OpenHarmony community governance, developer contribution guide, contribution agreement, and community communication | 包含OpenHarmony社区治理、开发者贡献指南、开发者贡献协议、社区交流等内容
Scanning the license and copyright information of the open source repository | 扫描开源仓许可证及版权信息
ArkUI-X adaptation to Android | ArkUI-X支持Android平台的适配层
ArkUI-X adaptation to iOS | ArkUI-X支持iOS平台的适配层
Hardware platforms emulation by QEMU | QEMU模拟不同的硬件单板
Framework of the OpenHarmony Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF驱动框架
Graphic fundamental components | 图形基础组件
LiteOS kernel for devices with few resources, such as the MCU | 适用于MCU等各种资源极小设备的LiteOS内核
Signature verification for HAP packages | 提供对HAP包签名的验签能力
Security authentication capabilities for device interconnection | 提供设备互连安全认证能力
Building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
Application compatibility test suite | acts应用兼容性测试套
LiteOS kernel for embedded devices with rich resources | 适用于资源较丰富嵌入式设备的LiteOS内核
Hi3516/Hi3518 platform driver | Hi3516/Hi3518平台驱动
Windows manager service | 窗口管理服务
Key management service | 提供密钥管理服务功能