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build.ps1 16.19 KB
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Doug Bunting 提交于 2020-06-18 15:59 . Enable /warnAsError (#23072)
#requires -version 5
Builds this repository.
This build script installs required tools and runs an MSBuild command on this repository.
This script can be used to invoke various targets, such as targets to produce packages,
build projects, run tests, and generate code.
Sets up CI specific settings and variables.
Run restore.
Suppress running restore on projects.
Suppress re-compile projects. (Implies -NoRestore)
Do not build project-to-project references and only build the specified project.
.PARAMETER NoBuildRepoTasks
Skip building eng/tools/RepoTasks/
Produce packages.
Run tests.
Run code signing.
.PARAMETER Configuration
Debug or Release
.PARAMETER Architecture
The CPU architecture to build for (x64, x86, arm). Default=x64
A list of projects to build. Globbing patterns are supported, such as "$(pwd)/**/*.csproj"
Build all project types.
.PARAMETER BuildManaged
Build managed projects (C#, F#, VB).
You can also use -NoBuildManaged to suppress this project type.
.PARAMETER BuildNative
Build native projects (C++).
This is the default for x64 and x86 builds but useful when you want to build _only_ native projects.
You can use -NoBuildNative to suppress this project type.
Build NodeJS projects (TypeScript, JS).
You can also use -NoBuildNodeJS to suppress this project type.
Build Java projects.
You can also use -NoBuildJava to suppress this project type.
.PARAMETER BuildInstallers
Build Windows Installers. Required .NET 3.5 to be installed (WiX toolset requirement).
You can also use -NoBuildInstallers to suppress this project type.
Enable the binary logger
.PARAMETER ExcludeCIBinarylog
Don't output binary log by default in CI builds (short: -nobl).
.PARAMETER Verbosity
MSBuild verbosity: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]
.PARAMETER MSBuildArguments
Additional MSBuild arguments to be passed through.
.PARAMETER DotNetRuntimeSourceFeed
Additional feed that can be used when downloading .NET runtimes
.PARAMETER DotNetRuntimeSourceFeedKey
Key for feed that can be used when downloading .NET runtimes
Building both native and managed projects.
build.ps1 -BuildManaged
build.ps1 -BuildManaged -BuildNative
Build only native projects.
build.ps1 -BuildNative
Building a subfolder of code.
build.ps1 -projects "$(pwd)/src/SomeFolder/**/*.csproj"
Running tests.
build.ps1 -test
Online version: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/blob/master/docs/BuildFromSource.md
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false, DefaultParameterSetName='Groups')]
# Build lifecycle options
[switch]$NoRestore, # Suppress restore
[switch]$NoBuild, # Suppress compiling
[switch]$NoBuildDeps, # Suppress project to project dependencies
[switch]$Pack, # Produce packages
[switch]$Test, # Run tests
[switch]$Sign, # Code sign
[ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release')]
[ValidateSet('x64', 'x86', 'arm', 'arm64')]
$Architecture = 'x64',
# A list of projects which should be built.
# Project selection
[switch]$All, # Build everything
# Build a specified set of project groups
# Inverse of the previous switches because specifying '-switch:$false' is not intuitive for most command line users
# Diagnostics
[string]$Verbosity = 'minimal',
[switch]$DumpProcesses, # Capture all running processes and dump them to a file.
# Other lifecycle targets
[switch]$Help, # Show help
# Optional arguments that enable downloading an internal
# runtime or runtime from a non-default location
# Capture the rest
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
if ($Help) {
Get-Help $PSCommandPath
exit 1
if ($DumpProcesses -or $CI) {
# Dump running processes
Start-Job -Name DumpProcesses -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\eng\scripts\dump_process.ps1 -ArgumentList $PSScriptRoot
# Project selection
if ($Projects) {
if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Projects))
$Projects = Join-Path (Get-Location) $Projects
# When adding new sub-group build flags, add them to this check.
elseif (-not ($All -or $BuildNative -or $BuildManaged -or $BuildNodeJS -or $BuildInstallers -or $BuildJava)) {
Write-Warning "No default group of projects was specified, so building the managed and native projects and their dependencies. Run ``build.cmd -help`` for more details."
# The goal of this is to pick a sensible default for `build.cmd` with zero arguments.
$BuildManaged = $true
if ($BuildManaged -or ($All -and (-not $NoBuildManaged))) {
if (-not ($BuildNodeJS -or $NoBuildNodeJS)) {
$node = Get-Command node -ErrorAction Ignore -CommandType Application
if ($node) {
$nodeHome = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $node.Path)
Write-Host -f Magenta "Building of C# project is enabled and has dependencies on NodeJS projects. Building of NodeJS projects is enabled since node is detected in $nodeHome."
else {
Write-Host -f Magenta "Building of NodeJS projects is disabled since node is not detected on Path and no BuildNodeJs or NoBuildNodeJs setting is set explicitly."
$NoBuildNodeJS = $true
if ($NoBuildNodeJS){
Write-Warning "Some managed projects depend on NodeJS projects. Building NodeJS is disabled so the managed projects will fallback to using the output from previous builds. The output may not be correct or up to date."
if ($NoBuildDeps) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildProjectReferences=false" }
$RunBuild = if ($NoBuild) { $false } else { $true }
# Run restore by default unless -NoRestore is set.
# -NoBuild implies -NoRestore, unless -Restore is explicitly set (as in restore.cmd)
$RunRestore = if ($NoRestore) { $false }
elseif ($Restore) { $true }
elseif ($NoBuild) { $false }
else { $true }
# Target selection
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:Restore=$RunRestore"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:Build=$RunBuild"
if (-not $RunBuild) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:NoBuild=true" }
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:Pack=$Pack"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:Test=$Test"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:Sign=$Sign"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:TargetArchitecture=$Architecture"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:TargetOsName=win"
if (-not $Configuration) {
$Configuration = if ($CI) { 'Release' } else { 'Debug' }
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:Configuration=$Configuration"
[string[]]$ToolsetBuildArguments = @()
if ($DotNetRuntimeSourceFeed -or $DotNetRuntimeSourceFeedKey) {
$runtimeFeedArg = "/p:DotNetRuntimeSourceFeed=$DotNetRuntimeSourceFeed"
$runtimeFeedKeyArg = "/p:DotNetRuntimeSourceFeedKey=$DotNetRuntimeSourceFeedKey"
$MSBuildArguments += $runtimeFeedArg
$MSBuildArguments += $runtimeFeedKeyArg
$ToolsetBuildArguments += $runtimeFeedArg
$ToolsetBuildArguments += $runtimeFeedKeyArg
# Split build categories between dotnet msbuild and desktop msbuild. Use desktop msbuild as little as possible.
[string[]]$dotnetBuildArguments = $MSBuildArguments
if ($All) { $dotnetBuildArguments += '/p:BuildAllProjects=true' }
if ($Projects) {
if ($BuildNative) {
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:ProjectToBuild=$Projects"
} else {
$dotnetBuildArguments += "/p:ProjectToBuild=$Projects"
if ($NoBuildInstallers) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildInstallers=false"; $BuildInstallers = $false }
if ($BuildInstallers) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildInstallers=true" }
# Build native projects by default unless -NoBuildNative was specified.
$specifiedBuildNative = $BuildNative
$BuildNative = $true
if ($NoBuildNative) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNative=false"; $BuildNative = $false }
if ($BuildNative) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNative=true"}
if ($NoBuildJava) { $dotnetBuildArguments += "/p:BuildJava=false"; $BuildJava = $false }
if ($BuildJava) { $dotnetBuildArguments += "/p:BuildJava=true" }
if ($NoBuildManaged) { $dotnetBuildArguments += "/p:BuildManaged=false"; $BuildManaged = $false }
if ($BuildManaged) { $dotnetBuildArguments += "/p:BuildManaged=true" }
if ($NoBuildNodeJS) { $dotnetBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNodeJS=false"; $BuildNodeJS = $false }
if ($BuildNodeJS) { $dotnetBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNodeJS=true" }
# Don't bother with two builds if just one will build everything. Ignore super-weird cases like
# "-Projects ... -NoBuildJava -NoBuildManaged -NoBuildNodeJS". An empty `./build.ps1` command will build both
# managed and native projects.
$performDesktopBuild = ($BuildInstallers -or $BuildNative) -and `
-not $Architecture.StartsWith("arm", [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
$performDotnetBuild = $BuildJava -or $BuildManaged -or $BuildNodeJS -or `
($All -and -not ($NoBuildJava -and $NoBuildManaged -and $NoBuildNodeJS)) -or `
($Projects -and -not ($BuildInstallers -or $specifiedBuildNative))
$foundJdk = $false
$javac = Get-Command javac -ErrorAction Ignore -CommandType Application
$localJdkPath = "$PSScriptRoot\.tools\jdk\win-x64\"
if (Test-Path "$localJdkPath\bin\javac.exe") {
$foundJdk = $true
Write-Host -f Magenta "Detected JDK in $localJdkPath (via local repo convention)"
$env:JAVA_HOME = $localJdkPath
elseif ($env:JAVA_HOME) {
if (-not (Test-Path "${env:JAVA_HOME}\bin\javac.exe")) {
Write-Error "The environment variable JAVA_HOME was set, but ${env:JAVA_HOME}\bin\javac.exe does not exist. Remove JAVA_HOME or update it to the correct location for the JDK. See https://www.bing.com/search?q=java_home for details."
else {
Write-Host -f Magenta "Detected JDK in ${env:JAVA_HOME} (via JAVA_HOME)"
$foundJdk = $true
elseif ($javac) {
$foundJdk = $true
$javaHome = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $javac.Path)
$env:JAVA_HOME = $javaHome
Write-Host -f Magenta "Detected JDK in $javaHome (via PATH)"
else {
try {
$jdkRegistryKeys = @(
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK", # for JDK 10+
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit" # fallback for JDK 8
$jdkRegistryKey = $jdkRegistryKeys | Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } | Select-Object -First 1
if ($jdkRegistryKey) {
$jdkVersion = (Get-Item $jdkRegistryKey | Get-ItemProperty -name CurrentVersion).CurrentVersion
$javaHome = (Get-Item $jdkRegistryKey\$jdkVersion | Get-ItemProperty -Name JavaHome).JavaHome
if (Test-Path "${javaHome}\bin\javac.exe") {
$env:JAVA_HOME = $javaHome
Write-Host -f Magenta "Detected JDK $jdkVersion in $env:JAVA_HOME (via registry)"
$foundJdk = $true
catch {
Write-Verbose "Failed to detect Java: $_"
if ($env:PATH -notlike "*${env:JAVA_HOME}*") {
$env:PATH = "$(Join-Path $env:JAVA_HOME bin);${env:PATH}"
if (-not $foundJdk -and $RunBuild -and ($All -or $BuildJava) -and -not $NoBuildJava) {
Write-Error "Could not find the JDK. Either run $PSScriptRoot\eng\scripts\InstallJdk.ps1 to install for this repo, or install the JDK globally on your machine (see $PSScriptRoot\docs\BuildFromSource.md for details)."
# Initialize global variables need to be set before the import of Arcade is imported
$restore = $RunRestore
# Though VS Code may indicate $nodeReuse and $msbuildEngine are unused, tools.ps1 uses them.
# Disable node reuse - Workaround perpetual issues in node reuse and custom task assemblies
$nodeReuse = $false
# Use `dotnet msbuild` by default
$msbuildEngine = 'dotnet'
# Ensure passing neither -bl nor -nobl on CI avoids errors in tools.ps1. This is needed because both parameters are
# $false by default i.e. they always exist. (We currently avoid binary logs but that is made visible in the YAML.)
if ($CI -and -not $excludeCIBinarylog) {
$binaryLog = $true
# tools.ps1 corrupts global state, so reset these values in case they carried over from a previous build
Remove-Item variable:global:_BuildTool -ea Ignore
Remove-Item variable:global:_DotNetInstallDir -ea Ignore
Remove-Item variable:global:_ToolsetBuildProj -ea Ignore
Remove-Item variable:global:_MSBuildExe -ea Ignore
# Import Arcade
. "$PSScriptRoot/eng/common/tools.ps1"
# Add default .binlog location if not already on the command line. tools.ps1 does not handle this; it just checks
# $BinaryLog, $CI and $ExcludeCIBinarylog values for an error case. But tools.ps1 provides a nice function to help.
if ($BinaryLog) {
$bl = GetMSBuildBinaryLogCommandLineArgument($MSBuildArguments)
if (-not $bl) {
$dotnetBuildArguments += "/bl:" + (Join-Path $LogDir "Build.binlog")
$MSBuildArguments += "/bl:" + (Join-Path $LogDir "Build.native.binlog")
$ToolsetBuildArguments += "/bl:" + (Join-Path $LogDir "Build.repotasks.binlog")
} else {
# Use a different binary log path when running desktop msbuild if doing both builds.
if ($performDesktopBuild -and $performDotnetBuild) {
$MSBuildArguments += "/bl:" + [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($bl, "native.binlog")
$ToolsetBuildArguments += "/bl:" + [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($bl, "repotasks.binlog")
} elseif ($CI) {
# Ensure the artifacts/log directory isn't empty to avoid warnings.
New-Item (Join-Path $LogDir "empty.log") -ItemType File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >$null
# Capture MSBuild crash logs
$local:exit_code = $null
try {
# Set this global property so Arcade will always initialize the toolset. The error message you get when you build on a clean machine
# with -norestore is not obvious about what to do to fix it. As initialization takes very little time, we think always initializing
# the toolset is a better default behavior.
$tmpRestore = $restore
$restore = $true
$toolsetBuildProj = InitializeToolset
$restore = $tmpRestore
if ($ci) {
$global:VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
if (-not $NoBuildRepoTasks) {
MSBuild $toolsetBuildProj `
/p:RepoRoot=$RepoRoot `
/p:Projects=$EngRoot\tools\RepoTasks\RepoTasks.csproj `
/p:Configuration=Release `
/p:Restore=$RunRestore `
/p:Build=true `
/clp:NoSummary `
if ($performDesktopBuild) {
Remove-Item variable:global:_BuildTool -ErrorAction Ignore
$msbuildEngine = 'vs'
MSBuild $toolsetBuildProj /p:RepoRoot=$RepoRoot @MSBuildArguments
if ($performDotnetBuild) {
Remove-Item variable:global:_BuildTool -ErrorAction Ignore
$msbuildEngine = 'dotnet'
MSBuild $toolsetBuildProj /p:RepoRoot=$RepoRoot @dotnetBuildArguments
catch {
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
Write-PipelineTaskError -Message $_
$exit_code = 1
finally {
if (! $exit_code) {
$exit_code = $LASTEXITCODE
# tools.ps1 corrupts global state, so reset these values so they don't carry between invocations of build.ps1
Remove-Item variable:global:_BuildTool -ea Ignore
Remove-Item variable:global:_DotNetInstallDir -ea Ignore
Remove-Item variable:global:_ToolsetBuildProj -ea Ignore
Remove-Item variable:global:_MSBuildExe -ea Ignore
if ($DumpProcesses -or $ci) {
Stop-Job -Name DumpProcesses
Remove-Job -Name DumpProcesses
if ($ci) {
& "$PSScriptRoot/eng/scripts/KillProcesses.ps1"
ExitWithExitCode $exit_code
马建仓 AI 助手
