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<h1>DLNA DMR</h1>
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<span class="date">2018/2/1</span>
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<h2 id="toc_0">CGUpnpAvRenderer</h2>
<pre><code class="language-text">#if !defined(_CG_CLINKCAV_MEDIARENDERER_H_)
typedef void CgUpnpAvRenderer;
* The CGUpnpAvRenderer class is a UPnP/AV media server class.
@interface CGUpnpAvRenderer : CGUpnpDevice
CgUpnpAvRenderer *cAvObject;
@property(readonly) CgUpnpAvRenderer *cAvObject;
- (id)init;
- (id)initWithCObject:(CgUpnpDevice *)cobj;
- (BOOL)setAVTransportURI:(NSString *)aURI;
- (BOOL)play;
- (BOOL)stop;
- (BOOL)pause;
- (BOOL)next;
- (BOOL)previous;
- (BOOL)seek:(float)absTime;
- (BOOL)isPlaying;
- (BOOL)start
- (BOOL)stop
- (CGUpnpAVPositionInfo *)positionInfo;
<h2 id="toc_1">CGUpnpDevice</h2>
<pre><code class="language-text">/**
* The CGUpnpDevice class is a wrapper class for CgUpnpDevice of CyberLink for C.
// 设备包装类
@protocol CGUpnpDeviceDelegate <NSObject>
// 收到Action的协议方法
- (BOOL)device:(CGUpnpDevice *)device service:(CGUpnpService *)service actionReceived:(CGUpnpAction *)action;
* The CGUpnpDevice class is a wrapper class for CgUpnpDevice of CyberLink for C.
@interface CGUpnpDevice : NSObject
BOOL isCObjectCreated;
@property(assign) CgUpnpDevice *cObject;
@property(assign) id<CGUpnpDeviceDelegate> delegate;
* Create a new UPnP device.
* @return New instance if successfull; otherwise nil.
// 初始化方法 创建一个新的UPnP设备
- (id) init;
* Create a new UPnP device with the C instance.
* @return New instance if successfull; otherwise nil.
// 用一个设备初始化另一设备
- (id) initWithCObject:(CgUpnpDevice *)cobj;
* Create a new UPnP device with the XML descriptioin.
* @return New instance if successfull; otherwise nil.
// xml 创建设备
- (id) initWithXMLDescription:(NSString *)xmlDesc;
* Parse the specified XML description.
* @return YES if successfull; otherwise nui.
- (BOOL) parseXMLDescription:(NSString *)xmlDesc;
* Get the friendly name of the device.
* @return Friendly name.
// 获取友好的名字
- (NSString *)friendlyName;
* Get the device type of the device.
* @return Device Type.
// 设备类型
- (NSString *)deviceType;
* Get the UDN of the device.
* @return UDN of the specified device.
// 获取设备的UDN
- (NSString *)udn;
* Return a manufacture.
* @return Manufacture of the device.
// 制造商
- (NSString *)manufacturer;
* Return a model number.
* @return Model number of the device.
// 返回模型数
- (NSString *)modelNumber;
* Return a model name.
* @return Model name of the device.
// 返回模型名
- (NSString *)modelName;
* Return a urlBase
* @return URLBase of the device.
// 返回设备的URLBase
- (NSString *)urlBase;
* Return a descrition URL
* @return Descripton URL of the device.
// 返回设备URL描述
- (NSString *)descriptionURL;
* Return a location URL
* @return Location URL of the device.
// 返回一个本地URL
- (NSString *)locationURL;
* Set a device type of the device.
* @param aType Device type to set.
// 设置设备类型
-(void)setDeviceType:(NSString *)aType;
* Set a friendly name of the device.
* @param aName Friendly name to set.
// 设置友好名称
-(void)setFriendlyName:(NSString *)aName;
* Set a udn of the device.
* @param aUdn UDN to set.
-(void)setUdn:(NSString *)aUdn;
* Check whether the device type is the specified type.
* @param aType A type string of the device.
* @return YES if the specified type is same as the device type; otherwise NO.
- (BOOL)isDeviceType:(NSString *)aType;
* Check whether the device's UDN is the specified UDN.
* @param aUDN A UDN string of the device.
* @return YES if the specified UDN is same as the device' UDN; otherwise NO.
- (BOOL)isUDN:(NSString *)aUDN;
* Check whether the device's friendly name is the specified name.
* @param aFriendlyName A friendly name string of the device.
* @return YES if the specified friendly name is same as the device' friendly name; otherwise NO.
- (BOOL)isFriendlyName:(NSString *)aFriendlyName;
* Return a presentationURL
* @return presentationURL of the device.
- (NSString *)presentationURL;
* Get all services in the device as a NSArray object. The array has the services as instances of CGUpnpService.
* @return NSArray of CGUpnpService.
// 返回设备CGUpnpService服务组
- (NSArray *)services;
* Get a service in the device by the specified service ID.
* @param serviceId A service ID string of the service.
* @return The CGUpnpService if the specified service is found; otherwise nil.
// 根据seviceID 获取服务对象
- (CGUpnpService *)getServiceForID:(NSString *)serviceId;
* Get a service in the device by the specified service type.
* @param serviceType A service type string of the service.
* @return The CGUpnpService if the specified service is found; otherwise nil.
// 根据类型获取服务对象 service
- (CGUpnpService *)getServiceForType:(NSString *)serviceType;
* Get all icons in the device as a NSArray object. The array has the services as instances of CGUpnpIconIcon.
* @return NSArray of CGUpnpIcon.
// 获取所有图标
- (NSArray *)icons;
* Start the device.
* @return YES if the device is started normally, otherwise NO.
- (BOOL)start;
* Stop the device.
* @return YES if the device is started normally, otherwise NO.
- (BOOL)stop;
* Check if the controll point is running.
* @return YES if the device is started normally, otherwise NO.
//检查控制点 DMC是否在运行
- (BOOL)isRunning;
* Announce the device.
* @return YES if the device is started normally, otherwise NO.
// 广播这个设备
- (BOOL)announce;
* Set a user data.
* @param aUserData A user data to set.
* @return The CGUpnpService if the specified service is found; otherwise nil.
// 设置用户数据
- (void)setUserData:(void *)aUserData;
* Get a stored user data.
* @return A stored user data.
- (void *)userData;
* Return a IP address.
* @return IP address of the device.
// 获取IP地址
- (NSString *)ipaddress;
* Return a most smallest icon.
* @return Smallest Icon.
// 获取一个最小的 icon
- (CGUpnpIcon *)smallestIcon;
* Return a most smallest icon with a specified mime type.
* @return Smallest Icon.
// 获取指定类型的icon
- (CGUpnpIcon *)smallestIconWithMimeType:(NSString *)mimeType;
* Return a absolute url of the specified icon.
* @param anIcon Icon.
* @return Absolute url of the specified icon.
// 获取icon的绝对路径
- (NSString *)absoluteIconUrl:(CGUpnpIcon *)anIcon;
<h2 id="toc_2">CGUpnpStateVariable</h2>
<pre><code class="language-text">#if !defined(_CG_UPNP_CSTATEVARIABLE_H_)
typedef void CgUpnpStateVariable;
* The CGUpnpStateVariable class is a wrapper class for CgUpnpStateVariable of CyberLink for C.
@interface CGUpnpStateVariable : NSObject
CgUpnpStateVariable *cObject;
@property(readonly) CgUpnpStateVariable *cObject;
- (id)initWithCObject:(CgUpnpStateVariable *)cobj;
* Get the name of the state variable.
* @return The name.
// 状态名
- (NSString *)name;
* Get the value of the state variable.
* @return The value.
// 状态值
- (NSString *)value;
* Get an array of the allowed values for the state variable
* @return The array.
// 允许的所有状态值
- (NSArray *)allowedValues;
* Checks whether value is allowed for this state variable
* @param value to be checked
* @return YES if true
// 检测状态值是否是被允许的
- (BOOL)isAllowedValue:(NSString*)value;
* Send query
* @return YES if successfull; otherwise NO
- (BOOL)query;
* Get a states code of the last query.
* @return The status code
- (NSInteger)statusCode;
<h2 id="toc_3">CGUpnpIcon</h2>
<pre><code class="language-text">/**
* The CGUpnpIcon class is a wrapper class for CgUpnpIcon of CyberLink for C.
@interface CGUpnpIcon : NSObject
CgUpnpIcon *cObject;
#if defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE)
NSString *resourceName;
@property(readonly) CgUpnpIcon *cObject;
#if defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE)
@property(readonly) NSString *resourceName;
- (id)initWithCObject:(CgUpnpIcon *)cobj;
* Get the url of the icon.
* @return The url.
- (NSString *)url;
* Get the url of the width.
* @return The width.
- (NSInteger)width;
* Get the height of the icon.
* @return The height.
- (NSInteger)height;
* Get the depth of the icon.
* @return The depth.
- (NSInteger)depth;
#if defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE)
- (void)setResourceName:(NSString *) aResourceName;
<h2 id="toc_4">CGUpnpAVPositionInfo</h2>
<pre><code class="language-text">@property(retain) CGUpnpAction *upnpAction;
-(id)initWithAction:(CGUpnpAction *)aUpnpAction;
@interface NSString(CGUPnPAV)
// 总时长字符串
+(NSString *)stringWithDurationTime:(float)timeValue;
// 总时长
- (float)durationTime;
<h2 id="toc_5">CGUpnpAction</h2>
<pre><code class="language-text">@interface CGUpnpAction : NSObject
CgUpnpAction *cObject;
@property(readonly) CgUpnpAction *cObject;
- (id)initWithCObject:(CgUpnpAction *)cobj;
* Get the name of the action.
* 行为名称
* @return The name.
- (NSString *)name;
* Get all arguments in the action as a NSDictionary object.
* 获取所有行为对象中的参数
* @return NSDictionary of the arguments.
- (NSDictionary *)arguments;
* Set a value of the specified argument from the action by the argument's name directly.
* 通过name给指定action设置参数
* @param value The value to set
* @param name The name of the argument to look for
* @return YES if successfull; otherwise NO
- (BOOL)setArgumentValue:(NSString *)value forName:(NSString *)name;
* Get a value of the specified argument from the action by the argument's name directly.
* 通过action参数名 获取action参数值
* @param name The name of the argument to look for
* @return The target value if successfull; otherwise NULL
- (NSString *)argumentValueForName:(NSString *)name;
* Send action
* 发送Action
* @return YES if successfull; otherwise NO
- (BOOL)post;
* Send action
* 发送action 携带指定参数
* @param arguments Arguments to set
* @return YES if successfull; otherwise NO
- (BOOL)postWithArguments:(NSDictionary *)arguments;
* Get a states code of the last post.
* 获取最后POST的状态码
* @return The status code
- (NSInteger)statusCode;
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