#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is the open-adventure dungeon generator. It consumes a YAML description of
# the dungeon and outputs a dungeon.h and dungeon.c pair of C code files.
# The nontrivial part of this is the compilation of the YAML for
# movement rules to the travel array that's actually used by
# playermove().
# Copyright (c) 2017 by Eric S. Raymond
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
import sys, yaml
YAML_NAME = "adventure.yaml"
H_NAME = "dungeon.h"
C_NAME = "dungeon.c"
H_TEMPLATE_PATH = "templates/dungeon.h.tpl"
C_TEMPLATE_PATH = "templates/dungeon.c.tpl"
DONOTEDIT_COMMENT = "/* Generated from adventure.yaml - do not hand-hack! */\n\n"
statedefines = ""
def make_c_string(string):
"""Render a Python string into C string literal format."""
if string == None:
return "NULL"
string = string.replace("\n", "\\n")
string = string.replace("\t", "\\t")
string = string.replace('"', '\\"')
string = string.replace("'", "\\'")
string = '"' + string + '"'
return string
def get_refs(l):
reflist = [x[0] for x in l]
ref_str = ""
for ref in reflist:
ref_str += " {},\n".format(ref)
ref_str = ref_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return ref_str
def get_string_group(strings):
template = """{{
.strs = {},
.n = {},
if strings == []:
strs = "NULL"
strs = "(const char* []) {" + ", ".join([make_c_string(s) for s in strings]) + "}"
n = len(strings)
sg_str = template.format(strs, n)
return sg_str
def get_arbitrary_messages(arb):
template = """ {},
arb_str = ""
for item in arb:
arb_str += template.format(make_c_string(item[1]))
arb_str = arb_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return arb_str
def get_class_messages(cls):
template = """ {{
.threshold = {},
.message = {},
cls_str = ""
for item in cls:
threshold = item["threshold"]
message = make_c_string(item["message"])
cls_str += template.format(threshold, message)
cls_str = cls_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return cls_str
def get_turn_thresholds(trn):
template = """ {{
.threshold = {},
.point_loss = {},
.message = {},
trn_str = ""
for item in trn:
threshold = item["threshold"]
point_loss = item["point_loss"]
message = make_c_string(item["message"])
trn_str += template.format(threshold, point_loss, message)
trn_str = trn_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return trn_str
def get_locations(loc):
template = """ {{ // {}: {}
.description = {{
.small = {},
.big = {},
.sound = {},
.loud = {},
loc_str = ""
for (i, item) in enumerate(loc):
short_d = make_c_string(item[1]["description"]["short"])
long_d = make_c_string(item[1]["description"]["long"])
sound = item[1].get("sound", "SILENT")
loud = "true" if item[1].get("loud") else "false"
loc_str += template.format(i, item[0], short_d, long_d, sound, loud)
loc_str = loc_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return loc_str
def get_objects(obj):
template = """ {{ // {}: {}
.words = {},
.inventory = {},
.plac = {},
.fixd = {},
.is_treasure = {},
.descriptions = (const char* []) {{
.sounds = (const char* []) {{
.texts = (const char* []) {{
.changes = (const char* []) {{
obj_str = ""
for (i, item) in enumerate(obj):
attr = item[1]
words_str = get_string_group(attr["words"])
except KeyError:
words_str = get_string_group([])
i_msg = make_c_string(attr["inventory"])
descriptions_str = ""
if attr["descriptions"] == None:
descriptions_str = " " * 12 + "NULL,"
labels = []
for l_msg in attr["descriptions"]:
descriptions_str += " " * 12 + make_c_string(l_msg) + ",\n"
for label in attr.get("states", []):
descriptions_str = descriptions_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
if labels:
global statedefines
statedefines += "/* States for %s */\n" % item[0]
for (n, label) in enumerate(labels):
statedefines += "#define %s\t%d\n" % (label, n)
statedefines += "\n"
sounds_str = ""
if attr.get("sounds") == None:
sounds_str = " " * 12 + "NULL,"
for l_msg in attr["sounds"]:
sounds_str += " " * 12 + make_c_string(l_msg) + ",\n"
sounds_str = sounds_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
texts_str = ""
if attr.get("texts") == None:
texts_str = " " * 12 + "NULL,"
for l_msg in attr["texts"]:
texts_str += " " * 12 + make_c_string(l_msg) + ",\n"
texts_str = texts_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
changes_str = ""
if attr.get("changes") == None:
changes_str = " " * 12 + "NULL,"
for l_msg in attr["changes"]:
changes_str += " " * 12 + make_c_string(l_msg) + ",\n"
changes_str = changes_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
locs = attr.get("locations", ["LOC_NOWHERE", "LOC_NOWHERE"])
immovable = attr.get("immovable", False)
if type(locs) == str:
locs = [locs, -1 if immovable else 0]
except IndexError:
sys.stderr.write("dungeon: unknown object location in %s\n" % locs)
treasure = "true" if attr.get("treasure") else "false"
obj_str += template.format(i, item[0], words_str, i_msg, locs[0], locs[1], treasure, descriptions_str, sounds_str, texts_str, changes_str)
obj_str = obj_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return obj_str
def get_obituaries(obit):
template = """ {{
.query = {},
.yes_response = {},
obit_str = ""
for o in obit:
query = make_c_string(o["query"])
yes = make_c_string(o["yes_response"])
obit_str += template.format(query, yes)
obit_str = obit_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return obit_str
def get_hints(hnt):
template = """ {{
.number = {},
.penalty = {},
.turns = {},
.question = {},
.hint = {},
hnt_str = ""
for member in hnt:
item = member["hint"]
number = item["number"]
penalty = item["penalty"]
turns = item["turns"]
question = make_c_string(item["question"])
hint = make_c_string(item["hint"])
hnt_str += template.format(number, penalty, turns, question, hint)
hnt_str = hnt_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return hnt_str
def get_condbits(locations):
cnd_str = ""
for (name, loc) in locations:
conditions = loc["conditions"]
hints = loc.get("hints") or []
flaglist = []
for flag in conditions:
if conditions[flag]:
line = "|".join([("(1<<COND_%s)" % f) for f in flaglist])
trail = "|".join([("(1<<COND_H%s)" % f['name']) for f in hints])
if trail:
line += "|" + trail
if line.startswith("|"):
line = line[1:]
if not line:
line = "0"
cnd_str += " " + line + ",\t// " + name + "\n"
return cnd_str
def get_motions(motions):
template = """ {{
.words = {},
mot_str = ""
for motion in motions:
contents = motion[1]
if contents["words"] == None:
words_str = get_string_group([])
words_str = get_string_group(contents["words"])
mot_str += template.format(words_str)
global ignore
if contents.get("oldstyle", True) == False:
for word in contents["words"]:
if len(word) == 1:
ignore += word.upper()
return mot_str
def get_actions(actions):
template = """ {{
.words = {},
.message = {},
.noaction = {},
act_str = ""
for action in actions:
contents = action[1]
if contents["words"] == None:
words_str = get_string_group([])
words_str = get_string_group(contents["words"])
if contents["message"] == None:
message = "NULL"
message = make_c_string(contents["message"])
if contents.get("noaction") == None:
noaction = "false"
noaction = "true"
act_str += template.format(words_str, message, noaction)
global ignore
if contents.get("oldstyle", True) == False:
for word in contents["words"]:
if len(word) == 1:
ignore += word.upper()
act_str = act_str[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return act_str
def bigdump(arr):
out = ""
for (i, entry) in enumerate(arr):
if i % 10 == 0:
if out and out[-1] == ' ':
out = out[:-1]
out += "\n "
out += str(arr[i]).lower() + ", "
out = out[:-2] + "\n"
return out
def buildtravel(locs, objs):
assert len(locs) <= 300
assert len(objs) <= 100
# result of a massive refactoring exercise that concentrated all
# the old nastiness in one spot. It hasn't been finally simplified
# because there's no need to do it until one of the assertions
# fails. Hint: if you try cleaning this up, the acceptance test is
# simple - the output dungeon.c must not change.
# This function first compiles the YAML to a form identical to the
# data in section 3 of the old adventure.text file, then a second
# stage unpacks that data into the travel array. Here are the
# rules of that intermediate form:
# Each row of data contains a location number (X), a second
# location number (Y), and a list of motion numbers (see section 4).
# each motion represents a verb which will go to Y if currently at X.
# Y, in turn, is interpreted as follows. Let M=Y/1000, N=Y mod 1000.
# If N<=300 it is the location to go to.
# If 300<N<=500 N-300 is used in a computed goto to
# a section of special code.
# If N>500 message N-500 from section 6 is printed,
# and he stays wherever he is.
# Meanwhile, M specifies the conditions on the motion.
# If M=0 it's unconditional.
# If 0<M<100 it is done with M% probability.
# If M=100 unconditional, but forbidden to dwarves.
# If 100<M<=200 he must be carrying object M-100.
# If 200<M<=300 must be carrying or in same room as M-200.
# If 300<M<=400 game.prop(M % 100) must *not* be 0.
# If 400<M<=500 game.prop(M % 100) must *not* be 1.
# If 500<M<=600 game.prop(M % 100) must *not* be 2, etc.
# If the condition (if any) is not met, then the next *different*
# "destination" value is used (unless it fails to meet *its* conditions,
# in which case the next is found, etc.). Typically, the next dest will
# be for one of the same verbs, so that its only use is as the alternate
# destination for those verbs. For instance:
# 15 110022 29 31 34 35 23 43
# 15 14 29
# This says that, from loc 15, any of the verbs 29, 31, etc., will take
# him to 22 if he's carrying object 10, and otherwise will go to 14.
# 11 303008 49
# 11 9 50
# This says that, from 11, 49 takes him to 8 unless game.prop[3]=0, in which
# case he goes to 9. Verb 50 takes him to 9 regardless of game.prop[3].
ltravel = []
verbmap = {}
for i, motion in enumerate(db["motions"]):
for word in motion[1]["words"]:
verbmap[word.upper()] = i
except TypeError:
def dencode(action, name):
"Decode a destination number"
if action[0] == "goto":
return locnames.index(action[1])
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("dungeon: unknown location %s in goto clause of %s\n" % (action[1], name))
elif action[0] == "special":
return 300 + action[1]
elif action[0] == "speak":
return 500 + msgnames.index(action[1])
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("dungeon: unknown location %s in carry clause of %s\n" % (cond[1], name))
raise ValueError
def cencode(cond, name):
if cond is None:
return 0
elif cond == ["nodwarves"]:
return 100
elif cond[0] == "pct":
return cond[1]
elif cond[0] == "carry":
return 100 + objnames.index(cond[1])
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("dungeon: unknown object name %s in carry clause of %s\n" % (cond[1], name))
elif cond[0] == "with":
return 200 + objnames.index(cond[1])
except IndexError:
sys.stderr.write("dungeon: unknown object name %s in with clause of \n" % (cond[1], name))
elif cond[0] == "not":
obj = objnames.index(cond[1])
if type(cond[2]) == int:
state = cond[2]
elif cond[2] in objs[obj][1].get("states", []):
state = objs[obj][1].get("states").index(cond[2])
for (i, stateclause) in enumerate(objs[obj][1]["descriptions"]):
if type(stateclause) == list:
if stateclause[0] == cond[2]:
state = i
sys.stderr.write("dungeon: unmatched state symbol %s in not clause of %s\n" % (cond[2], name))
return 300 + obj + 100 * state
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("dungeon: unknown object name %s in not clause of %s\n" % (cond[1], name))
raise ValueError
for (i, (name, loc)) in enumerate(locs):
if "travel" in loc:
for rule in loc["travel"]:
tt = [i]
dest = dencode(rule["action"], name) + 1000 * cencode(rule.get("cond"), name)
tt += [motionnames[verbmap[e]].upper() for e in rule["verbs"]]
if not rule["verbs"]:
tt.append(1) # Magic dummy entry for null rules
# At this point the ltravel data is in the Section 3
# representation from the FORTRAN version. Next we perform the
# same mapping into what used to be the runtime format.
travel = [[0, "LOC_NOWHERE", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "false", "false"]]
tkey = [0]
oldloc = 0
while ltravel:
rule = list(ltravel.pop(0))
loc = rule.pop(0)
newloc = rule.pop(0)
if loc != oldloc:
oldloc = loc
elif travel:
travel[-1][-1] = "false" if travel[-1][-1] == "true" else "true"
while rule:
cond = newloc // 1000
nodwarves = (cond == 100)
if cond == 0:
condtype = "cond_goto"
condarg1 = condarg2 = 0
elif cond < 100:
condtype = "cond_pct"
condarg1 = cond
condarg2 = 0
elif cond == 100:
condtype = "cond_goto"
condarg1 = 100
condarg2 = 0
elif cond <= 200:
condtype = "cond_carry"
condarg1 = objnames[cond - 100]
condarg2 = 0
elif cond <= 300:
condtype = "cond_with"
condarg1 = objnames[cond - 200]
condarg2 = 0
condtype = "cond_not"
condarg1 = cond % 100
condarg2 = (cond - 300) // 100.
dest = newloc % 1000
if dest <= 300:
desttype = "dest_goto";
destval = locnames[dest]
elif dest > 500:
desttype = "dest_speak";
destval = msgnames[dest - 500]
desttype = "dest_special";
destval = locnames[dest - 300]
"true" if nodwarves else "false",
travel[-1][-1] = "true"
return (travel, tkey)
def get_travel(travel):
template = """ {{ // from {}: {}
.motion = {},
.condtype = {},
.condarg1 = {},
.condarg2 = {},
.desttype = {},
.destval = {},
.nodwarves = {},
.stop = {},
out = ""
for entry in travel:
out += template.format(*entry)
out = out[:-1] # trim trailing newline
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(YAML_NAME, "r") as f:
db = yaml.load(f)
locnames = [x[0] for x in db["locations"]]
msgnames = [el[0] for el in db["arbitrary_messages"]]
objnames = [el[0] for el in db["objects"]]
motionnames = [el[0] for el in db["motions"]]
(travel, tkey) = buildtravel(db["locations"],
ignore = ""
with open(H_TEMPLATE_PATH, "r") as htf:
# read in dungeon.h template
h_template = DONOTEDIT_COMMENT + htf.read()
with open(C_TEMPLATE_PATH, "r") as ctf:
# read in dungeon.c template
c_template = DONOTEDIT_COMMENT + ctf.read()
except IOError as e:
print('ERROR: reading template failed ({})'.format(e.strerror))
c = c_template.format(
h_file = H_NAME,
arbitrary_messages = get_arbitrary_messages(db["arbitrary_messages"]),
classes = get_class_messages(db["classes"]),
turn_thresholds = get_turn_thresholds(db["turn_thresholds"]),
locations = get_locations(db["locations"]),
objects = get_objects(db["objects"]),
obituaries = get_obituaries(db["obituaries"]),
hints = get_hints(db["hints"]),
conditions = get_condbits(db["locations"]),
motions = get_motions(db["motions"]),
actions = get_actions(db["actions"]),
tkeys = bigdump(tkey),
travel = get_travel(travel),
ignore = ignore
# 0-origin index of birds's last song. Bird should
# die after player hears this.
deathbird = len(dict(db["objects"])["BIRD"]["sounds"]) - 1
h = h_template.format(
num_locations = len(db["locations"])-1,
num_objects = len(db["objects"])-1,
num_hints = len(db["hints"]),
num_classes = len(db["classes"])-1,
num_deaths = len(db["obituaries"]),
num_thresholds = len(db["turn_thresholds"]),
num_motions = len(db["motions"]),
num_actions = len(db["actions"]),
num_travel = len(travel),
num_keys = len(tkey),
bird_endstate = deathbird,
arbitrary_messages = get_refs(db["arbitrary_messages"]),
locations = get_refs(db["locations"]),
objects = get_refs(db["objects"]),
motions = get_refs(db["motions"]),
actions = get_refs(db["actions"]),
state_definitions = statedefines
with open(H_NAME, "w") as hf:
with open(C_NAME, "w") as cf:
# end
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