MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios.
该仓库托管OpenHarmony社区开发的,而非某个厂商单独开发的典型产品样例代码,主要 包括类似QEMU(Quick Emulator)的图形、软总线等特性产品的开发。
Mesa是一个用于渲染交互式 3D 图形的开源驱动库。
"提供一个快速哈希算法,用于Rust编译器及其生态系统。 | A Rust library that provides a fast and secure hashing algorithm."
Third-party open-source software bounds_checking_function | 三方开源软件bounds_checking_function
Third party Google benchmark source code for Developertest framework benchmark test
Third-party open-source software JerryScript engine | 三方开源软件JerryScript引擎
Third-party open-source software Mbed TLS | 三方开源软件Mbed TLS
OpenSSL 的Rust绑定
"一个提供支持在编译时计算简单常量表达式的库。 | A library that provides support for evaluating simple constant expressions at compile time."
"提供从 Rust 中安全、简单地调用 C++ 代码的方法。 | A Rust library that provides a safe and easy way to call C++ code from Rust."
"提供一种简单、高效的处理选项类型的方法。 | A Rust library that provides a simple and efficient way to work with either/or types."
这是Arm ASTC编码器的官方存储库,这是自适应可扩展纹理压缩数据格式的纹理压缩器。
"提供源代码的显示和格式化支持。 | A Rust library that provides support for source code display and formatting."
"一个高效且功能丰富的正则表达式库。 | A Rust library that provides support for regular expressions."
Third-party open-source software wpa_supplicant | 三方开源软件wpa_supplicant