同步操作将从 刘志辉/TCPIPPMod_Win 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
# Changes to be committed:
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/CAsysnSocktServ_Clnt.sln
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/CAsysnSocktServ_Clnt.suo
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/Clnt.aps
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/Clnt.cpp
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/Clnt.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/Clnt.rc
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/Clnt.vcxproj
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/Clnt.vcxproj.filters
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/Clnt.vcxproj.user
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/ClntDlg.cpp
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/ClntDlg.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/ReadMe.txt
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/res/Clnt.ico
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/res/Clnt.rc2
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/resource.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/stdafx.cpp
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/stdafx.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Clnt/targetver.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/MySocket.cpp
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/MySocket.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/ReadMe.txt
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/Serv.aps
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/Serv.cpp
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/Serv.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/Serv.rc
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/Serv.vcxproj
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/Serv.vcxproj.filters
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/Serv.vcxproj.user
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/ServDlg.cpp
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/ServDlg.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/res/Serv.ico
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/res/Serv.rc2
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/resource.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/stdafx.cpp
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/stdafx.h
# new file: CAsyncSocktServ_Clnt/Serv/targetver.h
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