同步操作将从 fsquirt/AI换脸 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Contains some simple tests.
The purpose of this tests is to detect crashes and hangs
but NOT to guarantee the corectness of the operations.
For this we want another set of testcases using pytest.
Due to my lazy coding, DON'T USE PATHES WITH BLANKS !
import sys
from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError
import urllib
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import os
from os.path import join as pathjoin, expanduser
fail_count = 0
test_count = 0
"FAIL": "\033[1;31m",
"OK": "\033[1;32m",
"STATUS": "\033[1;37m",
"BOLD": "\033[1m",
"ENDC": "\033[0m"
def print_colored(text, color="OK", bold=False):
# This might not work on windows,
# altho travis runs windows stuff in git bash, so it might ?
color = _COLORS.get(color, color)
print("%s%s%s%s" % (
color, "" if not bold else _COLORS["BOLD"], text, _COLORS["ENDC"]
def print_ok(text):
print_colored(text, "OK", True)
def print_fail(text):
print_colored(text, "FAIL", True)
def print_status(text):
print_colored(text, "STATUS", True)
def run_test(name, cmd):
global fail_count, test_count
print_status("[?] running %s" % name)
print("Cmd: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
test_count += 1
print_ok("[+] Test success")
return True
except CalledProcessError as e:
print_fail("[-] Test failed with %s" % e)
fail_count += 1
return False
def download_file(url, filename): # TODO: retry
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print_status("[?] '%s' already cached as '%s'" % (url, filename))
return filename
print_status("[?] Downloading '%s' to '%s'" % (url, filename))
video, _ = urlretrieve(url, filename)
return video
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
print_fail("[-] Failed downloading: %s" % e)
return None
def extract_args(detector, aligner, in_path, out_path, args=None):
py_exe = sys.executable
_extract_args = "%s faceswap.py extract -i %s -o %s -D %s -A %s" % (
py_exe, in_path, out_path, detector, aligner
if args:
_extract_args += " %s" % args
return _extract_args.split()
def train_args(model, model_path, faces, alignments, iterations=5, bs=8):
py_exe = sys.executable
args = "%s faceswap.py train -A %s -ala %s -B %s -alb %s -m %s -t %s -bs %i -it %s" % (
py_exe, faces, alignments, faces, alignments, model_path, model, bs, iterations
return args.split()
def convert_args(in_path, out_path, model_path, writer, args=None):
py_exe = sys.executable
conv_args = "%s faceswap.py convert -i %s -o %s -m %s -w %s" % (
py_exe, in_path, out_path, model_path, writer
if args:
conv_args += " %s" % args
return conv_args.split() # Don't use pathes with spaces ;)
def sort_args(in_path, out_path, sortby="face", groupby="hist", method="rename"):
py_exe = sys.executable
_sort_args = "%s tools.py sort -i %s -o %s -s %s -fp %s -g %s -k" % (
py_exe, in_path, out_path, sortby, method, groupby
return _sort_args.split()
if __name__ == '__main__':
vid_src = "https://faceswap.dev/data/test.mp4"
img_src = "https://archive.org/download/GPN-2003-00070/GPN-2003-00070.jpg"
base_dir = pathjoin(expanduser("~"), "cache", "tests")
vid_base = pathjoin(base_dir, "vid")
img_base = pathjoin(base_dir, "imgs")
os.makedirs(vid_base, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(img_base, exist_ok=True)
py_exe = sys.executable
vid_path = download_file(vid_src, pathjoin(vid_base, "test.mp4"))
if not vid_path:
print_fail("[-] Aborting")
vid_extract = run_test(
"Extraction video with cv2-dnn detector and cv2-dnn aligner.",
extract_args("Cv2-Dnn", "Cv2-Dnn", vid_path, pathjoin(vid_base, "faces"))
img_path = download_file(img_src, pathjoin(img_base, "test_img.jpg"))
if not img_path:
print_fail("[-] Aborting")
img_extract = run_test(
"Extraction images with cv2-dnn detector and cv2-dnn aligner.",
extract_args("Cv2-Dnn", "Cv2-Dnn", img_base, pathjoin(img_base, "faces"))
if vid_extract:
"Sort faces.",
pathjoin(vid_base, "faces"), pathjoin(vid_base, "faces_sorted"),
sortby="face", method="rename"
"Rename sorted faces.",
py_exe, "tools.py", "alignments", "-j", "rename",
"-a", pathjoin(vid_base, "test_alignments.json"),
"-fc", pathjoin(vid_base, "faces_sorted"),
trained = run_test(
"Train lightweight model for 5 iterations.",
"lightweight", pathjoin(vid_base, "model"),
pathjoin(vid_base, "faces"), pathjoin(vid_base, "test_alignments.json")
if trained:
"Convert video.",
vid_path, pathjoin(vid_base, "conv"),
pathjoin(vid_base, "model"), "ffmpeg"
"Convert images.",
img_base, pathjoin(img_base, "conv"),
pathjoin(vid_base, "model"), "opencv"
if fail_count == 0:
print_ok("[+] Failed %i/%i tests." % (fail_count, test_count))
print_fail("[-] Failed %i/%i tests." % (fail_count, test_count))
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