "lo"))
// first ifname
return get_mac_by_cat_sys_class_net(last, debugLog, mac, macsz);
if (ptr < (output + outputlen - 1))
last = ptr;
ptr += strspn(ptr, sep);// skip separator
// only one name
return get_mac_by_cat_sys_class_net(output, debugLog, mac, macsz);
} while (ptr && * ptr);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "not found network interface");
return false;
bool ifu_get_ip_address(const char* ifname, char *ipbuf, size_t ipbufsz, bool debugLog)
if (!(ipbuf && ipbufsz))
return false;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "ifname [%s]", ifname ? ifname : "null");
#ifdef _WIN32
ULONG bufsize = 0;
if (ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW != GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &bufsize))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog,"GetAdaptersInfo Failed! ErrorCode: %d", GetLastError());
return false;
IP_ADAPTER_INFO* adapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)malloc(bufsize);
if (NULL == adapterInfo)
return false;
bool sucess = false;
ULONG status = GetAdaptersInfo(adapterInfo, &bufsize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == status)
if (NULL == ifname || 0 == strlen(ifname))
char* szip = (char*)adapterInfo[0].IpAddressList.IpAddress.String;
size_t sziplen = strlen(szip);
if (sziplen >= ipbufsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "TO SMALL ipbuf, %dz required", sziplen);
strcpy(ipbuf, szip);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "found network interface %s IP:%s", adapterInfo[0].AdapterName, ipbuf);
sucess = true;
/** 遍历所有网卡,查找指定名字的网卡并返回 */
PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = &adapterInfo[0];
while (pAdapterInfo)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "---- network interface %s", pAdapterInfo->AdapterName);
if (0 == strncmp(pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, ifname, strlen(ifname)))
char* szip = (char*)pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String;
size_t sziplen = strlen(szip);
if (sziplen >= ipbufsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "TO SMALL ipbuf, %dz required", sziplen);
strcpy(ipbuf, szip);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "found network interface %s IP:%s", pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, ipbuf);
sucess = true;
pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog && !sucess, "Not found adapter named: %s", ifname);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog,"GetAdaptersInfo Failed! ErrorCode: %s", GetLastError());
return sucess;
#elif __linux__
/* ifname 为空或NULL时优先查找etho,wlan0 */
if (ifname && strlen(ifname))
return get_ipaddr(ipbuf, ipbufsz, ifname, true, debugLog);
if (get_ipaddr(ipbuf, ipbufsz,"eth0", true, debugLog))
return true;
if (get_ipaddr(ipbuf, ipbufsz,"wlan0", true, debugLog))
return true;
return get_ipaddr(ipbuf, ipbufsz, ifname, true, debugLog);
return false;
bool ifu_get_mac_address(const char* ifname, char *macbuf,size_t macbufsz, bool debugLog)
if (!(macbuf && macbufsz && macbufsz > 12))
return false;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "ifname [%s]", ifname ? ifname : "null");
#ifdef _WIN32
ULONG bufsize = 0;
if (ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW != GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &bufsize))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "GetAdaptersInfo Failed! ErrorCode: %s", GetLastError());
return false;
IP_ADAPTER_INFO* adapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)malloc(bufsize);
if (NULL == adapterInfo)
return false;
bool sucess = false;
ULONG status = GetAdaptersInfo(adapterInfo, &bufsize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == status)
if (NULL == ifname || 0 == strlen(ifname))
bytes_to_hex(adapterInfo[0].Address, 6, macbuf, macbufsz);
//snprintf(macbuf, macbufsz,"%0X%0X%0X%0X%0X%0X",
// adapterInfo[0].Address[0], adapterInfo[0].Address[1], adapterInfo[0].Address[2],
// adapterInfo[0].Address[3], adapterInfo[0].Address[4], adapterInfo[0].Address[5]);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "found network interface %s MAC:%s ", adapterInfo[0].AdapterName, macbuf);
return true;
/* 遍历所有网卡,查找指定名字的网卡并返回 */
PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = &adapterInfo[0];
while (pAdapterInfo)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "---- network interface %s", pAdapterInfo->AdapterName);
if (0 == strncmp(pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, ifname, strlen(ifname)))
bytes_to_hex(pAdapterInfo->Address, 6, macbuf, macbufsz);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "found network interface %s MAC:%s", pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, macbuf);
sucess = true;
pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog && ! sucess, "Not found adapter named: %s", ifname);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "GetAdaptersInfo Failed! ErrorCode: %s", GetLastError());
return sucess;
/* 优先使用shell命令获取MAC地址 */
if (get_mac_by_pipe(ifname, debugLog, macbuf, macbufsz))
return true;
/* ifname 为空或NULL时优先查找etho,wlan0 */
if (ifname && strlen(ifname))
return get_mac(macbuf, macbufsz,ifname, true, debugLog);
if (get_mac(macbuf, macbufsz,"eth0", true,debugLog))
return true;
if (get_mac(macbuf, macbufsz,"wlan0", true,debugLog))
return true;
return get_mac(macbuf, macbufsz,ifname, true, debugLog);
#define CHECK_NICBUF \
if (wsz < 0 || wsz >= remainsz) { \
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "TO SMALL foundnics"); \
} else {\
wpos += wsz; remainsz -= wsz; \
bool ifu_find_nic_by_mac(const char* input_mac, char * ifname, size_t ifsz, char * foundnics, size_t nicbufsz, bool debugLog)
if ( NULL == input_mac || 0 == strlen(input_mac))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "input_mac is NULL OR empty");
return false;
if (NULL == ifname && 0 == ifsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "ifname is NULL OR empty");
return false;
char mac_address[13];
if (!normalize_nic(input_mac, mac_address,sizeof(mac_address)))
return false;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "mac_address [%s]", mac_address);
ifname[0] = '\0';
foundnics[0] = '\0';
size_t wpos = 0;
size_t remainsz = nicbufsz;
#ifdef _WIN32
ULONG bufsize = 0;
if (ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW != GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &bufsize))
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "GetAdaptersInfo Failed! ErrorCode: %s", GetLastError());
return false;
IP_ADAPTER_INFO* adapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)malloc(bufsize);
if (NULL == adapterInfo)
return false;
bool sucess = false;
ULONG status = GetAdaptersInfo(adapterInfo, &bufsize);
int cnt = 0;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == status)
// 遍历所有网卡,查找指定MAC地址的网卡并返回
PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = &adapterInfo[0];
while (pAdapterInfo)
char macbuf[13];
bytes_to_hex(adapterInfo[0].Address, 6, macbuf, sizeof(macbuf));
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "found network interface %s %s", pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, macbuf);
if (0 == strncmp(macbuf,mac_address,sizeof(macbuf)))
size_t namelen = strlen(pAdapterInfo->AdapterName);
if (namelen >= ifsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "TO SMALL ifbufsz,%dz required", namelen);
strncpy(ifname,pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, ifsz);
/* 如果foundnics不为空则输出找到所有网卡设备信息 */
if (foundnics && nicbufsz)
int wsz;
if (cnt > 0)
wsz = snprintf(foundnics + wpos, remainsz, ",");
/** 检查是否溢出 */
wsz = snprintf(foundnics + wpos, remainsz, "%s/%s", pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, macbuf);
/** 检查是否溢出 */
pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog && 0 == strlen(ifname), "Not found adapter mac: %s,found nic:%s", mac_address,foundnics);
sucess = strlen(ifname) > 0;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "GetAdaptersInfo Failed! ErrorCode: %s", GetLastError());
if (foundnics && nicbufsz)
foundnics[nicbufsz - 1] = '\0';
return sucess;
bool sucess = false;
int fd, nic;
struct ifreq buf[8];
struct ifconf ifc;
int cnt = 0;
if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) >= 0)
ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf);
ifc.ifc_buf = (caddr_t)buf;
if (!ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc))
nic = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq);
for (int i = 0; i < nic; ++i)
if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (char *)&buf[i]) == 0) {
if ((buf[i].ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) { // don't count loopback
if (!(ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, (char *)&buf[i])))
char macbuf[13];
bytes_to_hex(buf[i].ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6, macbuf, sizeof(macbuf));
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog && sucess, "found network interface %s MAC: %s", buf[i].ifr_name, macbuf);
if (0 == strncmp(macbuf, mac_address, sizeof(macbuf)))
size_t namelen = strlen(buf[i].ifr_name);
if (namelen >= ifsz)
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog, "TO SMALL ifbufsz,%dz required", namelen);
strncpy(ifname, buf[i].ifr_name, ifsz);
/* 如果foundnics不为空则输出找到所有网卡设备信息 */
if (foundnics && nicbufsz)
int wsz;
if (cnt > 0)
wsz = snprintf(foundnics + wpos, remainsz, ",");
/** 检查是否溢出 */
wsz = snprintf(foundnics + wpos, remainsz, "%s/%s", buf[i].ifr_name, macbuf);
/** 检查是否溢出 */
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugLog && 0 == strlen(ifname), "Not found adapter mac: %s,found nic:%s", mac_address, foundnics);
sucess = strlen(ifname) > 0;
if (foundnics && nicbufsz)
foundnics[nicbufsz - 1] = '\0';
return sucess;
bool ifu_check_mac_matched(const char* mac, bool debugFlag, char *errmsg,size_t errbufsz)
char ifname[128];
char foundnics[512];
/* 检查指定MAC地址是否为本机的MAC地址 */
if (!ifu_find_nic_by_mac(mac, ifname,sizeof(ifname), foundnics,sizeof(foundnics), debugFlag))
com_debug_snprintf(errmsg,errbufsz,"device MAC %s mismatch with current device,found nics:%", mac, foundnics);
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugFlag,"error %s", errmsg);
return false;
COM_PRINTF_DEBUG_IF(debugFlag,"net interface device with mac %s named %s", mac, ifname);
return true;
马建仓 AI 助手


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