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check-copyright-headers 10.64 KB
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Bruno Haible 提交于 2019-05-18 11:39 . build: Fix typo in comment.
# Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This script checks whether the files in the GNU gettext package
# have the required copyright headers resp. license notices.
# Copyright notices have two purposes:
# 1. They tell the people who obtain the package (as a git checkout,
# source tarball, or binary package) what they are allowed to do
# with it.
# 2. They provide the legal basis for suing people who infringe on
# the copyright of the package (or part of it). In particular,
# they should prove that the infringer knew what they were doing
# when they took a source file (or part of it) and used it in
# a way that is not compliant with the license.
# For the purpose 1, a file COPYING at the top-level of the package
# and a reference to it in the main README are all that's needed.
# For the purpose 2, we put copyright notices in each file that we
# don't want to be abused of. See also the section "Copyright Notices"
# in the 'Information for maintainers of GNU software',
# <https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html>.
# This script helps with purpose 2. The input of this script is a
# source tarball, not a git checkout. Rationale:
# - It is convenient to add files to a git repository, without having
# to attach a copyright notice to it.
# - Files that we don't include in the source tarball are not so valuable
# that we would like to sue infringers over them.
# We classify the files in several categories:
# - Source code that ends up being executed by end users (in source or
# compiled form). This is the most valuable one and needs copyright
# notices.
# - Source of large documentation. This is valuable too, and needs
# copyright notices.
# - Source code of build infrastructure.
# - Files that contain convenience information for programmers and
# packagers.
# The latter categories are not valuable enough to warrant sueing
# infringers.
# Not all files qualify for a copyright header. Namely, since copyright
# applies to the expression of an idea (think roughly of the program as
# an art work), it makes no sense to attach a copyright header to a file
# which different programmers would write in the same way. This includes
# tiny files, as well as files that contain only machine-generated data.
# Usage: check-copyright-headers UNPACKED-GETTEXT-TARBALL
if test $# != 1; then
echo "Usage: check-copyright-headers UNPACKED-GETTEXT-TARBALL" 1>&2
exit 1
test -d "$dir" || {
echo "*** $progname: '$dir' is not a directory." 1>&2
exit 1
if test -d "$dir/.git"; then
echo "*** $progname: '$dir' is a git checkout, not an unpacked tarball." 1>&2
exit 1
# func_check_file FILE
# checks FILE, a relative file name.
# Return code: 0 if OK, 1 if missing a copyright header.
func_check_file ()
case "/$1" in
*/tests/* | *-tests/* )
# A test file.
# We are not interested in suing infringers of test code.
# In fact, anyone can apply our test suites to even prorietary software.
# And this is even welcome (regarding the competing implementations of
# the libintl functions), because it helps in portability of software
# that uses the libintl API.
return 0 ;;
*/modules/* )
# Gnulib modules are not valuable enough to warrant suing infringers.
# Also, they often don't have much programmer expression.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-tools/doc/ISO_3166 | /gettext-tools/doc/ISO_3166_de | \
/gettext-tools/doc/ISO_639 | /gettext-tools/doc/ISO_639-2 | \
/gettext-tools/examples/hello-*/m4/Makefile.am | \
/gettext-tools/examples/hello-objc-gnustep/po/LocaleAliases )
# These are a mostly data. They don't have much programmer expression.
return 0 ;;
*/ChangeLog* )
# ChangeLog files are convenience information, not worth sueing for.
return 0 ;;
# These files contain convenience information, not worth sueing for.
return 0 ;;
/os2/* )
# Old stuff, not worth sueing for.
return 0 ;;
*/libcroco/* | */libxml/* )
# We repackage libcroco and libxml as sources and are not interested
# in attaching our own copyright header to each.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-tools/examples/hello-*-gnome/m4/*.m4 | \
/gettext-tools/projects/GNOME/teams.html )
# These files come from the GNOME project.
# We are not interested in attaching our own copyright header to each.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-tools/examples/hello-*-kde/admin/* | \
/gettext-tools/projects/KDE/teams.html )
# These files come from the KDE project.
# We are not interested in attaching our own copyright header to each.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-tools/examples/hello-*-wxwidgets/m4/wxwidgets.m4 )
# These files come from the wxwidgets project.
# We are not interested in attaching our own copyright header to each.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-tools/projects/TP/teams.html )
# These files come from the translationproject.org project.
# We are not interested in attaching our own copyright header to each.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-tools/misc/DISCLAIM )
# This is a form, used for communication with the FSF.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-tools/misc/archive.dir.tar )
# This is an archive of files that were part of earlier gettext releases.
# As a binary file, it cannot have a copyright header.
return 0 ;;
*.gmo )
# These are binary files. FOO.gmo is generated from FOO.po, which is
# also distributed.
return 0 ;;
*.class )
# These are binary files. FOO.class is generated from FOO.java, which is
# also distributed.
return 0 ;;
/gettext-runtime/intl-csharp/doc/* | \
/gettext-runtime/intl-java/javadoc2/* | \
/gettext-runtime/doc/matrix.texi | \
/gettext-tools/doc/iso-639.texi | /gettext-tools/doc/iso-639-2.texi | \
/gettext-tools/doc/iso-3166.texi | \
*/man/*.[13].html | \
*/*_[0-9].html | */*_[0-9][0-9].html | \
*/*_all.html | */*_toc.html | */*_fot.html | */*_abt.html | \
*.priv.h | *.vt.h | \
/libtextstyle/lib/libtextstyle.sym.in )
# These are generated files. We ship their sources as well.
return 0 ;;
*.diff )
# These are patches to existing files. It is understood that the patch
# preserves the copyright status of the file, that is, that the .diff
# file delegates its copyright status to the file.
return 0 ;;
*/quot.sed | */boldquot.sed | */en@quot.header | */en@boldquot.header )
if test -f "$dir"/`dirname "$1"`/Rules-quot; then
# These files are covered by the notice in the Rules-quot file in the
# same directory.
return 0
/gettext-tools/libgrep/kwset.c )
# The file has a copyright header, with the Copyright line spread
# across two lines.
return 0 ;;
*/texinfo.tex )
# The file has a copyright header, with the Copyright line spread
# across three lines.
return 0 ;;
*.texi )
if head -n 100 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C grep 'Copyright ([Cc]) ' >/dev/null; then
# The file has a copyright notice, although not exactly at the beginning.
return 0
*.rc )
if LC_ALL=C grep 'This program is free software[:;] you can redistribute it' "$dir/$1" >/dev/null \
|| LC_ALL=C grep 'This library is free software[:;] you can redistribute it' "$dir/$1" >/dev/null; then
# The file carries a copyright notice in it.
return 0
if head -n 15 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C grep 'Copyright ([Cc]) ' >/dev/null; then
# The file has a copyright header.
return 0
# <https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html>
# says that the (C) "can be omitted entirely; the word ‘Copyright’ suffices.
if head -n 15 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C grep 'Copyright .* Free Software Foundation' >/dev/null; then
# The file has a copyright header.
return 0
# <https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html>
# says " If a file has been explicitly placed in the public domain, then
# instead of a copyright notice, it should have a notice saying explicitly
# that it is in the public domain."
if head -n 15 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C grep 'This .* is in the public domain\.' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 15 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'In the public domain.' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 15 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'Public domain.' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 15 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'public-domain implementation' >/dev/null; then
# The file has a public domain notice.
return 0
if head -n 15 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'This file is distributed under the same license as ' >/dev/null; then
# The file has a notice that delegates to another copyright notice.
return 0
if head -n 1 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'Generated from configure.ac by autoheader.' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 1 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'code produced by gperf version' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 1 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'Creator : groff version' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 1 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 3 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'Generated automatically by gen-uni-tables.c for Unicode' >/dev/null \
|| head -n 6 "$dir/$1" | LC_ALL=C fgrep 'Generated automatically by the gen-uninames utility.' >/dev/null; then
# These are generated files. We ship their sources as well.
return 0
if test `LC_ALL=C wc -l < "$dir/$1"` -le 8; then
# The file has very few lines.
# It thus doesn't have much programmer expression.
return 0
return 1
for file in `cd "$dir" && find . -type f -print | sed -e 's,^[.]/,,' | LC_ALL=C sort`; do
func_check_file "$file" || {
echo "*** Missing copyright header in file $file" 1>&2
if $fail; then
exit 1
exit 0
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